yuan kill

Chapter 183 The Crime of the Sin!

The proud smile on the faces of the gods of the Light and Dark Holy Kingdom naturally can't hide the eyes of Qis and Taoist, but when the other party is the gods and has not done, Qis and Taoist can do nothing. In fact, why should we protect here? Qishao's mind is also a little vague, and Tao is purely following Qishao. I will do whatever you do. I never ask what the meaning of Qixu's behavior is.

Warcraft roared, and the sinner army joined in. Soon, the more than 20 million joint army was defeated. With only two collisions, they lost their strength, especially those angry warcrafts relied on their extremely strong bodies to shake the wall of the capital of the Northern Yan Empire. Every impact It seems to be a small earthquake, which constantly shakes down the soldiers defending the city or falls into the city. No matter what kind of fall, the ending is the same, except that there is a difference between miserable and not very miserable!

sinners! Damn sinner!

Staring at the sinners who suddenly joined in front of him, Qi Shi opened one eye slightly, but closed it instantly. There was an unspeakable anger and helplessness flashing in the slightly open eyes. Even if it is the holy step, the feeling of being played between applause is extremely embarrassing.

In these eyes, the speed of those sinners and monsters' siege suddenly stagnated...

"Old killing, what's going on with the sinner? It seems that this continent has always called the people who came out of the turbid continent the sinners! But what crime did they commit? Taoxi asked doubtfully. At this moment, the realm of gluttony is just at the critical point of the holy step, and the seven evil spirits stepped into the holy step early. Moreover, because the seven evils are chaotic mythical beasts, they are born to master the law of killing. It can be said that they have merged with this chaotic flood and famine early. Naturally, the big events in this universe cannot be hidden from his eyes.

"Hmm! These sinners and the warcraft are pitied by the same disease! There are as many sinners as there are, and as many sinners as there are! If you kill the Warcraft, the sinner will suddenly kill. If you kill the sinner, the Warcraft will also kill! This sinner and the Warcraft share a soul, and each Warcraft corresponds to a sinner!" Qisha shook his head helplessly, and then revealed the secret of the sinner.

"Ah?!" Taoyi was shocked, but his fat head was not stupid, and he figured out something in a blink of an eye.

"Is it possible that someone did it on purpose?" Taoyi asked, and Qi Xiao nodded.

"You know, after Chaos gave birth to everything, in addition to the three races, there are countless monsters and everything and so on. And the power in the innate Warcraft is no worse than the innate clan! Later, the witch was unbearably lonely and created human beings according to their own appearance, but did not give these human beings any innate spirit or spells. Originally, these human beings were just ignorant, shameless and unmotivated, and most of them perished in the later natural disaster. However, there are also some human beings who have really obtained the essence of the witch clan, with a little innate spirit, but they are deeply patient and pretend to be extinct among those human beings. Later, the witch clan created people again and became extinct several times. With the exquisite manufacturing technology, human beings finally had their wisdom. They could actually practice some simple three ethnic skills, and even integrate and understand some skills suitable for human practice. I don't know what's going on. These human beings actually know their past, so they hate the three races, but they don't have the strength to fight. Therefore, they actually touched the most basic law of the universe, the law of light and darkness. In order to gain power, they actually felt that they had merged with the souls of those monsters and became people who did not follow each other with monsters! As for the sinner, it is because after these people gained extremely powerful power, they continued to forbear and constantly design, which finally triggered several tragedies of the three races! Sometimes they pretend to be close to the Protoss and alienate the witches and demons, but they secretly collude with these two clans and almost destroy the Protoss! Then they did the same, almost destroying the demons and witches, and the latest victim was the witches! After finally understanding the origin of everything, the three races finally stopped the civil war and joined hands to seal these sinners to the turbid continent, and they could not come out for generations to atone for their sins!" Qisha finished saying these words in one breath, but the gluttonous eyes narrowed round, round and narrowed, and the expression on his face was several uncertain.

After thinking for a long time, the glutton said unexpectedly, "I sympathize with these human beings. After all, they also have their own self-esteem. Later, I knew what you said. It was nothing more than that the three races regarded human beings as tools of slavery and arbitrarily bullied and humiliated them, which aroused human resistance! But their strength is so weak that they will never change their fate of being enslaved! So, I don't think they are wrong..."

Qisha just opened his eyes slightly. Under a thick earthy yellow light, the body that was originally juxtabid by side by Qisha was pressed down a little!

"Do you understand why I stay here? That's why I also think the three clans are a little too much, but this human resistance is also a little radical..." Qisha said lightly, and his colorful hair was flying in the wind.

Only then did Taoyi take a long breath and raised his body a little higher.

"If you are not free, you'd rather die. It seems that the young man you value very much said. I also think that all sentient beings are equal, no matter your level, no matter what the holy level or what kind of warrior. At least give others a way to live, don't you?" Taotie said softly, but Qisha frowned and couldn't help saying, "Is this your original intention, or the regret of the witch elder who integrated with you?"

Tao Li was stunned and asked, "What did I just say?"

Qisha turned his head and looked carefully and said, "Since the witches have the intention to let go, it is valuable to give these human beings freedom. But I'm afraid the demon clan and the Protoss may not agree! After a few years, when the empty road opens, those gods and demons will naturally pour in crazily. No matter what kind of sinners or civilians here, they should be killed without exception! At that time, I'm afraid that these two clans will not allow the witch to continue to create people!"

"Gorious" said: "Do your best to listen to fate! Everything depends on the creation of human beings. For countless years, human beings have accumulated a lot of power in famous places and secretly. Even the human beings who have stepped into the holy stage may not be less than a thousand, so this war is definitely not as one-sided as before. If you really want to destroy human beings, these two races are not far from the verge of extinction~"

Qi nodded, "Very good. But do you know? This chaos involves more than just the enmity between the three races and human beings. Several unknown forces will also take action in this chaos, and maybe this time it will regain the chaotic order!"

"Gouryi" sighed, "I'm afraid I can't help it at that time, but my witch will never participate in this fight unless we encounter the situation of extermination."

Qi Kill nodded, but stopped talking, and the gluttonous also seemed to regain his mind after a moment. He stared at Qiwei, and then at the monsters and the people who attacked the city on the ground, but fell into meditation again.

After a long time, the glutton suddenly realized that "These sinners are no longer human beings!"

Qi Sha shook his head. How can you see such an obvious thing at this moment? Those sinners are two feet tall and have terrible self-healing ability, and they can crush big stones at will!

Seeing that Qixiao ignored himself, the glutton just smiled, but turned his eyes to the gods of the light and dark holy country who were laughing not far away!


Gyo quickly turned into a body, a huge body with a radius of dozens of kilometers. As soon as the sky came out, the ground immediately fell into darkness! What's more exaggerated is that this glutton unreservedly released the violent breath of the wild beast, and suddenly filled the sky and the earth with a strong violent atmosphere. After feeling this breath, those sinners and monsters suddenly withered a lot and looked up at the sky.


The gluttonous spit out a black wave and immediately dissolved all the wind and cloud coefficients around him, and the magnificent divine power is a real divine realm! In particular, the gods who wrote the holy country were shocked when they saw the Taoist body. In fact, these wild beasts that are about to step into the level of the holy level can be compared with those who step into the realm of the gods by any means?

Qisha suddenly understood the meaning of gluttony: because of his identity, he can't take action against those sinners and monsters, but it doesn't mean that he can't take action against gods of the same level!

Together with the melee between the gods, the inadvertent attack accidentally fell on those sinners and monsters, which suddenly became a large-scale lethal weapon, killing the most tightly attacking monsters and sinners in a blink of an eye!

Since you are not human, what else can you be polite about? That's just what Taoyi said when he asked Qishua.

Those gods understood the meaning of gluttony in a blink of an eye. This battle was carefully arranged by them. If they fail, I'm afraid the people behind them will not be so polite to themselves! Because if the level of these gods is really high, they will not be thrown into this world to be a temple watcher!

However, this task cannot fail. The trick is to provoke the gluttony and then lead him away!

So after escaping in panic for a while, these gods saw that the glutton was still "unintentionally" attacking those sinners, and even opened their mouths to inhale many sinners and warcrafts into their mouths, turning them into a delicious meal!

The seven gods jointly launched a fierce attack on Taoxi!