Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 28 Zhao's People

Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, has been 200 years old. In Chang'an City alone, there are three palaces. The main palace, also known as Beijing University, is the Taiji Palace. It was built from the renovation of the Daxing Palace of the previous dynasty. When it was built, it adopted the system of sleeping in the previous dynasty and the back dynasties. The previous dynasty was divided into three dynasties according to the Zhou Li. The Taiji Hall of the Middle Dynasty was a place to look forward to listen to the government. Saints ascended the throne, set up a prince, the palace of kings and princesses, and foreign countries came to the court, and more than this temple held receptions.

The Daming Palace in the east was originally a summer palace built by Emperor Taizong for the recuperation of the emperor at that time, and the Xingqing Palace in the south was expanded by Emperor Xuanzong.

Although Zhengshuo belongs to the Taiji Palace, and the Lending Palace and the East Palace are also built next to it, but because of its autumn heat and heat, since the time of Emperor Gaozong, he has lived in the Daming Palace for the funeral of Empress Dowager Zhaoxian. Fengchun moved back to the Taiji Palace. After the funeral, the center of the empire moved back to the east.

The carriage passes through the heavy Xuanmen and enters the Qingxiao Gate, and the Xuanwu Hall is in the northwest.

Princes Changyang said, "There are not many people around us now, so we also followed. The fifth sister-in-law asked us to choose by ourselves. I chose Hanbing Hall. In addition, no one lives in the Purple Orchid Hall, Pearl Mirror Hall and Chenghui Hall. After meeting the fifth sister-in-law, you can tell her where she wants to live." With that, he looked at the listless Zheng Man'er and added, "Man'er, you live with your ninth aunt."

"Yes." Zheng Man'er thought that she could go back to her home after returning to Chang'an, but she didn't expect that Princess Changyang would have to pull her into the palace and accompany Yuanxiu for a few more days. Zheng Man'er couldn't turn her aunt and had to reluctantly agree. At this time, she was wronged, which was very different from the usual chirling.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiu deliberately attracted her attention and said, "I dare not tell anyone else, but the sixth sister must have lived in the Qingsi Hall."

"Do you still need to say this? Qingsi Hall is so close to Sanqing Hall and Dajiaoguan. Changyang smiled and said, "Wo, it's fast to walk from behind. It's already there."

Penglai Hall is the southernmost hall of the harem, which is equivalent to the establishment hall of Taiji Palace. To the south is the Taiye Pool, and to the east is Penglai Mountain, surrounded by pavilions and flowers and trees, which can be said to be the best location in the Daming Palace.

Changyang had already sent the bodyguard to come back early to report. At this time, Xing Niang was welcoming him on the steps. When she saw Yuanxiu getting out of the car, her eyes lit up and she greeted her with a smile: "A family is coming!"

"How's your fifth sister-in-law?" Yuanxiu talked to her while picking up the steps with Changyang.

Xingniang leaned before she squeezed her lips and smiled, "Go back to the house, Her Royal Highness is fine, but I'm thinking about the family."

"Isn't it back?" Princess Changyang took over the conversation and said lightly.

Empress Wang is ashamed of Yuan Xiu, which is directly reflected in the clothes. Although she did not use the clothes of Zhai on formal occasions, she also wore a purple-bottomed Luanfeng with a wide-sleeved skirt. Under her shirt, she dragged out a bright yellow golden skirt, combed the peacock open screen bun, and inserted a red gold phoenix hairpin in the middle, and the phoenix tail spread like an open screen. Zhu Cui is tired, but she is a little more careful than the ceremony.

She saw the two princess come in and walked down from Fengzuo in person: "Jiumei is back!" With that, he didn't forget to nod to Changyang with a smile, "I'm bothering the seventh sister today."

"Jiumei is also my sister. What's the trouble?" Princess Changyang seemed to be a little dissatisfied with her and said lurely.

Wang was slightly stunned, but quickly covered it up with a smile and looked at Zheng Man'er: "Princess Chengyi hasn't entered the palace for a long time. At first glance, I can't recognize it."

Zheng Man'er and Wang are not familiar with each other, but they still remember what their mother told them and immediately said, "This is because I happened to be very ill when Empress Dowager Zhaoxian died."

"Five sister-in-law, Jiumei and Man'er lived in the view, and now they suddenly come back. I don't know if the place where Jiumei lives is ready?" Princess Changyang asked.

"I asked someone to clean it yesterday, but I don't know where Jiumei likes?" Wang was robbed by Princess Changyang one after another, and also realized that this sister-in-law deliberately embarrassed her and smiled slightly.

Yuan Xiu looked at Zheng Man'er: "I'm wronged that you have lived with me for so long. How about you choose a place to stay this time?"

"I want to be close to the liquid pool!" Zheng Maner's eyes finally lit up and shouted, "It's better not to be far from Penglai Mountain - fifth aunt, can I pick up the flying man at home?"

"Flying Lang?" Wang asked puzzledly.

Yuan Xiu explained for her: "Feilang is a half-large pheasant raised by Man'er. She has been domesticated by herself and wants to show her skills in autumn hunting!"

"I forgot about autumn hunting!" Princess Changyang clapped her hands and finally looked directly at Wang, "Five sister-in-law, we'd better raise one in person!" Although there are special people who have been tamed and familiar with the Royal Beast Garden, they still know more about their own intentions.

"Yes, yes!" Speaking of this, Zheng Man'er nodded frequently, "When I was watching, I said that it would be better for my ninth aunt to raise it in person." She looked forward to the three elders, "If there is anything good in the Royal Beast Park, can you give me one?"

Yuanxiu joked, "You said you would choose me in person, but now you only care about yourself."

"If even I had it, how could I lose my ninth aunt?" Zheng Maner said with sharp teeth.

Wang also said funnyly, "Today, you are tired when you come back from outside. You have to choose a place to rest first. Tomorrow, there will be a batch of people in the palace to send it."

"Don't give it to Eleven Sister. She is still too young." Changyang said, "If she is greedy, let her choose a Siamese cat over there to play."

"What can Siamese cats do on the hunting ground?" Zheng Maner said, "I was about the same age as Aunt Eleven when I first raised a slyte!"

Changyang stared at her: "You have an elder sister staring at you. The servants dare not neglect you. Ruan Fangyi has already gone! What if the eleventh sister's delicate skin is grabbed by the thren?

"It's not that the fifth sister-in-law doesn't care about the eleventh sister, but the eleventh sister is indeed a little young, and it's still too dangerous to raise throach. Let's wait until the year after tomorrow." Yuan Xiu saw Wang's embarrassed face and said, "Five sister-in-law, which is the nearest empty hall to Taiye Pool?"

"It's the Pearl Hall." Wang took the opportunity to step down and turned around and ordered Tao Niang, "Go and tell Fan Shanggong to clean the Pearl Mirror Hall quickly, and then let Mei Niang go to Fengyang Pavilion and tell Cai Zi to give them a sound and bring some hands to help clean it up."

After set a place, Changyang proposed to take Yuanxiu and Zheng Man'er to his ice hall to wait for the Pearl Mirror Hall to be cleaned out. Wang said, "Why don't you eat some meals here before leaving?"

"No, I just learned how to scall, and I'm going to ask them to try something!" Princess Changyang rudely brushed her face. As soon as she stood up, Sun Biao, the maid outside, came in and reported, "Your Highness, two princesses and Princess Chengyi! Zhao's Fangyi and His Royal Highness the King of Wei asked to see him outside!"

"Why is Zhao Fangyi here now?" Wang looked surprised, "Please."

Princes Changyang curled the corners of her mouth, turned her head and whispered to tell Yuan Xiu, "The fifth brother has appointed a teacher for Han Wang. It is Nanyang Zhang Mingzhu. I heard that that Zhang Mingzhu is both pedantic and old-fashioned, but she claims to be upright. Han Wang's palm when he is a little slacking. Zhao's heartbroken, but Zhang Mingzhu even dares to contradict the fifth brother, and what Will you take her seriously? I guess I have no choice but to think about it this time. I came here to beg my fifth sister-in-law.

"I have also heard one or two things about Zhang Mingzhu. It is said that the knowledge is good, but it is a little rigid. It has only been a eunuch for many years that Huajia has also become a national supervision department. Because I don't know how to be versatile, I am not qualified for the position of sacrificing wine." Yuan Xiu nodded.

Zheng Maner was bored and was about to ask Princess Changyang why she didn't leave. The figure at the temple swayed, and Zhao, who was demoted from Concubine Li to Fangyi, had come in with a three- or four-year-old boy to salute.

This woman who was promoted step by step from the prince's account to one of the three ladies of Zhengyipin is very beautiful, with beautiful eyes, and her nose is new. The crow's temples are combed into a double ring bun. She wears and green auspicious brocade half of the collar, with a short collar, and a yellow and silver mud skirt has been tied to the armpits, more and more It shows its slender body.

However, in the eyes of the people in the hall at this moment, Zhao's beauty is gorgeous, but her temperament is mediocre. At a glance, she is similar to ordinary beautiful dancers, and she really can't see anything special. On the contrary, the boy next to her, Li Jian, the four-year-old king of Wei, made up his eyes as bright as stars, and his actions were quite royal.

Originally, Zhao was still a first-class concubine. In this hall, except for the queen, she had to get up and salute each other, but now she has been demoted to Fangyi, but only has a second-class. Both princesses are first-class, but they can sit still to receive gifts. Only Zheng Man'er stands up and bowed.

Seeing Zheng Man'er's casual attitude, Li Jian immediately took a look at her and was quite angry. Changyang and Yuanxiu immediately noticed it. The former secretly sneered and motioned Yuan Xiu to stand by - although the rank of the king of Wei was superior to the princess, Zheng Man'er's mother, Princess Pingjin, was the eldest brother of Lian Fengchun. Li Yi, the substitute king, has to give up a few points. If Pingjin knows that the king of Wei dares to stare at the pearl on her hand, he must find Fengchun to make a scene.