yu feng xing

Chapter 41: The Truth Revealed

The magic shield is empty in mid-air, like a light-colored wall, invulnerable.

Han Ling was also helpless against the magic shield made by these dozens of people, while Chen Rufeng constantly urged the real strength of his fists and attacked the magic shield one after another. Unfortunately, it was only a futile move.

Han Ling stared at the dozens of people arranged in a line above and frowned, knowing that the other party would launch a counterattack, and Chen Rufeng was still constantly consuming his true spirit and had been hitting the stone with a pebble.

As soon as he wanted to say something to stop, the man in black had put away his magic shield, and the original palms were broken one after another, scattered like black swords, and fell from the sky.

Han Ling quickly pulled Chen Rufeng back. The two retreated into the palace leading to the four-cornered garden behind them, displaying countless palaces of Buddhist paintings. At this moment, they were also immersed in the thick darkness that could not see their fingers. Only the bright white starlight, like a giant painting, hung on the edge of the sky.

The figures of the two kept sweeping towards the gate of the palace, and the man in black behind them fell into the darkness and became as if they had disappeared. Only the murderous spirit could be felt. Han Ling held Chen Rufeng's arm and constantly changed his body shape to avoid the hidden weapon cone and knife-like strength behind him.

However, while dealing with the continuous attacks behind him, it was also difficult for Han Ling to exert his speed to the extreme, giving several people in black a good opportunity to dodge to the gate of the palace and block their way.

Han Ling made a quick decision, jumped, flashed to the top of the palace with Chen Rufeng, and stepped on a long protruding wooden strip on the wall, and those people in black had quickly formed an impenetrable encirclement net.

"It seems that they are going to kill us." Chen Rufeng took a cold breath, and Han Ling had put him down. He looked at the killers buried in the dark, with fear in his eyes.

The overwhelming momentum swept over, and Han Ling's palms came out, and there was a violent explosion in front of them. Han Ling barely smashed the first round of attacks, but there was also a series of fierce momentum, like a continuous wave, constantly hitting Han Ling's defense line.

If it continues like this, Han Ling will eventually be unbearable, and Chen Rufeng is at a loss for a moment. He has also experienced the power of these black killers. Of course, there is no problem with one-on-one, but I'm afraid that no master can stand being besieged by dozens of people like this.

Just as Chen Rufeng was in a panic, there were a few hums from the palace gate. It seemed that someone broke in, but because of the deep night, he could not see who was coming. I saw strong white light shining in the darkness like countless arcs and moons, and the sharpness was invincible. For a moment, a gap was made in the palace gate.

Han Ling and Chen Rufeng were overjoyed. Han Ling quickly pushed several palms, smashed the upcoming momentum, pulled up Chen Rufeng, and rushed to the gate of the palace and stood behind the person who killed him.

With the starlight and moon, I barely saw the face of the visitor clearly.

It's Crewe.

Kru's sword was full of anger, and his eyes glanced quickly and said, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Han Ling smiled.

Kru shouted in Tianzhu language: "How dare a madman dares to break into the imperial city at night and assassinate foreign guests?"

What responded to him was just a vague momentum of white shadows, but it turned into a floating shadow at the tip of his cold sword.

With the strong support of Crewe, the two suddenly felt that the anger in their chests had just become fierce, and they met the enemy in the palace with a smile.

The sword light rose, the fist wind rolled up, and the palms were pushed vigorously. The three combined into one, and directly broke into the dark palace. A scream came out, and a whistling whistle pierced in the dark. All the black killers retreated to the garden leading to the palace one after another. The sound of black clothes blowing in the murderous atmosphere in the palace suddenly decreased. The darkness of the killing has changed back to the meek and pure darkness.

Crew was sensitive and superb, his eyebrows were tight, and he did not flash into the darkness. A moment later, he came out with a exhausted man in black in his hand and threw him to the ground fiercely. The man in black was obviously unfortunately injured when the three attacked together just now and could not keep up with the pace of his party to escape.

"say! Who instructed you behind the scenes? Crewe put the sword on his neck with a fierce look, which was the usual look of interrogating the prisoner.

Hanling's Tianzhu language was still in the initial stage of peeping, so he whispered to Crew: "Ask him if Yinfan taught him to do this."

Hearing the three words "Yinfanism", Kru's face also changed slightly. According to Han Ling's words, he said to the seriously injured man in black. Unexpectedly, the man in black suddenly had a deep chill in his eyes and wiped his neck off Kru's sword, and his eyes suddenly opened hugely.

That's it, I'm out of breath.

The three were shocked at the same time, and Crewe looked at the blood stain on the sword and the dead body on the ground.

Only Han Ling woke up as soon as possible, pulled up Kru and whispered, "Listen, the high priest Kuka is likely to be the mastermind behind this matter, and I suspect that the killing of all the envoys of Hei Yuanshi and the envoys has something to do with him... More importantly, he should be a person of the Yinfan religion. Do you know the Yinfan religion? ?"

At this moment, Crew also held his breath and looked at Han Ling, as if his head could no longer move, and nodded.

"It is very dangerous for us to stay in the imperial city now, so we must leave immediately. Also, now that His Majesty has been depressed by Kuka, you have to be careful. After Han Ling finished speaking, beforeke lu could speak, he had already pulled up Chen Rufeng and walked to the gate of the imperial city.

The morning is coming out, and a small piece of the sun can be faintly seen in half of the sky in the east.

Pujina and Taco rubbed their sleepy eyes and were scared to roll down from ** by the two people who suddenly came back. They thought that a thief was coming. It was not until they saw them clearly that they were slightly relieved, but they could no longer sleep.

After hearing the two reluctantly make a statement, their faces showed surprise and fear as expected.

"You mean... the high priest is actually the previous famous Yinfan priest?" Tacola said incredulously, and Chen Rufeng quickly pressed his mouth and booed.

"This is just my guess, but from the current situation, all guesses are reasonable." Han Ling held his chin and bowed his head and said thoughtfully, "However, I can't think of any motive. Why did the Yinfan religion do this? Give the evil black yuan stone, kill the Tang envoy team, and now still want to kill the two of us?

As soon as this came out, everyone scratched their heads and couldn't think of a reason.

Chen Rufeng gave a ah.

"What?" The other three looked at him, and Chen Rufeng suddenly realized that he remembered a secret story that Yin Pinggang told him about Yinfanism in prison that day.

"Jiye Tianzhen... The transmission of evil skills of the Yinfan religion!" Chen Rufeng's voice suddenly trembled, as if there was a terrible scene in front of him.

"It is said that Yinfanism has an evil skill that can change heaven and earth and go against fate, but it needs a formation called Jiaye Tianzhen, and that array requires 100,000 people as living sacrifices, and then gather its resentment to achieve great success." Chen Rufeng shook his uneasy mood and said to the three people. After hearing the words, their faces changed dramatically, while Pojina and Tacora were pale and without a trace of blood.

"That is to say," the keen Han Ling immediately woke up, "Kuka... It should be that Halpa, who found King Palat that day, wanted to persuade him to sacrifice 100,000 people to complete the Jiaye Tianzhen and practice evil skills, but Parat did not obey, so Halpa used strange skills and manipulated Parat himself. He also hid the Yinfan religion in the dark, changed his face and became the position of high priest, constantly destroying the relationship between the Tang Dynasty and Tianzhu, trying to trigger a war, and then..."

Han Ling saw the faces of Pujina and Tacora's almost bleeding with fear and stopped talking. However, Chen Rufeng said for him.

"Blood washing Qu Women's City, using 100,000 people in Qu Women's City as living sacrifices to complete evil achievements."

Pujina and Tacora were so scared that they couldn't speak. Han Ling suddenly stood up, looked at the white sky outside the window, and said, "Anyway, we have to stop Halpa and stop the Yinfan religion."

Knowing the murderers who killed General Ma Yulin and others, Chen Rufeng was full of indignation and stood up. His fists burst out with blue veins and said, "Let's go back to the imperial city and kill them to pieces!"

"Wait... Will you be too impulsive?" Tacola waved his hand in front of Chen Rufeng and wanted him to calm down. "The imperial city is strictly guarded. You must not act rashly!"

"Only we can kill Kuka, and everything will be solved." Han Ling said faintly, with a layer of light on his face, and his hand unconsciously moved to the cloud-piercing arrow in his arms.

Only he will not shoot the arrow through the clouds under any circumstances, so that Halpa's plan will never succeed, and the initiative is still in his own hands.

"Go! Let's sneak into the imperial city now!" Chen Rufeng, who can't wait to open the door for Ma Yulin and other enemies who died unjustly. Before Pujina and Tacora could stop it, Han Ling has gone out in his footsteps.

When the door closed again, the two people in the room exchanged a helpless and worried look.

The two people walking on the street without saying a word were forced to breathe under the great pressure in their hearts.

Han Ling, who has always been full of confidence, also has a tense face at this moment, showing rare nervousness.

People are surging on the street, and life is as usual. They don't notice it at all. The crisis is actually just a line away from them. There is a crazy person who is going to use them as living sacrifices and practice shocking evil skills.

Chen Rufeng walked and inevitably fell into a panicked imagination. Everyone around him turned into a pool of flesh and blood, full of sorrow and crying, full of Qu Women's City. The walls of the house were covered with bright red and terrible blood, and the whole Qu Women's City was shrouded in war and blood.

However, a figure passed in front of Chen Rufeng, which caused a huge wave in Chen Rufeng's heart. The man obviously didn't see Chen Rufeng and walked by himself, full of things on his mind.

How did this person suddenly appear here?