yuan kill

Chapter 189 Entanglement

The chariots rolled, the horses hissed, and the dust and smoke covered the sky all the way. Ten million troops form ten phalanxes, one group per million, and are approaching south. This used to be the territory of the Izumo Empire, but now it is occupied by the founding country. The sinners of the founding country were not good at repairing at all. After occupying the territory, they all entered the city no matter how dilapidated the city was.

However, these sinners are full of fighting spirit. Naturally, they have long locked the main enemy as the holy country of light and darkness, but they don't pay attention to these human beings who come from the north. Although they used to be human beings, it was too long. Regardless of their appearance and body shape, they are too different from today's human beings. After all, when the witches made them, they were made by rough workmanship. Everything was rough lines, and they couldn't see any exquisite appearance. However, there are also a few aliens who look like demons and are extremely handsome. And God also seems to favor these handsome people, not only giving them eyebrows, but also giving them wisdom and various unique abilities, which make them out of line with the world, and these human beings seem to suddenly see some of their surroundings and seem to disdain these rudeness at all. They are of the same kind, but they live out of the group and look extremely arrogant.

Later, these human beings discovered the existence of the three races and understood their own reasons, so they became angry. Therefore, they began a careful plan and long-term layout, with the purpose of destroying the three races. Of course, for the group of crude human beings who existed at the same time as themselves, they also thought that they did not exist. Yes, after all, they are so excellent. How can they have such ugly parents?

So, they began a criminal plan to integrate these human beings with monsters!

And these excellent figures have disappeared since then. The only one who can let people know their names is Xiao Weizi. Naturally, Xiao Weizi is one of the outstanding among these people. It is the various layouts he laid that make the three clans fight repeatedly, but they still do not achieve the purpose of destroying the three clans. The war ten thousand years ago also came from the layout of Xiao Weizi.

Where are these people so far?

The three clans spent millions of years in the whole universe, and even returned to the era of flood and famine to pursue the traces of these people. However, in the process of chasing, they found that the river of time was suddenly cut off. Although it was such a short moment, it was enough to let those people hide their tracks. The three races were horrified to find that these people have the ability to change time, which is beyond the reach of most people in the three races.

And the three races finally found that the ultimate purpose of these people is to destroy the three races, change the whole universe, or simply destroy the whole world and create a new world!

What can destroy the universe is the origin of the whole universe, the chaotic land. As long as the source of chaos is destroyed, the whole universe will explode violently again and all order will be reset. Knowing the interests of the three clans, they will no longer fight. After all, they are derived from the whole source of chaos. If the source of chaos is gone, they will be gone. However, those human beings who have been created are not subject to this restriction and seem to have been separated from the limitations of this law of the universe!

The people of the three races, the masters of all worlds, rushed to the source of chaos, such as the god of creation, the turbid god, the seven evil spirits and others, all knew this mystery and left the creation world early and went straight to the source of chaos.

This secret was revealed after the green breath in Murong Xiaoxian's mind became stronger and the realm of Yuanli advanced rapidly again. Murong Xiaoxian's information hidden in the forbidden place of the witch clan was read by Murong Xiaoxian at a glance.

On the way to the march, Murong Xiaoxian fell into meditation like this. This meditation was a few days later. When Murong Xiaoxian opened his eyes again, the people around him found that Murong Xiaoxian's eyes were suddenly no longer as sharp as before, but became as deep, clear and straight to people's hearts, as if they could see everything in the world.

The time is up, and there is no need for a long time to fight. The final battle is coming. Murong Xiaoxian seems to have seen the tragic battle that broke out in a different dimension. Presumably, this is the last battle, right?

The lowest level in the battle is also the gods, and the highest level are the characters who are about to step into the most holy realm. Every time they collide, countless planets will fall and produce countless black holes, and then everything around them will be swallowed up by the black hole.

This side is a black black hole, and the other side is a planet that is also collapsing, but it is not black, but white!

The whole universe ended up in black and white, like two huge swimming fish.

Light and darkness!

The country of light and darkness!

Have they seen this scene early?

Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help trembling in his heart!

However, all this seems to have nothing to do with me, but everything is closely connected with myself. Why did I come here and what can I do?

Okay! In this case, the sinner and the soul killer are in the same group, so it doesn't matter who to kill anyone. But why do they still have to struggle?

I think it's those excellent human beings who don't want these sinners to exist in the world and think that they have made better tools than them, right? Of course, the only way for these soul killers to be strong is to kill. Only by absorbing the souls of a large number of strong people can they become stronger!

This situation is like that some kind of animal will use itself as food after giving birth, and those descendants will grow up because of these foods, and become more violent and fierce because of it, so that they can survive better in this world!

Answer? Murong Xiaoxian doesn't want to think about it anymore. The chaotic war seems to have nothing to do with myself. At present, all I can do is to eliminate the evil on this continent! However, do you really have the strength?

Murong Xiaoxian floated gently in the air, pointed to the front from afar, and shouted, "Children, whether it is the sinner or the soul killer, we must get rid of it. Now, we must eliminate evil. Children, with me, you won't be hurt at all. For this chaotic world, we must get rid of them!"

A burst of drums sounded, and the ten teams of tens of millions of troops rolled up a burst of dust and smoke to attack the city in front of them.

Unconsciously, these tens of millions of troops have reached the territory of the Izumo Empire.

It seems that this creation is much smaller than before...

The gate opened, and the sinners and monsters swarmed out of the city. Murong Xiaoxian looked at the two torrents that were about to converge together, but his eyes became brighter. However, this time, Murong Xiaoxian did not take the initiative to rush to the position, but raised his hand to shoot a green light into the sky, and then the green light was fierce. The ground turned into a huge green cloud, covering the whole battlefield, and the thin green raindrops began to drip down again!

Seeing this scene, Yuexian and others were shocked. Murong Xiaoxian was obviously going to exhaust his life! Is it possible that Murong Xiaoxian has a dying heart?

When everyone saw the indifferent smile at the corner of Murong Xiaoxian's mouth, their hearts were violently churning. Is it possible that Murong Xiaoxian came out to die this time?

The two armies collided violently, and bursts of killing came out.

Yuexian and others raised their weapons, took a look at Murong Xiaoxian floating quietly in the air, and rushed up without hesitation.

This time Murong Xiaoxian performed the treatment, but it was much simpler. After the realm of Yuanli has been greatly improved again, the formulas needed to cast various spells and so on only need to meditate in your mind, and they can be emitted almost in a blink of an eye!

The human army attacked in the green rain. Although the sinner is strong, even in peacetime, hundreds of human soldiers can kill one sinner. At this moment, under Murong Xiaoxian's treatment, the soldier's wound healed in a blink of an eye, and even the broken limbs grew out in a blink of an eye! The most important thing is that under the green rain, the soldiers did not feel any pain, but were full of courage to kill the enemy in their hearts!

The soldiers are refreshed. What else can we worry about in this situation?

No matter how strong Warcraft and the sinners are, this battle will be defeated!

In just a few cups of tea, a city was easily captured and killed 100,000 enemies, but his side did not damage a soldier!

This kind of battle is so easy!

Murong Xiaoxian fell gently from the sky, but floated by with a smile in front of the army with his hands behind his back.

Go ahead, keep moving forward!

After entering the territory of the Izumo Empire, the sinners and monsters also increased, and the next few battles almost repeated the original situation! Murong Xiaoxian still used healing skills, and the soldiers were still fighting to kill the enemy. It was surprisingly smooth to attack the city and pull out the fortress.

However, Yuexian and others vaguely felt something wrong, because Murong Xiaoxian became extremely silent and cold at this moment, and his favorite action was still standing with his hands on his hands. In the next few days, several people didn't even see Murong Xiaoxian stretching out his hand!

As a result, Yuexian was approaching Murong Xiaoxian, and then grabbed Murong Xiaoxian's hand!

However, Murong Xiaoxian's left hand disappeared, and even the half of his arm had disappeared!

Murong Xiaoxian actually protected these soldiers at the cost of breaking his limbs. Is the hatred really that strong?

Take your own limbs as a medium to stimulate treatment!

Is it possible that Murong Xiaoxian will destroy all his bodies in the end of this war?

"You don't have to be sad, and you don't have to worry. I had lost my body a few months ago, and this body was dispensable. Maybe you will see all this in the near future. Murong Xiaoxian gently patted Yuexian's shoulder, but Yuexian buried his head on Murong Xiaoxian's shoulder and cried bitterly!

Murong Xiaoxian's heart is full of mixed feelings. He never thought that the closest person to him would be Yuexian and other three people, while Su Muqi, who had a secret relationship with him early in the morning, gradually drifted away due to some kind of relationship!

Emotional things are really indescribable!

Xingge and Yang Wu also found a strange situation. After discovering the truth, they also gathered around Murong Xiaoxian and cried secretly. Su Muqi, who was beside her, wanted to stop talking and again. Kong Xuaner was silent, but her solemn face had a more compassionate expression.

She has never understood human feelings, but she has experienced too much in Murong Xiaoxian.

This time, she experienced fearless sacrifice, selfless dedication, natural, and the deep love between men and women.

This human relationship is really complicated. Kong Xuaner shook her head, but turned around and stared at Lang Yuzhu fiercely...