yu feng xing

Chapter 5: Unknown Signs

I don't know how long the time has passed in the dark. When I open my eyes, all I can see is the stars all over the sky, dotted with boundless sky, flashing like crying.

The soil was mixed with a faint bloody smell and rushed into Chen Rufeng's nose. A disgusting feeling came. Chen Rufeng sat up, covered his chest with his hand, and vomited, but spit out nothing.

The shadow of the tree is lonely, and there is only one body without life. The Purgatory of Shura looks more gloomy and horrible in the dark. However, Chen Rufeng did not feel any fear in his heart. Instead, he bit his lips and choked, and looked at the angry tiger lying in front of him for a long time. He couldn't help sighing. The faint voice was like an invisible soul floating around.

What is life and what death is? Whether it is a person or a tiger, they will not know when their life will disappear in the world. Maybe after death, they will turn into a bright star in the sky, overlooking the scenes of the world and laughing at the despicableness of the world!

Chen Rufeng tried his best to hold up his body, and his feet trembled sharply when he stood, and then was stabilized by Chen Rufeng's will. After all, he was still alive. He wanted to do human affairs and walk down bravely, although there was a deep darkness in front of him, like an unknown cave, tempting people to explore.

The bodies were everywhere. Chen Rufeng gritted his teeth, strengthened his mind, and carefully inspected them. Although a group of soldiers have passed away, it is still unknown who the murderer is. Only by finding the murderer can we avenge them. Naturally, the clues here cannot be missed. In addition to the red fallen leaves, there is also the wooden box that Chen Rufeng originally hid. At that time, the lid of the box was smashed by Chen Rufeng, and the two vases inside have disappeared.

"Did the murderer come for these two treasures?" Chen Rufeng thought to himself and noticed the sedan chair that Fan Yuyun was sitting on. The sedan chair had been placed on the ground, and two of the four raised hands had been broken. Chen Rufeng walked towards the sedan chair and lifted the curtain. There was only shocking blood stains all over every corner, but there was nothing else special.

Suddenly, Chen Rufeng remembered something and shook his whole body. With the light of stars and moon in the sky, he looked at all the bodies on the ground, but he did not see Fan Yuyun's body.

In a hard-hit mind, a glimmer of light suddenly ignited. In this way, Fan Yuyun should still survive! It's just that he was caught by the murderers.

But what is the purpose of their capture of the Tang envoy? Why did you kill all the guards? And according to the situation in the sedan chair, Fan Yuyun should have been seriously injured.

A series of doubts rose in Chen Rufeng's heart. After many meditations, he still couldn't think of a reason.

Anyway, the team envoy to Tianzhu encountered such a big change this time. First of all, they had to find someone to report it back to the Tang Dynasty and let the emperor know about it as soon as possible. On the other hand, with his friendship with Ma Yulin and others, it was also incumbent to find out the real murderer before he could stop.

The problem is that this is Tianzhu, not the Tang Dynasty. All the problems to be solved have become extremely difficult, and the barren mountains and forests here are full of trees on all sides. I don't know which direction to walk out of this forest.

Chen Rufeng smiled bitterly in his heart. It is still unknown whether he can get out of here alive. However, the most urgent thing is to bury these soldiers worthy of the Tang Dynasty and set up monuments and graves.

Well, let's put away all the sadness for the time being. After all, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to do.

One day, I will avenge you.

Chen Rufeng looked up at the stars and the moon, and his eyes suddenly burst into a burst of hatred, and a faint red light flashed.

The cold wind roared, blowing the young man's ragged clothes in the dark, as if they were mocking him, not knowing how small he was.

The clouds and blue sky, the stars moved, and in a blink of an eye, it was the dawn. The thick darkness gradually faded away, and the thick tree trunks were again in the morning fog.

Under the dense leaves, wooden monuments have been erected, and the heroic souls buried under the exotic soil. I'm afraid that no one will run to this barren mountain forest to worship them in the future.

Chen Rufeng sat in the center of dozens of wooden spiritual positions, and the spiritual cards standing in the center were very conspicuous. Chen Rufeng found a relatively large wooden card with the words "Spiritual Position of General Ma Yulin of the Tang Dynasty".

Chen Rufeng was exhausted at this moment and stared at Ma Yulin's spiritual card. Although he was only wrapped in thin clothes, he did not seem to feel the bitterness of the cold wind. He just silently mourned the person he admired.

Every time he digs an inch of soil, it's like digging his heart fiercely. Whenever he buried a person and watched their faces gradually be covered with cold and ruthless soil, he was even more heartless. He wanted to stop and even wanted to look up to the sky and cry, but Ma Yulin's words echoed in his ears.

"You have to face all the changes and let him turn upside down, and you have to be calm. This is a real man."

Thinking of this, he will endure the pain in his eyes and continue to complete his burial work.

In the end, only Ma Yulin's cold body was left.

No matter how strong a person is, he can no longer swallow the deep grief, and tears come out of his eyes, like a spring, scratching his cheeks and falling on the wet soil.

He kowtowed three times to the general deeply!

Let these heroes of the Tang Dynasty sleep peacefully in this soil!

Chen Rufeng crawled in front of Ma Yulin's spiritual card, and tears seemed to have dried up, and all that was left was indomitable stubbornness.

For a long time, when the sun was like a thorn and inserted into the dense forest that had suffered from the torrential rain, everything seemed to really wake up.

Even the teenager who had been lying on the ground for a long time stood up and stood up. Ma Yulin's spiritual card has been staying in his eyes and has never left.

He retreated step by step, as if he was reluctant, more sad.

In the end, he turned around and wanted to run away, but his whole body was weak because of the night's hard work. Suddenly, he couldn't exert more strength. He could only slowly drag his tired legs and move forward.

After dozens of steps, his footsteps finally stopped, as if there was something left behind him.

Looking back, there was only a neatly arranged spiritual position, as if to see him off.

It sounded like a thunder in his ear, awakening his sleeping soul. Chen Rufeng suddenly shook his head, his eyes bright forward, and his legs continued to move forward.

This time, he never looked back, and the depressed figure gradually disappeared in the depths of the forest.

The footsteps are as heavy as a force tied to the feet. Every step is deeply immersed in the mud, and the flying leaves around are still withering and drifting, coldly wiping the teenager's body.

The strength seems to be almost exhausted, but there is no end to the road ahead. In this way, like a lost and hungry lamb, it is progressing step by step and step by step.

The vast sky did not care for him at all, constantly advocating the awe-ring wind, like a bone-cutting knife, splitting and sweeping.

The gradually slowing pace shows that Chen Rufeng is close to the land of oil and withered. The surrounding trees have not increased, and vaguely gave him a torch of hope in his heart. Perhaps, if he can't go far, he will walk out of this nightmare-like forest.

His vision has gradually blurred, and everything reflected in his eyes, covered with a faint layer of water mist. He tried his best to fight with his eyelids, as if he could not support the roof to collapse.

"Hold on... hold on... you still need to find the real murderer for them, revenge..." This sentence is like a song of encouragement in Chen Rufeng's heart for 1,000 times, but at this moment, there is still no way to suddenly ** body restrictions. No matter how high the fighting spirit is, no matter how high it is, it is useless.

"Is it true that you are going to die in a foreign country?" Chen Rufeng thought bitterly in his heart that his body was like having lost the ability to stand. He was about to bend down and move forward. His face was as pale as paper, and his lips were dry and broken. Although most of the wounds on his body were healed under the effect of his inner qi, there were still some places that had ulcerated and bleed, which was terrible.

Several figures swayed in front of him, as if nothing.

It's probably an illusion, just an illusion before death.

Chen Rufeng thought so, but the faint hope still swirled around his heart. He conveyed his strength to his hand, raised it, and opened his five fingers, as if he wanted to catch something.

I grabbed it forward in vain, but only the scattered air floated between my fingers.

Under the feet, the earth seemed to suddenly break up, and the hole fell straight down the body. Everything in the field of vision seemed to have been taken away by an invisible hand.

His arms seemed to be hung by something, pulling himself back from the bottomless hole under his feet, but he was unconscious at this moment, but a voice came to his ears. He felt that his arms were supported and barely made his soft body stand.

It's another anxious grunt. Chen Rufeng doesn't have the strength to identify the meaning of these sounds at this moment. He just wants to be drowsy and doesn't have to worry about anything. Everything in this world has nothing to do with him...

Son, a fresh stream of water flowed into his mouth and penetrated his whole body through his throat, which only diluted the dryness in his body, but it still failed to reduce his feeling of hunger and coldness.

Finally, a strong sense of dizziness swept his whole body like a huge wave. He could no longer control his body and felt that his whole body was getting lighter and lighter, drifting into the distance...

Jiang Shengtian jumped up and opened his eyes. There were no lights in the room. He only leaned on the winter sun outside the paper window and fought desperately with the darkness.

In my heart, I couldn't stop beating wildly, and a burst of ominous feeling devoured my heart. Jiang Sheng consciously pushed away the quilt, regardless of his thin clothes, jumped out of the bed, opened the door, and ran to the spiritual shadow platform.

In the Lingyingtai, the door of Jin Yilai's room was rudely pushed open. What responded was his faint eyes.

"I... I want to know how Rufeng is doing?" Jiang Sheng said that the weather was breathless, and his face was full of anxiety without any pretentiousness.

"I don't know." Jin Yilai said lightly, but there seemed to be concern in his voice. He stood up and asked, "What happened?"

Jiang Shengtian just recovered his breath and shook his head. His heart was still moving up and down quickly, as if the strings were playing uneasy vocal music, which made people feel at ease.

Looking at Jiang Shengtian's strange situation, Jin Yilai didn't say much. He went straight out of the door and turned his back to Jiang Shengtian and said, "I'll ask the Prime Minister."

Jiang Shengtian quickly followed him, and then he felt the horror of the cold winter wind. After a burst of violent trembling, he finally couldn't help sneezing.

"Go back first. I'll come back to you after I inquire." Jin Yilai said in an unquestionable tone. Looking at Jiang Shengtian's hesitant and worried expression, he added, "I'll come to inform you as soon as possible."

Seeing Jin Yilai's words, coupled with the tingling wind deep into his heart and lungs, Jiang Shengtian had to nod his head helplessly, curled up and trembled back.

A trace of sadness flashed in Jin Yilai's eyes and hurried to the east room study.

Without any notice, the door of the study opened, and Jin Yilai stepped in. Under the two candles, Li Linfu was reading the books on the bookcase. Hearing the sound of the door, he slowly raised his head. His dissatisfaction overflowed with his face. Seeing that it was Jin Yilai, the dissatisfaction on his face was aggravated.

"How is Chen Rufeng?" When Jin Yilai stepped in, the first sentence asked. Li Linfu's eyes showed a prickly light, which fell on Jin Yilai's pale face, but he didn't say anything.

Jin Yilai also did not feel rude at all. He met Li Linfu's pricking eyes. When the two eyes touched each other, they were like wooden cones inserted into the plain spring, which could not be shocked by any waves.

Li Linfu put away his sharp eyes and said coldly, "I don't know this. He is the emperor's secret envoy and directly obeys the emperor's orders. I don't know anything."

"Ask the emperor." Jin Yilai said lightly. Li Linfu looked angry and asked in a colder tone, "Are you ordering me?"

In the room, it seems that all the sounds have been restrained.

In silence, there was only the sound of the wind blowing through the scroll, and the rest of the scene was a standing person and a sitting person confronting under two flames.

"When I beg you." Jin Yilai broke the silence and heard Jin Yilai say this. Li Linfu sneered a few times, put down the scroll in his hand and stood up, with an unpredictable cold light in his eyes.

"Okay, since you begged me, I'll do you this favor. However, there is one condition. Li Linfu raised the corners of his mouth and gently brushed his beard on his chin.

Jin Yilai's heart moved and looked at Li Linfu with his eyes, but Li Linfu's smile was even more arrogant.