Underworld separation

Chapter 76 to death

(I hope you can correct the bad points, but don't say it too fiercely, otherwise it will be bad for the author to have a heart attack)

At the most dangerous and critical time, the soldiers actually rebelled one after another, with red eyes, pointing their guns at their comrades-in-arms just now.

Long Fei's face changed, holding two strange guns in his hands and shouting loudly: "Whoever disobeys the order will be executed immediately!"

"Why! Our brothers worked hard for you, but you just let us die!"

"Brothers, don't listen to them anymore. Let's escape. The monster is going to catch up!"

Several particularly excited soldiers shouted and turned around and fled.

"Look for death!" Long Fei's eyes were cold and he suddenly pulled the trigger.


A few huge gunshots burst into a row. The escaped soldiers had just raised their feet, but their whole bodies suddenly exploded and broke into countless pieces of meat in the air. They didn't even have time to make a scream.

"You...you!" All the soldiers were extremely angry and frightened.

They were really desperate, and then the snake was ready to move, and there was a dragon flying in front of them.

They finally saw that whether it was Longfei or Yan Snake, it was not the existence they could provoke.

"If you are a soldier, you must obey orders as your first day! Escape from the battlefield must be punished as it should be. Whoever dares to escape will be your end!"

Long Fei sneered and ordered all the soldiers to fire.

At this time, the snake seemed to know that the human beings besieged it had an inner bar and did not come to attack, but kept spitting out Changxinzi and watching the progress of things coldly.

Wang Hao's attention was mostly on the snake, and he suddenly felt that the snake did not seem to be as simple as he thought.

Looking at its current performance, it is definitely not a choice that ordinary snakes without intelligence can make.

Animals without intelligence, no matter how cunning and insidious, will know strategies, and the snake seems to be proficient in conspiracy and tricks. Wang Hao feels that the snake is very insidious.

The soldiers were silent for a moment. When they saw that the dragon tooth warrior also turned the muzzle of the gun, they lost the opportunity to escape.

If it's just a snake, even if they are killed and injured, they can definitely escape a lot.

At that time, not only the snake could attack at any time, but also several horrible characters locked their every move. Even if these soldiers wanted to fight desperately, they could never escape even one person.

After the two trade-offs, the soldiers knew that only by cooperating with Long Fei and several people to kill the Yan snake can there be a glimmer of life.

So, the soldier turned the muzzle again.

At this moment, the snake launched in advance, but its huge body swam at an incredible speed, like a comet hitting the earth and turning into a fire, hitting the soldiers.


The huge body of the snake pressed across the ground, and the ground was trembling and cracking, making a loud sound like a train. It instantly crashed into the crowd.

Three or four soldiers were pressed by the body of the snake, and all the flesh and blood were squeezed out in an instant, spraying more than ten meters away, leaving only a human skin sticking to the ground.

swept the tail, swept away several soldiers, then opened their mouths and sucked wildly. Half of the two soldiers directly exhaled directly into their mouths, biting them twice, and then suddenly spewed out a strong airflow, turned into a strong wind, and blew away seven or eight.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the snake attacked nearly 20 people, but all the people attacked by it died tragically on the spot, and there were no injuries at all.

"Shoo... Shoot..." Long Fei shouted, and the strange gun in his hands kept ringing.

The dense gunfire and explosive appearance saw that the snake was hit by bullets at the same time, and the scales on its body jingled, splashing countless sparks.

No matter how hard the scales are, they can't stand being hit so crazily, especially the terrible shooting skills of the dragon tooth warrior and the strange gun of Long Fei, which pose a great threat to the snake.

A few fiery red scales, pieces broke and burst out of the hot snake. The hot blood began to flow out, and the hot snake began to be injured.

The pain rolled on the ground, broke many trees, and crushed many rocks.

A few seconds later, the soldiers' bullets were poured out, and the gunfire finally became sparse.

"Change the magazine!" Long Fei roared.

All soldiers exit the empty magazine at the same time, and then replace it as fast as possible. The whole process is even less than two seconds.

Two seconds may be really short, but it's also very long.

For the terrible monster of the snake, not to mention two seconds, even 0.1 seconds is enough to slow it down. It twisted its body, rushed out like lightning, and instantly swam 100 meters and appeared in the group of soldiers.

A group of crazy massacres began, and the snake's body, bloody mouth and everything turned into a sharp weapon for killing.

As soon as the tail twitched, it slapped several people to death, biting, and biting several people to death. As soon as they inhaled, two or three people were abruptly sucked away, and then exhaled, a large amount of air was compressed into a high-explosive bomb in the belly of the snake, ejected out, fell into the crowd, and suddenly killing more than a dozen people.

Almost half of the 500 soldiers who came have been killed, and all of this is caused by the damage in a short period of time under the premise that the snake can't be full of power.

For the first time, Wang Hao knew what this snake meant to ordinary people.

Every time a monster appears, if it goes crazy, it will be a great disaster for ordinary human beings.

If this snake enters the city, it will even turn the whole city upside down with its own efforts, causing countless deaths.

"Wang Hao, follow me to kill the enemy!"

The snake has rushed into the crowd. How could the soldiers fire arbitrarily? Their role suddenly weakened, so Long Fei waved and rushed over with Wang Hao.

The soldiers have temporarily lost their role, but they have already played an effect.

The crazy shooting of these soldiers damaged every scale of the snake and greatly reduced its defense ability.

Wang Hao rushed over and directly launched the fiercest attack. He used all his skills and pinched it into a fist in his hands.


Two fiery red scales were broken under Wang Hao's fist, and even the flesh and blood under the scales were broken.


The snake rolled up and wrapped around Wang Hao's body.

took a step back, but couldn't get rid of it. Just as Wang Hao was about to be hanged, Long Fei grabbed the snake's tail with his left hand, shook his arm and threw the snake's huge body into the air and flew two or three meters high.

A few roars, the strange gun in Long Fei's right hand roared, and there were several more blood holes on the snake's body.

The snake has gone crazy, and even has serious wounds on its body can't stop killing crazily.

It shakes its body and sprinkles the hot snake blood flowing from its body on the dragonfly. Each drop contains a strong atmosphere, like bullets, which can cause great damage. There is absolutely no problem in piercing people's flesh and blood.

While attacking Longfei, its head ejected at lightning speed and instantly bit Wang Hao's head.

The speed of this blow was too fast. Although Wang Hao's mind felt it clearly, his body could not react and could only watch himself walk on the verge of death.


With a flash of ideas, Wang Hao suddenly launched a dementor, and an invisible lightning hit the snake.

Without the energy of belief, the power of soul dementation is greatly reduced, and the effect on ordinary people is not very strong, especially for the snake, but it is not useless.

The snake's action was still slightly affected, with a slight delay and a little deviation.

Perhaps this process is less than one-third of a second, but it is enough for Wang Hao to react, suddenly gave up, and hit the sharp and huge fangs of the snake with his fist.

"It's so hard!" Wang Hao's fist was in severe pain and almost lost consciousness, but the fangs of the snake were unharmed, but some blood oozed from the root of the fangs.

But with this punch, Wang Hao still tilted the head of the snake to one side, and finally solved the fatal blow.

Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the snake threw out a bloody rain and shrouded it, like a rain of arrows.

Without thinking about it, he suddenly pulled off his upper body's clothes, ran ten successfully, and waved his clothes above his head.

The rapidly rotating clothes, with a strong rotating force, the blood rain touched slightly, and most of them bounced directly.

But there are still a few points that penetrated the clothes and landed on Wang Hao's skin. Fortunately, most of the power of the blood droplets was resolved, but it only made people's skin painful, which seemed to be fine.

But the next moment, Wang Hao suddenly felt something wrong. As soon as his skin was stained with snake blood, it was burning and stingling, and something penetrated into his flesh and blood from the surface of the skin.

"No, snake blood is poisonous!" Wang Hao was shocked and felt that he had been drilled by the toxin, and his body seemed to burn.

The snake's blood actually contained terrible fire poison. Wang Hao only got a few drops and was immediately invaded by fire poison and quickly invaded its heart.

If you wait until the fire poison attacks the heart, Wang Hao will be finished.

Suddenly run a stream of essence to wrap the fire poison, but what did not expect was that the essence boiled and lost control when it came into contact with the fire poison, and then was assimilated by the fire poison. Instead, it began to nourish the fire poison and make it more fierce.

This is really a vicious thing!

In this way, doesn't it mean that after the fire poison of the snake in the body, the more the practitioner wants to resolve it, the stronger the poison effect will be, and will quickly devour and assimilate all the essence of the human body, causing death.

This is countless times more terrible than the poisonous teeth of any other snake in the world. The fire poison in the snake body is not a substance, but a toxin in the energy form formed by special vitality. For human beings, it is basically insoluble and will die.

Just as Wang Hao was about to despair, a fire vitality suddenly broke out in his body, washed away the fire poison, and completely resolved the fire poison.

"Fire spirit can actually restrain the fire poison of the snake. It's ready!"

Wang Hao suddenly realized what was going on, and all his scruples disappeared and immediately fought back.



The snake couldn't believe that Wang Hao solved its must-kill means in a blink of an eye.

You should know that the snake itself does not look so large, and snakes have less broken blood. If they lose blood, they will be injured, and in serious case they may die.

Only when it is in great danger will the snake use such extreme means to force the essence into the blood and convert it into the blood to attack.

The essence of the snake is mixed with a faint fire vitality, which is the cause of fire poison, and this vitality is very important to the snake and is the blood contained in its body.

Losing too much essence will make its noble and powerful bloodline weak, and the snake's body will be in danger of degradation, which is more terrible than death.

Once such a method is used, it will take a long time to repair the loss.

Therefore, attacking with its own blood is the killer of the snake. It is injured by human connections, and both sides are endless, so it suddenly came out.

The snake was stunned for a moment, as if it suddenly figured it out.

It suddenly burned an indescribable anger in its eyes.

The snake suddenly understood that the fire spirit had fallen into the hands of the human in front of him.

Son a moment, the idea that it had planned to escape from a bloody road completely disappeared.

At this moment, Wang Hao became the target of the snake, and there was no one who could eliminate its murderous intention.