Underworld separation

Chapter 154 Treasure

The head of the Hengshan School and the seven elders broke through the stone wall and came in from the damaged place. Unexpectedly, a stone room was about ten feet high, and there were rough blue stones, and there were some carved traces left on it.

Puhua was a little surprised, and then said happily, "Well, it turns out that there is a hole in the back! This should be the place for the masters who built this cave. Let's go and find the one-hearted man. Don't forget to pay attention to the things here along the way. Maybe there will be treasures left by the predecessors!"

Because they don't know the root, they are afraid that there will be a powerful array here, so they dare not scan directly with spiritual power. In case they touch the powerful array and the spiritual power falls into it and can't be recovered, it's not good.

The stone room is not big. There are a total of eight people. Even if they only look at it with the naked eye, it didn't take much time. They carefully explored every inch of the stone room several times without any special discovery.

Without being reminded, they immediately walked towards the opposite arch and crossed the arch. It turned out to be a huge space, 100 meters long, tall and wide, square, shaped like the interior of a huge box.

In the most central place, there is a stone couch, and a faint magic mark on the stone couch seems to be a human form, which is obviously the reason why people have been lying down for a long time.

On the top of this stone couch, there are some things that I don't know whether they are pearls or something, forming the patterns of stars. The blue stones on the four sides are engraved with some mysterious patterns, calligraphy and paintings. There are all kinds of landscape figures, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, etc. It looks very messy, and they talk about following certain rules.

Puhua thought it was wrong to chat. He looked at it for a moment, but found nothing abnormal, so he secretly shook his head and followed the seven elders.

Some large and small caves were carved on the four walls of this huge space. Everyone looked around and found that some of these caves were extremely shallow, some extended to the depths of the stone wall, some were placed with strange statues, and some were empty inside.

Even if they are well-informed, they can't recognize why this place is so strange, but the more they look at it, the more they feel shocked and secretly feel something is wrong.

"Mir, this place is so weird! We'd better find the little bastard quickly and ask him all the secrets here. Only then can we rest assured when we know the root?" One of the seven elders spoke in a low voice. Puhua doesn't know that this is indeed the most appropriate way, but at a glance, there are large and small holes in all directions, and it can't find where the person is.

At this moment, a loud noise came out, and a piece of ground near the stone couch suddenly fell. After a few breaths, the flat old board rose again, and there was another person on it. It was Wang Hao.

When the Hengshan faction heard the movement, they looked back and saw that it was Wang Hao. They were about to capture him, but they saw that their heart came out from behind Wang Hao. Originally, he was hiding behind Wang Hao.

Waiting for others to speak, he sneered and said, "The head of Puhua and the seven elders, I don't know why you broke into my cave without permission?"

The Flame Master's temper was the most hot. As soon as he heard this, he immediately blew up the pot and shouted harshly, "Do you have any courtesy, you bastard? You worship in Hengshan Gate, which is a disciple of Hengshan. When you see the leader and the elder, you don't kneel down to greet him, and you dare to say wildly!"

just snorted coldly and directly ignored the words of Venerable Flame, as if to say to himself, "Oh... I remember that you old guys came here for him!" Pointing to Wang Hao, he continued, "Hey, you really have a good plan. This guy has a lot of treasures and spiritual skills. As long as you get him and force him to ask about the skills, everyone present even has the hope of becoming a yuan god and transcending life and death!"

"Little bastard, how do you talk?" The elder who was injured by the big shock outside just now was completely angry. He has lived for nearly 300 years and has always been superior. No one dared to disobey his intention. Today, he is humiliated by a younger generation. How can he stand it?

He stretched out his thin palm and grabbed it to his heart. This grab contained hundreds of years of mana and used the magic power of Tianluo's hand. Under the grasp, it was difficult to escape the scope of his palm.

He was aware of the power, and his left hand still grasped Wang Hao. He raised his right hand and punched it out, and collided with the thin and old palm. He was not the opponent of the elder. His whole body and Wang Hao were suddenly shaken away, flying straight dozens of meters away and hitting the stone walls around him.

The hump-backed venerable and Flame Venerable said one after another, "The elder's hand is really powerful. The little bastard is not over his own strength. He dares to fight with the elder, which is simply looking for death!"

Sure enough, after hitting the stone wall, the flowers fell to the ground and kept opening their mouths spewing blood. Obviously, the injury was not light. The elder was flattered, and a smile couldn't help showing a smile on his face. It was not for this compliment, but he grabbed Wang Hao, two important figures at once.

Afraid of an accident, he reached out his hand and shook them to catch them in their hands. At this moment, he pulled Wang Hao over and got into the hole under the wall. In an instant, the owner disappeared.

The elder grabbed the air and his face became a little ugly. Yixin's action just now was obviously not fast, but it was difficult for him to lock. It seemed that something had secretly interfered with his magical power. He didn't have time to think about it. He shouted and chased quickly, and then got into the hole.

Being caught in a hurry, Wang Hao was secretly anxious. It turned out that just now, when Hengshan sent a group of people to break into the stone room, the sloppy old man restrained Wang Hao in an instant.

Relying on its extremely fast speed, the underworld could avoid the attack and fought against this sloppy old man. Unexpectedly, after a moment, the two sides fought only a dozen or 20 moves, and the sloppy old man completely suppressed the underworld. Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Hao suddenly let the split escape, so that in case he was really trapped, there was at least a little way to survive.

The sloppy old man didn't expect that the underworld was so fast. For a moment, he made a mistake and immediately chased him.

And he took Wang Hao to lure the Hengshan faction, so he deliberately appeared, deliberately angered, and then pretended to be injured and fled, thus leading the target into the trap.

Seeing that the Hengshan faction followed, Wang Hao knew that these people's lives were in trouble.

Just now, he listened to the sloppy old man and talked wholeheartedly that he wanted to lure the eight masters of the Hengshan faction into a large array, and then use the power of the array to destroy everyone. Wang Hao naturally didn't believe it if others said it, but he had to believe what this sloppy old man said.

The key is that the old and young people actually planned to throw Wang Hao into the array as well. Falling into it, even a figure like Puhua will inevitably die. Of course, Wang Hao will die, and he will die earlier.

Although he was running away, he still felt Wang Hao's inner uneasily. He laughed twice and said, "Your surname is Wang, you must be wondering why I don't covet your spiritual skills, right?"

I thought that if I find some topics to fool, maybe I can buy some time for myself to get out of trouble, so I have to answer. I don't want to take care of myself and say, "Hey, Wang, for the sake that you are about to die, I will tell you the truth, I didn't attract you and the Hengshan faction here. Those things from you! I don't care!"

At this time, the surroundings suddenly became complicated. The two came to a stone forest and suddenly stopped with a cruel smile on their faces and said, "Here, this is the five thunder array. Those who enter will definitely die. Even if I get the token to manipulate the cave array, I still can't enter it, because this is a cave. There is a treasure in the house, in which there is a peerless magic skill. Unfortunately, I have never been able to get it. This time, I happened to sacrifice the group of immortals of the Hengshan faction. In addition, you and your strange companions, you can definitely break the array in one fell swoop and get the peerless magic skills and treasures!"

Wang Hao was shocked and quickly thought about how to get out of trouble: "What? He actually sacrificed me and the eight masters of the Hengshan School to open a big array. How powerful is this array? Damn, aren't I going to die?"

Without waiting for him to think much, he only felt like flying in the clouds, but he was thrown into the stone forest and hung on a raised stone.