yu feng xing

Chapter 13: Three Saints of the Magic Family

The bamboo shadow is mottled, and the savage is as quiet as a fairyland on earth. The two snoring sounds of the scenery can be seen as a masterpiece of Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian.

He poked his head and looked at the two sleeping kids, shook his head helplessly, closed the bamboo door, and walked out of the house. A white figure turned his back to him, as if he had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

"Well, I said, it's not enough time for you to stay like this every time. I don't know whether you are a hermit or I'm a hermit." With a smile, Han Ling turned his head, and his face was still as clear as water.

"It's just that you haven't admitted that you are a hermit. Your behavior is simply a hermit." Han Ling laughed and refuted.

Chaogu gave full play to his true character as a drunkard, like a child and lost his temper and said, "What's the good thing for a hermit? He can't do anything when he hides. I hope to live a free life. I can take care of things in the world. If I don't care about it, I don't care about it. Why don't I go to the pub to cheat a few pot of wine when I have time? Ha!"

Han Ling couldn't resist him, so he changed the topic and said, "How is Chen Rufeng's progress?"

When it comes to serious things, he said solemnly, "His talent is higher than we thought. In just a month, he has reached the entry level of 'virtual'. I'm afraid it only takes a month to fully reach the highest level of 'virtual'. Fortunately, the black yuan stone had little influence on him, and the evil spirit of the dormant demon family showed no sign of outbreak.

Han Ling nodded slightly, frowned and thought for a while, and said, "The evil spirit of the devil is extremely mysterious. It is beyond yours and me. It is unknown what impact it will have on his heart in the future, so you must not teach him any martial arts that can hurt people, otherwise I'm afraid that another demon king will be born in the future."

"Indeed, that will become a big trouble in the world." Chaogu still has a lingering heart for the demon king who was powerful 20 years ago, "So, how do you plan to deal with the black yuan stone? After all, it is a big evil thing in the world today, and I suggest that it be destroyed.

Han Ling shook his head and said, "I want to go to Tianzhu to find out why Tianzhu sent such an evil thing to our Middle Earth."

Chaoge patted Han Ling sympathetically and said, "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Now that you have chosen this road, you have to go down with all your heart.

Han Ling looked up at the half-lit sky as if he remembered something from the past, and there was a fleeting sadness in his eyes. He sighed secretly, "I'm going to leave. Take good care of them. They are the safest place to stay here."

After saying that, Han Ling had disappeared into the morning fog, and his eyes showed pity and muttered, "Poor child."

Chen Rufeng kicked Jiang Shengtian's waist fiercely, but Jiang Shengtian, who was sleeping on the bamboo, ignored his protest and turned around to carry him to continue his dream.

"Cough." Chao Guo deliberately coughed a few times, with an angry and majestic expression on his face. Chen Rufeng turned his head with a resentful face and saw that the master was about to be angry. His expression quickly turned into a respectful smile, surprising whether he was good at changing his face.

Chao put on a stern face and said, "You can go to bed if you want to sleep. You don't have to learn from my errare skills."

Chen Rufeng waved his hand and explained with a smile, "What is it! I'm just stretching my muscles and bones..."

Chaogu did not care about him and said bluntly: "The light kung fu is divided into three levels. The first layer is 'virtual', the second layer is 'e�', and the third layer is 'phantom'. What I taught you before is the 'virtual' introductory skill. Now that you have laid the foundation, I will formally teach you 'Void'."

Chen Rufeng suddenly scratched his scalp, and secretly thought that even the light skill was so broad and profound, and this erratic work was really extraordinary. In a word, you should remember a formula for 'virtual' first: the body is virtual, the qi is the truth, use qi to control the god, and conform to the heavenly situation. After teaching, Chen Rufeng fell into a complicated labyrinth and couldn't touch the direction.

"Okay..." Before Chaoqi's words fell, the sound of breaking through the air sounded from the sky.

Jiang Shengtian was shocked in his fake slums, turned over and stood up. The three looked at the sky together and saw that the three black spots in the air were getting closer and closer, as if they were falling from the sky, and more like the three of them were leaning against their place at a comparable speed.

Three people in black cloaks, wrapped in black robes and golden ghost headdresses came from the sky. Chen Rufeng felt very strange that the clothes of the three people were so unified. As soon as he saw the fierce expressions of the three people, he knew that they were not good.

He narrowed his eyes and saw the three people in the air and said coldly, "I didn't expect the three saints to have such leisure to visit me, an old drunkard."

The three saints refer to the three demon saint Qiu Shan Pi, the ghost saint Cao Yujin and the demon saint Ying Pingde. They were originally outstanding figures of the Qinglong faction, the Meidao faction and the Zhong Kui faction of the three old school of the demon family. Later, the demon king unified the demon family and drove out the three schools. The three saints had to listen to obey the demon king for the overall situation. When the demon king wanted to subvert the world, the three saints abandoned the dark and helped the right path defeat the demon family in one fell swoop. In the end, only the red demon altar was willing to return to the right path and leave the demon family. After the three people, they somehow began to retreat and were awarded the title of "Eight Hidden in the Central Plains".

Qiu Shanpi said bluntly, "We heard that the black yuan stone, the most precious treasure of the demon family, fell on the hands of the two little boy behind you. This time we came here to borrow it for a little exploration."

Cao Yujin and Ying Pingde's eyes shot a direct light of pressure, as if they would do it as soon as they refused.

Chaoge's face did not change. He gestured to Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian to enter the room. They had to glance at Chaoge's majestic back and suddenly felt that his short and fat figure had become strong, but they could only turn around and enter the room. The three saints had no intention of intercepting at all, but continued to confront the court.

"To be honest, the black yuan stone is not in their hands. You should also die. Be your hermit at ease and don't disturb the purity of my old man." Chaoge was not afraid of the sharp momentum of the three people, but stood up and said confidently.

Cao Yujin sneered and said, "Even if we can't get the black yuan stone, we still want those two kids to get a thousand taels of silver."

"I didn't expect that Bayin in the middle of the Yuan would also put down his body for silver and bully the weak." Chao Qu sneered, and Ying Pingde smiled grimly and said, "We are just doing good deeds for the people and arresting two wanted criminals."

After a verbal battle, the four knew that there was no room for negotiation between the two sides, and they were ready to go.

With the martial arts of the three saints, I'm afraid that everyone can also rank in the top ten of the Jianghu List. What's more, the three of them are invincible and invincible. With the ability of the court, they can only be at a disadvantage.

"When you heard me say 'run', you immediately left with a erratic skill and remember the formula I taught you. The other two formulas are 'empty is me, I am angry, yes, nothing is nothing' and 'quite disturbance', remember!!" Chaoge spread the words to Chen Rufeng's ears in the room. At this time, Chen Rufeng was hiding behind the window with Jiang Shengtian and looked out at the situation of the four people outside the house. Hearing Chaogua's words, he was shocked to know that Chaogua's victory was negligible.

Chaogu preemptively attacked, stepped on his feet, and quickly moved to the center of the three people without leaving a trace in the air. It seemed that they were forced to fall into the situation of being attacked by the enemy. The three saints seized the opportunity and hit him one after another. The three black palm shadows expanded out of their palms, and three faced the direction of the trap.

The three palms hit together and exploded violently in the air. The three also had to retreat a few steps to prevent them from being injured by the shock. Suddenly, they saw that the three palms had been hit by the ashes and smoke.

There was a chill in Chen Rufeng's heart and shrank his head down half a foot. He couldn't bear to see the defeat of Chaogao.

Sum, a green shadow rose from the remnants of the palm smoke, divided into three, jumped behind the three people, turned into the figure of the head, condensed the green air towards the fist, and hit the back of the three people at the same time.

Naturally, this is not the art of splitting, but the speed is so high that people can see that there are three attacks at the same time, while the speed itself knows that it is just the illusion of speed. In fact, there are attacks to the three people, but the speed is not visible. There is a gap between the three attacks.

This is the "fantasy" realm of illusory merit.

The three saints are also successful people. They immediately sensed the cohesion behind them, and the threat came from it. They immediately dodged and staggered to avoid this fatal blow from his back.

Another advantage of Chaogu is that he can be able to collect and release freely without wasting his true energy. Based on this alone, it is known that the fourth place in the Jianghu Directory is not a false reputation.

The three shadows are united and become the entity of the dynasty.

Draging the phantom behind Chaogu, he raised his fists and hit the demon saint Qiu Shanpi first.

Although the speed of this attack is like thunder, the ghost saint and the demon saint have predicted the position of the court. They stretched out two fingers and shot out two black gas, straight to the waist.

The demon saint will not be ready to be attacked. He raised his palms, and thousands of palm shadows were born, which were actually blocked in front of his chest like a black shield. If he is ordinary, if he hits this real palm shield, I'm afraid that he will only have blood turbulent, and even the real gas will rebound and die.

No one saw the smile from the corners of his mouth at this time.

Thechao guo that rushed in mid-air suddenly disappeared, like evaporated water vapor.

This is the second layer of "e�" in the errified work.

Chaoku suddenly appeared from behind Qiu Shanpi and raised his elbow and hit the fragile area between his ridges. This is to avoid the weakness behind the sharpness of the demon saint's predecessor, which is extremely clever.

Qiu Shanpi's reaction power was even more amazing. He twisted his waist to the right, causing Chaogu's elbow to fall into empty. At the same time, his right foot pulled the hook back, so that Chaogu had to give up and continue to attack and leave him five feet away. This five feet of space was enough for him to regain his position and face to face Chaogu, and the ghost demon saint also bent down and rushed to him.

The court knows that it can no longer be delayed. If you want to win, you must be knocked down one by one. You must not let the three saints hold the group. Otherwise, with their tacit understanding and kung fu, the combined strength of the three people is twice as strong as the sum of the skills of the three people.

Between the lightning and flints, the arrows turn into green shadows, and the arrows generally shoot back to the demon saint. The magic saint is superior in martial arts among the three saints. If you can knock him down first, you can increase the victory to half.

As soon as the fists and feet came out, the spirit burst out. The two had already fists and fought dozens of times in the blink of an eye. Among them, Chaogu hit him three times with the advantage of speed, but was blocked by Qiu Shanpi's indestructible true spirit. The injury was insignificant. Chaogu gave up fighting with him again, and the two suddenly separated.

"Okay, we won't drag it down with you!" The demon saint sneered.

The three saints gathered together, and the three stood one by one and formed a triangular array, as if they were going to perform some mysterious skills.

The three people raised their palms and put their palms against each other. A purple electric light flashed in the middle of the three people, faintly sweeping everything.

Chao Qu's face has finally changed.

"Purple electricity thunder!" Chaogu secretly shocked that this long-lost mysterious skill can be used by the three of them. It is really hard to describe the horror of this master ranked fourth in the Jianghu Directory at this moment.

Zidian thunder is to quickly stir the air with the true qi in the body, causing it to rub rapidly and generate thunder. Among them, all kinds of mysteries are really beyond the master of Jianghu. It can be seen how powerful it is to use this move with the power of three top masters.

However, with the light skills of the master level, it is only a piece of cake to avoid this purple electric thunder.

The purple thunder group broke away from the triangular array of the three people and flew to the erratic bamboo house.

The three saints knew that attacking the court was really like catching earthworms with their bare hands, so they turned their targets to the motionless house. They also expected that the court would go to save the two children in the house.

The heart is calculated, and it is not true.

Chao Kuo secretly said, "Run!" On one side, his body flashed to the oblique opposite the door of the bamboo house, opened his arms, put his palms together, and gathered his energy to cope with the fiercest attack in his life.

Chen Rufeng has been frightened. All the formulas have already run out of the sky. Now that his life is at stake, there is only a blank left in his head.

The purple electric mass rushed to the morning, and the palms of the morning, and the green light suddenly bloomed, like thousands of dazzling thorns, wanting to devour the purple electric mass.

"Calm... Calm down..." Chen Rufeng kept repeating in his heart, and Jiang Shengtian had pulled him to another window in the room.

"Ah, I remember! The body is virtual, and the qi is the truth. Take the qi to control the gods and conform to the divine situation!" Chen Rufeng remembered for a moment, and it was like getting the most precious treasure. He realized that there were three peerless masters outside the house who wanted to capture them, suppressed the impulse to dance and celebrate, and closed his eyes and luck.

In the purple-green confrontation, Chaoqi's body shook sharply and was pressed to the ground by the purple electric mass. The purple electricity rotated sharply, as if it was about to break the green air cover in Chaoqi's hand.

A gust of wind blew the bamboo door into the house.

"Concentive to the heavenly situation..." Chen Rufeng meditated in his heart and raised the true qi in his body to the extreme. "The body is weak, the qi is real..." The strength in his body is constantly increasing, and the weight of his body becomes as light as a feather under the strength of his strength.

The wind was even more strong. Chen Rufeng shouted, clenched Jiang Shengtian's arm, stepped on the floor, dragged the long shadow, and flew out of the window in the green light.

Sansheng followed the roar and saw a green light rushing to the sky, but in order to make a "purple electricity thunder", they were really exhausted and could only watch the two flee.