Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 374 City Kill 4

Two days after Du Furi woke up, Emperor Fengchun, who was respected as the emperor, had moved to Xingqing Palace. The ceremony of the new emperor's accession to the throne was in full preparation. The whole Chang'an, whether it was sincere or fake, was covered with a layer of celebration.

He has returned to his ** in Lujian Garden. Outside a layer of screen tent, Du Qingtang stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, covering most of the sky. With only one back, he could feel his displeasure and anger.

"Uncle?" After two days of not waking up, his voice became very hoarse. Du Qingtang paused and turned around. However, he saw that he had struggled down from the bed, holding the edge of the table and pouring water, and his hands were still shaking obviously. However, Du Qingtang did not mean to help at all. Not only did he not, but even the wash and wash clothes served outside the screen heard the sound. When he came in to serve, he was also looked at as a cicada by Du Qingtang's sudden glance and retreated out obediently.

Forbid, although Du Furi's face was as pale as death, after several attempts, he still poured out more than half a glass of water. He slowly sat down at the table and drank a few more sips of water. He was not surprised by Du Qingtang's attitude. He just asked, "What's the situation in Chang'an now?"

"Previously, you were falsely put into the palace by the eldest son and left Yan Jiuhuai to guard Princess Yuanxiu. The brainless market was tamped in spices and humiliated. He thought that he was Yan Xia's lover and grew up in the market. It was not easy to practice a tall killing skill. I dare not ask him to beg him again. Have some strategy." Du Qingtang ignored his words, but stared at him fiercely for a moment. Seeing that Du Furi was always as usual, he snorted and said coldly, "Now you are competitive! Yan Jiuhuai was only fooled by the method used by the eldest son. Are you afraid that he will be ashamed and rush to be with him?

Du Furi just smiled and said, "How did I get here?"

"Princess Yuanxiu saved you." Du Qingtang was silent for a long time before saying lightly, "Although Mrs. Xue put medicine in her diet, which made her feel like a wind and cold into the body, she was unconscious, but she didn't expect that Geng Jingzhai's medical skills were far better than she thought. Shortly after you got drunk, Princess Yuanxiu woke up. At that time, Mrs. Xue was still worried about seeing you. Already in a coma, she planned to cut off your throat. Princess Yuanxiu stopped her in no results. Finally, in the dispute, she caught a silver knife given by Emperor Xianzong in the early years and used to suppress evil spirits to kill Mrs. Xue, and stumbled out of the bedroom. Fortunately, Geng Jingzhai happened to ask for her and saved you first.

"Does this matter already know?" Du Furi listened quietly, with no joy or anger at all, and asked slowly.

Du Qingtang's most admired his nephew's calmness. In terms of nourishment, Du Furi has been practicing since childhood, and he has been practicing for many years in the court. Now when he wakes up, he has calmed down, and his anger is less. He nodded faintly: "So, there is no need to wait for the ceremony. Yesterday I Qiu Fengxiang has been asked to give an edict to marry Princess Yuanxiu to you in the name of the new emperor... In private, I also promised to protect the emperor's life as much as possible!"

"...How is your lord now?" Du Furi was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice.

"Your body has not recovered, and you have struggled with Mrs. Xue, so it is still difficult to get up in bed, but Geng Jingzhai said that it is just a matter of a few drugs, and it may not be a matter." Du Qingtang said lightly, "I'm only curious about one thing. Do you like her so much? Do you like to bet on your own life? Your father died so early in those years, and I have no children under my knees. Our Du family's five rooms only have a single biography left. Are you willing to do it?

Du Qingtang has always been joking and laughing in front of Du Furi. Occasionally, he became serious and advised him, but he was rarely willing to say heavy words. Now that he has said so, he is already extremely angry.

Du Furi also knew the reason for his anger and did not dare to neglect it. Although his footsteps were still a little vain, he stood up and solemnly saluted: "It's my recklessness, which makes my uncle worried!"

"..." Du Qingtang saw him like this, but he didn't say anything. It was not until Du Furi was relieved by toxicity and stayed in bed for two days. At this moment, he maintained a salute posture for a long time, and suddenly felt a little unsupported. Then he smiled, "But it's good for you to play this hand. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger son? Now the nobleman is really exhausted and besieged on all sides. Although I promised to save the emperor's life in private, I will not let him die inexplicably, but you can probably guess that this nobleman chose to believe me because there is no other way. Between you and me, I think she believes in you more, and you can raise him. , I have ordered Geng Jingzhai to reduce the amount of medicine by a few points, and be sure to make the noble master get better slowly!"

Du Furi sat down again, but just smiled indifferently: "Now it's slow and fast. What's the difference for Ahuang?"

"The generals are ruthless, and the conspirators are unintentional." Du Qingtang did not feel guilty at all and said lightly, "If it hadn't been for your affection, Mrs. Xue's plan this time would definitely not have succeeded. Fu'er, you tried to say that you would go to your brother's road, but now I am in front of you. Compared with the past, Wang Taiqing covered the sky with one hand, Emperor Huaizong ignored political affairs, and the royal family's order was entrusted to the eunuch slaves. I don't know how much better the noodles are! After all, you still can't be truly ruthless!"

The two uncles and nephews are both exquisite people. There is no need to say it clearly. Du Furi can also guess the real situation of the day - as Mrs. Xue himself said that the fragrance of Ruilin burned in the bedroom of the Pearl Mirror Hall is not only to make Du Fuyi unable to escape from the bedroom when Mrs. Xue was drunk, but also to make Yuanxiu slept more deeply - in this case, even if Geng Jingzhai's previous medicine is discharged and Yuanxiu recovers, it will be difficult to wake up because of the fragrance. Besides, although Yuanxiu has always been healthy, her skills are extremely ordinary in girls. After all, she has only learned riding and shooting and other skills for less than half a year. At that time, Mrs. Xue's martial arts skills are even ashamed of many Langjun!

Even if Yuanxiu is good, let Xue Niangzi break a pair of legs and compete with Yuanxiu, I'm afraid it's Yuanxiu who will be killed!

And if Mrs. Xue is really poisonous to kill Du Furi's heart, why should she use the fragrance first, and then slowly take out the box of drunkenness in front of Du Furi? Before she wanted to make the fragrance have an effect, Tete talked to Du Furi for a long time. At that time, if she had been drunk, I'm afraid Du Furi would not have been able to wait for Geng Jingzhai's treatment.

The truth of the matter is naturally that Mrs. Xue has no intention of poisoning Du Fu Ri at all. What she really wants to do is to create one that she wants to poison Du Fu Ri, but in the end she failed. Du Fu Ri did not die, but she was poisoned and fainted, and finally was saved by Princess Yuanxiu - even In order to save Du Furi, Princess Yuanxiu also killed her wet nurse!

Just like the previous idea left by Du Furi for Du - Princess Yuanxiu is so kind to Du Qingtang's uncle and nephew, even Du Qingtang can't help but promise to take care of Fengchun.

In the final analysis, the adopted daughter of the Guo family chose the latter between revenge and kindness.

As she said, holding Yuan Xiu's hand and stabbing her chest with a silver knife - in today's situation, Mrs. Xue alone can no longer protect any of the children of the Empress Dowager Wenhua, whether it is Fengchun or Yuanxiu. Her existence has long been meaningless.

Because Du Qingtang, Qiu Fengxiang, and even Du Furi can control the fate of the brother and sister better than her. At this time, the only thing she can do is to try her best to compete for the vitality and status of Yuanxiu and Fengchun.

Even if she clearly knows that for Du Qingtang, all the promises are based on the premise that they have never blocked his big plan. Otherwise, everything will be smoke and clouds.

Du Qingtang is not sent to the north.

When necessary, he doesn't care about trampling on all promises and face.

However, Mrs. Xue did her last strength...

"It doesn't matter." Du Furi was not discouraged when he heard Du Qingtang's reproach. He just smiled indifferently and looked far away. "Why does my uncle blindly blame me? Although Mrs. Xue gave up herself and asked A Huang to be my lifesaver, forcing my uncle to agree that A Huang would try his best to protect the emperor's order, isn't this his intention? Previously, Ahuang didn't know what to make a deal with the eldest son and asked him to take away His Royal Highness the King Xu, and perhaps the edict or tokens of the emperor. From Chang'an to Hebei, including the time to avoid and get rid of the pursuers, Hebei has almost received His Royal Highness Xu and Changzi. At that time, they However, it is necessary to start an army under the pretext of treason, so as to attract the response of the towns. It's just that the imperial edict came from the emperor, and His Royal Highness Xu is also the younger brother of the emperor... To be orthodox, the emperor is the most orthodox one. Before solving this matter, I don't think that his uncle and Qiu Fengxiang will let the emperor die. Therefore, except for A Huang who got a name to save me, in fact, my uncle didn't lose anything!"

Du Qingtang looked at him with a smile for a long time and said, "Is this what you thought of without exiting immediately after stepping into the bedroom of the Pearl Mirror Hall, or did you just think of it at this time to perfunctory your uncle and me?"

"The fragrance and the smell of must-pow fragrance are sore. Wearing it with you is not only self-reflection, but also refreshing, but these two fragrances are too violent to cover those light fragrances." Du Furi smiled slightly, and his eyes were complicated and unspeakable. "Uncle Qiu is all over the world, and his father also died in the poisoning of Wang Taiqing. How can he prevent such an obvious flaw? Mrs. Xue was favored when she was in the Guo family and raised a cool and unruly manner, that is, she has been practicing in the palace for many years. Because she has been by Princess Yuanxiu's side, it is difficult to come into contact with the real selfishness of the palace... If she hadn't found that it was a mysterious fragrance and speculated that she had used this incense and thought that she had unintentionally hurt my life, how could I continue to stay?"