God of Mercenaries

Chapter 21 Save your life

Wang Fei was blackmailed by his own people!

Every person in the wind mercenary regiment stared at Qi Tianxiang with doubt and anger. As a companion, a companion fighting together, and a member of the wind mercenary regiment, how can you do such a thing?

And Qi Tianxiang's face also showed some shame and struggle. But he has a reason to do this. Everything is forced to be helpless!

"Tianxiang, I asked myself why he betrayed me and why he betrayed the wind-cide mercenary regiment?"

Wang Fei's disappointed and heavy tone hit Qi Tianxiang's heart again. The latter closed his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he roared loudly, "What do you know! You don't know anything!"

Outbreak is sometimes far more terrible than silence.

"Since you think we don't know anything, you should say it and let us figure it out!" Wang Fei asked faintly, as if he was not kidnapped by himself.

"I'm just an orphan, an orphan without a father or mother! Since childhood, he has been adopted by two old people. How do you feel the feeling of being scolded for more than ten years?" Qi Tianxiang began to narrate his life with a howling voice.

"Occasionally, after being adopted by an old couple, my life has changed dramatically. It was they who gave me warmth and dignity. Therefore, they are everything to me!"

"You won't understand my feelings, you won't understand..."

After saying a few words, Qi Tianxiang began to chatter, and his consciousness began to be unclear.

However, although he didn't hear much, Wang Fei still knew something. He glanced at Ye Cheng in the distance and then said loudly, "Ye Cheng, you are so despicable! I think you controlled the old man who raised Tianxiang and let him betray the mercenary regiment!"

Papa, Papa...

Ye Cheng clapped his palm heavily. After laughing a few times, he shouted, "Wang Fei is worthy of Wang Fei! Yes, I threatened him, but so what? In order to achieve my goal, I can do whatever I can!"

"When Tianxiang was in Zhengqi College, he had already joined the wind mercenary regiment. And you have graduated before. Did you arrange his joining in advance? Wang Fei asked puzzledly. He didn't believe that his companions had other intentions to join their wind mercenary regiment.

"I didn't expect that Qi Tianxiang would join your mercenary regiment. But the last time I saw him in the Stone City, I controlled him!" Ye Cheng had indescribable pride in his heart. He felt that this was the most successful thing he had ever made.

"I see!"

Wang Fei nodded and responded, and then continued to say to Qi Tianxiang in a plain tone, "Tianxiang, I can understand your decision and respect your decision. However, now that we have dealt with me, this is the end of our relationship as companions!"


Qi Tianxiang answered in pain. It was not that he had no feelings for the mercenary regiment, otherwise he would not have had such a painful look. Making this choice is also very difficult in my heart.

At this time, Gu Li, who knew Wang Fei well, knew that the boss had reached the edge of explosion. He immediately wink at Crace and others, and then dragged his injured brothers back a few steps. However, the vigilance of the Stone City Elite Team has not decreased at all.

"Wang Fei, quickly ask your men to throw away all their weapons. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what Tianxiang will do!" Ye Cheng's proud laughter sounded on the dock again.

"Young city lord, you are wrong! I don't have any men, I only have brothers. Anyone in the wind mercenary regiment is my brother Wang Fei's own brother!"

Ye Cheng was not moved at all. He looked at Wang Fei with contempt and said, "You are really hypocritical! Whether it's brothers or subordinates, it's not too late to surrender!"

"Fight for your mother!" Gu Li roared, and the giant scorpion's heavy sword stood horizontally, looking fierce, like a devil in the middle of the night.

Wang Fei did not say a word. When Qi Tianxiang just betrayed, there was an involuted anger in his heart. While the old injury on the body broke out, the star power in the body increased in vain.

These star forces are stored in the abore when they are solid rings and 20 rings. At this time, it suddenly burst out, making his cultivation constantly climbing.

The reason why he has been talking to Qi Tianxiang is, on the one hand, to understand the reason for the betrayal of the other party, and on the other hand, he is also delaying the time to raise his cultivation to the highest level.

In just a few minutes, Wang Fei felt his behavior and had climbed from the late stage of the solid-state star to the proximity of the star master. Countless star forces surround the solid star force in the star cave. There are waves like thunder and lightning, causing a solid star force the size of a thumb to undergo a qualitative transformation.

From Xingshi to Xingshi, you must go through a disaster. And Wang Fei's scene at this time is the beginning of the disaster. As long as he has survived a disaster, his realm will be upgraded to a star master, and his strength will be greatly improved.

Wang Fei didn't expect that his promotion would come so quickly. At this time, the injuries in the body have all been wiped out by the star force. And the loss of time is to break through the bottleneck faster.

Suddenly, the aura surrounding Wang Fei was quietly spreading around. The scattered star power in the air condensed rapidly towards his body. And the increasing movement also attracted Ye Cheng and others.

"It's not good!" A four-patterned star master around Ye Cheng immediately shouted and reminded him, "Wang Fei is breaking through. Young City Lord, inform that person to be careful!"

That person is worth flying together.

Ye Cheng stared. He didn't understand why Wang Fei, who couldn't even walk before, sought a breakthrough in a short time. However, he still chose to believe and shouted, "Tianxiang, abolish Wang Fei's star cave first!"

"How dare you!" Gu Li roared loudly.

Qi Tianxiang is even holding Wang Fei, and he will not be afraid of Gu Li. After a sad smile, he knew that he had no choice. The empty hand immediately sent a star force to Wang Fei's star hole.

At the same time, Wang Fei's star disaster has reached the most critical moment. The lines appear one after another, surrounding the solid star force, and are gradually penetrating into the solid star force.

This process does not take too long, but it is definitely the most dangerous period of the disaster. Under the bounds of robbery lines, the robbers can't use their own star power. And as long as a little external force penetrates, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In the face of the approaching crisis, Wang Fei felt a little anxious for the first time. Seeing Qi Tianxiang's attack, he was about to fall into the star cave, but he had no room to fight back.

At this critical juncture, a figure flew out of Gu Li and others. Lightning-like speed is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary stars. In a short moment, he appeared in front of Wang Fei and the two.

"This is..."

Everyone marveled that such a speed is not what a star master can have at all. But is there a constellation master here besides them?

The answer was immediately revealed. After the figure appeared in front of Wang Fei and his body, he hit the coerced Wang Fei fiercely.

Unfortunately, Qi Tianxiang's attack immediately fell on the hit figure. Although it's just the back, a solid blow also hurts the figure!


With the impact, Wang Fei and got the shadow and rolled aside together, also out of Qi Tianxiang's control.

"Tian Tian, what are you doing!"

After seeing the shadow's face clearly, Wang Fei immediately asked questions. He didn't know why Tian Tian's speed suddenly increased so much. However, after suffering a blow from Qi Tianxiang, his body must have been severely damaged.


What answered Wang Fei was Tian Tian's blood. After spitting on his face, the latter's expression immediately weakened a lot. The pale face will never see the usual richness again.

And Tian Tian's life to save him also bought a critical few seconds for Wang Fei. After a confrontation, he finally completed the transformation towards the star master. At this time, he is already a star master with five irresponsible!

If you get rid of the threat and your strength has been improved, then it should be the time to fight back.