yuan kill

Chapter 205 Red Powder But Skull (Finale)

The river of time rolls endlessly, splashing small waves from time to time, and each wave is something that changes the course of history during that time. Rushing out of the source of the river of time and space, Xiao Weizi ran all the way, walking along an extremely thin silver wire, but inadvertently passed a hundred years in the river of time!

For a hundred years, Xiao Weizi's eyes at this moment was just a flick of his finger. He didn't understand why this silver wire became so long and why the river of space became so broad. Normally, I have basically stepped into the realm of "one" and have been free from the shackles of time and space. How can this happen?

However, Xiao Weizi's heart was replaced by another ecstasy in a blink of an eye.

Su Muqi, the peerless beauty she saw after living for tens of millions of years, would have got her if she hadn't been too careless. However, that's always a little unappetizing. After all, the feeling of the split can never be compared with the original.

Crossing out of the river of time and breaking the void, a golden world is appearing in Xiao Weizi's eyes.

In that world, flowers bloom and willows, grass grow and warbler flying, the sun is bright, and there is vitality everywhere. Different races and different peoples have no relationship with each other and live peacefully in a world.

"Humph, how is this possible? Must this be the puppet made by the witch to deceive me and attack my faith? Humph, if it weren't for Su Muqi, I would have ruined this hypocritical world with just one thought!" Xiao Weizi sneered and motionless, but appeared at the top of the world in a blink of an eye.

"Yuan Killing Array?" Xiao Weizi was about to step into that world, but he suddenly saw a magnificent force surging around that world, but with a unique intention of killing in chaos, it seemed to separate the world from the whole universe.

The law of killing? It's so sad that the majestic mythical beast has fallen into a formation to protect the mythical beast!" Xiao Weizi sighed, but in his current realm, he no longer pays attention to the law of killing in chaos. He has repeatedly released his divine consciousness, so he can see this formation clearly.

"The killing array, the dragon of the sunset mountains, killing, gluttony... It's really rare..." Xiao Weizi shook his head and sneered, and wanted to reach out to break through this protection array.

However, I saw that the array of golden light suddenly burst out, and a few equally weak breaths gushed out of the array. Several figures appeared around Xiao Weizi with a murderous spirit, but they were Nishang, Yuexian, Xingge, Yangwu, Qingkong Flying Feather, Purple Leaf Flying Flowers and others. In addition to the three clans, Pangu is also big He is the top master in the mainland.

"How many of you can help me? If 200 years ago, in the face of many holy masters, I would really be a little afraid of you, but now, you are just a few ants in my eyes. Xiao Weizi stepped into the air, and the invisibly exuded strong momentum was the wind and clouds that swept the top of the world. In a blink of an eye, more and more wind and clouds gradually condensed together, gradually became dark as ink, and finally turned into a huge surging huge magic cloud!

After the magic cloud, three huge demons are looming in the magic cloud, which is the image of the three clans!

Then, the magic fortune suddenly burst out, and countless rain-like black dots burst out of the magic cloud, turning into hundreds of millions in a blink of an eye, instantly filling the whole space.

"Hum, Xiao Weizi, what if you are about to step into the realm of "one"?" It's also impossible to step into this "yuan killing array" at all! You have been talking about it for a long time, and you really don't have the demeanor of a master. Now you are afraid to move out of this soul killer. Are you afraid of it? Nishang sneered, but she was not afraid of Xiao Weizi's cold momentum at all. She commanded the people behind her to retreat slowly, but she remained ready to take action at any time.

"You don't have to be afraid. At your level, if I take action, I will only take action against the old ghosts of the three races." Xiao Weizi's body faded, and the man disappeared faintly, and the whole space did not fluctuate at all.

Nishang's face was a little solemn, knowing that Xiao Weizi's cultivation at this moment had exceeded himself. At the moment when Xiao Weizi disappeared just now, Nishang had already closed the surrounding space. However, all the prohibitions of Nishang had not been touched at all, and Xiao Weizi broke through the sky and left. The destination was naturally the Pangu Continent.

"Today's business needs to be broken! People, these killers are stained with the souls of our clan. Today, let's completely destroy these killers!" Nishang shouted loudly, and the magic formula in her hand moved. A huge door of time and space opened in a blink of an eye. A faint white fog overflowed from the door of the sky at that time, and in a blink of an eye filled the other side of the world. Then the faint white fog began to transform into a tall human figure, holding all kinds of strange sickle-shaped weapons and roaring. To those soul killers.

"Xiao Weizi, you have been in contact with the three clans for so long. You don't even know the real secret of the Pangu clan. You killed hundreds of millions of us, but the Pangu clan is an immortal clan, and there are three splits. You just killed a split! Now, let your indiscriminate soul killer be annihilated!" Nishang sneered, but he fell into the original killing array in a blink of an eye, while Yuexian and others behind him waved their weapons and rushed to the endless soul killer group.

There were fierce battles around the Pangu world. The third split of tens of millions of Pangu clans was entangled with hundreds of millions of soul killers, but the battle affected every planet around Pangu world. Every surrounding star and moon became a battlefield. Under the attack of fierce energy, it broke one after another and turned into a A comet shot out in four direction, and a continuous meteor shower suddenly fell in the sky.

The sun has been covered by countless people, and the Pan ancient world suddenly became dark. Except for the occasional shine of the world by the bursting stars in the sky, it fell into darkness.

Hundreds of millions of people, the strength is too different, and in a blink of an eye, the tens of millions of Pangu people are overwhelmed by the black torrent of soul killers!

Xiao Weizi burst into laughter in the killing array, but it stopped abruptly.

A sense of terror and murder that had been felt before rose again in Xiao Weizi's heart, but the figure of Nishang locked Xiao Weizi like a ghost. Far away, Qi Sha and Tao Yu showed their real bodies, and Qi Sha opened their seven eyes!

The seven eyes represent the highest law of killing in the world, and at the same time, an extremely long black figure firmly locked the space around Xiao Weizi, filled with the murderous atmosphere of a sword, and bombarded Xiao Weizi like a rainstorm.

Xiao Weizi just sneered, and his figure stood still. With that momentum alone, he turned all the attacks in the Yuan killing array into invisible. You know, after the seven kills in the original killing array at this moment, the killing power has been strengthened no less than a hundred times. Even if you are a master at the saint level, there is only room to be killed in seconds in the array. As for the god level, as soon as you get close to the array, you will be swallowed up by the array and disappear invisible. This is also the reason why Yuexian and others dare not enter and fight with those soul killers outside the battle. Of course, the power of this Yuan killing array is also that those soul killers can't get close to, but if Xiao Weizi breaks this array, then this regenerated Pangu world will surely face an unprecedented catastrophe! More than 100 years of reconstruction can only turn into a pile of ruins again!

However, the Nishang in the Yuan killing array was not entangled with Xiao Weizi. Relying on the support of the array, they exerted the boundary to the extreme and trapped Xiao Weizi. Although Xiao Weizi was angry, he had no choice for a while. Who let himself be negligent and enter this array? In terms of individual soldier ability, Xiao Weizi can destroy Nishang and others between raising his hands, but in this formation, Xiao Weizi is bound!

I am so strong, how can there be something in the world that binds me?

Xiao Weizi finally figured out a little and couldn't help but realize that it was possible that they were just procrastinating and waiting for reinforcements?

reinforcement? That's better, but I saved the journey, old devils, come on!

Thinking of this, Xiao Weizi stopped fighting back, allowing the murderous atmosphere around him to keep pouring in and dissipating. At this moment when his mind was as calm as water, Xiao Weizi finally found a very fine dark golden light, which was hidden in the array. At this time, Xiao Weizi found that the reason why he was bound was under this dark golden tie!

Thinking of this, Xiao Weizi was shocked. Whose strength can contain himself?