yu feng xing

Chapter 4: Hermit Hanling

The blue light roared, and Meng Qianxiao stood at the front. After cutting off most of the strength of the masked man's palm with a ghost knife, he was shaken away dozens of feet away. The other four people were also pushed away by the momentum. Finally, the blue light on the masked man's palm was dim, like a flame candle that survived.

Deng Huo raised a knife to block his chest. Unexpectedly, the masked man grabbed his slightly raised lower abdomen, cut his bodyguard's armor with lightning, took away a brocade box embroidered with gold silk, and then slipped in the air for a half. Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian, who were stunned on the roof, took two hands and stepped on the city wall for several steps. , the last one jumped out of Ningzhou City, and all the movements were completed in one go, and there was no gap.

Wen Zicheng and other members of the Tianyu gang have not realized anything. They have seen the masked man run away with the two children.

At noon, the sun shone high and made people feel almost burnt.

In the shade of a big tree in the suburbs of Ningzhou, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian looked at every move of the masked man in front of them in horror.

The masked man tore open the black clothes on his body, revealing the snow-white and elegant clothes, and tearing off the masked black cloth, revealing the face that should have been radiant, but at this moment, he is slightly dark. The whole person looks elegant and looks like a weak son of a family. His age should be similar to Wenzi, and his temperament is somewhat similar. , but it is not as evil as Wen Zicheng.

"Hm, I'm in Hanling." Han Ling bent slightly and introduced himself to the two, but Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian were shocked and said, "I dare not! We can't stand such a great gift!"

Han Ling was not flattered at all, but showed an approachable smile and said, "I'm really sorry for frightening the two little brothers!"

Chen Rufeng was flattered and said, "Han's words are heavy! We want to thank the Korean hero for saving our brothers from danger. It's too late..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Shengtian said angrily, "Well, I have long expected that Wen Zicheng is uneasy and kind-hearted. Sure enough, any capture of thieves is fake, and the purpose is just to use us! Those people don't know what their origin is, but they can turn Wenzi into a turtle egg..."

Han Ling still smiled and said, "Those people are the 'seven knives' that shocked the world. They are responsible for the affairs of the world and belong to a department of the imperial court. If Jianghu is regarded as a county, then the ghost mansion is the government office of this county.

Chen Rufeng's face changed and said, "No wonder Wen Zicheng suddenly appeared... Shit! We were taken away by Han Xia in this way, won't we be suspected..." Before we finished speaking, we glanced at Han Ling with an embarrassed face.

Jiang Shengtian waved his hand and said, "If we still stay there, I'm afraid the situation will be worse. Wen Zicheng must have calculated well in the morning. Once the east window incident occurs, all the responsibility will be placed on us. On the one hand, there is the largest gang in Ningzhou, and on the other hand, there are two plain yellow-haired kids. Which side do you think the ghost mansion will believe?"

Han Ling looked at Jiang Shengtian with admiration, picked up the exquisite gold silk box and said, "I think the purpose of Tianyu Gang is for this thing."

"What is that?" Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian asked in unison that they naturally couldn't hold their curiosity about this secret that caused so many events.

Han Ling put the brocade box in his arms and said, "I'll have a chance to explain it to you later..." Before he finished speaking, he spit out a mouthful of blood and splashed on the tree trunk.

Chen Rufeng and the two wanted to help, but he raised his hand and refused.

Han Ling took a deep breath and his face was pale, but his seemingly immortal smile was still bright in the sun.

"I suffered a little internal injury... It doesn't matter. It will be fine after a period of conditioning." Han Ling saw the worried expression on their faces.

"Actually... why did you save us?" Jiang Shengtian couldn't help asking, "If it weren't for saving us, I'm afraid you wouldn't have spent so much effort to cause internal injury..."

Han Ling said casually, "It's none of your business. The seven knives of the ghost house are not a fuel-efficient lamp. I'm just lucky to have suffered this injury."

Chen Rufeng asked with a little worship: "Han Daxia's martial arts are really good. I don't know which school he comes from?"

Han Ling shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm just a hermit, with no sect. This interference in this matter is entrusted by others."

Jiang Shengtian suddenly realized: "Hidden? Isn't it one of the eight hidden in the Central Plains?" Chen Rufeng looked at Jiang Shengtian doubtfully and said, "Where did you hear this name?"

"At that time, I inadvertently heard people passing by say that 'Bayin in the Central Plains' was the title of the emperor, and eight hermits got this title. They usually don't care about the world." Jiang Shengtian replied with a little pride.

Han Ling nodded and said, "That's true. I am indeed one of the eight hidden in the Central Plains, but because I have made a promise to others, I have to interfere in this matter in violation of the hermit rules. I hope you will not reveal this secret.

Chen Rufeng patted his chest and said, "It's inevitable! Since Han hermit is willing to save us, how can we be so immoral and reveal the secret of Han hermit to others?

The sun is getting stronger, and the grass around it seems to be high, looking forward to a breeze.

"We have to get out of here quickly. I'm afraid the people of the ghost house will start chasing us soon." Han Ling said seriously, "This is still close to Ningzhou, and I'm injured again. Let's go to a nearby village to rest for a night before making plans."

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian know that they have committed crimes and are important figures in the world. Their future life can no longer be calm. Even if they don't want to be involved in the world, they have to be forced to step into the quagmire of the world.

The main department of Tianyu Gang is located in a large house in the center of the city.

The big house is high and strict, and the feather gang guarded both sides vigilantly for two days.

In the main hall, on the guest chairs on both sides, the seven people in the ghost house sat with their eyes closed to lift their breath, and Wen Zicheng sat in the master's seat without saying a word and did not dare to disturb them.

Meng Qianxiao opened his eyes first, and the other six people also stopped adjusting their interest rates.

"How's Lord Meng?" Wen Zicheng asked with concern, but only in exchange for Meng Qianxiao's cold-eyed response.

"I wonder if Master Wen can explain what happened today?" Huo Duxu asked in a suspicious tone. Meng Qianxiao looked like he had nothing to do with him. He closed his eyes again and held up a black gas in his palms. A trace of black gas lingered around his upper body.

Wen Zicheng knew that Meng Qianxiao was dissatisfied, so he said more respectfully: "We Tianyu Gang must bear most of the responsibility for this matter. Originally, we learned the news early in the morning that someone wanted to ambush the adults in the ghost house, so we mobilized the power of the gang to help. I didn't expect my opponent to be so strong..."

Huo Duxu interrupted coldly, "Well, I don't see that your Tianyu Gang has ever taken action."

Wenzi became speechless for a while, but after all, he was the leader of the group. He was self-sufficient in speech and calmly replied, "We rabbles, martial arts are much inferior to those of you. I'm afraid that rash action will only increase obstacles, which makes you have some scruples and can't go all out."

Huo Duxu looked suspicious, and Wen Zicheng continued: "Those two bold children should be accomplices of masked people. We have been following them in Ningzhou for several days."

"I can't figure out why a person with high martial arts will find two yellow-haired boy who are not good at martial arts to complicit." Peng He, the five ghosts, said in a sarcastic tone, and Wen Zicheng replied calmly: "This will not attract attention. As far as I know, the two of them are notorious thieves in Ningzhou. All kinds of precious objects are all good, and they even thought of the "green jade cup" which is the treasure of our middle town gang. If it weren't for the accomplice, how could the masked man save them?

In one sentence, Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian were portrayed as heinous villains, and at the same time focused everyone's attention on them to avoid Tianyu Gang being trapped in this matter.

"You seem to know that our mission this time is to protect Tianzhu's holy treasure." Huo Duxu showed doubts again, and Wen Zicheng did not dare to think for a moment and replied, "I really don't know anything about it. We only know that the lords of the ghost mansion want to pass through Ningzhou. If you hadn't told us, we wouldn't have known that you were carrying the heavy responsibility of transporting treasures.

Meng Qianxiao's black breath subsided. He opened his eyes and suddenly said, "The masked man is not simple. We have done so much secret that he can still be known by him. And the control he used is even more unswratic and unheard of. Do you have a clue and guess who?

Huo Duu lowered his head and thought hard for a moment, but just shook his head helplessly and said, " Since he knew that the sacred object was hidden in Deng Huo, he naturally followed us for a while."

Wen Zicheng realized: "Will it be Han Ling, a 'wu wizard' who is one of the 'Eight Hidden in the Central Plains'? I think his martial arts are extremely mysterious and natural, and he must be an unknown master. It is estimated that only Han Ling meets these conditions.

Meng Qianxiao's eyes suddenly appeared and said, "It is indeed possible that Han Ling appeared in the world three years ago. First, he defeated dozens of masters on the 'Qingshi Martial Arts Hall', and then Guang issued a war letter to challenge the masters of various sects. For a while, he was in the limelight. Two years ago, he retreated bravely and was awarded the title of 'Eight Hidden in the Central Plains' by the Holy Lord. It is said that the martial arts he uses in each martial arts competition are different. According to the enemy's conditions, it is changeable and unpredictable. So far, he has not been defeated. He is indeed the most outstanding young talent today.

"So it seems that the masked man is likely to be Han Ling." Huo Du said that Meng Qianxiao had already planned a countermeasure in his heart and said, "We should act immediately. The second ghost will first go to Chang'an to tell the Holy King that he will find the tribute within a month, and then look for the traces of the three of them separately with others. I will personally go to the hidden bamboo forest to visit Han Ling."

Huo Duxu and others have been ordered to stand up and hurriedly began to act separately.

Meng Qianxiao stood in the center of the hall and looked at Wen Zicheng meaningfully. Wen Zicheng immediately understood, waved his hand, and screened back the servants in the main hall.

"Don't think I don't know the real intention of your Tianyu Gang." Meng Qianxiao said with his hand on his back. Although Wen Zicheng was shocked, the pleasure on his face did not diminish.

"Our Tianyu Gang is definitely trying its best to help the ghost mansion..." Before saying that, the ghost knife on Meng Qianxiao's waist had come out, a black knife light scratched, and the blade pointed straight to Wenzi's throat.

Wen Zicheng suddenly smiled hypocritically, his body could hardly move, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

"If you are smart, you will help us arrest them wholeheartedly. If you can arrest them, I will not blame them. But if I find that you are a little strange and want to make some small actions under my skin, don't blame me for being ruthless. Meng Qianxiao put his knife into the sheath and walked straight to the door of the hall. Wen Zicheng waited for him to turn around before he put away the smiling face and stared at his back fiercely.