God of Mercenaries

Chapter 9 Itinerary

After Wang Fei made a decision, Wang Li had no reason to stop him. Although he is reluctant to leave his son in danger, there is no way to change it in order to improve his strength.

For this reason, after a few days of rest, Wang Fei suddenly embarked on the road of breaking through the constellation master.

However, Ghost Island is located in the southernmost part of the star continent. If you want to reach the northernmost ice and snowfield, you have to cross the whole star continent. Not to mention the danger along the way, the time that needs to be consumed on the road alone may be as long as a year.

In order to thank Wang Fei for his help to the ghost pirate group, Beard specially prepared a ghost pirate ship, and then escorted Wang Fei from the sea to the northern continent. On this ghost pirate group, there is not only the ultimate constellation master with a beard, but also Wang Li, a senior constellation master.

The speed of the ghost pirate ship is one of the fastest of all ships.

Under the voyage of the Ghost, Wang Fei can obviously feel that the speed is faster than the Yangfan of Longyan City, the original city owner.

Obviously, when the Sail and the Ghost met on the sea, the Ghost still retained a certain speed. On this point, I specifically asked the bearded master. However, the other party smiled mysteriously for a while and did not answer his words directly.

To help the safety of Ghost Island, the beard has nothing to worry about. During Wang Fei's retreat, the two leaders of Giant Whale and Hailong have completely recovered from their injuries, and their combat effectiveness is close to their heyday. And with the new constellation master, You Snake, as long as you don't encounter too powerful power, there is absolutely no problem in self-defending.

The key is that there is also a ghost pirate ship on the island. Even if you meet an insurreible enemy, it can also be called a pirate ship leaving. Although the strong man at the constellation level can fly in the air. However, they can't fly unlimitedly.

"Father, half a month has passed, and I don't know how long it will take to reach the northernmost point of the mainland!" Wang Fei asked, ocean navigation is absolutely very boring.

At the beginning, when you see the endless sea, the seabirds preying, and the happy swimming of all kinds of fish, everything will look very fresh.

But at the same time, if you face too much, you will feel that it is the same. In a uniform environment, there is no other scene except the sea. Even if you accidentally pass by some Jiao Island, there is almost no popularity.

"According to the speed of the ghost pirate ship, it will take at least four months to reach our goal from the ghost island. And this does not include all kinds of encounters along the way, thus wasting time!"

Wang Fei also knew in his heart that the matter of rushing to the road was not urgent. It's only four months, which is more than twice as fast as he is.

In the following time, Wang Fei did nothing. Every night, he begins to cultivate his own star power. During the day, he followed Beard and Wang Li to learn some fighting methods. Especially in Wang Li, I learned the essence of the lightning combo.

Although Wang Fei was able to use lightning strikes before, he cultivated it to a stage of great perfection. However, he always feels that the lightning strikes he has made are a little less Shen Yun. After Wang Li's guidance, I finally understood what was going on.

Now, the lightning combo is used from Wang Fei, which is a little more dynamic than before. Don't underestimate it, it's just a slight change. According to his estimate, the power of lightning strikes is at least 40% stronger than before.

On the other hand, I systematically learned the use of the diamond body from the beard. In just a few months, he almost cultivated his King Kong body star skills to a perfect state.

The last difference is that it only needs to be cultivated after a period of hard work, and it can be reached naturally.

Four months are almost spent in the same time. The difference is that Wang Fei feels that he will always have some gains during his study every day. Four months is enough for him to master unimaginable combat skills before. These are all summed up by Wang Li and Beard from countless battles. Ordinary people want to learn, but there is no possibility.

At this moment, the ghost pirate group stopped on a Jiao Island. It is less than a hundred miles away from the northernmost port of the mainland. The pirate group can't get close, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Wang Fei, let's send you here! To the north is the boundary of the northern Arctic country. Although the Arctic country is a small country, its strength should not be underestimated. If we go to them, it will also be a trouble for us!" Wang Li opened his mouth, and there was a little reluctance in his eyes.

"Father, I know!"

At least after seeing Wang Li's current appearance, Wang Fei's name for Wang Li changed. The former 'old man' is obviously no longer suitable for Wang Li. A father also expressed his inner respect.

separation will always brew melancholy. Even constellation masters as strong as Wang Li and Beard can't change the truth. However, they all tried their best to suppress their feelings.

"In that case, you can go back! I need to face the road in the future!" Wang Fei said optimistically that he was full of yearning for the polar ice and snow field.

"This is for you!" The beard did not talk nonsense, but directly resisted a storage bag. Everything stored inside is some high spirits. In the vast ice and snow field, it can help him lower the wind and cold.

After Wang Fei stepped on a small boat, he began to row towards the north. And in order not to be affected by the atmosphere of separation, he didn't even look back. After rowing directly and quickly, the shadow of the boat disappeared from the sight of Wang Li and others.

"Brother, don't worry! Wang Fei's strength, even if he meets a constellation master, is not without the possibility of a war. If the person this time is Gu Li, I may still be a little worried. After all, Wang Fei's mental aspect is not comparable to Gu Li. The beard comforted him, no matter how much it obviously didn't play.

Wang Li is still very worried, but he knows that the chicks need to grow up, and everything in the end still needs to depend on itself. What can be helped has been helped, so everything depends on personal creation.

After a long time, Wang Li sighed quietly and then said, "Beard, let's set sail!" If Wang Fei wants to achieve something, he must rely on himself to grow up. Otherwise, I would not have let him practice the nameless mind method or learn the twenty-star ring from you. After all, although every special cultivation method can lead to a great increase in the strength of the practitioner, it will definitely pay something!"

"For Wang Fei, I am 120,000 reassured! To put it badly, he is like a cunning fox, rarely giving him a loss!"

The two chatted for a hundred years, commanding the ghost pirate ship to slowly sail in the opposite direction of Wang Fei's departure. In the vast sea, it didn't take long to lose sight of it.

At the same time, Wang Fei, who rowed a small boat alone, clearly felt that the temperature around him was completely different from when he was on Ghost Island.

In the Ghost, he didn't feel it. After all, the temperature in the cabin is at least ten degrees higher than the temperature outside.

At this time, the cold wind is blowing on the face, and there is a feeling that the hair bones are cold. They entered the body one after another, as if they were going to freeze their souls.

Not long after rowing, Wang Fei took out the storage bag given by the beard. Then I looked through it for a while. After seeing the large number of wine jars stored in it, I didn't know what it was!

"Master is the master, and he really knows the mind of the apprentice!"

sighed alone, Wang Fei immediately took out the wine jar and then opened it to drink a few sips. Suddenly, a warmth rose in the abdomen, and the cold and piercing feeling just now all disappeared.

After having good wine with each other, the next journey is not boring. Keep rowing towards the north. About three hours later, a port appeared in front of Wang Fei.