yuan kill

Chapter 154 Zen Robbery

No top peak, in a narrow small stone cave.

A long purple-gold knife is exuding an inexplicable sacred atmosphere, shining with the sun and the moon, shining the whole cave. After the knife, he is a person who describes withered. At this moment, the man has only a skin attached to the bone. He seems to be like an old monk who has been sitting withered for a long time. He has understood the reason of life and death, which confirms the truth of immortality!

Suddenly, the man suddenly opened his eyes, but a pair of eyes were more bright than the light of the knife body, so they turned into two rays of divine light and threw them all on the long knife. As the divine light continued to be injected into the long knife, the withered human figure finally lost its last trace of vitality, and the dust returned to the dust and turned into a pile of white bones! And the white bone also seems to have been eroded for countless years. After constantly landing or colliding with other parts of the bones, it casually turned into a pair of white powder.

This person is not crazy. For a few months after breaking up with Murong Xiaoxian, he has been struggling to understand the way of integration with this King Kong. Finally, four months later, I realized the dry and glorious Zen and understood the immortal truth. I had to give up all of myself, including body, spirit, memory, etc., and reshape a new person who is integrated with that knife.

After the infatuated bones turned into dust, the infatuated soul power was also absorbed by the King Kong. King Kong's power is infinite, but the spirit is extremely damaged and has not been able to do it for a long time, so it gives him a chance not to integrate. At present, this infatuation is to turn his soul and body's cultivation into this weapon.

The spirit of King Kong's breaking the sky is originally a powerful thing. I'm afraid that it doesn't deserve to lift shoes, but it is an artifact without a soul. All it does is to make its soul become the soul of this knife. Once the knife has a soul, the strength of the knife can naturally be exerted.

King Kong's purple-gold knife flashed and gradually began to emit a soft and extremely soft light, covering the bones that did not turn into ashes. Then, the knife light was like a trickling stream, floating the ashes and melting into the knife light.

Then I saw a strange scene. The ashes began to slowly regroup and become a tall skeleton, but the skeleton was golden!

Golden body!

It is not crazy to reshape the golden body, and it seems to be the legendary King Kong's not bad body!

The tall skeleton was suddenly washed, because this narrow cave could not accommodate such a height. The light from the knife body began to wash on the body again. Every time it was washed, it was seen that there were flesh, blood vessels and internal organs on the bones!

Finally, skin, hair, limbs, facial features and six senses reappeared!

A solemn middle-aged monk slowly opened his eyes, and after a faint essence flashed in his eyes, the King Kong Po Tianzhan directly fell into the top of the man's head.

Finally completed the fusion and finally realized the magical power of this knife!

By the way, who am I and how can I be here?

After being naked and reborn, he was suddenly stunned on the spot. He searched his sea of knowledge countless times, but found that it was just a blank. The only bit of information is to get out of here and go outside.

Suddenly, his unfatuated eyes were attracted by a set of pictures on the wall of the cave.

The painting style is simple and unpretentious, but it is obviously depicted by a sharp blade, but there are many scenes on the picture of a sloppy monk and a simple teenager living together. It seems that the sloppy monk has been playing tricks on the teenager, but the teenager is painsmanious. Even in the picture, there is a black and inconspicuous strange knife floating in the sky with the monk. At the end of the picture, a man who looks like a burly arhat is carrying a big knife and stepping towards a mountain. There is a huge temple on the mountain, and three big words are written on a huge plaque: "Zen Disaster Temple"!

Looking at this picture, I looked down at the clothes full of dirt on the ground, as if there was some kind of impression in my mind. However, at the end of the picture, there were two big words, King Kong!

King Kong? Is it possible that my name is King Kong? Did I engrave these paintings before? Who is that teenager? Although his mind was full of doubts, he casually picked up the dirty clothes on the ground and gently sprayed, and the dirt on the clothes went away and became new.

With a punch, the gravel covering the cave suddenly turned into a pile of stone powder. However, he quickly found that the gravel had piled up from the outside. Obviously, someone is afraid that they will be disturbed by the outside world during the retreat, or worry that some beast will eat them. Thinking of this, he smiled slightly, but he became more and more interested in the simple teenager. Then he thought about it again, walked back to the cave, erased the depiction on the wall with his hands, and then came out with satisfaction.

It seems that I have offended some enemies, as if I had been forced to come here. Since the teenager seems to have some connection with me, I naturally can't let outsiders know my relationship with him. If it brings him anything unexpected, it's my fault.

After finishing all this and sweeping his eyes around, he found the powerful prohibition on the supreme peak at first glance. However, he found that this prohibition had nothing to do with him. Although he may forcibly break the seal and go in and have a look, his intuition tells him that there is no need to go up the mountain. It is the right way to go down the mountain at this moment. .

Then, I quickly felt another breath with exactly the same attributes as my body, which seemed to be a huge boundary, covering tens of thousands of miles on the other side of the peak!

This seems to be the place you should go.

Don't change the direction, hold your feet, put your clothes diagonally on your shoulders, wrap a few casually, and then walk in the direction of Guiyang Peak.

Before the invisible and condensed essence of King Kong's immortality, he stayed for a moment and easily put it in with his hand.

Humph, how can the power in this boundary be so complicated?

King Kong's immortality? Does this kind of boundary dare to be called King Kong? How dare you say it's immortal? He shook his head, and his figure shook like a drop of water into a water curtain, without any reaction from the immortality of King Kong.

After stepping into the boundary of the Zen disaster temple, I quickly felt a very familiar atmosphere. Especially in the slightly charred place where it is still burning, the firewood blown away by the wind still retains traces of being burned. A simple small thatched hut is exactly the same as what I saw in the painting.

It seems that this is the direction you want to come, but what are you here for?

took a look at the surrounding environment and forgot the mountain road that kept stretching up, and painstakingly passed through the hard wood. In this way, the speed of action is much slower, but the heart is getting stronger and stronger in what you are looking for, not far ahead.

Finally, I stepped on the top of Guiyang Peak and felt a weak spiritual imprint that seemed to be calling myself. This spiritual imprint is very similar to the spiritual attributes on yourself. It seems that this is what you left behind.

With a casual move, an irregular oval object shone slightly and broke out of the deep ground. It was a very special crystal, but it sealed an old memory.

Copying the crystal in his hand, a long and vicissitudes memory flowed out of the crystal ball, and all of it poured into the mind!

In that memory, it is about a young man, and the things in it seem to be thousands of years ago, or tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, the world was in chaos and chaos. However, the whole war is dominated by the three innate races of the Protoss, Demons and Witches. Although the number of human races is very large, most of them only act as cannon fodder, and the fragility of the strength of the human race cannot have any impact on the whole occupation.

At this time, a teenager appeared. In order to reverse the occupation and change the weak situation of the human race, the teenager was full of tricks. First, he unified many tribes of the human race, and then colluded with the demons and the gods to dedicate all the most beautiful women in the human race to the two races and won the trust of the two races. Therefore, the war gradually moved away from the gathering place of the human race.

At the same time, the teenager made a soul vow with the Protoss and Demons and never betrayed the two clans. He secretly set an extremely sinister strategy with several leaders of the Protoss and Demon clan, but the purpose is to destroy the whole witch clan!

The teenager killed his parents and all the people who knew him, created the illusion of being killed and exterminated, and then changed his name. Finally, he approached the witch and gained the trust of the witch. Under the clever words of the teenager, the witch elders passed on most of the witchcraft to the teenager, but they refused to teach any of the most profound witch secrets of the witch clan.

The teenager was unhappy, but he did not show any on his face. Instead, he found all kinds of excuses to say that his qualifications were limited and he could no longer learn the skills of the witch clan. So in the rest of the days, the teenager participated in all kinds of things of the witch clan, took good care of all kinds of things of the witch clan, and even made suggestions for the war with the god demon clan. The most surprising thing is that according to the teenager's plan, the witch clan unexpectedly won several battles and reversed the decline in one fell swoop.

Naturally, the witch did not know that this was the poisonous plan set by the teenager and the Protoss and the Demons. Instead, they appreciated the teenager more and began to teach some of the secrets of the witch to the teenager, who showed extremely ordinary qualifications and could not learn at all. He could not help but teach those witches to the teenager, but the teenager could not learn one of them. In the end, he could only stop teaching in the sighs of the witches.

In fact, the teenager's qualifications are absolutely ancient and modern. Those witchcraft can be easily remembered in his heart with just a few glances. The reason why he deliberately pretends to be confused is nothing more than to learn more secrets.

Seeing that it was impossible for him to get more secrets from the witch, the teenager began his last action and took advantage of his activities. Finally, in the celebration after a great victory, the teenager put the poison of the demon clan in the diet of the witch clan!

Originally, the witch's voodoo is the most poisonous thing in the world, and neither the witch nor the witch can compare with it. But the poison of the demon clan is invisible, and it will not play any role without the launch of the demon spell!

Therefore, the witch did not find that the teenager was tamped with the diet. Of course, the witch did not worry about any problems in the food at all. Even if it is poisonous, they can easily remove it.

After a while, the war started again, and the demon clan launched a spell. As a result, the witch people in the battlefield lost their fighting power one after another. They thought that the demon clan would kill the witch people, but the idea of the demon clan was more than that. They actually used the spell to manipulate the witch people and use the witch people. A body comparable to the Protoss, and there was a fierce battle with the Protoss. At the end of the battle, the demon ghost appeared, killing all the people of the gods and witches!

This situation happened when the Protoss were allied with the demons.

What followed was that the demon clan provoked the Protoss and encouraged the Protoss to attack the Witch clan with all its strength. Then, under the young man's response, the witch clan retreated step by step until it retreated to the supreme peak. It still did not escape from the pursuit of the Protos and the Demon Clan. Finally, it was forced to leave collectively and gave up the competition with the Protos and the Demon Clan.

The teenager knew that his behavior would wake up the witch sooner or later, and it would attract the jealousy of the jealous demon clan. Therefore, the teenager once again played a fake death plan and created the scene where he was killed when the witch found out the truth.

Even if the demon heart is tricky, it can't catch up with one-tenth of the teenager, who actually cheated the demon clan again.

Then, the teenager ended in the chaos, and after the Protoss and Demons returned to the divine world and the underworld, they appeared again.

In the mountain of creation, the teenager chose the Lieyang Peak and created the Zen Robbery Temple alone! And all the practices of the Zen Robbery Temple turned out to be the teenager's clever transformation of witchcraft!

For example, the reincarnation formula is the immortal cause of the witch soul art.

Then, after creating this sect, the teenager chose the heir and set countless precepts, and began to practice in isolation. Because the teenager knew that his affairs would be exposed sooner or later. At that time, he would face the extremely angry witches and pross. If he did not have strong strength, he would not be able to escape their pursuit at all.

Ten thousand years have passed in a blink of an eye. No one knows how the teenager is, let alone see the teenager's real body. Only in a statue worshipped in the hall of Zen Robbery Temple can the shadow of the teenager be faintly seen.

The last mark in this crystal shows the true identity!

It is the inheritor of the divine clan. The purpose in the world is to destroy everything created by the teenager and use the power of the divine knife to completely destroy the teenager to avenge the destruction of hundreds of thousands of the Protosties!

The last mark in the crystal is the image of Murong Xiaoxian, and especially pointed out that this person is the inheritor of the witch clan, so we should be more careful of this person. What's more, if you don't understand your real name, it's actually called King Kong!

After crushing the crystal ball, King Kong understood the cause and effect of everything, and then did not sneer and secretly laughed at the teenager's ignorance!

No wonder he feels that the King Kong Immortal Knot is so complicated, obviously mixed with three different boundary techniques of the Protos, Witch and even the Demon Clan. The teenager's scheming is already so deep that what he learned is so complicated, and his most amazing thing is that he can make these three originally violent. The power of the conflict merged into one, creating a non-like Zen disaster temple!

After a few sneers, King Kong entered the room where he had originally lived, searched carefully, and then found a pair of well-made and clean clothes and a pair of shoes made of ripe leather. Then he changed it with satisfaction, went down the mountain and went straight to the peak of the sun.

Lieyang Peak is worthy of being the most aura mountain in Chuangjie Mountain. In addition to the steep mountain, which makes people marvel at the magic of heaven and earth, what makes people feel the solemnity of various treasures.

The melodious bells rise and fall one after another in the mountains, and the clouds floating between the mountains are stained with seven-color precious light, which makes the veins of the hot sun peaks more and more sacred.

Guiyang Peak is one of the ten main peaks under Lieyang Peak. Although it is the smallest, it occupies a thousand miles. The environment there is harsh, but it is adjacent to the top peak, which is a place that will never give people any good impression. The only advantage there is that it can produce a very strange kind of firewood, which is not only hard but also extremely resistant to burning. An ordinary kind of firewood burns longer and emits more heat than ordinary bundles of firewood. The function of Guiyang Peak in the veins of Lieyang Peak is a place for exile, and coupled with the hard work of cutting firewood, it is really a good place to punish people.

According to the remaining memory in the brain, this place is tens of thousands of miles away from the peak of Lieyang. If you rely on walking like this, you will have to walk for at least a few months, which is absolutely impossible.

But King Kong didn't want to go to Lieyang Peak just like that. After all, there are also a large number of Zen disaster temple disciples among the other main peaks under the Lieyang Peak.

A man is innocent and guilty.

Although these disciples did not know how despicable the founder of the Zen Disaster Temple was, there is no doubt that these disciples have regarded the teenager as a god for a long time.

The name of the teenager seems to be Xiao Weizi...

King Kong decided to start from the peaks ranked above Guiyang Peak and destroy those Xinyang Peak, Gengyang Peak and so on one by one. Anyway, there is a transmission array between this peak and the peak, so he does not need to spend magic power to move space.