yu feng xing

Chapter 44: Turn the tide

It turned out that Kuka had just pretended to bandage Han Ling and quietly stole the arrow from his arms without saying a voice, and Han Ling was unconscious because of his injury.

"Do you think that if Crewe destroyed my plan to assassinate you that night, I would still leave him in the imperial city?" Kuka smiled cunningly, threw the mask of the cloud-piercing arrow bamboo tube and Crewe that had been launched on the ground, and looked at the two with a winning face.

Han Ling has been injured, and Chen Rufeng has also depleted a lot of true energy.

Today, it is in a situation where there are many strong enemies, with black-clothed killers of the Yinfan religion everywhere, and there are also Kuka blocking the road in front of them, and the back road is blocked by the five-foot wall.

"Really... you are the head of the Infan religion, Harpa." Chen Rufeng said in a calm voice, and his eyes spewed out a scorching fire, as if to envelop the person in front of him with flames.

The source of all the disasters is in front of us. What is hateful is that I am completely at a disadvantage and can't compete with him at all. Moreover, the arrow through the clouds has been fired, and the army on standby outside the city will soon immerse Qu Nvcheng into a sea of blood, but he can only watch this happen and can't stop it.

Outside the Qunu City, in the rolling sand tent, Gao Xianzhi looked at it and saw the bright and selossal fireworks, which was Han Ling's signal.

"It seems that... it is still unavoidable." Gao Xianzhi muttered to herself, staying in useless thoughts, shaking her arms and saying, "The whole army listens to orders!" Pull out the camp immediately and attack Qu Women's City!"

The dust rose again, and the sound of sand was like a helpless wail, listening to a horse's hoof to step by.

"We have to go quickly!" Han Ling's thoughts spread to Chen Rufeng's ears. Chen Rufeng held his breath and glanced at his situation. The only way to escape was the wall behind him.

However, it is an insoluble problem how to cross the city wall and escape safely in the eyes of Kuka and the Yinfan killers.

"Well, I won't spend time with you. I have to start the Jiaye Tianzhen." Kuka smiled at the corners of his mouth, turned around and jumped away.

Although Kuka left, the pressure on the two was not relieved at all. Those black killers had pulled out their cold blades and were ready to rush down and kill them ruthlessly.

"You can see the opportunity to leave later, and I'll contain them!" Chen Rufeng also heard Han Ling's ears with his thoughts. Before Han Ling's consent, he had worn himself and took the lead before those black killers adjusted their strategies. They could not be separated to deal with Han Ling.

With two fists pushed, with Chen Rufeng as the center, the strong and fierce storm immediately surged out, pulling those black killers to Chen Rufeng.

Han Ling's mind turned sharply and looked at Chen Rufeng's figure in the storm. At the same time, he remembered that the lives of 100,000 people in the women's city were in danger, so he had to say with his mind: "Hotel round!" I'm not sure if Chen Rufeng heard it. He climbed up the wall, like walking on the flat ground, and endured the pain step by step. He walked to the highest part of the wall, jumped out of the imperial city.

Chen Rufeng turned his fist wildly, constantly tearing the storm, turning a roll into a ruthless blade and cutting off the enemy.

"Riefeng Fist!"

However, in the storm, cold light flashed, and the cracked storms could not effectively attack the enemy at all. The reason is that Chen Rufeng's previous true qi was consumed too much, and the true gasified storm was powerful and airless. Those killers in black are all powerful people. How can they be injured by these cut storms? And skin.

Seeing that Han Ling successfully escaped from the imperial city, Chen Rufeng's heart was slightly certain. The storm suddenly stopped, and the black killers were able to escape and hurriedly killed Chen Rufeng in all directions.

Han Ling ran all the way, regardless of the surprised eyes of others. Fast as a string arrow.

Soon, he came to the hotel. Instead of following the stairs, he stepped on the window and entered through the window.

It's urgent, and I don't care too much.

Pujina and Tacora looked at the visitor who jumped in from the window and saw the bloody wound on Han Ling's chest. They were very frightened.

Han Ling didn't have time to explain to them, but barely calm down and said, "Quick... help me find Cao Jin!"

Although the two did not know Han Ling very well, looking at his current appearance and having just returned from the imperial city, what happened must be very small. They did not dare to delay. They walked out of the room with full of doubts and went to find Cao Jin.

Han Ling poked his head out of the window and looked at the direction of the gate of Qunu City. His eyes tightened, as if he had seen thousands of troops, stepping on the yellow sand like a mountain flood.

As the cold light is approaching, Chen Rufeng can already vaguely feel the pain of the skin.

At the time of life and death, the spiritual light flashed in his mind, and there were only four words, as if they were slowly emerging from the clear sea. Chen Rufeng could not figure out why these four words flashing life-saving golden light appeared at this moment of life and death.

Quick disturbance.

Isn't this the formula of the third layer of illusion?

What is Xun? What is chaos? What is disturbing? What's the matter?

Quickly, disturb your body, disturb your eyes, and set your mind!

The cold light came, and the cold breath on the blade had hit. A green shadow suddenly spread out of Chen Rufeng's body, like a green word opening petals, and the green electric light flashed down, leaving the encirclement of the black killers.

What exploded from the green light were four figures and four Chen Rufeng.

Before the killer in black could react, the four Chen Rufeng had fled like frogs in different directions.

The killer in black was obviously shrewd. He caught a glimpse of Chen Rufeng, who was climbing on the wall, made a quick decision and took the lead in chasing him. The rest of the killers in black followed.

The knife light fell, crisply, and the Chen Rufeng attached to the wall turned into a green smoke and disappeared.

Just as those people in black looked back, all Chen Rufeng had already disappeared. The leading man in black was angry and scolded those following killer fools and did not chase separately.

On the wall, the green shadow ran down, and Chen Rufeng's figure appeared under the wall of the imperial city. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was still frightened.

Just as the army was in danger, he actually used the third layer of "fantasy" of ethereal skills, and thus he got out of line, which can be said to be a blessing in misfortune. He didn't know why his brain was suddenly so clever.

His thoughts quickly returned, and he knew that it was an urgent time. He quickly bounced and skimmed directly in the direction of the hotel.

The door opened and three people came in. Han Ling was meditating and breathing, but the wound was not light, and he only barely recovered 20% or 30%. He opened his eyes and Cao Jin came over with a smile on his face.

"Han Hermit, I don't know what else to teach?" Cao Jin laughed and threw a paper roll at him. Cao Jin took the paper roll and opened it. His face changed rapidly, and his eyes showed a complex light.

seemed to be shocked and a little happy, and there were unpredictable ripples on his well-planatory forehead.

"It turns out that Han Hermit is a special envoy of the Tang Dynasty." Cao Jin's eyes still stayed on the seal, and it seemed that it would take more screening to determine whether it was true or false. Hearing this, Pugina and Tacora were surprised and opened their mouths and looked at Han Ling in amazedly. They had always been confused about Han Ling's identity and did not expect that he was so noble.

"Take this scroll of edict and go to the gate of Qunu City to stop the Tang Dynasty's army from launching an attack." Han Ling's voice was solemn, which really shocked everyone.

The army of the Tang Dynasty? Attack on Qu Women's City?

"You...are you kidding, Han Hermit?" Cao Jin couldn't believe the tunnel. Han Ling's fierce eyes hit him like a heavy hammer, and he was stunned and looked at him.

"What I said is true. You'd better act quickly, otherwise the whole Qu Nv City will be stained with blood. Han Ling said, Cao Jin's eyes rolled, as if he was still thinking about something, but he was shocked by the sudden murderous spirit on Han Ling's body. He quickly rolled and ran out of the room and ran directly to the direction of the city gate.

A figure also came in from the window, but this time Puchina and Tacora did not make a fuss, and the person who came was Chen Rufeng, and everyone's hearts were settled.

"I... I successfully performed the 'fantasy' and escaped." Chen Rufeng gasped and didn't have time to elaborate with Han Ling. Han Ling just nodded with appreciation and patted him on the back to make him recover.

"What should I do now?" Chen Rufeng asked Han Ling. Han Ling looked down and thought, and the light in his eyes kept flashing. Everyone looked at him nervously. Pjina and Tacola, who didn't know what happened, knew that it was important and did not dare to disturb him casually.

"Rufeng, go and save the Yin Pinggang you mentioned first. Maybe he still knows something about Jiaye Tianzhen and Yinfan religion, and then we will meet at the Mora Temple." Han Ling said firmly that Chen Rufeng just wanted to open his mouth to ask the reason, but swallowed it back. He just nodded and quickly went out of the window again before taking a moment of rest.

"You..." Han Ling turned his head and looked at Pujina and Tacola. After saying the most important thing, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the expression on their faces that I could help. Han Ling had to say, "You'd better let the people of Qu Nucheng know that the army of the Tang Dynasty is about to attack. Come on, let them find a place to take refuge. Han Ling had to make the worst plan. Once Gao Xianzhi did not believe Cao Jin, the iron hooves of the Tang army would break through the gate of Qu Women's City and pour into the city.

"We will do our best." Tacola nodded firmly, and the two immediately went out to take action.

Looking out of the window, there are already clouds of war, and there seems to be thick blood, spreading in the sky, smoking the sun red.

"I hope my guess is correct." Han Ling looked heavy and lowered his head. "Moluo Temple... Whether you can turn the tide depends on this gambling."