yu feng xing

Chapter 3: After the Rain in the Forest

The rain has come down gently. The water curtain that had originally ravaged the world has turned into a weeping, dripping on the mud land, adding deeper. The dark clouds have turned into wisps of silk-like broken clouds, floating quietly like a boat lake in the slightly yellow sky, as if it had just calmed down the anger.

A figure, one by one, stepped on the scattered leaves on the ground and stepped forward, as if a huge stone tied to his feet, so that he had to use all his strength in every step. His whole body was ragged, with scars, and the corners of his mouth were still blood-stained. His eyes were blurred and full of depression.

In the drizzle, Chen Rufeng dragged his battered body step by step.

After countless chases and killings, Chen Rufeng was exhausted. He put aside those people with his last bit of strength and hid in a sharp forest. Although it was painful, he could only endure it until most of the day after confirming that those people had given up searching for his trace, He just climbed out again, but he was injured both inside and outside.

Based on intuition, Chen Rufeng has to press his hand on the tree trunk and gasp from time to time before he can continue. You should also pay attention to the branches on the ground and accidentally trip over those inconspicuous branches.

The more he walked, the more disgusting the bloody smell became. Chen Rufeng's heart was heavier, but he accelerated his foot speed, but his body couldn't help it. After a few steps, he fell forward heavily and fell to the ground. His face was fiercely attached to the dirt on the ground, adding a few black marks.

He stood up stubbornly, ignored that his face was already dirty and black. He continued, never stopped, dragging forward, walking, walking...

The sunset finally pierced a golden yellow, seeping down in the cracks of the leaves. The sad sunset came to this devastated forest with some pity. At this time, the dark clouds had dispersed, and the sunset was everywhere. In the west, there was a yellow-red sea in the distance, boundless, mixed with a little mystery, probably after his death. The souls of people will go there, right?

Chen Rufeng's body stiffened like wood, looking at the realm of purgatory in front of him.

Blood-stained, and the bodies of soldiers lay on the ground, all dead. Judging from their frightened expressions, they were almost killed before they could react. Some soldiers who barely woke up were inserted upside down by their own weapons, or nailed to tree trunks, or embedded in the ground, which was bloody and horrible.

Chen Rufeng exhausted his last will, drove his body and moved forward. He felt that his courage was being eaten point by point, and weakness was gradually gaining the upper hand.

He walked to the center of the Shura slaughterhouse, and the body was lying around his feet. His breath was cut off. He had a pair of lightless eyes, or looked at the sky or stared at himself. These people were still alive a few hours ago. How would it feel to see such a scene now?

Chen Rufeng lowered his head and lay at his feet. The cold and still face was so familiar. He unconsciously touched the dagger around his waist, and the distant words seemed to be yesterday.

"Hey, boy, let me tell you something." A soldier with an extremely obscene face waved to Chen Rufeng, who was thinking silently. Chen Rufeng's face was confused, but when he saw that the soldier was enthusiastic, he also stood up and walked over.

"Come on, sit down!" The soldier patted the stone slab beside him and shook the flying dust. Chen Rufeng sat down, and he approached and said, "Look at you like this, you must not have come to march with us!"

Chen Rufeng looked at him with a stunned face and didn't know what the hell he was thinking.

The soldier said mysteriously, "In addition to the weapons equipped with us who come out to march, we will also bring some defensive small weapons in private." After saying that, he took out a small dagger from his arms. Judging from the exquisite patterns and blue and white patterns on the dagger set, it should be a valuable item.

"But... I remember that soldiers are not allowed to carry weapons in private!" Chen Rufeng suddenly remembered the military discipline that Ma Yulin had mentioned to him, and there was such a thing in it.

"That's right... Haha, I see that you have beautiful eyebrows and look like a good person. I received a message that General Ma is going to have a discipline inspection in recent days. Can you help me keep this dagger for the time being?" The soldier smiled brightly with a warm and grateful look.

Even if he has wide eyes now, he seems to be smiling. Chen Rufeng does not feel that he is a little obscene, but a little brave and respectable.

Chen Rufeng slowly held the dagger in his hand and gently pulled it out. The blade of the dagger was as white as a mirror, and the sharp point was exposed. There was no rust at all, probably before.

However, its owner has been lying there forever.

The rain is so light, like a mother's hand, soothing the injured child.

Chen Rufeng looked forward again, lying under the trunk of a tree as thick as a heavenly pillar. The lying man was wearing the general's armor. His originally majestic face has now become as cold as snow and full of blood.

He approached there and was shocked step by step. He tried his best to suppress the surge in his eyes. Every step forward, his heart was like being hit hard.

Finally, he knelt down in front of the body of the sleeping guard general.

The moment when his knees touched the ground, it seemed that even his heart was broken!

He supported the wet soil on the ground with his hands, and long tears came out of his eyes. The fine rain, mixed with the tears flowing from the spring on his face, was already unclear what tears were and what water was.

Who cares about themselves along the way? Who pointed out that he needs to have a man's heart when he is confused?

Ma Yulin's face was without regret. His hand held the long sword tightly, as if he was afraid to face the enemy before death. His horse also opened its eyes wide and lay beside him with a broken breath, with his mouth slightly open, as if it was still his best to scream when his breath was broken.

Chen Rufeng suddenly closed his eyes, blood lingering, and blood red, which seemed to overflow in front of him.

Scene by scene, as if it were shown in front of you.

He saw the sudden dark shadows, shuttling through the tired soldiers, killing endlessly, and penetrating through their armor.

Blood splashes everywhere, mourning everywhere!

The dense leaves on the top also seemed to open countless gaps, allowing the pouring rain to bombard the land without hindrance. The tall trees don't seem to have the heart to look at this bloody war.

Ma Yulin, clenched the horse's rein, pulled out the long sword at his waist, pointed to the sky, drank the order, and drove!

The wind and rain of heaven and earth seem to be manipulated for it!

Two dark shadows, like the charm of the hell, are entangled beside him, spinning, fierce arrays, condensed all over the sky, but they can't stop it. The immediate man vowed to fight to death.

The cold light was staggered, and there were several bursts in the air. Ma Yulin staggered backwards, but the horse rose up bravely and jumped up. One person and one horse seemed to be one, and there was no difference.

The sword shadow and the two figures are another fierce confrontation. Ma Yulin, on the other hand, became more and more difficult to fight. With a sharp swing of his sword, the protruding spirit seemed to suddenly create a wall in mid-air, abruptly blocking the attack of the two masked people, but he spit a mouthful of blood and couldn't help covering his chest.

Chen Rufeng looked up to the sky and his face was in great pain. He felt that Ma Yulin's injury was also deeply branded on himself.

The masked man smiled at the corners of his mouth, and the two of them attacked together and rushed straight, like an angry lion. Ma Yulin and his mount were unavoidable, like sand and stone, passing through their bodies.

Opening his eyes, the rain began to permeate in his pupils.

He could almost hear the terrible hum of the horse.

There was a colic in my heart, accompanied by a trace of strange heat, so familiar.

The body, which was originally like being hollowed out, was suddenly absorbed into the true qi. His arms and legs were no longer weak, as if there was a devil at the bottom of the underworld, reviving from his heart and occupying his body.

Chen Rufeng seemed to look at his body and get farther away from him, as if another person had completely replaced him.

But can those sorrows be replaced?

The person in the deepest quietly found a corner, sobbing and tears. He didn't even care about his body being controlled by evil spirits. It seemed that even reason fell into deep grief.

And the man outside smiled ferociously, with a pair of blood-red eyes, as if looking for those who had deep hatred in the sea of blood, killed them all and never left a living.

"I'm going to kill you all!" Chen Rufeng looked up to the sky and roared, and behind him, he let out a roar like an echo, fierce and fierce, and a little invincible.

The earth-shocking roar was obviously not made by people.

Chen Rufeng's red eyes flashed and turned around and stared. He saw a huge tiger gritting its teeth. A pair of tiger eyes were shining with a frightening cold light. Looking at Chen Rufeng a few feet away, the sharp claws between his hands seemed to make people hate under its sharpness in an instant, and at this moment, it also seemed to perceive the strength of the people in front of him. He did not dare to approach for a moment, but tentatively shouted a tiger roar at Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng stood up, and the smile on his face was cold enough to make everything wither. His eyes seemed to be more fierce than the tiger. The tiger was looked at so cold as Chen Rufeng and unconsciously shrank, but it still roared in a low voice and opened a blood basin mouth to Chen Rufeng to show fear. Scared.

This tiger is obviously attracted by the strong smell of blood around it. How can so much food here not attract hungry tigers? But Chen Rufeng obviously did not intend to feed the hungry tiger, which made it even more angry.

Chen Rufeng stepped forward and walked towards the tiger, as if he had seen an old friend he had not seen for many years. But the hungry tiger obviously didn't think so, but retreated vigilantly. The tiger's head lowered and let out a lower tiger roar, as if to warn the people in front of him, and involuntarily felt fear.

One person and one tiger, the closer it gets. The strange thing is that it is a person who takes the initiative to approach. I believe that if someone sees this situation, he will be surprised, and he will doubt whether this person has gone crazy.

The smile that seems to come from hell is getting bigger and bigger in the tiger's pupils, and the pressure it bears is also getting heavier and heavier. In the end, it couldn't stand it. The tiger's palm rubbed on the ground, roared at Chen Rufeng, and jumped up.

For a moment, the fallen leaves flew on the ground, and the drizzle seemed to fall into the air with the tiger.

The tiger shadow, in mid-air, fell like a chopping knife from the sky and cut to Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng smiled more, and his hands suddenly became black. It seemed that two ghost fires in the dark were burning and dancing. The black smoke rolled around his body like two snakes in front of Chen Rufeng, and it was like a circle of flames, falling into the unknown tiger.

When the tiger jumped into the black smoke, the black smoke circle surrounding it suddenly contracted and tied it up like countless ropes. The whole tiger struggled in the air. Those black ropes were like long thorns, making the tiger roar in pain. If it was left on the ground at this moment, I'm afraid it would keep rolling.

Chen Rufeng raised the corners of his mouth and pushed it gently with one palm. A living tiger retreated like a tiger's tail. It "boomed" and hit a towering tree trunk. The earth trembled again, and a tiger roared through the sky and earth, which was a little tragic.

When the tiger got up again, it was no longer the previous tiger power. Instead, there were several scars on its mane, like a defeated rooster, staring at the terrible teenager in front of him.

Behind Chen Rufeng, the black air is like two black wings, which are full of anger, and the red light in his eyes is more abundant. The deep hatred is almost stronger than the bloody blood.

Yes, let the heartfelt sadness vent between heaven and earth!

Ye Wu was even more crazy, and the drizzle was still there. The tiger seemed to be in the murderous intention of everything. At this moment of life and death, it was provoked by the ferocity of all the beasts in the body to shake the sky and compete with the flying leaves all over the sky. The tiger's head was high, its teeth were cold, and the tiger's claws claws were on the ground, ready to make the final counterattack.

And the teenager possessed by the demon god urged all the black gas to reunite in front of his chest, with one hand buried in the black ball and the other hand hanging by his trousers. Seeing that the person in front of him was ready to leave, the tiger quickly took the lead, ran quickly, jumped his hind legs, the tiger's mouth opened wildly, and his bloodthirsty fangs pierced the air and cut Chen Rufeng's throat.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

The ground full of corpses seems to reflect the battle of this man and a tiger. Even the high sun in the sky is more and more blood red and rainy, which can't wash away the blood in the forest.

And soon after, one will be added to these corpses, but I don't know whether it's a man or a beast.

The tiger's fangs are less than one foot away from Chen Rufeng's throat. The sharpness is almost touching the flesh and blood on Chen Rufeng's neck.

A black air knife penetrated from the black and yellow tiger, and the handle of the black knife seemed to be hidden in the black gas in Chen Rufeng's hand, and only the blade was exposed.

There was no extra look on the tiger's eyes. Chen Rufeng stood coldly, and the black gas in his hand slowly faded, and the black air knife gradually disappeared.


The tiger fell to the ground lifelessly. There was a knife hole in its back, and the blood was oozing out, and it looked dead.

After a whirlwind, the red light in Chen Rufeng's eyes disappeared, stepped back a few steps, his body fell back, his eyes darkened, and he was no longer conscious.