yuan kill

Murong Xiaoxian does not have any racial prejudice, and even sympathizes with immigrants from bitter cold places. However, I remember that the Born Kingdom has transformed at this moment, and I believe that it must be the royal family of the Born Kingdom that can marry Xiang Xiong!

Apart from the advantages and disadvantages of the race, the corruption and luxury of the Bora royal family alone will make any good woman afraid. What kind of place is that? The ultimate function of a woman is just a tool for men to vent, where women are common property, and a royal man can share it!

Those A San... In fact, Murong Xiaoxian only inferred from the name, but that name was enough to disgust him for a long time.

Of course, Murong Xiaoxian does not know that the Brah country has become a pot of porridge at this moment, and the marriage of the two countries has long been put aside. I think Su Han will return to China happily as soon as he knows the news, right?

"So, you are the one who chose?" Murong Xiaoxian's words were equivalent to nonsense, but Su Han didn't think so, because there was still a story in it.

"Forty years, there have been only three princesses in the king's room. Cousin Qi was sent to mony as soon as she was born. She was awarded the title of Princess Jia, and the second princess, Princess Ping, had originally decided this fate, but she suddenly got a heavy army when she was about to become an adult, and now she was bedridden! I had already made a marriage contract with the royal family of Beiyan when I was in my mother's womb, but the prince of Beiyan mysteriously disappeared as soon as he was born! Now it has been nearly 20 years, but it is still unsucceed, so this marriage contract has to be annulled! Then, I was selected by Uncle Wang..." Su Han's tone was low, and it seemed that he was much more relaxed after saying these things with difficulty.

Murong Xiaoxian was stunned, Beiyan? The national surname of the State of Yan seems to be Murong? Did the prince mysteriously disappear when he was born? Is it possible that I am the mysterious missing prince? Thinking of this, there was a chill in Murong Xiaoxian's heart, and this idea was really bloody...

This kind of thing written by an aunt in his previous life, Murong Xiaoxian wanted to swallow it for 300 years as soon as he thought of it!

However, Murong Xiaoxian is lucky. I don't think this surname will exist in this world...

So, Murong Xiaoxian asked tentatively, "What is the surname of the Northern Yan Kingdom?"

Su Han took a strange look at Murong Xiaoxian and whispered, "This surname is very strange. It seems to be two words, called Murong..."

Murong Xiaoxian's heart contracted, and his forehead almost sweated.

Something is in trouble, and I have another parent...

"Is this Murong, like Su, the surname of the royal family, and other countries and civilians can't use this surname?" Murong Xiaoxian asked tentatively, if it was true, it would be a little troublesome. Although this surname was brought by me in my last life, I have told at least a dozen people in this life!

Xianyu, why don't you always call Xianyu?

Since you have come to this world, why don't you completely forget the previous life?

However, the more Murong Xiaoxian was worried about something, the more he came.

Su Han suddenly asked, "I don't know, what is the name of Lord Beast God?"

Beast god?

Murong Xiaoxian was stunned and said with a wry smile, "This beast god is still exempt. You call me Xianyu..."

"Xianyu? Xian Liang Ruyu, this name is good... Well, I said why are you so familiar? I seem to see your portrait in cousin Qi's bedroom. Although I just glanced at it, I remember it clearly. Su Han said positively. It turned out that when she first saw Murong Xiaoxian, she felt a little familiar. Now she remembered that she had seen Murong Xiaoxian's portrait!

Will Su Muqi have her own portrait? Murong Xiaoxian was shocked. The portrait was obviously painted by Su Muqi herself. Why did she draw a portrait of herself...

Murong Xiaoxian can think of this problem with his toes. It turns out that he already has a hunch about the original five-day appointment and a word for himself in the transmission array!

Is a woman's feeling really that keen?

And if he is really the missing prince of Beiyan, then Su Han still seems to have some kind of connection with himself...

Forget it, I still don't think about this. The most urgent thing now is to get out of here quickly.

There seems to be another task in hand. Let's go to the Beiyan Kingdom to have a look.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence. After all, I'm too ordinary and look like a person. In this creative continent, there are no 100 or 50, right? Murong Xiaoxian laughed at himself. He was afraid that Su Han would continue to be entangled in this topic, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "Did you make the clothes of the women in this tribe?"

Su Han's eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth said proudly, "Yes. At first, they also objected. After all, after all, the concept of women's beauty and ugliness in this tribe is completely different..."

After a pause, Su Han continued, "Actually, you don't have to hide it. Don't you think your words are contradictory? You know your cousin, and she has been thinking about you..."

Murong Xiaoxian was excited, and he said, why is the logic of this woman's speech so elusive? Fortunately, I'm just Xianyu at this moment. If it were Murong Xiaoxian, it would be much more troublesome.

In front of such a ** topic, Murong Xiaoxian simply remained silent. After a long time, Murong Xiaoxian pushed the door out.

"If you want to leave, I can take you away. If you don't want to leave, I won't force you."

Outside the door, the autumn wind is blowing and the sparse fallen leaves are flying.

It's autumn again, lonely, and like an outsider.

The autumn in the endless forest is really strange. The previous moment was still green grass, and this moment is full of yellow flowers. Northern wild goose flying south? Murong Xiaoxian didn't see a bird, even though he had been here for more than half a day.

This place is called Endless Forest. There is no end, no end, and no starting point. No one knows how big it is.

If you want to leave, naturally no one can stop Murong Xiaoxian.

However, it doesn't mean that no one stopped him.

Outside the stone house, 30 meters away, hundreds of tall and long-armed red elephant tribesmen, with their upper bodies and bronze skin are shiny with metal plates, but their faces are coated with light red paint. Obviously, these are some warriors second only to the leader level. At this moment, they are gathering in a place and quietly staring at the stone house.

Seeing Murong Xiaoxian coming out, these people stood up one after another as if facing a great enemy.

In the crowd, a man in a black robe slowly came out.

However, he is a man in a black robe. Maybe it's the only one in this tribe with clothes. This man's face seems to be hidden in the dark, and his whole body seems to be hidden in the dark fog. There is a trace of gloomy ghost on his body. In broad daylight, he is alive.

In the past, Murong Xiaoxian was determined not to see the truth of this person's face, because this person actually used some kind of spell to make a thin black fog on his face and body, like a layer of veil, making this person invisible. But at this moment, Murong Xiaoxian found the true face of this person. He said that he was a human, and he was really reluctant, because Murong Xiaoxian found that this was a skeleton.

How does the skeleton move? Murong Xiaoxian found that a thin black line was connected to the skeleton in the black robe from the depths of the endless forest.

Murong Xiaoxian's spiritual power chased along the filter black line, but found that the black line was extremely long. It extended to a black valley in the endless forest, and then Murong Xiaoxian encountered a strong spiritual force, which seemed to have found Murong Xiaoxian's peeping.

Murong Xiaoxian's mind moved, and the spiritual power dissipated in an instant!

"Lord Beast, do you want to leave this forest and your people?" The hoarse, dry, metal-like sound came over, and the whole body of the skeleton floated three feet away from the ground.

Murong Xiaoxian stood still, but invisibly laid a formation three feet away from his body, which was forbidden to close the space.

The skeleton in the black robe and those strong men stopped beyond the prohibition in surprise.

"I'm God. You should stay away from me." Murong Xiaoxian said coldly, but his eyes turned to the sky.

"Lord Beast, I know you want to leave here. However, this is a place where you can get in and out. Otherwise, it will not be called an endless forest. The voice of the black robe was still hoarse. Murong Xiaoxian found that the man in black was floating quietly like a kite flying.

"Are you threatening me?" Murong Xiaoxian said unhappily.

"Don't misunderstand the beast god. Even our tribes can't leave here at all. If we were born here, we can only die here. This endless forest is an abandoned place and a place of exile for sinners. The voice of the black robe didn't sound until a moment later, which was obviously the wording of the manipulator's efforts.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Murong Xiaoxian felt a little chill in his heart. He intuitively felt that what this man was saying might be the truth. Otherwise, it would not be so desolate and ignorant.

"Actually, we also had no choice but to invite the Beast God back. Excuse me, Lord Beast God, did you kill the white tiger and the black bear with your own hands?" Murong Xiaoxian saw that there seemed to be a person measuring himself in the eyes of the black robe.

"Not bad." Murong Xiaoxian did not hide it. After all, the white tiger leather skirt he was wearing was changed like a fake bag.

"Lord Beast God, we have lived in the forest here for tens of thousands of years, and we have always wanted to leave this place. According to God's prophecy, after ten thousand years, as long as we gather the souls of the eight beasts and hold the sacrificial ceremony, this endless forest can open a channel and let us go. There was an uncontrollable excitement in the voice of the person in the black robe.

Then before Murong Xiaoxian could speak, a leather roll suddenly appeared in the hands of the man in black.

Murong Xiaoxian's mind moved, and the animal skin floated in, and then slowly unfolded in front of Murong Xiaoxian's eyes.

On the skin of the beast, there is a scene of primitive sacrifice.

The altar seems to be in a valley, engraved with countless star and moon patterns!

Around the altar, countless primitive people are twisting around naked, and a pile of bonfires are burning fiercely.

Under the altar, there are eight small altars at a time, each of which is the body of a beast, bear, tiger, elephant, wolf, etc.

And the person who presided over the sacrifice was a man with red hair and a white tigerskin skirt, with a six-pointed star-shaped pendant around his neck!

After a while, Mo Murong Xiaoxian had finished reading the picture, and the man in the black robe slowly said:

"Lord Beast, this is the prophecy left by God. And you are the one who can preside over this sacrificial ceremony. We have been waiting for you for tens of thousands of years. Please help us out.

After saying that, the people in the black robe actually knelt down, followed by the senior warriors around, and then the people in the whole tribe came out one by one, threw themselves to the ground, and fell to the ground.

Murong Xiaoxian was in a trance, reached out and grabbed the animal skin, and suddenly felt a very familiar force flowing in the animal skin!

Descendants of the witches!

These are actually the descendants of the witches who stayed in this creative continent after the defeat, and the great witches in the witches also used supreme magical power to open up an endless forest here, in order to wait for the arrival of Murong Xiaoxian!

After Murong Xiaoxian held the animal skin, the animal skin suddenly turned into a burst of ashes, and a paragraph suddenly appeared in Murong Xiaoxian's mind:

Your mission is like this, and millions of witch descendants are waiting for you to save.

Murong Xiaoxian suddenly understood that all this had been arranged by the witches ten thousand years ago! Your own appearance, your own image, your own future! I was still doubting why this Xingyao would come here for no reason. It turned out that the route had already been set!