God of Mercenaries

Chapter 19 College Assessment 5

After successfully attracting several thieves, Wang Fei was suddenly overjoyed. While escaping, he also searched the number of thieves following.

After all, if they attract too many thieves at one time, they may not be able to digest it.

is about one kilometer away from the agreed fork. And at his full speed, it only takes a minute or two to reach the destination.

After running more than 100 meters, Wang Fei suddenly lowered his speed slightly. He sensed the thieves chasing behind him, almost the same speed as him. And only by bringing the thieves closer can we find out the real number of people.

In about a second or two, the thieves in the rear still entered the range of Wang Fei's perception under the rapid pursuit.

Four thieves, haha, God helps me!

After shouting, Wang Fei then increased his speed, then maintained the corresponding distance again, and quickly approached in the agreed direction.

With his full speed, he arrived at his destination in about a minute. At this time, he saw Gu Li and others lying in ambush around the fork. And from their nervous look, there is some deep worry.

However, after Wang Fei appeared, Gu Li and others immediately relaxed. But the thieves are still chasing in the rear, and now is not the time to relax.

Wang Fei stared at several people fiercely, winking, and continued to chase directly ahead. However, at this time, in order to make a final attack on the thief, he pretended to trip the stone on his foot and fell to the ground.

"Fifth brother, that boy fell down! Haha, now we don't have to chase him hard and kill him directly, and one person can survive!" A thief laughed, raised the long knife in his hand and cut directly to Wang Fei who fell to the ground.

The fifth brother's strength is not comparable to that of ordinary thieves, and his wisdom is higher than that of ordinary thieves. His condensed eyes will not easily believe that the teenagers who are as fast as their righteous college will easily fall in running.

"Dong, be careful!"

As soon as the fifth brother's voice fell, the fifth brother had passed through the fork. At this time, he was less than ten meters away from Wang Fei. The long knife held high can attack Wang Fei almost at any time.

"Second, attack!"

Wang Fei, who was lying on the ground, suddenly condensed his eyes and issued a serious order to attack Gu Li and others.

Although the thief called Dulong is a few steps ahead, he is less than ten meters away from other thieves. At this time, if you are ready to take action, you can definitely catch all the thieves.

After accepting Wang Fei's order, Gu Li took the lead.

The huge sword in his hand is across the passage of the fork. While stopping Dulong's way, he also stimulated his strongest star power and cut directly to his opponent's waist.

Dulong is also one of the top five thieves. His own cultivation has reached the late gaseous stage. After more than a dozen fierce fights, he has long practiced the prophet of danger. After feeling the crisis, he immediately changed the posture of the knife and stood in front of himself.


After the sound of weapon collision, Dulong immediately felt a huge force, constantly hitting his body through his arm from the knife in his hand.

"Oops! I was ambushed!"

Dulong immediately shouted and then wanted to retreat. Although one move made it difficult for him to resist, he did not reach the point of injury.

But at this time, before Dulong took back the long knife, two sharp swords suddenly flashed on both sides. At the same time, it pierced his body directly with a 'plop'.

"King of the Shorty, King Zhou Tian! Well done, one person has been solved at a time!"

After Guli exclaimed, he held the huge sword in his hand and kicked away Dulong's body fiercely. Then, he strode forward. The huge sword also cut at the three thieves behind.

The fifth brother just sensed that something was wrong and did not think of his side, so he took the lead in losing a life. He roared that his brother's life could not be harvested by anyone.

When it comes to strength, the fifth brother has the star cultivation in the early stage of the liquid state. The vast star power was quickly gathered on the long gun in his hand. And in the face of Gu Li's attack, there is no fear at all. He shot Huanglong and stabbed Gu Li directly.

Wang Fei jumped violently and jumped up from the ground. With the tacit cooperation with Gu Li, the two knew how to cooperate with each other without using words and eye contact.

And the strong momentum emanating from the fifth brother also made Wang Fei and others feel the pressure.

"Crace, you and the four heavenly kings work together to solve the other two thieves. This thief leader will be handed over to me and my second brother to deal with!"

While arranging the task, Wang Fei pulled out his sword from behind. There is no need to hide your own means of attack against pirates. Only after holding the bayonet can he give full play to the fruits of more than ten years of hard practice.

Like a sword with the thickness of chopsticks, it shuttles through the air. The surrounding airflow is also repelled around. A whirlpool formed by air followed Gu Li directly and tightly, and then rushed to the fifth brother of the thief.

"The epee of Bapin Star Skills!"

After Gu Li shouted, the huge sword in his hand suddenly split the fifth brother's attack.

However, how can the fifth brother, who has the advantage of stardom, accept failure so easily? After shouting, he then used a simple bayonet again. Simple moves, but the power is not weak at all.

But Gu Li's attack did not end there. Since the star skill is named as a epee, it is not a simple sword. When he waved his sword again, he directly cut at the fifth brother.

At this time, Wang Fei has used his own speed to come behind Gu Li. His dexterous body passed directly through Gu Li's armpits. And the sword is like a whirlpool of air. In the blink of an eye, he rushed directly to the fifth brother.

On the other side, eight students led by Crace dealt with two thieves. Students have the advantage of the number of people, which suppresses the thieves to launch attacks.

Crace stopped a thief alone. His strength is similar to that of a thief, but lacks real life-and-death combat experience. But no matter what, it won't be defeated for a while.

And the last thief was attacked by the four heavenly kings of Dingban, and there was no room to fight back. Passive defense only wants to persist until the arrival of reinforcements.

"The Mountain Hammer of Eight Star Skills!"

Zhu San's weapon was a pair of giant hammers of 30 or 40 kilograms. After roaring, the sledgehammer rushed to the thief fiercely with a fierce momentum.

Behind Zhu San, the dwarf king took advantage of his petite ascension and quickly moved his body. Two slap knives danced in his hand. One knife after another, full of confusing attacks, making it difficult for thieves to fight.

After almost three or four rounds, Zhu San, the four heavenly kings of Dingban, took the main attack, while the dwarf king and the Muzi king assisted from both sides. As for the last Zhou Tianwang, he looked for a chance to make a fatal blow.

"Ky, how dare you come to ambush us and let you die here today!" After the fifth brother roared, he fired a shot at Gu Li's attack. Then, he twisted his hands in the opposite direction of the gun and immediately divided the long gun into two pieces.

One piece resisted Gu Li's attack, and the other piece was directly attacking Wang Fei.

If you were an ordinary student, you might have been so scared that you don't know what to do in the face of such a scene.

However, after Wang Fei and Gu Li saw the cruel methods of the Murong family and the pirates with their own eyes, they didn't care less about the ferocity of the thieves.

After all, if this kind of life-and-death battle cannot be won, it will not only affect their entry into the inner court, but also directly endanger their lives.

" boss, I'm the main attacker, behind you!"

After Gu Li took time to shout, the huge sword in his hand kept attacking the fifth brother. A sword passed a sword, making the fifth brother with two guns only fight.

Although the scene had an advantage, Wang Fei knew that Gu Li was just reluctant to do it at this time. And if you want to defeat the other party, you must go out together.

For this reason, Wang Fei is like a shadow of Gu Li, hiding behind the latter. As long as Gu Li neglects the tacit cooperation of the two, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At the desperate moment, both of them had to use all their means.