yu feng xing

Chapter 48: The Magic Game

Han Ling jumped up, grabbed food like an eagle, swept to Chen Rufeng's side, picked him up, and flashed into the stone room where Yin Pinggang had fled.

Chen Rufeng spit out a pool of blood and covered his abdomen. It turned out that when he was just on the line of life and death, the true spirit of the demon family in his body condensed into a protective mirror, so that the spikes could not penetrate his body, but the rest of the strength also shocked him, and the pain of abdominal numbness quickly spread throughout his whole body.

Han Ling put down him and immediately put it on his palm. The white gas in his palm was like sprinkled snow. Those white gas seemed to float faintly on the door of the stone room, condensed into an air wall between something and nothing.

Yin Ping just picked up Chen Rufeng and put him on the sarcophagus. Chen Rufeng's face was pale and his breath was dying. When he was a little clear, he saw Han Ling sitting on the ground, and his palms were facing the door of the stone room to urge the true air to condense into a wall, blocking the surging black gas that was constantly wanted to squeeze in, like a black ghost fog constantly pushing against the white. The clear water curtain is average.

However, Han Ling has just consumed a lot of true qi. Now to condense into such a defense wall, it must be at the cost of depleting the body. The air wall is like his own body. The air veins are connected, and the damage to the two are equal.

Again and again, the pure demonic energy manipulated by Halpa outside the stone constantly hit Han Ling's air wall. Every time the huge wave impact, Han Ling's body trembled sharply, as if he had been hit his heart by a mallet, and sweat kept sliding down his cheeks. His expression seemed to endure great pain, no The air wall is protected by the ground.

Chen Rufeng looked in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He listened to the pure demon spirit pushing the air wall endlessly. He knew that Han Ling would definitely not be able to hold on for a long time.

He propped up his weak body and walked to Han Ling to help him, but was stopped by Han Ling.

"Don't come here!"

"If it goes on like this, we will all die here!" Chen Rufeng argued, "Why don't we join hands and go out and fight with him!"

The pain on Hanling's face became deeper and deeper, and his teeth bitten his lips almost bleeding. His hands were like being pressed by a thousand boulder, still indomitablely protecting the air wall and trembling desperately.

"There is another way!" Han Ling's voice became a little shaky, "If you can learn the essence of the book "Reverse Devil's Heart" in the shortest time, and use the magic skills above to fight against Halpa's pure demon spirit, there may be a glimmer of life!"

As soon as Chen Rufeng and Yin Ping just heard it, Yin Pinggang quickly took out the yellow-skinned ancient book from his arms, but how could he learn the essence of it in such a short and urgent time?

Now, there is no other way but to let go.

"Mr. Yin, it's up to you to translate." Chen Rufeng said to Yin Pinggang that Yin Pinggang nodded firmly, and their eyes were full of urgent eyes.

In the stone room, all three people are nervously carrying out their own work. Yin Pinggang tightened his eyes and kept translating the Sanskrit above. Chen Rufeng meditated on the sarcophagus and operated the true qi in his body according to the mind method in the counter-magic formula. Sure enough, it was similar to the magic qi in his body. The two were of the same origin, and there was no rejection when he practiced.

Halpa's attacks outside are becoming more and more frequent, like giant black snakes, swinging their huge bodies and whipping on the air wall, and Han Ling's snow-white clothes are also full of blood flowers.

He closed his eyes and tried his best to smooth his palms to buy time for the two people inside.

Yin Pinggang's eyes did not dare to remove half an inch of the counter-magic formula for fear of distraction, and every bit of time could not be wasted.

When Chen Rufeng encountered a difficult place, he had to hurriedly skip it and practiced according to the method mentioned in the next step of the anti-demon heart formula. Originally, he usually had to use the anger in his heart to arouse the true spirit of the dormant demon family, but the mysterious fingerprints on the counter-demon heart formula can make him take the initiative to release the true spirit of the demon family in his body, not What can be changed is the consciousness of the demon family after the true qi is completely released.

Unconsciously, Chen Rufeng's closed eyes were slightly red, like a lava that was about to break up.

Yin Pinggang still kept reading the Sanskrit on the magic formula on his lips and did not dare to stop for a moment. He seemed to hear Han Ling's trembling more and more, and felt that the air wall condensed on the stone room door was about to break.

He didn't realize that Chen Rufeng had not heard what he had read.

Suddenly, the stone room shook violently like an earthquake. With an ah, Han Ling's whole body bounced back, and the air wall also dissipated. Only a black lingering human figure appeared outside the door, and a pair of cold-blooded red eyes were exuding a cold and murderous atmosphere.

The body below Halpa's neck can no longer be seen clearly, as if the body has been completely integrated into the black gas, and there are no limbs, like floating ghosts.

"Ha ha..." The creepy laughter sounded from the stone room. Han Ling just spit out a mouthful of blood and tried his best to support the ground, ready to do his best to fight the last death with this madman.

The breath of killing kept swallowing in the stone room. Yin Ping's face turned white, and his mouth was still translating, putting Halpa out of his eyes.

Halpa gently waved his arm from the black gas, and Yin Ping just felt like an invisible whip. His whole body flew into the wall of the stone room and fell to the ground unconscious.

Another pair of bloody eyes lit up again in the dark and stared at him.

Halpa couldn't help but be shocked, and his eyes fell on Chen Rufeng, who was meditating. He found that the teenager's face had become distorted, ferocious and terrible, and a murderous intention that was no less than himself was constantly bursting out of him.

He smiled, and that kind of contempt smile made Halpa furious.

However, before he could react, it turned out that the man sitting on the sarcophagus had become a ghost. He only felt that his neck was gripped hard, and with the black smoke, his whole body swept back until he felt a strong impact on his back. He could almost hear the bluestone on his back. The sound of cracking on the wall.

Chen Rufeng's hand locked Halpa's neck and pressed him against the wall, making him almost powerless.

Harpa looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. How could he recover so quickly after such a serious injury? And his strength is several times stronger than before.

Naturally, he will not know that this is the dual effect of life-and-death practice and the magic formula.

The murderous intention in Chen Rufeng's eyes became stronger and stronger, and the ferocious smile on his face turned into a terrible madness. The blood redness in his eyes also changed. The blood redness became deeper and darker and darker.

The black gas condensed into a fist and hit Chen Rufeng's stomach. Chen Rufeng was accidentally hit for a moment, and his body suddenly retreated back, slipped to the ground, and half squatted down.

The black gas fist melted again, retracted into the black gas surrounded by Halpa, spitting out a black flame tongue.

Harpa slowly fell to the ground, and the black gas was like a long snake wrapped around him, looking cautiously at the teenager with his head hanging in front of him, exuding a terrible magic spirit.

The difference is that the magic atmosphere on Chen Rufeng's body is like a flame burning on his clothes, which is not as strong as the black gas on Halpa's body, but the smell of killing is no less than that of Halpa.

When Chen Rufeng slowly raised his head, Halpa couldn't help but change his face.

The eyes that were originally red and bleeding have turned black without white eyes. The two eyes are like obsidian, and the endless darkness covers all the feelings. Only the bright murderousness is reflected from the black, as if those two eyes were born for killing.

"Go to hell!" Chen Rufeng roared like a ghost from the underworld and shot at Halpa like an arrow. Halpa dared not despise the teenager in front of him. His hands appeared in the black gas and put them together on his chest. The black gas danced like a snake, intertwined on the palm, and suddenly expanded into a round cake-like air mass.

Chen Rufeng's hand reached into the air mass and had been clenched into a fist. It passed through the black gas like an unobstructed object and took Halpa's heart. Halpa was shocked. As soon as his hand grabbed Chen Rufeng's wrist, a hot air came out of it, which forced him to let go and had to avoid it sideways and pass by with Chen Rufeng.

But after all, Harpa is the master of the Yinfan religion, with profound magic skills, and now he is only slightly at a disadvantage. The mysterious skills he mastered must be above Chen Rufeng. He saw his palm, sticking out into the void, and fiercely splitting, and the black sharpness came out of his palm. One turned into two, two into four, infinitely divided, seamless Enter the ground and fly to Chen Rufeng.

Chen Rufeng's black eyes condensed, and the burning blackness on his body suddenly became more and more fierce. He stretched out a finger and drew in the air. A thin black line came out of thin air, like a flying earthworm, facing hundreds of sharp spirits.

Isn't such a force hitting stones with eggs? Halpa looked at it and sneered in his heart.

How can a small earthworm match the overwhelming black flying knife?

The thin black line fell on a black gas and circled it, as if to tie a knot for it.

Strangely, all the aggressive black gas suddenly stopped killing and condensed in mid-air, and Halpa's sneer quickly turned into shock.

"How can it be... How can it be... He can actually see through..."

Countless black sharpness quickly disappeared, and in the end, there was only the black gas tied by the thin black thread transformed by Chen Rufeng.

All the sharpness is only one as the core, only that one core is nothing, and the others can only be scattered as birds. Chen Rufeng restrained the sharpness as the core and naturally defeated all the sharpness.

Chen Rufeng flicked his finger, and the fine silk shattered into pieces with sharpness.

Seeing this, Halpa roared and couldn't care about anything else. The black gas on his body rushed up like a wild beast, killing Chen Rufeng with his body hidden deep in the black gas.

Mixed with the momentum of splitting the world and devouring everything, Halpa's unprecedented attack may not even be able to stop the Daluo immortals.

At this time, a figure in the stone room sneaked out, sticking to the wall, and walking staggering to the corner. You can faintly see the ink red on the snow-white clothes.