yuan kill

Chapter 203 All sentient beings

In the vast and endless depths of the universe, a large slowly creeping nebula-like object is constantly swallowing light and heat, but the object is very strange, half white and half black, like two huge and extremely playful fish. The only difference from the fish is that the black and white Pisces have only one eye each, while the two eyes are blue and purple, shining with a touching brilliance, peeping at the whole universe.

The source of chaos is the basis for the whole universe. At this moment, the source of chaos is moving uneasily like a fragile baby. Counting up, this 10 billion birthday of the source of chaos has almost become the sacrificial day of the source of chaos. If Murong Xiaoxian and the soul power contained in his body were not injected into the crisis, the source of chaos would have shrunk to less than 1% of the current size, and its direct impact is that The universe with its derivative has also shrunk a hundred times!

Around this source of chaos, countless ancient gods with huge breath are closely watching every move of the source of chaos. These people have reached the realm of the most holy, have reached the peak of cultivation, and completely understood the realm of "Yuan", but somehow, in the face of the realm of "one" At that time, they were at a loss and could no longer make any progress. They are the elders of the three clans, and they are also directly derived from the source of chaos. Counting up, they are the children of the source of chaos, because they have extremely abundant innate chaos hidden in their bodies. The purpose of these gathering here is actually very simple, which is also a spirit of sacrifice. During the crisis of the source of chaos, if you inject your own cultivation and the chaotic gas from the source of chaos into the source of chaos, the destruction of the source of chaos will be delayed for a period of time, but they also know that this is not the fundamental solution at all. However, they have no choice, because the source of chaos is destroyed. No matter how high their cultivation is, it will be destroyed, and there is no room for redemption. Being able to delay for a period of time is nothing more than waiting for a character who can completely save the source of chaos crisis. Of course, this person must be a person who can understand the realm of "one". As long as he understands "one", he has the ability to recreate chaos, and the crisis of the source of the hoodlums will naturally be solved.

They waited for this person. Twenty years ago, it was not a blink of an eye for them. A soul power with obsession came here from the continent of creation, crossed the blockade of countless venerable people, and went straight into the source of chaos.

Originally, Murong Xiaoxian was bound to die after the self-explosion. The situation was the same as before. However, at that time, there was a strong obsession of hatred that created his original soul, and Murong Xiaoxian suddenly remembered Yuexian and others at the moment when he was about to annihilate. However, what he misses most is Murong Chunqiu! It was this strong father's love that condensed Murong Xiaoxian's crumble soul power again, attracted each other with the infatuated soul power, rushed straight into the chaos, relieved the trouble in front of the source of chaos, and slowed the speed of the world's collapse.

It was in the source of this chaos that Murong Xiaoxian's spirit suddenly awakened, and the content of the last supreme heart scripture hidden in his mind was also completely exposed in Murong Xiaoxian's eyes, so Murong Xiaoxian realized. He finally understood everything about the source of chaos and why the source of chaos came and why it disappeared!

This is the way of heaven, and this is the road. This is simply a thing that has nothing to do with Murong Xiaoxian's big explosion theory in his last life! Therefore, Murong Xiaoxian's realm is growing rapidly, crossing the sages, stepping into the gods, and surpassing the gods to step into the holy level. The first saint, saints, the most holy, Murong Xiaoxian just collapsed in a blink of an eye. At present, the problem Murong Xiaoxian faces is that there seems to be a wall in front of him, no matter how hard he tries. , but it can't be overcome. Murong Xiaoxian also knew that he was too anxious, and his current state was completely understood from the supreme heart scriptures. Although the things in the supreme heart scriptures also come from the source of chaos in the final analysis, they have been seriously simplified, and there are even some shortcuts to take. At this moment, his understanding of the source of chaos is also It's just from the supreme heart!

Destruction, rebirth, forgetting, recovery.

After rebirth again and again, Murong Xiaoxian understood this truth. Only complete abandonment and forgetting is a brand-new beginning, but this is self-contradictory. If you forget everything and give up everything, then you must be the real soul of death and annihilation in the whole lake universe at this moment.

What's the reason for this?

Why does chaos create the three races and everything? These three clans were not at peace, but they came together again for the source of chaos, even at the cost of their own lives and supreme cultivation!

Thinking of the similarities between himself and being epileptic, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly realized that it was an obsession, an obsession that could never be let go of and avoided!

It is this kind of obsession, this kind of emotion that makes chaos create everything!

Thinking about it, everything in the world has obsessions. Obviously, this is inherited the characteristics of chaos. It is even no exaggeration to say that everything is a small microcosm of chaos! We are chaos, and chaos is us!

Chaos creates all things and sentient beings! ( All sentient beings are creatures with emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, fear, fear, love and hate. Science divides organisms into animals and plants, which is actually very inaccurate. Corals are motionless, but they are animals. Some plants are moving. Buddhism divided biology into two categories: affectionate and ruthless, and expanded its scope to three realms and six paths. Affectionate creatures participate in reincarnation to know the suffering and happiness. Ruthless includes ruthless creatures and minerals.)

Sure enough, affection is beyond that ruthless.

Love is the basis of the existence of this chaotic world!

If there is no love, it is just a naked use of each other, then he is just a ruthless sentient being, and there is no difference from a stone and a metal, so it is said that the heart of stone may be what it means!

Thinking of this, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly smiled. The smile bloomed like flowers, and the spring breeze bathed the body. The source of chaos also began to merge in an instant. The black and white half of the body began to blend together and finally turned into a gray shape, while the blue and purple two-color light spots emitted brighter colors. !

Although the light is a little dark, it has a strong penetration and seems to illuminate every corner of the universe.

The wall in front of Murong Xiaoxian seems to be slowly dissipating and slowly becoming non-existent!

The onlookers, the elders of the three clans, were happy, and even constantly waved a big palm print in the air and made a crackling sound. Billions of years of hatred disappeared in this high-five!

"Finally, someone is going to realize the realm of "one"!" The elders of the three ethnic groups celebrated with a crown. They waited for too long on this day. Although they can't achieve this state by themselves, they can see someone realize this state with their own eyes. They are equally happy and have no jealousy. The most despicable appearances of human beings completely disappeared at this moment!

However, the happiness of the elders of the three ethnic groups did not last long. They also suddenly found that in the deepest part of the empty river and the sea of time, they suddenly twisted!

In an instant, the whole flood universe overlapped, and even time was flowing back rapidly!

"Oh, shit! Is it possible that someone in the sea of time also realized the realm of "one"? The elders of the three ethnic groups looked at each other and were surprised.

What kind of person can practice in the deepest part of time and space?