yuan kill

Chapter 141 Princess Snake and Scorpion

Seeing Su Han suddenly speak like this, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly raised a few expectations in his heart.

Although Su Han did not answer his words directly, Su Han showed that Su Muqi did not live in the hall at all, and what Su Han said was that there was another mystery in the palace, which made Murong Xiaoxian suddenly suspicious. With your cultivation at this moment, everything you see will not be an illusion, let alone an illusion, so that mystery may be something you can't imagine.

Originally, after dark, Murong Xiaoxian planned to take Su Han to the palace to explore, but Su Han insisted on teaching this lustful but unlucky general. Helplessly, Murong Xiaoxian had to suppress his idea of forcibly taking Su Han away.

As for how to teach a lesson, Murong Xiaoxian has no idea for the time being. Thinking of visiting the palace this afternoon, Su Han naturally figured out a way to torture the general.

The door was opened, and the general rushed in with a gust of alcohol.

Several soldiers carried lanterns and rushed in with the general with torches.

"Look, why don't you tell me your origin?" After entering the room, the bearded general Bina casually pulled a chair and sat down, crossing her legs, but her eyes kept sweeping around Su Han.

I have seen more beautiful women and played with more women, but the woman who can make herself burn at a glance is definitely the first one in front of her. Women, it turns out that their figure is more attractive than their appearance! However, what is more perfect is that the woman's eyes show that she is not only outstanding in figure, but also her appearance is also excellent!

In the spring and autumn dream, the bearded general hit the table heavily and banged a lot of dust.

Seeing that the general was so "angry", a personal soldier carefully said a few words to the general's ear.

The general suddenly showed an obscene smile on his face and nodded hurriedly.

"Oh! Brothers, this barbarian is tall and big. I think he is the sinners of Borneo. If you take him out and cut him directly, there is no need to interrogate him! This woman, I think, is me to the people of Xiong. I'm afraid that I was cast a demon by this sinful people and lost my soul. Fortunately, the general knew the spell, so let the general ask something from this woman! Brothers, take the barbarians with you!" The soldier pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring, and thousands of people pushed Murong Xiaoxian, and another equally clever soldier naturally refused to let go of this opportunity to please the general, so he took out a rope from his arms and wanted to tie Su Han!

Murong Xiaoxian frowned and was about to take action, but he saw Su Han winking, indicating that Murong Xiaoxian should not act rashly.

"This general, I think you misunderstood. We are just civilians who have long admired the prosperity of the country and have fled thousands of miles away. We heard that this is a great encouragement to govern the king of the country, the military law is extremely strict, and it is deeply loved by his subordinates. At this moment, he is about to recruit talented people from all over the world for his use, and the treatment is excellent. I want to ask, is this general really the general defending the city of Xiangxiong Kingdom? Su Han naturally understood the situation of Xiang Xiong, so he spoke earnestly, like the person who sincerely came to defect.

When the two soldiers heard this, they couldn't help but stop and look back at the general.

"Of course. The king is extremely brave and respected by all the people. At this moment, he is leading troops to the Northern Yan Kingdom, and he is bound to return triumphantly! It is true that there is a shortage of talents in our country, but how can ordinary people like you deserve to serve as our king? You said that you are the talents who fled, and I think you are the excuse for making details!" The general looked awe-in, first praised the king, and then returned to the true story. The thief's heart did not die!

With the general's hint, the two soldiers did not hesitate to shout and put the rope straight over Murong Xiaoxian's head. Su Han was not spared and was also trapped by a rope.

Murong Xiaoxian snorted coldly and saw the two ropes suddenly burn out of thin air and turned into ashes in a blink of an eye. Murong Xiaoxian has a good virtue and does not want to kill, otherwise, these people would have turned into a pile of ashes long ago.

Of course, Murong Xiaoxian will never use these witchcraft on these people, because these people are too weak. Even if Murong Xiaoxian stands still and traps him with a rope, they can't pull half of it at all!

At this moment, Murong Xiaoxian is no more than the bullied Murong Xiaoxian. And Murong Xiaoxian swore that he would never be insulted again in his life!

"Demon, sorcery...! Let's see how I deal with you!" The general shouted, quickly took out a rune from it, read a word in his mouth, and typed it out.

Murong Xiaoxian reached out to catch it and saw a flame burning. The rune was erased by Murong Xiaoxian before it exerted its power.

How similar this situation is, but it seems familiar! At the beginning, in the cell behind the infinite peak, he was weak and unable to protect Su Muqi. As a result, Su Muqi was almost poisoned. If my strength hadn't been hidden deep enough, I'm afraid that I would have lost myself today, and it would have caused Su Muqi a bigger tragedy.

Murong Xiaoxian snorted heavily in his nose, but the sound sounded in the ears of these soldiers. At that time, there was a roar in his ears, and a trace of blood overflowed in his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. And the house shook violently in this muffled hum, and the roof tiles fell from the roof and smashed to pieces on the ground outside.

Of course, the general would not be much better. He sat down heavily, but he smashed the chair and fell to the ground in confusion, leaving the dust falling from the roof all over his body.

"You, you are reversed..." The general's strength is much stronger than that of the soldiers. After falling down, he suddenly hit the wall, knocked out a hole in the wall and escaped.

However, the general quickly lay on the ground again. Murong Xiaoxian and Su Han were standing in the yard, blocking the general's way.

"Hmm! Did I reverse it, or did you reverse it? Su Han sneered, took out a thing from the storage bracelet, threw it on the ground, and made a jingle sound.

The general thought he could escape from five kinds and then moved the rescuers, but as soon as he hit it, he hit another wall! Murong Xiaoxian had already taken Su Han to block the way.

If this kind of person hadn't had something to ask, Murong Xiaoxian would have melted him away with a fire.

barely stabilized his mind, and the general turned his eyes to what Su Han threw on the ground. But it was dark, and those frightened soldiers had already thrown the lantern torch on the ground and had long been extinguished.

"Come on, palm the lamp..." The general shouted, but withdrew.

The lantern torches that fell to the ground suddenly burned, and then flew over again, shining around the general like daylight.

With the help of the lights, the general finally saw what was thrown to the ground by Su Han!

A jasper, engraved with three phoenixes, is carved vividly and seems to be about to fly under the firelight!

The jasper is flawless and warm, which is obviously a very good color. And only the royal family can carve the phoenix pattern on the jasper. Reverse the jasper, but it is a seal, engraved with the seal of the three princesses: "The seal of the three princesses!"


I actually offended the princess this time!

Offend the three princesses who escaped a year ago and are now back in China!

The third princess looks like a fairy, but she has a temperament. Once when she secretly went out to play, she executed Ling Chi, a man who intended to be wrong with her, and even the nine clans!

This third princess is known as the snake and scorpion princess. At the beginning, the escape from marriage was fake. The real reason was that the killing was too heavy, which made the monarch furious and wanted to abolish it and then marry to the Bora Kingdom!

Naturally, Su Han would never say this kind of scandal to Murong Xiaoxian. Of course, Su Han doesn't think this is ugly. Who told you to be cheating on a princess?

How your luck is so bad! Unexpectedly, I met this snake and scorpion princess again?

With a knife on the head of the color character, I already have 18 wives and 20 good wives. One of them is enough to rotate every day. Why is it better? Did the bug on the brain provoke the snake and scorpion princess?

Death seems inevitable!

The man in front of him casually broke the spells he had learned at a high price, and stunned all his own soldiers silently! What's more strange is that the man didn't move at all and went out of the house to block his way! Moreover, this man seems to have already seen his intention to cheat on this snake and scorpion princess, but his eyes are no different from looking at a dead man!

He couldn't be more familiar with that kind of look. The reason why he was able to get into the position of general guarding the city was all thanks to his cousin, who were countless and murderous!

Only the eyes of countless murderers can reveal the calmness, the sharpness that can kill people with their eyes!

"Princess spare her life, the little one is wrong..." The general still maintained a little sanity, because he saw that the princess seemed to be staring at his mouth shape. He was afraid that as long as he said half a word wrong, he would kill himself at that time!

When the general was killed, he vaguely saw that the princess seemed to have an extraordinary relationship with the man, and the man didn't seem to know much about the princess's details. Therefore, the general quickly turned his mind a few times and continued to say, "The third princess is unparalleled, sympathetic to soldiers, pity the people, and often saves them. Helping the poor and the poor people, the people are deeply grateful. Since the disappearance of the princess, we all thought that it was taken away by the enemy and prayed for you day and night. I hope nothing happens..."

Bang Bang, the general put his mouth into the calculation, but this time it made Su Han finally show his approval after a small accident.

Why didn't Su Han know the name of Snake and Scorpion Princess? It is this resounding name that no king, grandson or noble dares to come to ask for marriage. Who knows when she will be unhappy and destroy her whole family again?

Even if the monarch refers to marriage, those ministers would rather return to their hometown and abandon their glory and wealth than marry Su Han!

"Hmm. You are very good at talking, but since you have offended me, I will consider it..." Su Han's heart was shocked. She wanted to say that I would consider leaving you a whole body... But at the thought of Murong Xiaoxian, I couldn't help swallowing this sentence again.

"I will send you to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation! However, I will also teach you a lesson myself!" Su Han added a sentence.

Su Han's wrist shook, and a wisp of silver light shot out. The general howled miserably, and one ear was easily cut off by Su Han, and blood sprayed.

Murong Xiaoxian frowned, but did not object. After all, this person evoked his memories of Shen Ribai. Even if Su Han killed this person at this moment, Murong Xiaoxian would not have any opinion. However, after all, that's just this moment. After Murong Xiaoxian recalls that day, Su Han will definitely be a little embarrassed. Therefore, Su Han just cut off one of his ears.

"Bear by the way, what's your name?" Su Han saw that Murong Xiaoxian had no objection and was slightly surprised, so he turned his head and asked.

"The little one is Tuobahan..." The general covered an ear and knelt on the ground and said tremblingly, but he was glad that he had saved his life!

Tuoba Han?!

Murong Xiaoxian was shocked. He felt that the name was familiar, and suddenly remembered the extension field he had quietly released in the infinite peak!

Tuobano said at the beginning that he would return to China to work!

Is it possible? What is the relationship between these two?

Murong Xiaoxian thought of this and couldn't help looking at Tuoba Han.