Underworld separation

Chapter 148 Misunderstanding

Wang Hao knew that since the Hengshan faction decided to take action, he would never allow himself to leave alive and insisted on frustrating his ashes to destroy the corpse, so even if he really won, he could never leave safely. He just hopes to delay a little longer.

Although he knew that it was almost impossible to make a turnaround during this delayed moment, Wang Hao could not close his eyes and wait to die.

Puhua, the head of Hengshan, was going to do it immediately. After listening to Wang Hao's words, his heart moved: "It's okay for him to do it first, I can see his origin from it!" The idea must be, so he said, "Okay! If it doesn't depend on you, you think I'm bullying you, just follow your method. If you can win three games, I'll let you go immediately and don't blame you anymore!"

With a sneer in his heart, Wang Hao did not show it. He turned around and said to his surroundings, "I don't know which master came to teach me!"

Including Wang Hao himself, there are a total of seven people here. Except for Feiyang, which is the perfect realm of gas refining, the other five people of the Hengshan School are all in the realm of refining gods and surround Wang Hao. He can't want to make any small moves. Therefore, the people of the Hengshan faction are not worried about what strange means Wang Hao will use to deliver the news.

Wang Hao turned around, and suddenly a thin old man who looked like he was about to die jumped out. The man was no more than 1.5 meters tall, with a crescent body, shaped like an old ape. He suddenly opened his mouth, but his voice was very loud and said, "Head, let me try how many pounds this junior has, but he actually spoke out. Crazy words!"

This person is one of the elders of the Hengshan School. He is known as the hunchbacked venerable. He became famous very early. He should be a figure in the same period as Puhua. He is extremely powerful, powerful in means and experienced. He is an extremely powerful invincible master.

Speaking of which, the Hengshan faction has become more and more prosperous in recent years. You should know that today's practice world has fallen, and it is extremely rare to practice to the realm of refining gods. It's good to have one or two masters of refining gods in ordinary sects, and there are already five masters who have appeared in the Hengshan School. Coupled with one heart, that is six masters. These are not all, which shows the Hengshan faction.

Among them, more than half of the credit lies in the supreme head of Puhua. It is he who keeps operating that makes the Hengshan School more and more prosperous, far more powerful than the other four sects in the Five Yuezong.

In ancient times, Wuyue was originally a sect, which was the top Five Elements Sect in the world of practice. Later, because of internal conflicts, it was divided into five. Its strength was not as good as before, and it could no longer become a top sect. It could only be regarded as a first-class sect.

Puhua, the head of the Hengshan School, is a very deep and ambitious man. He not only has his own cultivation, but also has the ambition to reorganize the Five elements sect, and restore the glory of ancient times in one fell swoop. However, he knew that although his Hengshan faction began to revitalise, it was still far from the real top sect. He was about to gain a large number of spiritual objects, skills and so on to increase his strength. As soon as he saw that Wang Hao actually had a spiritual weapon, he was moved and decided to take it.

As soon as he saw the hump-backed venerable take the initiative to fight, Puhua slightly nod his head and said, "Younger, your cultivation is not good, but you must be an elite disciple from a famous school, and you have a spiritual sword in your hand. If you send a disciple casually, you are humiliating. Since you want to fight, then I will send the hunchbacked elders who have been famous for many years. Zhan, this shows the respect of my Hengshan party to your master!"

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and scolded repeatedly in his heart: "It's really shameless. It's okay to send an elder-level figure to let me go, but he has to put on the look of a benevolent gentleman. It's really disgusting!" He was too lazy to reply. He raised his hand with a sword.

There was a sneer, and the sword spirit was like a rainbow, shooting one or two feet long, shaking the eyebrows of the hump-backed master. He shook his head and had already avoided it, and he didn't know what means he had used. He instantly appeared beside Wang Hao and grabbed the long sword in Wang Hao's hand.

Wang Hao sneered: "Sure enough, he wants to take the sword. It's really greedy! Since you want it, it's for you!" He suddenly sent out the long sword. If the sword was like a meteor chasing the moon, it had already hit the arms of the hunchbacked vener and was about to pierce it.

Knowing that Haoran sword is a spiritual weapon, the hunchbacked venerable seems to be reckless, but in fact he is extremely alert. The reason why he suddenly took the sword just now is that he is afraid that the sword is too powerful to take it unexpectedly. As long as Wang Hao has no spiritual sword, it is equivalent to a tiger who has lost his minions, and there will be no danger.

As early as when he took action, he knew that seizing the sword would never be so smooth. As soon as he saw that the spiritual sword was about to understand the body, he did not panic and suddenly urged the mana. At this time, Wang Hao knew that the thin old man had more than 300 years of horrible magic power. Suddenly, he condensed into a mountain, which seemed to be real and blocked Haoran's sword.

I don't know when the hunchbacked vener sacrificed a big seal, which is like a mountain. After being stimulated by force, he can transform into a divine peak and suppress everything. This is his famous magic power: the mountain and river seal.

Although Haoran Sword is extremely sharp, Wang Hao's cultivation is much worse than that of the other party, and it is suddenly a little difficult. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Purple gas comes from the east, three thousand vast"

All the mana was poured into the Haoran sword, following a certain idea in the dark. Wang Hao waved his sword, and suddenly a long purple river fell from the sky, gently twisted the divine peak transformed by the mountains and rivers, immediately broke it, and then hanged it against the other party.

Unexpectedly, when they saw this long river of purple gas, all the people present turned pale and exclaimed at the same time: "Spiritual skills?!"

The hump-back venerable didn't care about fighting and threw the big seal sacrifice in front of him. The big seal was suddenly twisted a little crack. This boutique magic weapon suddenly suffered great damage and greatly reduced its use, unless it took a lot of time and energy to reshrink, or it can recover as before. But he was not sad at all. He jumped out and looked at Wang Hao with surprise.

"This time, our Hengshan School is really developed. Not only can we get a spiritual weapon, but we also met a boy with spiritual skills. What a great creation! With spiritual skills, the reorganization of the Five-e elements sect of our Hengshan faction is just around the corner!" Puhua shouted excitedly and looked at Wang Hao with fiery eyes.

The best skills of Hengshan School today are just one of the best skills. It has achieved the practice of some spiritual skills, and is even expected to step into the legendary yuan god realm. Therefore, its value is immeasurable and is thousands of times more precious than the spiritual weapon.

If the spiritual weapon is a hundred yuan*, and the spiritual power law is a money printing machine, which one is more precious is self-evident. He once encountered a great opportunity and got the remnants of a tribal star swordsmanship. Puhua even forced him to ask secretly at the expense of his identity.

The falling star swordsmanship is just a skill close to the spiritual skill, and it is incomplete, which makes Puhua unable to control himself. Thinking that Wang Hao has a real spiritual skill, how could he be polite? He immediately took a step and was ready to do it himself.

Among the skills circulating in the practice world, 90% are just ordinary and best skills. When they practice to the extreme, they still can't break through the bottleneck of the physical world. Spiritual skills are different. Each spiritual skills are exquisite and contain the principles of heaven and earth. After successful practice, you can use part of the power of heaven and earth, which is not only powerful, but also can be used to get rid of the constraints of the body and be promoted to the realm of the yuan god.

Therefore, the skill is extremely important, and the spiritual skill is enough to make all practitioners bleed desperately. There is no suitable spiritual skill, and there is no peerless talent, and it is difficult to achieve the yuan divine realm for a lifetime, and it can only be left in the eternal regret when Shouyuan is exhausted.

Wang Hao's move of 'purple gas coming from the east' can actually lead some kind of power between heaven and earth. This is a phenomenon only after the spiritual skills are urged. Others don't know that this is actually an unexpected effect after refining the fire spirit. Of course, they will mistakenly think that he has spiritual skills.

I didn't know, but as soon as he heard the screams of these people, Wang Hao understood a general idea. He suddenly knew that something was not good, and he didn't want to think about it. He turned around and ran away. As soon as he raised his feet, he felt that the whole sky collapsed and pressed down towards him, and the next moment he would be pressed into a meat pie.

In a hurry, he quickly took out a mirror and threw it over his head. This is the dark gossip mirror. As soon as it was sacrificed, it suddenly emitted a dark light. The sky that seemed to collapse was fixed, and all external forces could not be added to Wang Hao.

This treasure mirror is very useful and magical. Although it is not yet psychic, its magic seems to have surpassed the Haoran sword. It is regarded by Wang Hao as the bottom of the box. If the situation is not too critical, he will never easily show it to others, otherwise it will be more popular. Of course, at this time, he couldn't take care of it and had to sacrifice his life.