God of Mercenaries

Chapter 9 Collision in Breakthrough

Time flies. It has been a month since Gu Li was closed. While he was retreating, Xiao Lin also chose a starry place to retreat.

Xiao Lin chose the place of retreat. Although the place of Guli retreat is full of stars, it is also a breakthrough place for teenagers in the Lianyun Mountains. This time, he is going to make a breakthrough towards a senior constellation master.

Since the return of the Song family, he has felt that his breakthrough is coming. Although it is dangerous for intermediate constellation masters to make a breakthrough towards senior constellation masters, for Xiao Lin, as long as there is a chance to increase his strength, everything is worth it.

For this reason, after completing the student's experience, he immediately came to the secret place of Zhengqi College and began his breakthrough journey.

There are several middle and senior constellations here, and the whole Zhengqi College is also the safest here. Moreover, abundant star power is also one of his choices.

After half a month of preparation, Xiao Lin has raised his state to the peak. If you can't break through, there is no hope to step into the realm of a senior constellation master.

For this reason, with a strong momentum, Xiao Lin ran his own star power crazily. The transformed stars in the body operate according to a unique law.

The breakthrough process of the constellation master is extremely dangerous, and the constellation master who can't break through at one time can only fall. Therefore, few constellation masters dare to break through the existing restrictions without certain certainty.

But Xiao Lin is not afraid. He is already a person who has lost one hand. When it comes to his actual combat effectiveness, he is half weaker than the constellation master of the same period. If you can't break through, you can only be regarded as a second-class mid-level constellation master at most.

The hatred that has been hidden in his heart makes him understand that if he does not break through the senior constellation master, then there is no hope of revenge. After all, he alone can't resist the strength of the Ice and Snow Academy.

Xiao Lin has been staying in Zhengqi College since his debut. In addition to the thieves in the Lianyun Mountains, he only suffered a big loss in the hands of the Ice and Snow Academy. The missing arm became a lingering shadow in his heart. Only after constantly increasing its own strength and making the big revenge come true can he forget his wish.

With a strong determination, Xiao Lin exhausted all his mental strength and laboriously operated the stars in the star cave. Through his continuous efforts, the senior constellation master is finally recruiting him.

The powerful movement immediately caused a sensation in the whole Zhengqi College.

Wang Fei was still in a retreat and felt the violent fluctuation of star power in the sky, which made him say to himself, "Who is breaking through?" No, this momentum is more fierce than my breakthrough of the intermediate constellation master. Is there anyone who wants to break through to the senior constellation master?

Fei Zhu's eyes condensed, and the complex direction brought about the fluctuation of star power. As the vice president, he naturally understands what it means. A group of old people who are willing to live their lives for the sake of Zhengqi College, do some of them want to break through the senior constellation master?

What Fei Zhu never thought was that this breakthrough was not the elders guarding the secret land, but their teacher Xiao Lin. At this time, the elders were all moved.

Xiao Lin, as a leader among the teachers of Zhengqi College, has a deep contact with the elders here. At this time, the choice to make a breakthrough was also approved by the elders. Otherwise, even the dean can't act recklessly near the secret land.

And in the hearts of the elders, Xiao Lin has always been steady and diligent. However, limited to his own talent, his achievements can only reach the intermediate constellation master. Now that there is a forced breakthrough, obviously none of them is optimistic.

Although Xiao Lin reached the edge of the breakthrough at this time, the diaphragm of the senior constellation master has become a little loose. However, there is still a long way to go before the real breakthrough. If you are not careful, your life is about to be in security.

However, the strong heart in his heart made him work hard to overcome the difficulties encountered in the breakthrough.

If you don't succeed, then fall into the process of breakthrough!

With Xiao Lin's qualifications, it is not easy to get to this point. In the process of forced breakthrough, he made himself more than a few degrees of excitement. Only by giving full play to its potential of 120,000 points can a successful breakthrough be possible.

With the passage of time, Xiao Lin's situation is getting worse and worse. After all, the longer he procrastinate, the greater his sharpness will be lost. In this way, the breakthrough will also come to an end.

At this time, there was a strong fluctuation in the retreat of Guli. A momentum rushed to the sky, forcing countless star forces around him to condense directly towards him.

Two breakthrough places absorb the star force within hundreds of miles around at the same time. One goes to Xiao Lin, and the other goes to Gu Li.

The two star forces are dozens of miles apart, but they are entangled in the direct position in the heart. Stars accommodate and repel each other, which has caused great changes in the situation.

"It's not good! No matter how Gu Li chose to break through at this time, once the stars of the two are entangled, something may happen in the end!" Fei Zhu was so anxious that a lot of sweat appeared on his forehead. It was not clear that the elder could successfully break through, but he understood that as long as the timing was right, there was absolutely no problem for Gu Li's breakthrough.

In this way, after breaking through in the same period of time, it is likely that the Zhengqi College will lose two intermediate constellation masters at once.

In Zhengqi College, the top power is the elder. After the fall of the elder, there were only three senior constellation masters left. The selection of the dean is breaking through, and it is unknown whether it will succeed. Today, two of the only ten intermediate teachers are facing the crisis of falling, which makes Fei Zhu's heart very entangled.

Does the death of the elder represent the decline of Zhengqi College again?

Fei Zhu couldn't imagine that such a situation would happen when Zhengqi College faced the top college in the mainland again.

Without the deterrence of the strong, what's the use of cultivating more talented students? You should know that the final decision is the strength, if it is the comparison of high-order power.

The constellation master is the foundation, the symbol of the strength of the intermediate constellation master, and the senior constellation master is the top premise. The top strong man is the Peugeot that measures the peak of a force.

Even Wang Fei, who was retreated and recuperated, couldn't sit still. He immediately appeared from the closed hole, flashed to Fei Zhu's side, and asked anxiously, "Dean, what's going on?"

Fei Zhu shook his head and said, "There is an elder who broke through the senior constellation master, and for some reason, Gu Li happened to break through at this time. After the stars of the two were sandwiched together, the current situation was caused.

"It's the second!"

Wang Fei screamed and quickly calculated the time in his heart, and immediately showed incomparable worry. It was the first time he saw such a scene, so he turned his head and asked, "Dean, what should we do now to help them break through smoothly?"

"We can't help anything! The breakthrough of middle and senior constellation masters can only rely on their own strength and talent. We can't help them. Everything depends on their personal creation!"

The two star forces themselves may cause a chaotic situation between the two sides of the breakthrough. If another star force is mixed into it, the situation will undoubtedly be more obvious.

Fei Zhu doesn't want to help. Any intermediate constellation master is the backbone of Zhengqi College. But with his current senior constellation master, he can't play any role.

However, things are not so bad that they just give up. Gu Li, who is in the process of breakthrough, has a deep understanding of this.

Originally, Gu Li would never choose to break through at this time. However, when he was practicing, he felt the strong star fluctuation in the sky, which made him not keep his mind for a moment.

At the moment of losing his mind, all the stars acting in his body burst into chaos. At this time, he had only one choice. Either break through directly or be killed by the star explosion.

Naturally, Gu Li did not want to bury his life like this. He tried his best to run his own star power crazily and forcibly break through the bottleneck of the middle-level constellation master.

It is precisely because Gu Li does not accept his fate that this situation has emerged. The two clusters of stars gradually interacted together in mid-air. The powerful aura suppresses countless students who dare not look up!