Underworld separation

Chapter 100 The Wind and Clouds Will rise

In some ways, all things in the world have spirituality, and all creatures are even more so.

Even the simplest and weakest creatures have infinite possibilities.

Perhaps, in the deepest source of life of every creature, there is a soul or something similar to a soul.

But this is a forbidden area belonging to creatures. Even human beings who are respected as the spirit of all things only have consciousness, but they still can't touch the soul.

Only those who have practiced to a high level and released all the basic potential of the body can awaken their souls by touching the forbidden area of creatures and being promoted to the realm of refining gods.

Once the soul is awakened, it will have spiritual power, which is derived from the soul of the creature itself, the most magical and incredible.

When the forbidden area is opened, the creatures are really magical and truly step on the threshold of the temple of practice.

Before his death, the blood-absorbing bat demon broke through and was promoted, and truly awakened his soul.

When the body lost its vitality and its head was cut off, the blood-sucking bat demon, which had just been promoted to the realm of refining and did not have the ability to separate the soul, lost its adsorption effect on the soul because of the death of the body, and forcibly broke away the soul from the body and fled.

However, although the soul is extremely magical and powerful, it is very fragile, especially the newly awakened soul, which is even weak, and even a gust of wind can blow it away.

Therefore, out of instinctive self-protection, this soul cannot leave the body, otherwise it is too dangerous.

And the blood-sucking bat demon knew that it would die. It had already ignored these, and its soul turned into a blood light and disappeared in an instant.

The beard saw the soul escape and didn't care.

But the beard must only have the perfect cultivation of refining. Even if he has read a large number of classics in the dragon teeth, he still knows little about the realm of refining gods.

It is certain that since ancient times, there have been too few practitioners who can reach the realm of refining gods. There are very few classics that record information about this realm. Occasionally, it is found that it is only a few words.

The beard looked at the ferocity and viciousness of the blood-sucking bat demon, and made a terrible mistake because he could not guess the mystery of the realm of refining gods.

The soul of the blood-sucking bat demon is full of endless resentment, hatred and unwilling emotions. These emotions have been transformed into evil spiritual forces and merged with its soul. When it fled, the soul of the bat demon took away the deadly demon poison in its own body.

The twisted soul, evil spiritual power, and deadly demon poison melt into a group of terrible things, and then continue to mutate and become more terrible and devastating.

It can be said that the escaped soul of the blood-sucking bat demon has become the most terrible poison in the world. It is deadly and highly infectious.

What's worse, this thing already contains the soul and emotions of the blood-sucking bat demon. It has become a toxin that is almost thoughtful. It will become smarter and weirder, thus increasing its infectivity and lethality.

Once this thing spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Unfortunately, whether it is the beard or the rest of the refiners, they don't know that the most dangerous thing has escaped.

When the soul of the blood-sucking bat demon escaped, Wang Hao saw it and was instinctively uneasy, but without waiting for the pursuit, the thing disappeared. Wang Hao controlled the split, chased for several miles, and then completely lost his direction and had to give up.

"Why is my heart so uneasy? And the split suddenly got excited!"

Wang Hao thought silently and suddenly thought of something: "Is it going to die again? And a lot of people still die?"

With a chill, Wang Hao couldn't wait to rush to the beard immediately to tell the guess in his heart.

But even Wang Hao himself doesn't believe some conjectures just now, so how can he tell others?

So he had to suppress the impulse, and he silently wrote it down.

In this process, the split has once again dived back to the place where the body of the blood-sucking bat demon is located.

Hiding in the crown, this strange bone shelf quietly absorbed the death vitality generated by the death of the bat demon.

The beard can now clearly sense the existence of vitality. He only thinks that the vitality of death disappears naturally without doubting it.

The experience of this night made the beard extremely tired. He also sat on the ground and gasped.

After a while, the beard regained some strength, and he immediately stood up and called the refining masters in front of him.

Seeing that these people were extremely in poor spirits, the beard thought for a quick moment, and then shouted in a solemn and harsh voice.

"Long Wu sacrificed in his work, but we finally got rid of this blood-sucking bat demon. We did not live up to our glorious mission and did not let our brothers shed blood in vain!"

"You cheer up and think about the oath of joining Longya! Since the moment we joined Longya, all of us have vowed to protect our country and family with our lifelong efforts, even with our blood and flesh, to maintain the peace and tranquility of my boundless land of China!"

The beard's voice became more and more solemn and loud, and his expression was extremely solemn and sacred. He even saw holiness from his bearded face. His voice resounded through the darkness and became more and more firm.

"Death is not terrible. Life is inherent in death. Death is only the beginning of a new life. As long as the mission is completed, death is particularly glorious! The real terrible cowardice is betrayal. It is really terrible to betray their vows because of cowardice and give up their mission because of fear!"

The beard suddenly stretched out his finger to the refiners and shouted: "Now, do you want to give up your vows and be a useless waste, coward and coward? No! Absolutely not. Longya only has good men who died in the war, and there are no timid cowards. Show your courage and carry out the order now! No matter who dares to be sloppy, I, Longtian, will definitely not spare him!"

The performance of those refiners is different. Some people are numb and immersed in the blow of the connection, and they have no reaction to the movement of the outside world. Some people are decadent, even if they don't scold extremely harshly, they have no intention of refuting; some people are angry and staring at their beards with wide eyes.

"Long Tian, why do you order us! Who do you think you are? Do you really regard yourself as a character and think you are a peerless master in the realm of gas refining?

The angry man seemed to find a place to vent and roar at the beard.

"Although our cultivation is a little worse than yours, we are at least masters in the later stage of refining. Everyone has a face, and their identity is not much worse than yours. Why do you give us an order? Let's copy the guys and kill him!"

Several people were hit and began to be obviously irrational. They actually wanted to encourage everyone and then attack the beard.

"Look for death!" The beard was angry, his face was cold, and he suddenly pulled out the knife and waved it.

A knife flashed, and the knife rushed to the sky. In just a moment, several abnormal refining masters only felt a pain in their wrists, and the weapons in their hands landed one after another.

At the same time, a faint white mark appeared on their wrists, which was on the meridians on the joints of their wrists, making them unable to lift their strength at all. Subsequently, their clothes turned into countless pieces of cloth.

It's easy to kill, but it's too difficult to operate the knife so smoothly and smoothly that it can remove other people's weapons and cut other people's clothes in an instant without hurting people at all.

These people realized that the beard could not be competen by themselves, so they suddenly woke up.

"Hmm, don't do it again!" The beard was too lazy to care about these people. He said in a low voice, "Although the bat demon has been eliminated, its body must be properly disposed of. Before its poison is dispersed, you should completely block this place and let nothing go in and out. Now, you should block this place immediately!"

Those refining masters finally temporarily returned to normal and left one by one.

After these people left, the beard sighed in his heart and said, "Unfortunately, these people have become useless! Their Taoism has been broken, and it is difficult to make progress! Damn blood-sucking bat demon, this time, the loss of our dragon teeth is really too great!"

He kicked the body of the blood-sucking bat demon with hatred, and the bearded quickly began to contact the headquarters.

After the Longya headquarters received the news, it immediately caused a huge shock. Near the body of the bearded guarded blood-sucking bat demon, nothing was allowed to approach and wait for someone from the headquarters.

Time passed quietly, the sky began to turn white, the sky was about to dawn, and a new day was about to begin.

Dozens of miles away, on the edge of the mountain, some villages are still very quiet, and most people are still sleeping.

A dim red light flew from the mountains, into a village with hundreds of families and thousands of people, and then suddenly exploded into a bloody smoke, gradually drifting into the whole village.

The villagers who are still sleeping have more or less inhaled some bloody smoke scattered through the air. How do they know that a catastrophe is about to break out here.

After a while, the sky finally really lit up. The endless earth was suddenly full of light and vitality. Everything was recovering, and evil and disasters were quietly changing.

The beard sitting cross-legged on a bluestone opened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

There seemed to be a roar in the sky. The roar gradually became clear and was rapidly approaching here. It was the follow-up personnel of Longya headquarters who finally came at dawn.

The bearded sharp eyes saw that in the clouds floating in the sky, several planes gradually emerged and slowly approached the ground to find a place to dock.

After a while, these special planes finally landed on another relatively flat peak not far from the peak, and then a group of people carried or lifted it, carrying some strange instruments, and quickly ran towards the peak.

No one noticed that the clouds above the sky seemed to be abnormal.

In the morning, some clouds have formed above the sky. The visibility of the sky is not high, and the humidity in the air is increasing rapidly. If you pay attention to some, even ordinary people can directly feel this drastic change.

Those planes had just landed for a while. In this endless mountain, there seemed to be a large amount of water mist gushing out of the air, and more and more. Finally, it flowed directly from the ground, like a tsunami formed by water mist, which soon flooded many peaks.

The mountain where the blood-sucking bat demon's body is located is also among them. In a short time, the people sent by the Longya headquarters had just arrived. The fog was so thick that they could not even see each other's appearance when they stood face to face.

"Why is there such a big morning fog all of a sudden! The mountain is a mountain. The weather is really weird!" Some upset people muttered in a low voice by the sudden appearance of the fog.

However, no one cares too much, because it is not an outrageous thing to get foggy out of thin air in the mountains.

But if they stand at a high altitude, they will never think so: because not only this mountain or this mountainous area, but also a hundred miles away, there is a rare fog at the same time, and the range is increasing rapidly. Every minute, the area of the fog will expand a lot.

While the fog is spreading, it is gradually rising into the air. Within the extremely large radius, infinite fog rises together. From the extremely high sky, it is a huge and thick cloud rising directly from the earth, and the scope of the clouds is becoming more and more huge, as if to cover it. A world.