Underworld separation

Chapter 6

At the moment his hand poked out, Wang Hao clearly felt the invisible energy flowing on his palm and couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't know what was going on.

Although it is faintly heard that some people who exercise their bodies to the limit will produce some magical power in their bodies, Wang Hao doesn't believe it at all, let alone believe that this kind of thing will be found in himself.

It must be that Wang Hao knows that he is not a martial arts practitioner and has never received authentic training. The method he usually thinks about can only have the effect of increasing some strength. How can he practice the rumored strength and internal skills?

Bloomily, Wang Hao thought of the fact that he was hit by lightning. Perhaps this accident led to a mutation, which made his body produce invisible vitality out of thin air.

There was no time to be happy. Wang Hao felt that under the energetic package, his hand was almost to the extreme, which could penetrate everything and break everything.

The powerful and even omnipotent illusion arises spontaneously, and the speed of attack is faster. It seems that the crow can never escape this magical catch.

How can it be...!

The next moment, Wang Hao was stunned. The most fierce move in his life failed, and the crow flashed like a ghost and avoided it.

The energy on the palm of his hand dissipated, and Wang Hao felt that his body was slightly weak and sore. Without waiting for his hand to retract, the crow attacked again and went straight to his eyes.

He even stood up with his other hand and was pecked out of a blood hole by the crow in an instant. Wang Hao's face was twisted with pain.

Swallowing Wang Hao's flesh and blood seemed to be of great benefit to the crow. It was extremely excited and moved faster and faster. The flight trajectory became more and more erratic, turning into a dark shadow and shuttled around Wang Hao like lightning. In an instant, the sky was full of crows.

It will always lock Wang Hao's eyes and swear not to stop.

Poor Wang Hao's two hands were blurred for a moment, revealing his white bones, and the ground was soaked with his blood.

Because he was careless and underestimated the crow, he fell into a huge danger. Wang Hao was so aggrieved that he was about to explode. He endured the pain in his hands and forced himself to calm down.

Forced to a desperate situation, Wang Hao's potential exploded, only relying on the hearing of his ears to judge the flight trajectory of the crow.

The subtle and almost imperceptible sound of the wind came to his ears, and the movement, orientation and other information of the crow's flight clearly appeared in Wang Hao's mind. It seemed that he had another pair of magical eyes and 'seeed' these directly.

Wang Hao moved, and his bloody hands gushed out of invisible energy, like lightning, and instantly poked out and grabbed a shadow of a crow.

The shadow flying all over the sky suddenly collapsed, and thousands of shadows were integrated into one, turning into a crow struggling in Wang Hao's hands.


The crow screamed loudly and flapped its wings. The small wings actually bulged a gust of wind, raging in the ward, and many things began to twist.


There was a crisp sound, and Wang Hao's hand bones were broken under the continuous patting of the crow's wings! It has been broken into many cuts.


Wang Hao was in crazy pain and scolded the flat-haired beast. Regardless of the injury, his wildness completely broke out. Instead of loosening his broken hand, it became a little tighter.

The crow was anxious, and his wings beat the air, causing a faint burst, driving Wang Hao's hands to rush to Wang Hao's face, trying to take advantage of the opportunity of Wang Hao's eyes to launch a fatal blow with his sharp long mouth.

The strength of this thing once again exceeded his expectations. Wang Hao realized that it was a wrong decision to catch the crow with his hand and exposed his key points.

But it was too late to let go, so he had to turn his head and almost avoided his eyes. The crow's long mouth pecked Wang Hao's forehead.

The accident happened!

A lightning-like mark flashed across Wang Hao's forehead in an instant.

The crow made an extremely frightening and sad sound, as if it had suffered a fatal blow. The body was blown away by a huge force, like a shell bombarded on the opposite wall. The wall sank into a small piece, and then there was no direct movement.

After a burst of dizziness, Wang Hao suddenly fell to the ground and gradually fell into a coma.

Bloomingly, Wang Hao saw something shooting out of his forehead and covering the crow.

With an indescribable feeling, Wang Hao finally fainted.

Everything is finally over, and there is a dead silence in the ward.

It seems to have experienced a war, and the messy ground is still full of blood, which is shocking.

There was a light flashing on Wang Hao's forehead, which gradually brightened and gradually turned into a lightning-shaped mark, silvery white.

This mark flashed, as if there was life, beating with Wang Hao's breathing.

It emits a wisp of invisible things, like tentacles, exploring in the air.

At the same time, the crow that seemed to be dead trembled a few times, and the almost extinguished flame in his eyes beat again.

The two flames were much dimmed, and the vortex was about to collapse, but under the stimulation of the imprint of lightning, they began to operate again.

The flame became stronger and stronger, reconstituted the whirlpool and rotated crazily. Two cylindrical rays of light shot out from it and nailed Wang Hao's forehead.

The tentacles of the lightning mark found the target, flashed, pierced straight into the crow's eye along the light column channel, went straight to the flame whirlpool, coiled in the center of the whirlpool, and gradually merged with each other.

The speed of the whirlpool is getting faster and faster, and a dark gushes out of the center, as if an unknown and mysterious passage has been opened here.

This darkness faintly exudes the smell of hell, and the strong smell of death, pungent smell, the gray sky and the dead earth flashed in the dark.

The flame whirlpool in the crow's eyes seems to open a door to hell, and you can faintly see the terrible world behind the door.

The gate of hell slowly opened, generating great gravity, but only for a certain substance: Wang Hao's blood that fell on the ground and had not been completely coagulated.

I saw that these sticky blood turned into a trace of blood-red fog, penetrated into the eyes of the crow, entered the flame whirlpool, and suddenly burned up, turned into a little energy, and went straight into the world behind the dark in the whirlpool.

Suddely, something in this dark world gradually awakened, exuding a trace of Wang Hao's breath, as if there was another him living there.

After the unconscious Wang Hao dreamed that he was hit by lightning, his consciousness or soul collapsed and shattered, but inexplicably recovered, but a piece of soul fell into the body of the crow that pooped on his head that day. The crow, which was broken by lightning and killed, died, died and resurrected. Variation.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Hao moaned and gradually opened his eyes.

He took a few deep breaths and finally woke up completely. He suddenly got up and was stunned.

Wang Hao found that the terrible wound on his hand had been scarred. Most of the lost flesh and blood had grown again. There was no trace of blood on his body, and even the ground was clean, but the ward seemed very messy.

In disbelief, he turned his head and looked around, but Wang Hao was greatly shocked, howled and jumped far away.

is a crow......!

There was a crow standing silently on his shoulder, staring at him closely.

He waved his hand like lightning and hit the crow. Wang Hao swept the crow away from his body.

The crow spread its wings and flew to the corner of the ward, looking peacefully at the defensive posture made by Wang Hao, and there was no sign of coming to attack.

Wang Hao's movements were stuck and his expression was stunned. Somehow, when he looked at the crow, he had a strong familiarity, kindness and nature in his heart. Anyway, there was not even a trace of fear.

Looking at the crow is like looking at yourself in the mirror! This situation is not weird!

rubbing his eyes, Wang Hao increasingly felt that the crow seemed to be a part of him, an extension of his consciousness and body, and the two were constantly related.

"Come here!" Wang Hao actually spoke to the crow, and then felt that he was so stupid that he was stupid enough to talk to a beast.


The crow shouted happily, spread its wings and flew up, landed on Wang Hao's shoulder, and gently rubbed Wang Hao's neck with his head, which was very intimate.

Wang Hao looked weird and felt that he had become a crow and stopped on his shoulder.

Do you fall on yourself? What a contradiction! Wang Hao almost had the impulse to spit blood!

He felt that he was divided into two parts: one person, one crow, independent of each other, so naturally, there was no bad influence between the two bodies, let alone chaos.

The difference is that the crow's body is much weaker.

Unless there is direct contact with the crow, this split feeling occurs. Only when you feel faintly and deliberately concentrate can you clearly detect the existence of the crow and get the perspective and perception information of the crow.

Under normal conditions, there is only a faint and almost insensible connection between him and the crow.

With a stir of heart, Wang Hao consciously ordered the crow to fly somewhere in the ward, and the crow really flew over.

Concentrated, he clearly felt that he had become a crow and flew to that place.

"Spect? It's amazing!"

Wang Hao tasted it carefully, smiled, and began to fantasize about using the split to dominate the wind and clouds.

Thinking of the benefits of the split, Wang Hao burst out crazy and tried to get some more such splits, isn't it invincible in the world!

In fact, this idea can never be realized!

On the same day, Wang Hao and the crow were hit by strange lightning at the same time. The crow died on the spot. It happened that Wang Hao's consciousness was broken, and part of his consciousness revived and mutated the crow, so the crow followed the connection to the city.

However, at this time, the relationship between the 'soul' between Raven and Wang Hao has not been activated, so there is nothing unusual.

The crow instinctively sensed that Wang Hao was crucial to him and intended to devour Wang Hao to obtain a complete soul.

However, this is obviously impossible!

There are too few souls in the crow's body. For example, ants can't defeat elephants. Once the two come into contact, the only possibility is that the crow is assimilated by Wang Hao, which is part of him.

Originally, Wang Hao's recovery of the split would be a long-term process, but it was accelerated to the limit by the lightning mark. It was completely complete overnight, and even made the crow mutate again, opening a 'door' like hell in his eyes.