yuan kill

Chapter 122 Xingyao

However, Murong Xiaoxian's anger did not last long this time. He found that in this room full of white holy light, everything was arranged the same as the transmission array he had ever seen, except that the raised energy crystals turned into different shapes.

In the center of the room, where I have been sitting, the ground faintly shows a little white beating light, but this light is not noticeable at all in the white holy light. Murong Xiaoxian found out that these were starlight after he was careful!

It seems that I am really predestined with Starlight. Not to mention the past, in the past few months alone, the unfatuated King Kong broke the sky to recover its power from the starlight, and then the seal on the supreme peak was also related to the starlight. It seems that he didn't know that the master was smart enough to store the stars in the sky at the beginning, but this time he stored power.

As Murong Xiaoxian's attention improved, Murong Xiaoxian found that the center of the room was like the center of a galaxy, with extremely strong gravity, and countless starlight flowing around the center. In that way, it seems to be in the posture of escaping, just like rain splashing on the lake, although it bounces up but has to fall into the lake.

That is to say, as long as you get the method, you can transmit it directly from here, saving a lot of effort. After all, breaking the seal also takes a lot of mental energy.

Sitting in the middle again, Murong Xiaoxian tried his best to divide his spiritual power into countless rays and track a starlight in each ray. Then, Murong Xiaoxian found the mystery of this teleportation array.

Of course, without these three months, Murong Xiaoxian is almost equivalent to a hundred years of hard work in the outside world, and he can't divide his spiritual power into tens of millions!

He did this only with an inspiration, because he knew that this was the secret of the witch clan, and the witch clan attached great importance to spiritual cultivation. This transmission array is driven by some invisible force such as mental power!

A wisp of spiritual power is jumping, flowing, intertwined and converging with those starlight. Gradually, Murong Xiaoxian felt that he was bound by a huge spiritual net, and in addition to himself, some of these spiritual powers came from the jumping starlight, and he was like a fixed silkworm chrysalis at this moment.

The ground began to vibrate slightly, and Murong Xiaoxian felt that he was spinning at full speed, or the room was spinning at full speed, turning faster and faster.

The tens of millions of starlight also adhered to Murong Xiaoxian, and did not do any action to touch the transmission array, but felt that the scenery in front of him was flying away, as if it were shuttling through countless starlight. Murong Xiaoxian felt that he had become a shuttle-like object and was crossing the void.


In addition to the transmission array, it is the best means of transportation for interstellar travel. It can jump space and realize the short-distance transmission function. You can also dock in any galaxy at will, which is extremely convenient!

Has the witches advanced to this level of civilization? Then he disdained to fight with the Protoss and Demons, which were still in an ignorant state, and then collectively carried out an interstellar migration on Xingyao? If I don't want to mess with you, I can hide from you...

Murong Xiaoxian even feels like he is reading science fiction.

In fact, the strong can break through the void on their own and then step into another world.

However, breaking through the void is equivalent to opening the entrance of countless worlds. Without accurate interstellar positioning, it may suddenly run to a place still in the era of flood and famine, and it is not surprising that it will be eaten by famine beasts as a snack. After all, the development of the world is uneven.

This world is already interstellar migration, and another world may still be drilling wood to make fire, Ru Mao drinking blood...

PS: (Fantasy and science fiction have something in common, at least in the area of crossing time and space. In fact, science fiction can be against time, and fantasy can also be against time. It's just that science fiction relies on machines, while fantasy relies on personal strength.)

With a roar, a violent shock pulled Murong Xiaoxian back to reality from his thinking.

Murong Xiaoxian turned over and got up, rubbed the painful place around him, and secretly cursed this unusually bad landing in his heart. If it is those witches with a slightly poor constitution, it is estimated that they will fall to pieces.

Murong Xiaoxian was a little lucky that the place where he appeared was a dense mountain forest. If it was on the mountain, he was afraid that he would end up to pieces.

I don't know how many trees I broke. Anyway, I only saw an open area and a deep gully behind me, which was drawn by my body. Countless broken trees were thrown on both sides. I hit this place like a heavy truck in an accident.

It's okay. I'm fine.

The time is just right. During the day, the sun hangs in the sky.

This made Murong Xiaoxian feel some warmth, and then looked at some weeds that began to turn yellow in the forest, and it was early autumn again.

At this moment, Murong Xiaoxian is in the barren mountains and forests, and he doesn't know where he was sent by the transmission array.

However, Murong Xiaoxian can be sure that this should still be the continent of Creation, because the Xingyao has not been running for a long time, but it must have left the Creation Mountain, and it is at least tens of thousands of miles away.

Strong body strength does not mean that his clothes are strong. After a burst of scratching by countless branches, Murong Xiaoxian turned into a naked body, standing naked in the bushes, which is very comfortable.

The autumn wind blew, which made Murong Xiaoxian feel his wonderful appearance.


The roar of beasts came, and then Murong Xiaoxian heard a strong wind blowing in the woods. That was the beast that smelled its own smell and came to look for food, right?

Murong Xiaoxian smiled bitterly. When he came to the continent of Creation, he looked like this and almost became the food of the bear demon. At that time, I had no power to tie the chicken, but now I am no longer that weak.

It happens that I am also evil, and I happen to have no clothes to wear.

Who will cook whose food?

Murong Xiaoxian smiled faintly, and then suddenly found that under his neck, there was an extra silver shiny chain under his neck, and the pendant was a six-pointed star pattern.

The material of the chain is not clear at all. Murong Xiaoxian can't even figure out whether it is metal or jade, or what leather it is. When Murong Xiaoxian tried to take off the chain, he found that the chain just circled his neck, and there was no joint point in the middle, just like an innate thing!



Choose the owner.

A few words quickly flashed in Murong Xiaoxian's mind, which was simple, but explained the origin of this thing.

In addition to being able to be used as a means of transportation, this witch seems to have other uses...


A white tiger more than ten feet tall suddenly rushed over from the depths of the dense forest, as powerful as electricity. It did not make a sound before the attack, but the sound of breaking the air with its sharp claws actually sounded.

Murong Xiaoxian stepped on a step, and his body seemed to shake slightly, but when his head was tilted, he easily dodged under the tiger's claws, and then caught it with his backhand, caught the huge tiger tail and waved it...


The tiger was thrown by Murong Xiaoxian without any resistance, leaving only a twitch on the ground.

"Brother Hu, Brother Hu, can you give me this fur so that Xiao Ke will not suffer from the pain of this autumn wind?" Murong Xiaoxian took a step and firmly stepped on the tiger.

"Don't worry, your meat and your bones are all good medicinal materials. I won't let other beasts destroy your body..." Murong Xiaoxian read a word in his mouth, looked at the skin of the tiger, and began to consider starting from that place.


The tiger's body trembled like a sieve, as if with an instinctive fear, with a sad cry in its mouth.

Murong Xiaoxian suddenly felt that the situation was wrong, but suddenly found that the star chain under his neck was falling with a faint silver glow! Murong Xiaoxian faintly saw that a faint tiger shadow floated out of the tiger's body under his feet and was sucked in by the chain pendant!

Then, the tiger cut off its breath and hit its huge head on the ground heavily.

How can this star shine absorb the soul?

Is it a sacrificial weapon?

Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help regretting!

If I had known this, I would have gone to get a mythical beast sacrifice device such as a one-horned horse anyway. In that way, the quality of this star should be improved by at least a few levels, right?

After a closer look, Murong Xiaoxian found that the tiger under his feet was by no means an ordinary breed. At least the white fur does not have a single miscellaneous hair, as if it were a silver satin, which feels unusually smooth. Moreover, Murong Xiaoxian found that the fur that was trampled on was not stained with dust!

Then this tiger is by no means an ordinary breed.

Murong Xiaoxian shook his head regretfully, carefully peeled off the tiger's fur, cut off a few pieces of the selected good meat, made a fire at will, and picked it up.

There are still a lot of seasonings in the storage ring. Obviously, they often come out to steal food. Of course, Murong Xiaoxian also found some needle and thread and other things, and couldn't help sighing the pain of being single.

For good, Murong Xiaoxian's ten years at the infinite peak, everything was done by himself, including this needlework. All this was unimaginable in Murong Xiaoxian's last life...

Thinking of the previous life, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly felt tasteless. He quickly nibbled a few pieces of tiger meat, quickly roasted the tiger skin, threaded through the needle, threaded the dragon and snake, and sloppyly made a tiger skin apron. Let's cover the ugliness first!

Thinking of his shy bag, Murong Xiaoxian smiled again, decomposed all the rest of the tiger bones and tiger meat, dried the blood, and then rudely put them into the storage ring.

Anyway, these are my first wealth out of this mountain forest!

Especially this tiger's body is huge, and the bones alone are probably more than 1,000 catties. As for other tiger whips and so on, I guess they should also sell well, right?

Thinking of the glass stores scattered on the continent of Creation, Murong Xiaoxian's heart was full of hope and excitement! Fortunately, I have made a plan. As long as I get to the real creation continent, I will be extremely rich!

Then, Murong Xiaoxian was worried.

In these two lifetimes, I have committed a problem, that is, I can't distinguish the direction, especially in this dense forest. If you keep going down, if this is an ancient forest, I don't think I can go out for the rest of my life!

However, this is not difficult to defeat Murong Xiaoxian. Murong Xiaoxian's mind moved, summoned the sword of the overlord, and then threw up the sword!

"Sword, now that I want to travel around the world, can you give me the direction?"

After the sword of the Overlord rose straight for dozens of feet, it fell straight down, and the tip of the sword was facing the sky!

Murong Xiaoxian was stunned, pulled out his long sword, rotated and threw it flat.


This time, the tip of the sword points... The direction cannot be determined. Anyway, just follow this direction!

Murong Xiaoxian put away his sword, collapsed the fire, and covered the earth. He can't set fire to the forest!

Then Murong Xiaoxian used the "body world" mind method, which was as fast as electricity and galloped all the way in the direction of the sword.