Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 344 Home Country 8

Under the deep night, at the beginning of July, Weizhou already had a clear coolness at night. A carrier pigeon, with the fatigue and star frost from the night, flapped its wings and fell outside the study in the mansion, gently pecking at the green screen window. Soon, the door of the study was opened, and Sun Pu often personally lifted his robe and ran out. I held it in with both hands.

He Zhifang didn't sleep this night and was looking carefully at a picture of Jiangshan Kunyu on the broad case. Seeing Sun Pu often hugging the carrier pigeon, he looked happy: "Is it the news of Chang'an?"

"What the handsome said is right." Sun Puchang also attached great importance to this pigeon letter. He carefully took off the bamboo tube under the abdomen of the carrier pigeon and unfolded the inch-wide note inside, but saw that it was full of dense fly-headed small regular script. Sun Pu often knew that He Zhifang had been concerned about the situation in Chang'an for a long time. Now although he was also scratching his heart, he still presented it first. In front of him, He Zhifang couldn't wait to take a glance and saw a few key words, and his expression suddenly became solemn!

Seeing this, Sun Puchang's heart was even tight, but when he saw He Zhifang read it hurriedly, he handed over the note and explained, "Qiu Fengxiang Palace has changed!"

"Is it successful?" Sun Puchang was also shocked and glanced at him. There was no need for He Zhifang to answer. Although they had guessed the change of Chang'an from the news sent back by He Yijian, they were still shocked to get the news so quickly - this means how tightly controlled Chang'an with Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang'an in this Under the circumstances, even if Hebei and Zhuzhen have successively placed many detectives and internal responses in Chang'an over the years, they are not enough to make trouble because of this...

This is not a good omen for the towns that plan to take advantage of the future changes in the current situation!

"Hey!" He Zhifang had a dark face and snorted coldly.

Sun Puchang looked at it in a hurry and suddenly showed surprise: "...King Xu?"

"Yes, Daochang Yi personally took the blood edict written by His Royal Highness Xu and Fengchun. Now he has left Chang'an and is coming to Weizhou day and night!" He Zhifang said with a calm face.

"Taochang took action in person. Although it is a little dangerous to come here, Daochang Yi is not only outstanding in martial arts, but also has many Taoist skills. He is also proficient in fortune-telling. Since he is willing to accept your master's request, he must be a little sure." Sun Puchang pondered for a moment and said, "Blood edict and King Xu, in this way, the crusade against Chang'an has a righteous name, that is, the situation will change again, and the troops will be unuspicious, and we can exchange some benefits with Du Qingtang with these two things. In short, there is no disadvantage to us. The king of Xu is only a ten-year-old child now, but a puppet. Why is Jieshuai so depressed instead? But because your master has not been rescued, are you worried that Liulang will not like it? But your master is a girl, and there may be no danger in Chang'an. Liulang also understands this matter.

He Zhifang sneered and said, "Did you see it? Taking out that King Xu was the nobleman's idea. Originally, Fengchun was worried that the kings would be eye-catching, not to mention that the king, the king of Qi and the king of Qiong may not be willing to agree with him. Du and Qiu joined hands to launch the palace change and abandoned Fengchun, but they may not replace the Li family. Now there are so many people in the clan who are qualified to ascend the throne. Feng Chun's three sons are old. Young, and they all grew up spoiled in the deep palace. I'm afraid that Fengchun is not only afraid that Du Qingtang will shock the reputation of the towns too loudly. A single blood edict is not enough for the towns to win Chang'an, and he is afraid that the three sons under his knees will not bear the pain of escape and died on the road, so he entrusted Yuanxiu, who only has no right to inherit the throne, but has a relationship with Liulang. As proof, the princess came to Weizhou together! Humph! Liulang is so concerned about this nobleman that girls like Li Shijunang are eyeless, and even Miao Niang is ruthlessly sent away... Fengchun also knows this beauty trick and bloody edict, and he is not afraid that I, Hebei, can sit back and watch!"

"Just..." He Zhifang said here, but sighed, "This nobleman gave this opportunity to escape from Chang'an to King Xu - King Xu is ten years old. Although the youngest son of Emperor Xianzong is still young, he is the oldest Han than Fengchun. Wangzu is four years old and heard that he is strong. Compared with Han Wang, he can withstand the pain of running around! Moreover, his identity is the youngest brother of Fengchun, not the son of Fengchun, so when he enforces Fengchun's edict to make it clear to the world, even if Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang intend to succeed to the throne as one of the Fengchun brothers, the king, the king of Qi and Qiong, these three may also hesitate. After all, King Xu is the same generation as them, if they sit In that position, people in the world who believe in the blood edict will inevitably scold them for teaming up with Du and Qiu to seize the position of their younger brother! Moreover, King Xu and Fengchun are the same generation, not to mention the young son favored by Emperor Xianzong. The name of his biological mother, talent and virtue, is well known all over the world. At the time, when Emperor Xianzong voluntarily died, the literary and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty praised each other. Even Du Qingtang also said a few words of praise with the scene. The biological mother was so virtuous, and King Xu held an edict. The three kings of Han are much more important than those who are younger and are not well known in the world!"

"Of course, the so-called virtuous name and the so-called orthodoxy, these principles are not as loud as a tiger charm in front of the army, but this nobleman is willing to give up his three own nephews and choose his half-brother, this decision..." He Zhifang looked at the starry sky outside the screen window and said leisurely, "If King Xu is Yi Daochang If he successfully brought it to Weizhou, if he can recapture Chang'an at that time, even if Fengchun and his son are alive, I'm afraid he can still be the emperor. After all, the three towns to fight against Chang'an must be in the name of blood edict, but it is the king of Xu who came with the edict, and he is also the one who gets along with us. Moreover, he is so young, since we have fought Chang'an, how can Fengchun, who has now been placed under house arrest in Penglai Hall, succeed to the throne? At that time, if it were me to make the decision, it would definitely be that Fengchun would be the emperor and reward his three sons... In a few days, a bowl of wine would secretly send the death of the four of them! This consequence may not be unexpected, but she still did so. Just because she also knows that your lord is a girl, even if she comes out with an edict, it is not as effective as a prince. Moreover, the country can't be without a king for a day, but the country has never had a supreme emperor. Fengchun is not safe now, and a blood edict alone continues to poison. When he died, he said it was a false edict, but there was an imperial brother to prove it, so Fengchun is not easy to die..."

He Zhifang narrowed his eyes: "Your master is gambling!"

"Even if your master's plan is fulfilled one by one, Fengchun is just lingering." Sun Pu often muttered, "Is it possible that your lord intends to lower Liulang by himself and then protect Fengchun's father and son's lives through Liulang? But this matter is extremely great. Even if the commander is willing to complete Liulang, the two towns of Youzhou and Chengde may not agree!"

He Zhifang shook his head and said coldly, "The golden branches and jade leaves are all grown up in the beautiful pile, but why are there only clusters of flowers in the palace? If this nobleman believes in Liulang like this, she doesn't have to persuade Taoist Master Yi to take King Xu out of Chang'an and go to Hebei. She just comes by herself - the nobleman walks like this. First, she clearly realizes that in front of the overall situation, no matter how flower she is, no matter how much Liulang loves her very much, she will never say that she is not enough. Too indulgent of her... What's more, Liulang's current status is just because of my only son. Our three towns in Hebei have always only looked at military power. Her identity of Jinzhi Yuye is one thing in Hebei... Second, hey! It's not clear on the pigeon letter, but this lord wants to have a backhand!"

"Although I have never seen this nobleman, you and I both know how Yi Daochang is. He is a Taoist. His whereabouts have always been erratic and always strange. At the beginning, he suddenly went to Weizhou to save Liulang, which made me grateful to him, but it was also inexplicable to turn back. At first, I thought that I was unhappy. A few years later, I knew that the Taoist priest had such a strange temperament, and the things he decided rarely changed... Fengchun asked him to send the noble lord and the blood edict to Chang'an. He agreed, but the lord persuaded him to change himself to King Xu. Du Qingtang and Qiu Fengxiang are so old. Deep calculation? How could they expect a similar situation? King Xu is young and now lives in the palace. It's not like the king and others have married and opened a mansion. It's more convenient outside the palace. It's more troublesome to bring King Xu out of the palace that has just changed into the palace.

He Zhifang said slightly, "What's more, he can abandon himself and his three nephews and replace them with his half-brother... It can be seen that in addition to eloquence and intelligence, he is more cruel! Park Chang, think, Liulang prefers her to love her very much. How can I rest assured that such a child woman?!"

"If you are not careful, I'm afraid my Liulang will be sold by her!"


Wipe the sweat, I said why did everyone ask my name

What a confusion

Originally, the name was wrong in this chapter

Thank you for reading the girl and Xi

I'm so sorry

I was confused yesterday