yu feng xing

Chapter 28: clues

The back hall of the government office.

The four treasures of the study were neatly placed on the spotless bookcase, and a stack of * was pushed to the side of the bookcase by Zhao Fengzhang. At this moment, Chen Rufeng, Jiang Shengtian, Jin Yilai and Guan Xingyi sat on the chairs on both sides, waiting for Zhao Fengzhang with a sad face to speak.

"I immediately ordered to step up the inspection of every carriage entering the city, especially those carrying goods." Zhao Fengzhang patted the bookcase, and the hanging brushes shook.

"None! In order to hunt us down, the current city inspection must be strong enough, and they must be able to bring children in from some unknown channels. On the contrary, this move will be counterproductive and startle the snake. Jiang Shengtian was the first to object, "The power behind this group must be huge, and it has not been found for a long time. It must be careful, so this must be carried out secretly."

Everyone looked at Jiang Shengtian talking and knew that he had an idea. Jiang Shengtian gently raised the corners of his mouth and paused. His eyes swept over everyone, but no one showed that they wanted to continue to inquire, so they had to cough awkwardly and continued: "We can send someone to pretend to be guests and go to those Human traffickers trade, so that they can grasp their criminal evidence.

Jiang Shengtian said in one breath, waiting for everyone's reaction. Zhao Fengzhang still frowned and thought quietly. Chen Rufeng and Guan Xingyi just nodded in agreement, but Jin Yilai still had a gloomy face and seemed to have no idea. Jiang Shengtian didn't find the approving eyes he expected.

"To this day, this is the only way to do it." Zhao Fengzhang couldn't think of a better way for a long time, so he had to nod his head and agree. Jiang Shengtian stood up with an excited face, "Then this should be done as soon as possible!" Let me pretend to be guests with Rufeng to make a deal with them!"

Jin Yilai didn't seem to hear Jiang Shengtian's words and suddenly said, "Let me and Rufeng do this." Everyone was shocked by Jin Yilai's sudden words, but there was an irresistible power in his tone. Although Jiang Shengtian was unwilling, he had no choice but to agree.

Zhao Fengzhang nodded: "If you need anything, just let me know. I will do my best to help."

Chen Rufeng looked at Jin Yilai. Although he was still the expressionless face, he could faintly see a little determination.

"Don't worry about roaming the street. All the portraits of the wanted notice in Xianning have been ordered by me to make small changes. No one can recognize that you are Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian." Zhao Fengzhang said.

"What's the task for Shengtian and me?" Guan Xingyi asked, and he was not willing to stand by. Jin Yilai glanced at him and said, "You are responsible for asking for information. Don't let go of any clues."

Guan Xingyi wanted to object, but Zhao Fengzhang beside him was also silent and had to give up and follow Jin Yi's arrangement.

"Why do we still wear this annoying thing?" Chen Rufeng complained to Jin Yilai that although he knew that there was little chance for Jin Yilai to answer, he had no good impression on these bamboo hats surrounded by black veils, like a heavy stone pressing on his head, and no one would feel uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yilai said, "Do you want to deal with human traffickers openly?"

Chen Rufeng was speechless after hearing this, so he had to adjust the bucket hat and followed Jin Yi next to him.

The two walked for a long time in Xianning and sat down in an inn to rest. As soon as they entered the inn, their clothes immediately attracted the strange eyes of the crowd around them.

Chen Rufeng was uncomfortable and was about to take off the bamboo hat. Jin Yilai said coldly, "Don't take it off." Chen Rufeng just sat down with him helplessly. When everyone around him looked away, he called Xiao Er to order food.

"To be honest, after we have been walking for so long, will those traffickers run out to do business with us?" Chen Rufeng asked in a low voice, and the invisible face behind the black veil said, "Don't you remember? If the 'goods' of human traffickers are not returned from the city gate, what other channels are there?

Chen Rufeng was suddenly shocked. Although he was disgusted with the word "goods" by Jin Yilai, he didn't have time to blame him. This word woke up the dreamer, "The secret statement when we came?"

Jin Yilai no longer spoke, but Chen Rufeng could see the faint smile hidden behind the black veil.

"Let's go! Let's go and have a look now!" Chen Rufeng stood up excitedly, but his stomach cooed uncooperatively. He had to say awkwardly, "Let's go after filling your stomach!"

Chen Rufeng and Jin Yilai hid behind the tall box and peeped at the situation in the alleyway.

Three carriages were lined up in front of the room connected to the secret door on the wall. The door opened, and several big men were busy carrying boxes of white cloth-covered cages to the carriage carrying goods. A strict-faced man who looked like he was in charge of command urged: "Hurry up! Let's go to a place with fewer people!"

Listening to the cries of children coming from under the white cloth, Chen Rufeng aroused his anger and clenched his fists and was about to rush over. Jin Yilai pressed his shoulder and shook his head to say not to act rashly. Chen Rufeng looked at him angrily and thought for a moment, knowing that the impulse at this moment would only hurt more children, so he went back. He withdrew and continued to stare at the evil behavior of the group of people with resentment.

"Well, are you two so interested in coming to see us do business?" He Shile suddenly appeared behind the two people like ghosts, and his hands were on their arms. Chen Rufeng was suddenly scared to death.

Jin Yilai reacted quickly and turned his head and pinched He Shile's neck. He Shile hummed and was pressed to the wall. His mouth wide and gasped in pain like a frog with a bulging cheek.

"Let go... let go... I... I... No..." He Shile hissed intermittently and begged for mercy in despair. Chen Rufeng looked anxiously. If it went on like this, it was really fatal. He persuaded him, "Don't do this..."

Jin Yilai's hand slowly loosened, and He Shile took a rough breath and looked like he had escaped from death. His hands tried hard to open Jin Yilai's claws still on his neck, but this was futile.

He Shile finally gave up the struggle and looked at the person in front of him who could take his life like a knife and said, "What do you want? Just say it."

"I want to make a deal with you." Jin Yilai said coldly. After hearing this, He Shile stared at the boss with an incredible expression.

"Do you do business with the boss like this?" He Shile asked in a shrill voice, thinking that he had the upper hand. Unexpectedly, Jin Yilai's hand tightened again, which put him in a painful situation again.

"Your life should be more important than this business, right?"

He Shile nodded desperately, praying that Jin Yilai's hand could be loosened as soon as possible.

In the evening, the big trees in the small courtyard of Taishou Mansion were blown down by the autumn wind again, rustling, which was quite disturbing. The bright lights in the study cut a little gloomy here.

The layout of the study is the same as that of the back hall, which is probably related to Zhao Fengzhang's consistent style. Except for a desk, there are only a few bookshes that have been in disrepair, but the books on them are spotless.

"Then, this matter should not be able to get rid of it." Zhao Fengzhang said in a low voice, his face was tense, like a volcano about to erupt. The case of child trafficking has plagued him for many days. In addition to the hatred of the perpetrator, there is also a deep self-blame.

Zhao Fengzhang turned his head and asked Guan Xingyi, "What did you hear?"

Guan Xingyi did not dare to neglect and went straight in and said, "We have inquired about several streets. People hear children crying from time to time, but they don't care too much. They think whose children are making trouble. I think those traffickers have a fixed route to transport abducted children to specific places.

After listening to Guan Xingyi's report, Zhao Fengzhang turned his face to the cold Jin Yilai. Before he could ask questions, Jin Yilai said lightly, "We have connected the bridge, and tomorrow we will come to Zhensheng to help talk about business."

After listening to this, Zhao Fengzhang was slightly relieved. The matter was finally a little clear. The next thing to do was to collect the criminal evidence of the Zhensheng Gang, and then catch it all.

Chen Rufeng patted his chest and said, "Lord Taishou, you can rest assured. We will never let these criminal people get away."

"The next heavy responsibility falls on you." Zhao Fengzhang's eyes turned around Chen Rufeng and Jin Yilai. Only Chen Rufeng confidently returned his eyes. Jin Yilai still stared blankly ahead, as if he was trapped in his own thoughts and had nothing to do with the outside world.