Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 54 Xue's on

Qiu Fengxiang's ability to do things was really good. It didn't take three days. The next evening, because Wang Zixia inappropriately persuaded Yuanxiu, who had not yet subsided, welcomed the injured Xue in front of the Pearl Mirror Hall.

Xue is the daughter of Guo Shou, the father of the Empress Dowager Wenhua. Because her parents died early when she was young, Guo Shou was worried that she would be bullied by the clan without a brother and sister, so she was raised by the Guo family and the sister of the Empress Dowager Wenhua. She is ten years younger than the Empress Dowager Wenhua and younger than the youngest daughter of the Guo family, so she is very loved by the Guo family. Although Xue is a girl, she has loved martial arts since she was a child. She is smart, shrewd and capable, but her fate is not good. When Yuanxiu was born, Xue happened to die of her half-year-old son. She was extremely sad and depressed all day long. The mother of Empress Dowager Wenhua went to the palace to visit Guo and took her to relax. At that time, Xue's milk. The water was endless, and the swelling pain in her chest made her more and motherless. When she saw that Yuan Xiu couldn't even move her eyes, she was still reluctant to leave the palace.

The Empress Dowager Wenhua was deeply pitied and asked her what she meant and told Xianzong to leave Xue in the palace to take care of Yuanxiu.

Because Xue was originally the daughter of an official family and could not be regarded as a slave, Guo asked her to be a five-grade Shangyi.

Dream Tang harem, Shang Gong, Shang Yi and Shang Fu are all two. Therefore, although Xue is Shang Yi, he does not interfere in Liu Shang's affairs, but only concentrates on nurturing Yuan Xiu. Guo intended to order Yuanxiu to go home and remarry after weaning, but it didn't work out... Someone turned up solid evidence that Guo's collusion with Xichuan Jiedu's intention was wrong. At the insistence of Prime Minister Du Qingtang, Xianzong ignored Guo's pregnancy and issued a strict order, and the Xue family, which was close to the Guo family, was also implicated, and then Guo After dying in childbirth, Yuanxiu was adopted by Wang Huifei, and Xue did not mention leaving the palace. This time she went to Jinyang, it was the first time she had left Yuanxiu for so long.

Although the arrow wound was dangerous, it was only more than 30 years old. After all, Xue was helped instead of being carried down from the car, which made Yuan Xiu, who was personally worried, breathe a sigh of relief. He helped her into the hall with his own hands. Cai Lu had already cleverly took the cushion and laid it on it and let Xue sit down together, so that he had time to look carefully.

Xue's appearance is very dignified and beautiful, with handsome eyebrows and straight nose. At this moment, her face is inevitably pale after a large amount of blood loss. However, her eyes are bright, but she is in good spirits. Her dark hair is tied into a neat bun. Because of the injury on the way, only two copper hairpins are inserted diagonally, and a few unplugged hairs are scattered on the forehead, showing that A little weak.

She was wearing a collar blue short jacket, and below was an ordinary green skirt. A pair of jade rabbits pounded silver pendants on her ears, but there was no decoration on her wrists. Looking at this dress alone, it looked like an ordinary woman. Yuan Xiu was sad and took her hand and asked Cai Lan: "Where is Geng Jingzhai? Why don't you come yet!"

As soon as the words fell, a slightly old voice behind him replied neither humble nor arrogantly: "The subordinate is already here. Please let the family make a concession and allow the subordinate to take the pulse for Xue Niang."

Gong Jingzhai's medical skills are skill and stubborn. In his words, he complained a little that Yuanxiu only wanted to get close to Xue and ignored his own meaning. Yuanxiu was worried about Xue and didn't care about it. He quickly gave way for him to go to diagnosis and treatment.

Xue nodded to Geng Jingzhai with a smile first - her body was still injured and she stood up weakly: "I'm sorry to bother you!" After saying that, he looked at Yuanxiu again and said, "Niu Niang, don't worry. The aunt's foundation is good, and the arrow wound has begun to heal. Now she is in the palace. What else to worry about!"

She said it easily, but Yuan Xiu couldn't help blushing and saying, "If I had known it was so dangerous, it would have been fine if the aunt didn't go!"

"Nonsense again, that's all the property given to Jiu Niang by the former emperor. How can you tolerate a group of insects to be greedy and ruin your reputation?" Xue Shi said andly, "Besides, the auspicious woman has her own appearance. Isn't it shocking?"

While talking, Geng Jingzhai had withdrawn his hand, and Yuan Xiu quickly asked, "How about it?"

Geng Jingzhai ignored her and went straight to the four treasures of the prepared study. He thought for a moment and opened the pen. Yuanxiu touched two soft nails in his hand one after another. Suddenly, he was a little annoyed. Cai Lan was worried about her attack and hurriedly said, "Doctor Geng, Caicheng is personally watching the fire to make beef bone soup for the aunt. Supplement, I don't know if there is a conflict?"

"Xue Niang's bone is not injured. Now she is weak because of lack of qi and blood. What's the use of beef bone soup? It's better to eat more red dates!" Hearing this, Geng Jingzhai replied uncoldly, "Or there are good donkey-hide gelatin on the side of the A family, but it is better than red dates."

Yuanxiu immediately ordered: "Go and take all the donkey-hide gelatin from Dong'a Jingong and send it down."

Ajiao has been recorded in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and is the most famous. According to the Shennong Classic of Herbs, Dong'ejiao has been preparing since spring. It specially selected pure black and disease-free healthy donkeys, feed the grass of the lion's ear mountain, and thirsty the water of the Wolf River. It has been so carefully fed for years and slaughtered and skin in winter, in the local Langxi River. Soak for four or five days, scrape the dirt, rinse it clean, boil it day and night with mulberry fire, remove its dregs, filter it for clarification, and then use a silver pot gold shovel, add ginseng, Qi, Gui, orange, osmanthus, licorice and other medicinal juices, and boil them into a gel. The finished product is smooth and fragrant. It is the top product that nourishes yin and nourishes the blood.

Although this thing is precious, Yuanxiu, as a princess, will not lack it. Cai Lan promised to go there in person. At this time, Geng Jingzhai had also finished the prescription and waved to Cailu. He roughly told him a few words to pay attention to when boiling the medicine, so he packed up the medicine box and left.

"How is the aunt's injury?" When he left, Yuanxiu asked specially.

Geng Jingzhai said concisely: "It doesn't matter."

Although his attitude was cold, Yuan Xiu was relieved and asked people to go down to boil medicine. Xue leaned on the hidden bag and looked at her busy with a smile. After a long time, he saw that Yuanxiu could no longer think of anything to worry about. He sat next to him and said leisurely, "Is Jiu Niang finished?"

"Hmm." Yuan Xiu just agreed, but saw Xue's face change. She seemed to be weak, but now she made a move like electricity. She pinched Yuan Xiu's obviously thin cheek, gritted her teeth and said, "So why are you haggard like this, but can you talk to the aunt well?"

Xue especially bit the three words "good". Yuan Xiu was immediately excited and hesitated, "I... I feel very uncomfortable because of the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian, so I have reduced it!"

"Have you reduced it? Madam, look at you. You have to remove at least one pleat to fit the skirt!" Xue's face sank and was gloomy. He said, "And why are you talking about Pingjin after entering Chang'an?"

"How can things in my elder sister's house annoy me?" Yuanxiu's stubborn personality can't even scare her with Fengchun's anger, but he is afraid and respectful of Xue, a wet nurse. Xue's name is only Wupin Shangyi and her wet nurse, but in fact, it can be said that she is her aunt, and she grew up with her day and night. She has been together much longer than Wenhua and Zhaoxian, and has a temper with Yuanxiu. No matter how clear it is, and Xue is not an ordinary girl. She cleaned up a girl who looked at growing up, even if she was a princess, but she stopped talking.

At this moment, there was a sudden attack, and Yuan Xiu suddenly did not dare to neglect it. He said carefully, "The aunt has an injury and has just returned to the palace. Why don't she drink medicine and sleep first? What can we say tomorrow?"

"If you don't figure things out, how can you sleep tonight with your aunt's personality?" Xue snorted and looked at the hall. Only one of the maids of honor was nearby, so he called her to the front and asked, "What's going on in Pingjin Mansion?"

Cai Zi looked at Yuanxiu sympathetically, but did not dare to hide it. He obediently told what he knew. He only heard Xue's face turn from white to blue to red to red and green. Finally, he patted angrily and said, "This shameless thing! If you don't think about your daughter, you won't be afraid of ruining the life of many sisters!"

Yuan Xiu and Cai Zi got up quickly because they were scared: "Madam, calm up and don't touch the wound!"

"It must not be a day or two for Pingjin to do such a stupid thing and listen to such a lively discussion. Is it possible that no one has ever asked about it?" Xue took a sip of the tea handed over by Cai Zi, suppressed his anger and asked.

Yuan Xiune said, "Two days ago, the fifth brother has issued an order to demote the eldest sister as a princess, and also gave the barbarian marriage to Lu Shilang's eldest grandson Lu but the enemy."

"Lu Shilang's eldest grandson?" Xue was stunned, "Is it the little man of the Lu family who was famous at a young age?"

"Yes." Yuanxiu nodded and sighed, "Although the eldest sister's position has been lowered, Man'er's marriage is good, which is also a comfort to them."

Xue looked at Cai Zi, picked purple, and filled her with tea with his own hands. He retreated with all the people in the hall and guarded the door of the hall in person.

Seeing Yuan Xiu showing doubt, Xue's forehead and said lightly, "You silly child, you think you are a noble princess. You don't need to fight like the woman in the harem, and you won't pay attention to anything!" Is this marriage a comfort? Unless Pingjin doesn't think like you, you will think so! If she is asked to choose, she would rather be demoted to princess than accept such a will!"

"What does auntie say? Isn't Lu a good enemy?" Yuan Xiu was surprised.

"It's because it's so good that the Lu family is originally surnamed Fan Yang, a famous family, and this dynasty is full of talents, but Lu's enemies can stand out in such an environment, which shows that it is really excellent!" Xue Shi sneered, "What should such a family and fellow talent do to marry the noble daughter of the clan to add luster to himself? Does he need it?"

Xue took a sip of tea and continued to patiently teach Yuan Xiu, "What's more, it's not that the aunt despises the golden branches and jade leaves. The reputation of the princess in this dynasty has always been very good!" Not to mention far away, you only look at your eldest sister, Princess Pingjin. Oh, now she is Princess Pingjin. Just because she is not separated from Zheng Cong, she will be in love with Wei Tan. If it is put in an ordinary family, if this family does not expel her from the wall, the girls of the whole family will not want to marry into the high door in the future! Princess Chengyi is the daughter of Princess Pingjin. With such a mother, how much do you think her reputation between Guanzhong's family can be better?

"But the Lu family is the elder sister's family!"

"What about outsiders? Princess Pingjin and Princess Chengyi are not surnamed Lu. Lu is the enemy of Lu, the eldest grandson of the Lu family, and the future ruler of the special hall! You said that King of Han, King Wei, which is more important than Princess Chengyi!"