Underworld separation

Chapter 133 Both lose

Wang Hao and Xuan Gui, two terrible existences, are fighting like a war between gods and demons in mid-air.

The move is deadly, and every moment is a test of life and death.

And the battle in the flood was also extremely fierce. The dead snake and the ravens tried their best, but gradually fell into decline. There must be as many as six or seven hundred monsters in the flood, which can't be killed.

Even if hundreds of pigs are killed all the way, they will be killed until their hands are soft, not to mention hundreds of monsters in the realm of gas refining. Each of them is not the opponent of snakes or ravens, but the continuous killing makes the ravens and the dead giant snakes tired of dealing with them.

The dead giant snake has hanged more than 50 monsters, and their whole body is covered with blood, because the flood is bloody. But more than a dozen bones were broken. Of course, it was not fatal to him, but it also slightly affected its action.

With the advantage of speed, the Raven is shrouded in a vast black fog of endless death. It keeps attacking and killing dozens of monsters, but it can't last long.

This is still because it is full of strong death energy and constantly replenishing, otherwise, it would have been unable to support it.

The raven suddenly flew to the sky, got rid of the battlefield, stared at the demons under him, with the light of wisdom in his eyes, and seemed to have made a decision. It actually opened its mouth and spit out a mysterious language: "Life is dead. Life is short, and death is the only eternity. Death is not the end, but the beginning of eternity. I summon it in the name of the Lord of the Underworld!"

The fire in its eye socket suddenly rotated and flew out in an instant. A whirlpool appeared. The whirlpool gradually spread to about half a meter in diameter, and a dark passage opened, presenting an absolutely dark and silent corner of the world.

In the depths of this absolutely dark world, there is an inexplicable will lurking, and there seems to be a sleeping demon.

A wisp of breath emerged from the dark underworld, silently, fell into the battlefield, and penetrated into the bodies of those dead monsters.

Suddenly, the bodies of these huge monsters began to tremble slightly and gradually intensified, and they suddenly climbed up in stiff and strange movements.

The dead companions actually got up, and the demons suddenly became curious, and even forgot to attack the dead giant snakes, and came to the vicinity of these dead companions to sniff and touch them. Although they are full of wildness, they must still be monsters, somewhat spiritual and curious.

In the air, the passage to the underworld has been closed, and the flame returned to the eyes of the Pluto. It looked at the battlefield under it, which seemed to be a little cruel.

The next moment, the monsters who came back from the dead suddenly launched a deadly attack on their peers around them, and their claws, teeth, horns and everything became murder weapons.

How could the monsters who were watching know that these strange species would attack themselves and suddenly suffered. Twenty or thirty monsters were torn to pieces.

The living monsters realized the danger and ferocity, and immediately launched a counterattack.

A huge toad was almost injured just now. After jumping away, he turned around and swallowed a rat demon who almost hurt himself into his stomach. It swore proudly, but the next moment, it suddenly rolled in the flood, but felt severe pain in its stomach.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the mysterious turtle's soul came out of his body and integrated into the gossip map, and quickly refined the Haoran sword with the most original power.

But just as its soul fell into the gossip map, Wang Hao smiled: "Old turtle, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time! Just because you have to get your soul out of the body, I can use the means! Dementor............"

In an instant, Wang Hao consumed the last drop of faith to launch the dementor. The power of the dementor at the cost of a drop of faith is extremely powerful.

In an instant, the soul of the black turtle was forcibly detained from the gossip map. Its soul is as big as a fist and dazzling, but under the power of dementor, it is fast and dim, like crystal-like beads, as if it can't withstand huge squeezing and cracking.

"It's not good, this human is sudden again!" The soul was damaged, and the turtle was suddenly seriously injured. The gossip map shook violently and was about to collapse.

The violently shaking gossip map suddenly flew out far away wrapped in a Haoran sword and fell on the Qingfeng Ridge, which was about to explode. This gossip map contains most of the power of the turtle. If it explodes, I'm afraid that the whole Qingneiling will be cut off, and the people on it will die cleanly.

And Haoran sword is in the center of the explosion. This sword may be fine, but Wang Hao's soul will definitely be shaken away. The mysterious turtle has a vicious mind!

"Damn human, how dare you plot to hurt me! I'm going to kill you and all your peers. Go to hell!" The soul of the black turtle penetrated into the body and immediately vomited blood repeatedly. It did not dare to stay, as if flying away, and its resentful and crazy voice still came from the air.