yuan kill

Chapter 72 or a scapegoat

"Well, if you don't change your clothes, the soldiers outside are going to come!" Yang Wu rushed to the table and drank the cup of tea that Murong Xiaoxian had just made.

"Good tea, but it's a pity that it's so bad..." Yang Wu said it was so bad, but casually poured another cup.

"Second sister, have you had breakfast?" Xingge said hurriedly and asked Yangwu to sit down. Don't be impatient.

"I've eaten, but I'm afraid this person hasn't eaten yet, right? Humph, such dirty clothes have not been changed yet. It's really a bad scenery..." Yang Wu took a closer look at Murong Xiaoxian's clothes. Murong Xiaoxian didn't feel anything. He looked at Yang Wu with his eyes and eyes. Yang Wu did change into a new clothes.

"Giving roses, there is a fragrance in your hands, you can eat the marrow and smell it, and your cheeks and teeth will remain fragrant! I really like the smell of the forage in the barracks. Murong Xiaoxian smiled,

Yang Wu blushed and said hatefully, "You should really eat those forage, Linger, take these things away..."

Even if Xingge's reaction was slow, he felt that something must have happened between the two. However, looking at Yang Wu's bulging appearance, Xingge thought that Murong Xiaoxian did not serve the grumpy second sister well.

"Linger, put these cakes on the table. You can leave for the time being. I won't see anyone this morning." Xingge scolded Yangwu with her eyes, and then let Linger go out.

"What the hell is going on?" Xingge asked with some worry.

Yang Wu finally put away her pride, sighed gently, and roughly talked about what happened on this day.

"Oh, so it is. No wonder the camp is so calm. I don't know, can you see the marshal?" Xingge asked.

Murong Xiaoxian shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter anymore. In two days, when the storm there stops, we will take people to receive it. Their support has gone, and we have nothing to worry about."

"The attack on Gaoci County..." Xingge asked worriedly.

"I'm without a single soldier now. How can I attack? However, this is not the best time to attack the city. Let's wait. It seems that there is really a mistake behind this matter. We all need to be careful. Murong Xiaoxian grabbed a piece of cake, threw it in the air, caught it with his mouth, and drank another cup of tea.

"How are the craftsmen going? Do you still adapt to this kind of building material? Murong Xiaoxian asked after eating a few cakes.

When it comes to the founding of the city, Xingge is a little excited.

"This material is really magical, and the construction speed is far faster than ordinary construction methods. As long as the current raw materials are supplied, it can complete at least 20 miles of walls in one day and one night! In addition, a wall about five miles long has been built in the north city, 30 feet high and three feet thick, as if it is said that it will be put into use one day. The twelve lords are going to test the strength of the wall tomorrow, and the eldest sister is now personally supervising the work there..." Xing Ge said softly.

"Are you doubting my design?" Murong Xiaoxian smiled and said that you'd better test it, otherwise my future work will be really difficult to carry out!

30 feet high and 3 feet thick, all of which are made of maximum strength concrete and thumb-thick steel bars as bones. Even if there is a magnitude 20 earthquake, there will be no crack! With the cold weapons of this era, they can't be conquered at all. Even if they are chiseled with steel for a day, they can't be chiseled an inch! Murong Xiaoxian is full of confidence in this regard.

"Of course not, but the eldest sister is a little worried." Xingge is not shy. Everyone knows that at this moment, the three of them are from the same boat. If the ship sinks, no one will feel good.

"Don't worry, the weather is very good today, which is more suitable for the solidification of the concrete, and the maximum strength can be reached tonight." Murong Xiaoxian got up and said, "Well, I'm going to change my clothes. Let's go to the city to see the rest of the construction later!"

The two women nodded, and Murong Xiaoxian deliberately stepped on the stairs and disappeared into her room in a blink of an eye.

"Sanmei, this man's strength is intended to be preserved. The power he saw yesterday seems to be more terrible than in the Blackstone Forest..." Yang Wu said hesitantly.

"I know this." It is not surprising that the stronger Murong Xiaoxian is, the happier she will be.

"However, the red-haired woman in red called Nishang's strength is unfathomable. She should still be above the twelve lords, as if she is very familiar with her uncle and master..." Yang Wu said hesitantly.

"This..." Xingge paused, "Second sister, it's a good thing to have a strong man on our side..."

Yangwu was silent, but acquiesced to the saying of Star Song.

"Oh, did she return the evil blood whip to you?" Xingge asked.

"Well, after I came back last night, it took me three hours to establish a soul connection with it again. Those previous contracts have been abandoned!" Yang Wu said thoughtfully.

"Oh, can she erase the soul contract?" Xingge asked in surprise.

Yang Wu nodded heavily, and then the two fell into a deep silence.

After a while, Murong Xiaoxian changed his clothes and went downstairs, and even had water stains on his hair. Obviously, he had washed his head by the way.

"Let's go!" Murong Xiaoxian greeted and walked out, followed by Yangwu and Xingge.

Turning around a few street corners, Murong Xiaoxian frowned and stopped: "Gandi, what are you always sneaking behind?"

A man sneaked out of the street corner and saw Murong Xiaoxian as if he had seen a ghost, trembling and dared not speak. After a period of time following Murong Xiaoxian, it can be said that it has been a disaster. Almost Murong Xiaoxian did not arrange good things for him at all, but he had to follow, so he had to follow far away.

"Oh, I remember something, and I need you to handle it for me..." Gandhi was most afraid of Murong Xiaoxian's words. At the beginning, he asked him to recruit craftsmen. He stood for half a month in the middle of the night, and then let himself go to the barracks to deliver letters. As a result, he almost died. Now his legs still have some bruises.

"Four masters... Please tell me!" Gandhi didn't know how much courage it took to finish this sentence. He thought to himself that he was afraid he would die this time!

"Huh, what are you trembling about? At least you are also a senior martial artist, right? Why are you so timid?" Murong Xiaoxian looked at Gandhi in a blank way. Yangwu stood aside with a straight face and barely resisted his smile.

"No, no, it's cold, I'm a little cold..." Gandhi finally let his legs stand up straight.

"Oh, that's good. This time's job is very simple. The second head of the family, do you have any money? Murong Xiaoxian turned his head and took a look at Xingge. At this moment, Xingge was empty and had been blackmailed by Murong Xiaoxian.

"Yes, a copper plate! Or?" Yang Dance Road.

"I want!" Murong Xiaoxian grabbed Yangwu's wallet, took out a copper plate and threw it at the beggar on the corner.

"Ganda, take these gold coins and buy me the best fine iron from all the weapons stores in the city. Well, send them to the steel workshop. Well, be sure to finish it before sunset. Murong Xiaoxian added a sentence, and then pulled the star song and continued to walk around the city.

Some unrelated buildings have long been demolished, and those stones, doors and windows and other materials have also been collected to be used in building houses when it warms up next year.

Murong Xiaoxian found that the infrastructure of some of the most basic big cities has begun to start construction, such as drainage systems and water supply systems, which are already digging trenches, and some of their own typical landmark buildings have begun to attack the city.

All this made Murong Xiaoxian finally understand that the heart of the twelve Ming Lord to build the city has already been determined, and he is just an excuse. Perhaps, if his construction fails, he will be rudely thrown by the Twelve Ming Lord to the Temple of Light as a scapegoat!

The scapegoat, I really have something to do with the sheep, but unfortunately, it's a scapegoat...

The urban area of more than 30 miles was quickly completed, and then began to ride straight to the northern wall.

From afar, you can see Yuexian, who is directing the craftsman to be busy, and the high pile of firewood is still burning.

The wall, the wall high into the sky, really surprised Murong Xiaoxian. Outside the concrete, the hardest bluestone was piled up as the outer layer, which looked spectacular and majestic.

Above the wall, Murong Xiaoxian also saw the arrow tower, the mouth, and even a small watchtower!

How can these things be built before testing? Obviously, the Lord Twelve Ming has already quietly tested it, so the construction of the whole city has suddenly accelerated, otherwise Murong Xiaoxian can't see that the spoof buildings he designed will start construction!

Thinking of this, Murong Xiaoxian was so happy that he stopped in front of the city wall and was too lazy to take another step closer.

Xingge and Yangwu leaned forward curiously, found a ** concrete, hit it gently, then hit it hard, and finally hit it hard, and then people were shocked!

That kind of thing called concrete is actually harder than gold and stone!

"Are you back?" Yuexian saw Murong Xiaoxian and others and quickly leaned over.

"Is everything going well?" Yuexian asked with concern.

"It's okay. I set off a few fires, killed less than 200 people, and took Ziye Feihua away..." Murong Xiaoxian said lightly.

Yuexian frowned, as if she had accumulated ten thousand years of snow, looking at the three people melancholy, just like a mother looking at the child who caused trouble. The eyes were so sad!

Murong Xiaoxian almost blurted out, "Did I cause trouble?"

Suddenly, Murong Xiaoxian understood Yuexian's intention.

A woman who has worked hard to create a force with her own strength is naturally frightened all the time. As if she is walking on thin ice in the abyss, she will never make any mistakes. As for those blatant acts and excessive behaviors, Yuexian will absolutely refuse to do it.

Undoubtedly, Murong Xiaoxian's behavior has completely exceeded the bottom line that her heart can bear.

Without 100% certainty, she won't do anything!

I didn't expect a heroine to be such a cautious person.