Underworld separation

Chapter 197 Trap?

The Hengshan School is also a famous school. The power of the mountain protection array is naturally not weak, but it is not enough to resist the footsteps of Wang Hao and the underworld.

Relying on the gossip mirror and invisibility, Wang Hao used a little power of faith to promote the two worlds, wrapped himself in an illusory space parallel to the real world, and silently entered the Hengshan School.

And the underworld is also more relaxed. He is more proficient in restraining his breath than Wang Hao. Walking in the array is like wandering in his backyard.

"I, the Hengshan School uses this Taoist temple as a cover. This road seems to be very small. In fact, there is another universe. There is a huge space in it, and the target is deep in the cave. Shall we go straight there, kill him and leave, or what? The ghost asked softly.

"Go straight there and kill him and leave. We still have more important things to do. Don't delay too long!" After thinking about it for a moment, Wang Hao made up his mind directly.

The two restrained their breath and quickly advanced all the way under the cover of mountain stones, trees and buildings, and gradually touched the depths of the cave of Hengshan School.

Here is a steep mountain, with towering trees, ancient and atmospheric buildings hidden among the trees, and there is a large array of cover, and no abnormality can be seen from the outside.

"Zhyang Hall, here we are! This is the residence of the head of the Hengshan School, and it is also the best place in the whole cave. The goal is to practice in this hall on weekdays. Let's go in!" The underworld pointed to the hall where all the doors and windows were closed.

Wang Hao stopped outside the hall and listened for a while. After sensing for a moment, he nodded, then gently pushed the door of the hall open a gap, and then stepped in, and the ghost dodged.

The palaces are stacked and have a large range. The ghost went straight to the back of the hall. Wang Hao shouted in a low voice: "Slow! Something is wrong here!"

When he was outside, he did not notice any abnormality, but as soon as he entered the palace, Wang Hao suddenly noticed that there was an extremely weak force field covering every part of the palace.

This force field is extremely weak, but it is pervasive and unpreventable. This feeling is like being stared by a pair of invisible eyes, and Wang Hao's cultivation can't get rid of the constraints of this power.

"Oh, really! What a strange power!" The ghost also felt it, and the fire of the soul in his eyes flashed a few times, and a faint force came out of the air.

Block this force at the fingertips, and it is impossible to break free from the conflict between this force back and forth. There are doubts in the eyes of Nether and Wang Hao. They can't even recognize what power it is.

This power seems to be energetic, but it doesn't seem to be, which is confusing. Carefully distinguishing, this seems to be just a wave generated by heaven and earth, which is condensed into energy.

For some reason, Wang Hao felt that this strange power seemed to have caused a hint of spiritual pressure on himself.

Just as the two were surprised, the force field in the air suddenly moved and swept through their bodies. This trace of power on the fingertips of the underworld was like a frightened rabbit. Somehow the power broke free and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Wang Hao and the Underworld could not even find out how this power disappeared. It was completely integrated with the surrounding environment, like a drop of water entering the sea and could no longer be separated.

"We are exposed!" Wang Hao and the ghost opened their mouths at the same time, and the two looked at each other and were secretly shocked.

I thought that the masters of the Hengshan faction had fallen and no one would find their traces. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the palace, their whereabouts were exposed. They vaguely felt that things could not go as smoothly as they thought.

That's right! He is not only a disciple of the Hengshan School, but more importantly, his identity is a pawn sent into the world of practice. Wang Hao suddenly remembered this crucial message, which was involuntarily ignored by him just now.

The reason why he remembered this layer is that Wang Hao felt that the force field just now was completely different from the mountain protection array of the Hengshan faction, which was a completely different thing. He couldn't help thinking of the technology and mechanical power in the secular world.

If you are determined to be a pawn in the secular world and have the supreme status of the practice world, your status should be greatly increased, so that you can control some of the powers of the secular world.

Although the secular world was not a sect that could easily destroy a sect in the practice world, it was also very amazing. At least it is impossible to do it with the power of ordinary people.

Not to mention anything else, the mountain protection array of the practice school alone is not something that ordinary people can solve. Even if they break it with brute force, the practitioners can easily escape even if there are thousands of troops and horses. The ordinary disciples of Bai Yunguan can't get away, but the disciples who refine gods and even refine qi can always escape.

In fact, even He Guanzhu of Baiyunguan was traumatized and can occasionally escape after a fake death. It can be imagined that there must be a terrible force hidden in the secular world, but it is unknown to the world.

"I, there is movement inside, and someone has escaped! The target must have sensed our arrival and wanted to escape!" The underworld pulled Wang Hao.

Wang Hao suddenly had a strong interest in him and strode after the meteor.

Sure enough, after turning a few high walls and courtyards, he saw a very familiar back hurriedly fleeing towards the innermost part of the palace.

"Quickly, chase!" Suddenly raising the speed to the limit, Wang Hao rushed there, but found that he had lost his heart.

Impossible! How could the speed of one heart be compared with him? Wang Hao never believed it and guessed that there might be something strange here, so he searched for a while and found that there was a door hidden behind a rockery. He took a moment to open the door and step in fearlessly.

Step into this dark door and come to a bright space. The four walls are as white as jade and the ground is as hard as iron stone. Just after Wang Hao and Youming stepped into it, the secret door turned over and closed by itself. The two did not take the same thing. Instead, he smiled and looked at the figure in front of him, not who he was!

"Old friend, we meet again!" Wang Hao said hello, but there was no trace of hostility.

He laughed strangely and said, "I, this man belongs to me. Hey, I can have another warrior, one step closer to transforming countless warriors and training an invincible army!"

There was a strong panic on his face, but the moment the dark door closed, he suddenly changed the expression on his face and said gloomyly, "Wang Hao, hey! There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell. You have to break in. Don't blame me for being ruthless today!"

His heart moved. Wang Hao saw that there seemed to be something to rely on, so he deliberately said, "What? One heart, aren't you scared and dumbfounded? You still can't tell the form! Do you want to deal with me with this cultivation? I, Wang Hao, can press you to death with one finger!"

"Try it if you have the ability!" He was so angry that he trembled, but suddenly calmed down and sneered.

Wang Hao's heart moved and indeed stretched out a finger and pressed it in the air. Unexpectedly, a strong force field suddenly appeared in the air, which blocked Wang Hao's finger and could not fall down.

"Haha, Wang Hao, do you know that I have set up a trap here, waiting for you to take the bait, and you will finally die by yourself!" Yixin was still a little worried. Seeing that Wang Hao's attack failed, he immediately laughed loudly and was extremely confident.

He pointed to Wang Hao and said loudly, "If you know the name Wang, obediently hand over the Taoist book of Thunder God's Secret, and then give your secrets and submit to me, I can't spare your life. I just need to raise some vicious dogs to work for me. You are very suitable!"

The confidence swelled to the extreme, and I felt so good that I didn't find a sneer at the corners of Wang Hao's mouth.

"One heart, you are really a despicable guy. You only know how to plot against others, and you can't be regarded as a hero!" Wang Hao seemed to be very angry and kept shouting.

"Hero? Open and upright! That's just what stupid people without brains do. I am so intelligent that I can easily capture you with just a little trick. Why waste my energy!" Instead of being ashamed of Wang Hao's sarcasm, he was proud.