yuan kill

Chapter 61 Heavenly Craftsman

"The day after tomorrow, please lend me the Yang Wuer master. I'm going to the barracks to see who dares to withhold the oracle!" Murong Xiaoxian has made up his mind.

I have no experience in leading troops to fight, but if you talk about the matter of stabing a knife behind the grain and salary, when I was mixed in the organ unit in my last life, I was deeply affected and deeply affected by it. These strategies are easy to use!

"Now, please act quickly. I'm preparing lunch here. I'll wait for your good news! After dinner, the three masters and I went to talk about the craftsmen in the city first. In the evening, we will go to the workshop..." Murong Xiaoxian stretched out comfortably and his expression was extremely relaxed.

Yuexian looked at Murong Xiaoxian suspiciously, with a trace of imperceptible glancholy in her eyes, and then pushed the door and left.

"I have few tasks?" Xingge said with some dissatisfaction.

"Your task is the heaviest, and I will teach them some technical points in the workshop tonight. However, I can only tell you the most critical link, so the things of the workshop will all fall on you in the future, and our success or failure will also be on this workshop. Murong Xiaoxian comforted the stars softly, but this was also the real thought in his heart.

After all, at this moment, there is only one star song that really stands in a trench with himself.

Moreover, I am still in the light of this marriage.

After all, I suddenly made a fortune too fast, and the water of this bright temple is absolutely deep enough, mixed with fish and dragons, and there can only be more and more people who are right.

The twelve Ming masters suddenly became so low-key that they had no reason to make a big deal of fanfare.

The most important thing is that you are not familiar with the place, and it is difficult to kick the first three feet!

Don't be afraid of real knives and guns, but afraid that dark arrows are difficult to defend!

So, you must stand up, and the tiger's beard is not so easy to touch!

Xingge nodded happily and arranged for his disciples to take care of the water source and granary.

Lunch is simple, but Yuexian did not come back. After all, the task assigned to her by Murong Xiaoxian is too heavy, and Yuexian is also a strong person. Whenever she explains her own affairs, she must devote herself wholeheartedly without being sloppy.

As for Yang Wu, it's really hard to rest assured that these things are handed over to Murong Xiaoxian. It is the best strategy for people to make the best use of their talents and things.

After lunch, Murong Xiaoxian and Xingge went out, rode a fast horse and began to run around the city.

After all, the new city is 100 miles long and horizontal, so you can't ride around the city by yourself, can you?

Murong Xiaoxian has only done three things. First, meet with the main person in charge, explain his intention clearly, and then these people will convey the order. Second, in the direction of the four walls, every five miles, a 100-meter-sized open space is reserved, which is the place where Murong Xiaoxian plans to store firewood and set up tents. On the one hand, the tent is to let the strong men work three shifts so that they can work day and night. Third, anyone who sees their own flag must unconditionally cooperate with the construction.

At the same time, Murong Xiaoxian also checked the excavation of the foundation by the way. After all, this wall is the most concerned thing for the Twelve Ming Lords, and he can't be careless. Maybe after a few sections have been completed, the Twelve Ming Lords will definitely come to inspect in person.

The purpose of the other party's firewood and grass is nothing more than to warm the walls of concrete in winter. Although in modern society, concrete that can solidify instantly underwater has been produced, concrete must condense a little slowly under low temperatures, even because of the cold And reduce the strength of concrete.

Therefore, Murong Xiaoxian asked Yuexian to collect a large amount of hay, and the purpose was nothing more than to weave a grass curtain and cover it on concrete to prevent low temperatures.

So, a few days later, an unquenchable fire broke out around the city day and night, and the construction of the wall was also proceeding rapidly.

It was enough to see more than 20 people in charge and repeated the same words more than 20 times. Murong Xiaoxian felt dry and emotional.

After dinner, Murong Xiaoxian rushed to the workshop, first of all, the concrete workshop, telling the workers the basic ingredients, but telling Xingge the proportion.

Xing Ge told the proportion to the public losing class, and the public losing class began in a hurry.

A large group of people and horses have gathered outside this workshop, and there are some thick grass curtains on the car, which are all to transport concrete. Those oilcloths are used by Murong Xiaoxian to prevent water from spreading, otherwise the road is far away, and if it freezes, all his previous efforts will be abandoned.

Because this is a job with little technical content, Murong Xiaoxian nodded with satisfaction after seeing the first concrete car released.

Due to the huge demand for concrete, this concrete manufacturing workshop has built more than 20, which is very elegant.

It has been nearly two hours since all this was arranged.

Then the two went to the steelmaking workshop. Because they had mastered ironmaking technology in this era, those iron ores were also refined into molten early, but the carbon content was high, but the quality of steel bars was insufficient, which was obviously far from Murong Xiaoxian's requirements.

PS: (The main components of bionic iron and steel are iron. The main difference between the two is that their carbon content is different. Biog iron generally contains 2-4.3% carbon, and steel contains 0.03-2% carbon.)

Therefore, Murong Xiaoxian asked Zhang Zifang to prepare a large number of magnets. The purpose is very simple, which is to use magnets to absorb iron water, so as to remove impurities such as carbon in iron and obtain high-quality steel. This is an epoch-making change, because the method of smelting green steel weapons in this era is the most clumsy refining steel, repeatedly firing, quenching and beating, and the purpose is nothing more than to remove impurities and enhance the toughness of steel.

Therefore, after teaching Zhang Zifang how to remove impurities, Zhang Zifang chose more than 100 craftsmen from thousands of craftsmen to make blades! Of course, Murong Xiaoxian is not so kind to equip the army, but wants to make a fortune! It mainly makes armor, spears, and a small number of swords. In the war, short soldiers are undoubtedly useless, so there is no need to waste those valuable resources.

Imagine that if an army is fully equipped with pure steel weapons, the strength and sharpness of the weapons are naturally stronger than that of iron. If steel is made of armor, even a very thin layer, iron weapons cannot be pierced, then it is not a dream to build an invincible cavalry regiment or infantry regiment.

Of course, those abandoned iron scraps Murong Xiaoxian is not wasted. He knows that these things can be made into nails, and it is not possible to install glass without iron nails.

Then, Murong Xiaoxian left with satisfaction and ran to the glass workshop.

Because the glass workshop is north of the city, Murong Xiaoxian and Xingge arrived at about the third update.

Kong Liang, Liu Bowen and Tao Zhu just are waiting inside.

After a simple greeting, Murong Xiaoxian went straight to the workshop.

Finally, why Kong Liang is in charge of the glass workshop? The reason is also very simple. Who called your name Liang!

All the coal dug by Liu Bowen was supplied to the glass workshop, and Tao Zhugong asked Murong Xiaoxian to wait here to plan long-term branch and sales matters.

Unlike several other workshops, there are only sufficient raw materials and not too many personnel. After all, the sales of glass are not so large at this moment. The most important thing is that Murong Xiaoxian does not have the idea of mass production at present. Because of the shortage of personnel at this moment, and the promotion of glass will take some time. In order to promote glass, Murong Xiaoxian even thought of a good advertising method.

So, under the command of Murong Xiaoxian, the strong men were divided into several groups, igniting, pushing quartz sand, sampling, etc., strictly following the manufacturing process.

Because the temperature of coal fire does not meet the requirements of melting quartz sand at all, Murong Xiaoxian is very troublesome and can't use Yehuo Honglian here all the time, can he?

At present, the only way to raise the temperature of coal is to add oxygen, but how can oxygen be found?

Although there is a lot of oxygen in the air, I really can't separate the air and condense the air to liquefy it. Well, I guess my purple ice flame will strike.

Just when Murong Xiaoxian was sad, Liu Bowen quietly leaned up and handed Murong Xiaoxian a purple ore.

When he led people to dig coal, he actually dug a purple ore. Murong Xiaoxian was overjoyed at first sight. It turned out to be potassium permanganate ore! Of course, Liu Bowen is also purely coincidental. Originally, he thought it was amethyst, but this thing was easy to break and dissolve in water. Naturally, this is not crystal, and no one around it knows it. After all, this thing is the first time to be seen in the continent of Creation.

Therefore, after his dream of getting rich was shattered, Liu Bowen dedicated this ore to Murong Xiaoxian, but he didn't expect to help Murong Xiaoxian a lot.

This kind of ore is extremely rare, and it is also an associated mine. It seems that God won't forgive me if I don't succeed!

Murong Xiaoxian burst into tears!

As long as this thing is mixed with coal and burned, it will naturally produce oxygen after heating!

The next thing is to melt the quartz sand and then remove impurities, but the magnet helps a lot. Then Murong Xiaoxian directed the craftsman to inject the melted quartz sand** into the smooth mold for condensation.

Of course, Murong Xiaoxian was careful in this process for fear of mixing a little bubble, because Murong Xiaoxian wanted the glass to produce a crystal effect, but there were almost no bubbles in the natural crystal stone. And the purpose of this is nothing more than to increase your value...

Then, in everyone's stunned mouth, Murong Xiaoxian took out a three-foot square glass from the mold. Fortunately, there was no bubble, and it was extremely pure, except for a little faint light blue. Of course, Murong Xiaoxian knows that it is only the reason for copper impurities. Unfortunately, the magnet cannot absorb copper, otherwise the glass will be perfect!

Even so, all the people present were still shocked and walked around the glass several times, exclaiming endlessly.

"The four masters are indeed heavenly craftsmen. In addition to their excellent skills, they also master this advanced craftsmanship. They are extremely honored to serve the four masters. They will do their best and die, and they will live up to their mission!" Kong Liang said from the bottom of his heart.

Murong Xiaoxian was stunned and said to himself, how can this sentence be so familiar.....