God of Mercenaries

Chapter 13 Scene 1

The melee has already started during the dialogue between Wang Fei and Ling Ran.

21 is a teenager, and everyone's cultivation is between the three-patterned star master and the five-patterned star master. Although there is a gap between the two levels, the strength between them is not so different.

After all, almost everyone's cultivation depends on external forces. For this reason, even the teenager of the five-patterned star master exerted his strength, only the two-patterned star master to about three star masters.

The battle is fierce, but everyone seems to be careful. This is a battle between mind and strength. If you are not careful, you can be seized by the rest of the opportunity to win the ring.

The scuffle lasted for half an hour, but there were still 21 people in the hero's ring. Mutual care makes each of them dare not let go of the attack. After reservations, an effective attack cannot be formed at all.

But just then, a blue-haired teenager of a five-patterned star master threw away the teenager beside him after a rapid movement. And he saw a red-haired teenager with the cultivation of a three-patterned star master sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight.

Here comes the opportunity!

The blue-haired teenager's heart trembled and swept away the hard-won opportunity for him to immediately focus on the red-haired teenager. He gathered his own star power quickly and then took a deep breath. The muscles on the body are tense to the extreme at the same time. The speed increased little by little, and the body appeared in front of the latter in an instant.

The sound of the wind blowing in his ears made the blue-haired teenager nervous and excited. The hammer-shaped star in his hand does not affect his attack speed at all. With a fierce momentum, he directly attacked the red-haired teenager.


The red-haired teenager's heart trembled and had the intention to avoid a scuffle, but he was targeted by a powerful opponent. At this time, it was obviously too late to escape. Only try your best to deal with it, hoping that the other party will be afraid and leave room when you do it. He held a heavy sword in both hands and set up a defensive shelf.


The collision between the epee and the giant hammer brings a loud and crisp sound. Like the thunder in summer, this is also the beginning of the melee, the first head-on collision between teenagers.

The red-haired teenager was instantly repelled by three or four steps by the huge attack power. His eyes flowed with a little surprise and doubt. Why did his opponent suddenly attack with all his strength?

You should know that the melee in previous competition will last four or five hours at the shortest to determine the quota of the challenge. If it takes a long time, it may be as long as a day or two.

It has never reached the final stage, and it should not be the most powerful means to attack.

Just wait for the red-haired teenager to have too much time to think about, the blue-haired teenager continued to launch a fierce attack. After the giant hammer of the right hand was blocked, the left hand immediately launched an attack.

Ding, Ding, Ding...

In just half a minute, the blue-haired teenager has launched dozens of attacks in a row. Every time he hit, the red-haired teenager stepped back a few steps. At this moment, the red-haired teenager has been forced to the edge of the hero's ring and has no way out.

"Haha! Red-haired kid, you're eating my hammer!"

Seeing the dawn of victory, the blue-haired teenager roared and then attacked again. With a fierce momentum, his left and right hands bowed at the same time and launched the final attack.

despair has flowed into the eyes of the red-haired teenager. At this time, he has only two choices. First, obediently jumping off the ring can avoid heavy damage; second, resisting hard, and the final result is at least the end of serious injury.

This competition is a rare opportunity for him to develop. If he misses it, he will only be a hitter in the future. But there is only one life. Do you want to use your own life to provoke this battle?

Just as the red-haired teenager was in a dilemma, a sneaky teenager appeared in his eyes looking for a way. At this time, he was slowly approaching the blue-haired teenager.

The key is that the blue-haired teenager has put all his thoughts on the red-haired teenager and never thought that the third party had joined the battle.

After this discovery, a few distraction appeared in the desperate eyes of the red-haired teenager.

Opportunity, this is an opportunity!

The red-haired teenager cheered himself up, and he took a sigh of relief. In his epee, almost all the star power is injected. The momentum on his body increased in vain.

"Hmm! Don't you think it's too late to break out now?"

The disdainful voice of the blue-haired teenager, accompanied by the cry of the dancing hammer, came into the ears of the red-haired teenager. At the same time, the powerful star power approached, raising his mind to the highest level.


Two giant hammers fell heavily on the heavy sword at the same time. The powerful force made the red-haired teenager splash, highlighting a mouthful of dark red blood. Obviously, he has been seriously injured in one move!

"Yes, it blocked my attack. Let's see if you can take it as the second attack!"

I don't know whether it's praise or pride. As the blue-haired teenager spoke, he continued to wave the hammer in his hand. The smug smile showed that he already thought he had won.

At this time, a short figure suddenly joined the battle. Almost quietly sneaked behind the blue-haired teenager, and a cold shining dagger appeared in his left and right hands. After a rush, he immediately stabbed the back of the blue-haired teenager.

When the crisis came for no reason and the cold hair behind the blue-haired teenager stood up, he realized the coming of the crisis. At this time, it is obviously too late to turn around and fight head-on.

What a blue-haired teenager did not panic in the face of a sneak attack. Since you can't resist, let's attack. After making an iron bridge, the two giant hammers immediately turned around and directly bombarded the attackers behind them.

The sneak attack teenager didn't expect that the blue-haired teenager would have such a coping trick. After insufficient preparation, coupled with the inertia brought by his quick approach, he almost sent his body to the other party's giant hammer.


The giant hammer accurately concentrated the attacker's chest, huge power, and strong attack power, making the attacker's chest sunken in an instant. And in the eyes with a little fear, there is a little incredible feeling.

But the blue-haired teenager didn't have time to be happy for a moment. The red-haired boy's epee was inserted into his abdomen. Although the epee was not sharp, it also smashed his spine with one move. After a few gentle struggles, without making a scream, it is still not as good as the end of the sneaker.

It turned out that the red-haired teenager had a chance to fight back when he saw the sneak attack. Taking advantage of the blue-haired teenager's attack target on the sneak attacker, regardless of his own damage, he launched a fatal attack.

In almost two or three seconds, the two teenagers completely slept in this heroic ring. The wonderful and unreliable battle made Wang Fei and Gu Li and others enjoy it.

Such a scuffle is a little more uncertain and cruel than the Mercenary Academy Competition. Obviously, strength is not the only way to win here.

"Second and Zhu San, if we participate in the challenge, we should also be careful. Although these people's cultivation is worse than yours, I'm afraid that they won't play cards according to common sense!" Wang Fei's good intentions improved, and his eyes were a little more worried.

"We all understand!" Gu Li and Zhu San are not young people who have just made their debut. In their hands, everyone killed at least dozens of thieves.

"Don't worry, there won't be so much uncertainty when it comes to the challenge. The challenge is a one-on-one battle. With your strength, I believe that few people will be opponents!" Ling Ran encouraged that what he said was also true.

Wang Fei nodded, then turned his eyes to the hero's ring and replied, "Be careful not to make a big mistake! Although the strength of these teenagers is lower than ours, they can't be underestimated!"

At this time, there are still 19 people fighting in the hero ring.

Although the red-haired teenager won, his situation does not seem to be good. After being seriously injured, his strength was greatly affected.

In a melee, the best way to fight is to select the weakest to absorb.

The situation of the red-haired teenager is obviously in the eyes of the other 18 teenagers. At this time, he undoubtedly became the target of 18 teenagers, and the form could be said to be precarious to him.