yuan kill

Chapter 151 See the Dagger

At first, Murong Xiaoxian also tried to analyze the obsession of the two people with the universal heart method, but Murong Xiaoxian quickly found that this method did not work at all. Those two obsessions are completely different from the fluctuations of various true elements or souls in the world.

Whether it is the fluctuation caused by the true element or various forbidden arrays, as long as you analyze things that are basically the same, just like various wavelengths of light, such as ultraviolet infrared rays, the difference is that the length and frequency of light waves are inconsistent, and the difference between human souls is roughly due to the length of soul waves. Different. The soul is inherently invisible, so all kinds of soul images displayed are just a superficial illusion.

Su Han and Su Muqi's obsession is not emotional at all, let alone remember anything. At this moment, there is only one purpose, which is to compete for control of this body.

Murong Xiaoxian's heart moved, and this obsession was naturally derived from the soul. If the soul of the two can be found, there is a way to solve the problem.

With more mental strength, Murong Xiaoxian began to search in Su Muqi's body. The only souls that can accommodate or hide are the Niwan Palace or the deep sea of Dantian, so Murong Xiaoxian also focuses on these places. After a while, Murong Xiaoxian found that Su Muqi's soul was hidden in the mud pill palace, but it was already asleep. Outside the mud pill palace was a thin line composed of wisps of soul power, which sealed your mud pill palace like a huge cobweb. Su Han's situation is the same, but he is hiding in Dantian, and also formed a cobweb with the weak soul power, cutting off the contact with the outside world.

This situation is like an animal hibernating, finding a safe place to hide their bodies. Of course, this is also a way of self-protection between the two. Weaving a network of soul forces is equivalent to isoling the invasion of external objects. And the soul of this soul is something similar to obsession.

At this moment, Su Han and Su Muqi, like two commanders hiding in the command post, released a programmed fighter to fight each other. If you want to stop this battle, you can only talk to the commanders, otherwise the battle cannot be stopped at all.

After made up his mind, Murong Xiaoxian began to cast spells. I can't imitate that obsession, but Murong Xiaoxian can imitate the fluctuation of the soul! Therefore, Murong Xiaoxian used his spiritual power to quietly connect a section of Su Han and Su Muqi's soul power spider web. Because the soul power fluctuated in the same way, it did not cause any reaction from the two bodies, and then Murong Xiaoxian slowly connected the two soul forces together!

Su Muqi woke up first. She felt a familiar breath. After a slight fluctuation of soul power, Su Muqi finally woke up. It seemed that he shouted with a slight surprise, and the figure of Su Muqi's obsession disappeared in an instant, leaving only Su Han's obsession still wandering around Murong Xiaoxian.

It was only in a blink of an eye. Su Han's soul also woke up and found that the situation here was wrong. After discovering Murong Xiaoxian and Su Muqi, Su Han's obsession also disappeared.

Finally, Su Muqi and Su Han's souls finally met in the sea of knowledge. According to the souls of the latter two, they leaned against each other. I don't know what they had discussed. Su Muqi frowned a little, but Su Han looked forward to it. Su Muqi seemed to have finally nodded after a little hesitation and struggle. Su Han rushed to Su Muqi with a burst of joy, while Su Muqi opened her arms!

Then, Murong Xiaoxian was stunned. The souls of the two began to fluctuate violently. Murong Xiaoxian felt that the frequency and wavelength of the upper soul power fluctuation of their bodies began to change in a compromise direction. Until they were completely consistent, Murong Xiaoxian found that the souls of the two were actually merged!

Murong Xiaoxian was stunned and knew that Su Muqi would definitely have a double personality in the future. However, in addition, there is no better solution. Fortunately, the two are similar in appearance and similar in figure, and Murong Xiaoxian is a little reluctant to give up on both of them, so Murong Xiaoxian has no choice but to accept this fact.

Seeing that Su Muqi's sea of knowledge was in chaos, Murong Xiaoxian used his strength to enter Su Muqi's sea of knowledge, cleaned up everything and deliberately repaired it. Otherwise, Su Muqi will have some mental disorders in the future. If he were a healthy person and let other people's consciousness invade the sea of knowledge, he would have become an idiot long ago. Fortunately, Su Muqi's sea of knowledge has been in a mess at this moment, and nothing will happen. Seeing that everything in Su Muqi's knowledge finally returned to normal, Murong Xiaoxian withdrew his spiritual strength from Su Muqi's knowledge.

Then, Murong Xiaoxian did not stop. She knew that although Su Muqi's soul was in her body at this moment, it did not have a sense of belonging at all. It was the state that she could leave at any time. Therefore, Murong Xiaoxian also has to carry out procedures such as soul guidance. Fortunately, there is a special record of this kind of spell in the witch skills, so Murong Xiaoxian quickly set up a soul gathering array around Su Han, and then began to dance crazily in the surprised eyes of the man in the purple robe and yellow robe, and said something strange that seemed to be impossible for human beings. The sound.

A wisp of something like a green vine quickly grew around Su Muqi, and then sank into Su Muqi's body. After dozens of violent tremors, Su Muqi finally woke up completely.

"Father, Uncle Wang, why are you here? Where is this place? Ah? Xiaoxian, why did you come here? It's very dangerous here. There are masters of the Dark Temple..." After Su Muqi opened her eyes and saw everything around her, she couldn't help saying repeatedly, but her words were interrupted by a violent ground vibration.


The roof of the cabin seems to have been blown away by a strong wind, and the four walls fell down. The original room was shattered in an instant.

"Sure enough, he is a witch. Although the art of returning to the soul is a little stiff, it is decent. In time, this son will become a great weapon."

"No, there is a shadow of a demon clan in this person's body. It's like practicing witches in the body of a demon clan.

"Not a witch, but the way of the witch. This is really strange!"

"Wu boy, would you like to serve my god clan, join the Dark Temple, and open up territory for my god clan?"


One by one of the people in the seven halls thoroughly read Murong Xiaoxian's identity, praised him, degraded him, and even more attracted him. Where is there a little majesty of the Protoss?

A strong breath flows throughout the space, like gusts of wind blowing through the sky, making it difficult for people to breathe. It made everyone's clothes hunt and hunt, and their bodies are more like candles in the wind.

The momentum of the Protoss, and this is the invisible momentum, has caused such great damage.

The secret passage when the purple robe and yellow robe men came also collapsed in this gust of wind, and there was no way back.

In the sky, colorful giant wheels surged, and each god had a mass of breaths with different attributes on his head, dividing the space, and everything around them became part of their bodies.

The realm of God, the realm of the Protoss.

Not everyone in the Protoss is at the Protos level, but the innate advantage is that they have the opportunity to get closer to the gods than ordinary people. And the time and energy they spend may only be one thousandth of ordinary people!

Several protection spells were imposed to protect Su Muqi and the man in yellow robe from the pressure of this momentum. Murong Xiaoxian turned around and glanced at the gods in the sky.

Recently, there are more than 20 people who are suitable to track themselves, and their cultivation is at the level of sages, or they have entered the realm of "potential". According to strength, everyone here has the strength to fight with themselves, or they have the strength to fight with these people.

But that is limited to one-on-one. If it is not based on the artifact in his hand, Murong Xiaoxian will be somewhat desperate. However, Murong Xiaoxian can also see that those god-level masters have no intention of action at all, perhaps because their strength is too weak.

The Protoss is proud and even more arrogant. They will only fight against opponents who are stronger than themselves. At most, these gods are interested in opponents like Murong Xiaoxian!

However, the gods did not mean to take action, which does not mean that the more than 20 sages around Murong Xiaoxian did not mean to take action. In their eyes, Murong Xiaoxian is better than himself, and he also holds an artifact that may be ranked first in the divine spectrum!

This kind of challenge makes these people a little excited when they think of it!

"Take back your kindness! Go back to your world! You don't belong to this world, but why do you make waves in this world? Your hands have been stained with the blood of too many people!" Murong Xiaoxian hummed gently, but took a step, but the sword of the overlord in his hand emitted a more dazzling brilliance.

Obviously, this divine soldier who blended with Murong Xiaoxian also felt Murong Xiaoxian's fierce fighting spirit. Out of the instinct of the divine soldier, the divine soldier felt some forces that may pose a threat to his master. Therefore, the light of the sword of the overlord actually enveloped Murong Xiaoxian.

This layer of light is like substance. Under the pressure of the empty and awe-in God, there is no fluctuation at all, and there is even a trend of soaring again.

" mortals, don't put gold on your face. Our Protoss disdains to kill your earthly bodies. Our opponents are only demons and witches. These mortals don't deserve it!" The god of the sky replied proudly, as if giving Murong Xiaoxian much face.

"Hmm. The residents in Fengdu City have long been turned into walking dead by you. What's the difference between killing them? Murong Xiaoxian looked up at the person who was talking to him, but saw that the god's face was unhappy. Two thunder lights shot straight out of his eyes and fell towards Murong Xiaoxian!

Murong Xiaoxian also condensed his strength, and a red and blue flame flashed in his eyes, which was fearless.


Boom! ~

There was a sudden fluctuation in the sky, but the two lightning collided with the red lotus industry fire and the purple ice flame. Although it prevented the two lightning from falling directly on the body, the lightning suddenly exploded and turned into a grid of more than ten feet of square meters like a fireworks, covering directly towards Murong Xiaoxian's head.

Su Muqi and others were shocked, and they had already seen the power of these people. As long as you feel their breath, you will have a feeling that you have lost your soul and can't control your body at all. The most terrible thing is that this feeling is extremely uncomfortable, but I never dare to resist a little in my heart!

The power grid fell on Murong Xiaoxian, and the light on Murong Xiaoxian's body shrank, and then exploded, tearing the power grid to pieces!

On the surface, Murong Xiaoxian is roughly equivalent to the god, but in fact, Murong Xiaoxian suffered a secret loss. If it weren't for the sword of the overlord, Murong Xiaoxian would at least spit blood and hurt his internal organs. However, Murong Xiaoxian still felt a gentle shake. Obviously, the attack launched by this god had the effect of confusing people.

With a slight bang, the god closed his eyes and no longer paid attention to Murong Xiaoxian. The expression seemed to be that such a character appeared and summoned himself out, which was really a big fuss.

However, after that, a man finally sneered and said, "The residents of Fengdu just let them live at home at night. We are just punishing those who are unruly.

"Punish others in other people's city? Don't you think it's too much?" Murong Xiaoxian found that the speaker this time was the most inconspicuous of the more than 20 people, who seemed to be the leader of these people. If Murong Xiaoxian saw what happened just now, he would know that it was this person who took the lead in destroying the entrance.

"We like that this city is the glory of this city. Being punished by our own hands is a blessing that these clay figurines have cultivated for tens of thousands of years! If you refuse to obey us, then you will have only one way to die today!" The man sneered and waved his hand. The people around him immediately rotated like a top, trapping Murong Xiaoxian, Su Muqi and others in a blink of an eye.

"Dresolve them in half an hour, don't waste my time!" The god standing above the hall said feebly. It's a waste of their time. Their time is already countless, but how can they care more about this?

"The Oracle!" The man's face became modest and ferocious in an instant. With a shake in his hand, a golden shining long gun was held in his hand.

But seeing the golden light burst all over the sky, more than 20 golden dragons flew, and then the more than 20 golden dragons turned into thousands of golden lights again, densely like a golden rainstorm, falling on top of Murong Xiaoxian's head!

More than 20 people walked in the same pace and attacked at the same time, but they firmly sealed all the hiding positions of Murong Xiaoxian. Murong Xiaoxian has no way out. Measuring the current situation, there is no way out except for World War I.

The three people around them have no power to fight back in front of these people, and even they have to be distracted to protect them from streamers.

The sword of the overlord made a loud long moan, and the sword light soared and became more than a hundred feet in size again, but suddenly sent a beam of sword light to the ground.

The undrying lakes on the ground suddenly swelled from the ground, but pulled out countless huge columns of water from the depths of the bottom, turning into water dragons and rushing wildly in the sky.

The ground was constantly shaking, and then I saw that the places where Murong Xiaoxian stood were shattered and collapsed, and then the ground bulged again, but a towering mountain flew out of the ground!

The mountains and rivers are amazing!

The second type of the Seven Overlords is also the second big killing move that Murong Xiaoxian can perform now. It is most suitable for use in group battles and is infinitely powerful!

The golden light flashed, the mud and rocks flew, the dragons continued to sing, and the loud noise shocked the sky. Murong Xiaoxian stood on the ground and did not dare to leave half a step to protect Su Han and others, but he tried his best to launch mountains and rivers to attack these people who besieged him.

For Murong Xiaoxian's tricks, those gods seem to have never seen it. Unexpectedly, some gods began to disappear from the tower, which obviously felt boring for this kind of battle.

Murong Xiaoxian is waiting for this opportunity. He knows that as long as these gods are present, he absolutely can't escape. Therefore, when the landscape is used, it is deliberately weakened, as long as it can contain those people. However, Murong Xiaoxian showed his strength to support. Maybe if he can't hold on for a moment, Murong Xiaoxian will be crushed by those peaks attracted!

Murong Xiaoxian also knows that this kind of trick may deceive some of the gods, but it can't deceive all people. He wants to bet that as long as he can cheat a few gods, and then unexpectedly wash away even a small gap in the protoss prohibition in the sky, he may take these people away. What he wants to bet is that he will escape, and the gods will not chase him! Otherwise, Murong Xiaoxian will not escape from the palm of those gods.

Just when those gods retreated one by one, and when everyone in the sky fought with those peaks and water dragons, they suddenly saw two more dragons in the sky!

A blue and a red, but instead of rushing to the opponent, they rushing to the sky on both sides!

Ice's fangs!

Flame Dance!

This is the first time that Murong Xiaoxian has used the weapon spirit of the sword of the overlord, the purple indigo Shuanghua's own ice and fire skills after Yuanli broke through the fivefold realm!

The five-fold power can only stimulate these two skills. Other skills require at least seven levels of power! Murong Xiaoxian has studied in the secret room of the witch for several months, which is equivalent to more than 100 years in the human world. Murong Xiaoxian has only improved the triple realm. Moreover, Murong Xiaoxian found that the higher the improvement, the more external power is needed, and the longer it takes! Murong Xiaoxian even sighed that he would not be able to reach the seven-fold state of Yuanli in another 200 years!

However, the ice fangs of the five-fold power realm are at least 100 times more powerful than the ice fangs of Murong Xiaoxian broke through the crystal wall in the Soul Martial Arts Hall!

It turns out that this power has been improved, and the skill displayed again is a hundred times more powerful!

According to this calculation, the ice fangs used by Murong Xiaoxian at this moment are 300 times more powerful than when they were first used!

And the same is true of flame dance, which increases 200 times the power!