God of Mercenaries

Chapter 6 First Task

Ji Wurui, a businessman from Lecheng, the southern end of the Tenglong Empire, finally gathered a caravan of hundreds of people, plus the escort force of 50 mercenaries. This time, I want to sell goods to the southern part of the mainland through the Lianyun Mountains.

However, not long after entering the Lianyun Mountains, it was attacked by thieves.

The battle began for only more than half an hour, with 50 escort mercenaries, and less than 30 people left to fight. And the guard force of the caravan itself is even more dead and injured. According to this trend, it won't take half an hour for the whole caravan to be swallowed up by thieves.

"Alas! It's not good to be a teacher. Is it possible that our Ji family will have no return to this dispatch?

Ji Wurui's name has the word 'Wu', but he is a businessman who has no power to bind chickens. Not to mention a fierce thief, even an ordinary person can reach his deadly enemy.

"Hey, do you need any help?"

Just as Ji Wurui fell into despair, a lazy and stiff sounded. It can be seen that a man and a woman are standing not far away.

"Are you?"

"We are members of the Wind Mercenary Regiment, and we happened to encounter you who were attacked by thieves. So the head of the regiment asked us to see if we needed our help!" Crace answered calmly.

"Wind Mercenary Corps?"

"Yes, it's the wind mercenary regiment! Our mercenary regiment has just been established, so the price of employment is affordable. Well, if you don't agree, I'll go back!"

With the eyes of a businessman, Ji Wurui could not detect the strength of the young girl. But if you can get here from the thieves, your strength should not be weak.

What's more, the situation of the caravan can't last too long. Hiring one more force may be able to repel thieves.

"Okay! I hired you to escort our caravan out of the Lianyun Mountains!"

"Very good! I'll go back and tell the head of the regiment immediately. As for the cost of employment, only you have negotiated with our leader!" After replying excitedly, Crace gave Tian Tian on the side a wink, and then the two left together.

At this time, Wang Fei and others have appeared halfway up the mountain where the thieves were ambush before, only four or five miles away from the valley. If you follow their speed, you can join the battlefield almost in a blink of an eye.

"Big boss, the caravan has agreed to hire us!"

Before Cres's people arrived, the voice had been transmitted all the way. The excited voice did not have the calmness and calmness in the face of Ji Wurui.

"Good!" Wang Fei waited for a long time and immediately turned around and shouted, "At this time, the first task we accepted by the wind mercenary regiment was not registered in the mercenary alliance, but we also had to complete it beautifully!"

"Gu Li, you also open the way together with Zhu San; Tian Tian and Cress guard the left wing, and Monday and Li Si, you two guard the right wing. The rest of the people, rush over with me!"

After Wang Fei's order, more than 40 students. No, at this time, it should be said that the members of the wind-ride mercenary regiment immediately flocked to the thieves.

"Leader, that's not right! Behind us, a group of people are coming. Is it another band of thieves who want to take advantage of the fire?

The thief leader turned his head and found that a group of young people had rushed less than 1,000 meters away from them. At the age of those people, it will definitely not be the other two thieves here.

"It's not good! They are students of Zhengqi College! Hurry up and let everyone give up this action. Zhengqi College is not something we can offend!"

But before the leader's words were passed on, Gu Li, who rushed to the front of the team, had already appeared in front of the thieves behind him.

Gu Li carried a giant scorpion epee in his hands and stepped forward quickly. It has distanced with Wang Fei and others. Even Zhu San, who was a colleague, was left behind by him.

"Thieves, eat your grandfather's sword!"

To deal with ordinary thieves, Gu Li does not have to exert all his strength. He only needed to inject a large amount of star power into the giant scorpion epee, and then began to launch an attack.

Which thief was attacked is at a loss. Looking at the sword shadow coming in the night, he didn't even react, and half of his body was cut off by the epee.


There was only time to scream, and the splashed blood was also stained with Gu Li. His face remained unchanged, and after showing some beauty, he continued to rush to the second thief.

"Second, don't leave the brigade alone!"

Wang Fei shouted hard in the back, but did not stop Gu Li. After being stunned for a moment, the latter continued to attack the thieves. Fierce momentum and strong strength immediately set off a bloody storm.

In just half a minute, when Zhu San and the members of the Wind Mercenary Regiment caught up with Gu Li, they found that there were at least ten thieves who had died tragically in his hands all the way.

The thief who was killed by Gu Li's limbs were neatly divided into two pieces. The tragic end also frightened the rest of the thieves around.

There is a small team of more than 80 thieves. After fighting for more than half an hour, only more than 60 people remain combat effectiveness. Gu Li's action suddenly reduced their staff by one-sixth.

"Friends of Zhengqi College, the night cat, the leader of the downcat thieves, don't know where to offend you and let you kill you like this!"

After the thief leader reported his name, he immediately questioned Wang Fei and others. He knows very well the madness of Zhengqi College. If he annoys the other party, it will definitely be the end of the whole Lianyun Mountains thief world.

"We are hired mercenary regiments, and we are no longer students of Zhengqi College! You are thieves, and it is normal to attack the caravan we protect. However, there is nothing wrong with our defensive counterattack!" Wang Fei recovered calmly and ordered his partners to surround him.

The night cat took a deep breath. He looked at the group of young mercenaries in surprise and found that several people had broken through to the level of star division.

Although there are five people who have reached the realm of star masters on the side of the thief group. However, the star skills mastered by these five people are absolutely not comparable to the outstanding students who graduated from Zhengqi College. What's more, the rest of the people have at least reached the level of solid stars.

"This time it's our Bobcat thieves. Get out of the way and we'll leave!" The night cat sighed helplessly, and in the end, it was still empty and happy.

However, Wang Fei's purpose this time was mainly to train his companions, so he did not agree. Instead, he glanced around and the thieves who had gathered together and ordered several leaders of the mercenary regiment, "Don't let go of the first battle!"

It can be understood from the words that Wang Fei's murder is no worse than Gu Li, who killed more than a dozen thieves. After receiving his order, Gu Li was the first to take action. The fierce killing immediately killed two thieves close to him.

"Ky, you dare to do this!"

The night cat's eyes almost spewed out anger, but he never thought that Wang Fei would give a killing order. You should know that although their strength is at a disadvantage, if they fight hard, they can at least cause some damage to their opponents.


Zhu San roared hard, the heavy hammer in his hands, and his lethality did not need to be poor at all. The two, like two killing gods, rushed to the front of the battle and directly entered the group of thieves.

Seeing Wang Fei and others' performance like this, Ji Wurui didn't know where the courage came from. He shouted to the guards and mercenaries around him, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and kill the thieves!"

As more and more people join, the situation of the thieves is also very bad. In less than five minutes, fewer than ten thieves have been able to stand.

It is mainly because Wang Fei and others broke out with strong lethality. Every member of the Wind Mercenary Regiment has more than solid-state stars to deal with ordinary thieves, which is a piece of cake for them.

The battle has gradually subsided, and the four star masters and five solid star companions led by the night cat have been forced into a corner.

Even so, Wang Fei and the caravan had no intention of giving up. After the two sides meet, they will give the remaining thieves a final fatal blow.