yu feng xing

Chapter 6: Blackstone Variation

Han Lingyi turned into a pale, polite and weak-looking sick scholar, leading Chen Jiang to the sway more than ten miles away from the village. A fork showed in front of him, and the three stopped here.

"Two brothers, goodbye!" Han Ling said goodbye with his fist, and Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian saluted repeatedly.

"I don't know when the next reunion will be." Chen Rufeng said slightly gloomyly.

Jiang Shengtian said, "It is still unknown whether there is a life that can stay until the next reunion." Jiang Shengtian knew that this trip was extremely dangerous and his life and death were uncertain. Although he had avoided many dangerous roads, he could not rule out all the latent dangers.

The wind suddenly rose, and a figure appeared in the dense trees on the top, like a Daluo immortal descending from the sky.

Han Ling immediately became wary, and the sick Junrong suddenly tightened up.

The comer is a swordsman with a steel sword on his back, with a thick beard under his nose, as if he deliberately accumulating a beard, because his chin is very clean, forming a contrast. His face is radiant, and he looks no more than 30 years old.

"Li Detuo, the 'lone swordsman', hopes that the three of them can follow him to the government." Li Detuo politely saluted, but his eyes flashed with murder, and all three knew that the people were not good.

Han Ling smiled and said, "Since Brother Li's intention is so clear, there is no need to say more. Let's take action."

Seeing that Han Ling had shown that he was unwilling to be arrested, Li Detuo stood up and stepped on the ground with his right foot. The steel sword on his back came out of its sheath by itself and fell into his hand. He swept through the air. The star-like bright light threw out the sword and scraped it away to the three people.

After Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian retreated, they had already seen the strength of Han Ling and knew that it would be easy for him to block this sword spirit.

Sure enough, Han Ling's slightly bent waist rod immediately straightened and punched straight to meet the fierce light. The fist light touched each other for a moment, and the fierce light was separated and melted like a broken arrow.

Li Detuo was stunned, and his proud "Hongyang sword spirit" was easily broken. Although the identity of the person in front of him was unknown, his strength could not be underestimated.

With Li Detuo's loud shout, he stepped into the air with a steel sword and stabbed Han Ling. Han Ling laughed and did not dodge. Instead, he took a step forward and was confident and free.

Li Detuo's anger was easily cracked by Han Ling. Naturally, the second attack was a great decline, and Han Ling was full of confidence and did not defend. Instead, he stepped forward to die, which was really puzzling.

In fact, Han Ling had a budget in his heart and was confident that he could react immediately when the sword was at the critical point.

Li Detuo's heart was already in chaos, and the current attack was neither the nor the retreat, so he decided to fight cruelly and concentrate on the sword. The sharp edge of the sword became colder and had the momentum to pierce the sky.

The sword pierced Han Ling's chest, and even Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian, who were watching, couldn't help but be frightened. They both felt that the tip of the sword would pierce from Han Ling's back the next moment.

In an instant, Han Ling's two fingers suddenly clamped the tip of the sword only three inches from his chest, and Li Detuo's body was suddenly shocked like being struck by lightning.

Han Ling is unrestrained and comfortable, with a smile still the same. It seems that he is just writing a landscape painting.

With a loosening of his two fingers, Li Detuo was shaken back from the air and flew back dozens of feet back to the ground. Han Ling still stood still in place, as stable as Mount Tai. Li Detuo's eyes were full of disbelief.

The gap between the two is self-evident.

Han Ling just raised his hand and said as a gift, "Please!"

Li Detuo knew that his skills were not as good as others, and he didn't say much. He glanced at the three people breathlessly, turned around, and disappeared in the dense trees.

Han Ling turned around and sighed at them, "I'm afraid there will be many troubles like this in the future. We are now worth thousands of taels of gold. After the breakup, you should be careful and act vigilant.

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian nodded against their hearts, imagining that after leaving Hanling, they met an enemy like Li Detuo just now, and they must have no place to die.

After parting ways with Han Ling, Chen Rufeng and his wife have traveled dozens of miles in a row.

They were inaccessunable. When they met people, they hid and wandered between the mountains and forest paths. Their already patched clothes were also scratched out of wild mountain branches. Poor mountains and rivers are really beyond their patience for two 15- or 16-year-olds.

"Damn, why can't I find a village to settle down for so long?" Chen Rufeng took off his shoes, poured out the sand and stone that fell into it, and complained.

Jiang Shengtian forced himself to calm down and muttered, "It will arrive soon... it will arrive soon..."

The sound of axe cutting came from the dense forest.

The two looked at each other and were overjoyed. They stopped talking. They followed this rhythmic sound and walked cautiously, and there was almost no sound from the collision with the leaves.

Where there are woodcutter, there are villages.

Sure enough, the two saw a middle-aged woodcutter trying to cut down firewood. They hid in the distance and followed him to look for the village after he finished.

When the two waited boredly for the sun to set, the woodcutter carried a piece of firewood on his back, picked up the axe, and left lonely in the sunset.

I followed the woodcutter for half an hour. When it was dark, the moon star fell and finally followed a village.

"I don't think they will even issue a wanted notice in the village, will they?" Chen Rufeng followed Jiang Shengtian into the entrance of the village worriedly.

"The nearest town is also a hundred miles away from this village. I'm afraid there will be no wanted notice posted here, right?" Jiang Shengtian seemed to comfort himself more.

After entering the village, the two walked a path tremblingly and did not find anything strange, so they calmed down and found a restaurant to treat their rumbling stomachs.

Fortunately, Han Ling gave them some money before parting, otherwise they would definitely be depressed now and would never be big fish and meat in the restaurant.

After a full meal, the two found the only inn in the village to settle down.

"I think this is similar to the shabby temple we live in." Jiang Shengtian lit the oil lamp, and the light suddenly filled the whole narrow room. The windowless window, with bursts of twinkling stars, seemed to tell endless mysteries.

Chen Rufeng lay lazily on ** and watched Jiang Shengtian take out the brocade box in his arms and put it on the wooden table. His heart suddenly moved and proposed with enthusiasm: "Why don't you open it and have a look!"

Jiang Shengtian threw a dissatisfied look and said, "Brother Han told us not to open it. Did you forget it so soon?"

"If you don't look at it, don't look!" Chen Rufeng said happily, raising his head to the smallpox and closing his eyes.

Jiang Shengtian approached and scolded with a smile, "Get out of here, I'm going to sleep!" Chen Rufeng laughed, rolled in against him, and pressed against the wall fiercely. Unexpectedly, Jiang Shengtian poked his armpits with both hands. Chen Rufeng's dead hole was broken and rolled left and right with tears. Jiang Shengtian aimed at the opportunity and jumped to **'s inner position.

"You are cruel!" Chen Rufeng's laughter was not exhausted, and Jiang Shengtian closed his eyes with satisfaction.

The night was getting darker, and the fire on the table was extinguished, constantly spewing out the gorgeous golden brocade box.

Jiang Shengtian's snort next to him gradually increased, and Chen Rufeng's eyes stayed on the box surrounded by fire.

"What does the so-called demon evil thing look like?" Chen Rufeng's heart was struggling. One side was suppressing the impulse to open the brocade box, and the other side was constantly repeating Han Ling's words.

Finally, Chen Rufeng still couldn't match his curiosity. He turned over and got out of bed and walked to the brocade box.

He put his hands gently on the brocade box, picked them up and looked at them carefully.

The gold wire on the brocade box seems to be embroidered into a strange text. Chen Rufeng looked at it for a long time and couldn't see what was written on it. He guessed that it was probably the text of Tianzhu.

After hesitating for a while again, Chen Rufeng bit his lip and pressed his hand on the button.

Chen Rufeng gently opened the button that locked the brocade box and slowly lifted the brocade box.

A black square stone lies quietly on the red mattress.

Chen Rufeng narrowed his eyes and looked at the black stone. The black stone is engraved with some strange patterns, similar to those on the Taoist yellow charm.

The light of the candles on the table suddenly shook violently, like a monkey.

The black stone is like a sleeping devil, reflected in Chen Rufeng's pupils.

He began to feel a little uncontrollable. It seemed that a voice kept urging him to pick up the black yuan stone. The divine light of his eyes was absorbed by the black yuan stone. Unconsciously, he stretched out one hand to the black yuan stone.

The moment the hand touched the black stone, the change suddenly appeared.

The pattern on the black stone actually oozed black smoke, and wisps rose, like ghost claws in hell stretched out to catch people to the underworld.

Chen Rufeng's eyes flashed red, and the black waves kept rolling in his eyes. The black gas on the black stone wrapped around his body like a giant black- scale snake.

He wants to let go and get rid of this thing that suddenly became terrible.

The black snake wrapped around his body began to expand and wanted to swallow his body completely.

His hand seems to be connected to the flesh and blood of the brocade box, and he can't let go of it. He felt that every part of his blood was rolling, and from his chest to Dantian, it seemed that something was holding up crazily, trying to break his internal organs.

The red light in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by a thick blackness filling his eyes.

In an instant, his skin became extremely hot, like ten thousand ants devoured, tearing every inch of his skin, sucking every drop of his blood, destroying his will, but not letting him die happily, unable to survive, unable to die.

Black smoke has covered his whole body and poured in from his facial features. Every pore has become the entrance of black smoke, which is extremely horrible.

He wanted to shout out, but he screamed silently, as if someone had grabbed his neck and locked his throat, so that he could only open his mouth, but he was unable to speak.

The black gas wrapped around his whole body was gradually absorbed by him, and only a black snake drilled into his mouth.

The last trace of black smoke poured in from his mouth, and Chen Rufeng finally got out of the bondage, his whole body softened, his eyes were black, and he fainted to the ground.