yu feng xing

Chapter 3: Accidental Reward

Ruiyun looked into the distance and was absorbed and did not answer.

"Now that Xingshi is no longer alive, you can also put down your hatred and return to a secluded life." Song Zhuo didn't care about his disregard and said calmly.

"Can the altar of the Red Devil be destroyed?" Ruiyun asked.

"Not yet, and it is one of the three major factions in the world, as famous as Qianjianmen and Ice Tombs." Song Zhuoyuan replied.

Ruiyun Zhenren snorted coldly. With his cold hum, a circle of white air spread out in the square of the position he was sitting on, and he retreated like a thick fog. The bamboo forest standing under everyone's feet appeared as clean as a mirror. The fog could only swim three feet away, as if there was an invisible barrier. Block them from approaching.

"Can anyone take their place now for the four hermits killed in the battle against evil?" Ruiyun Zhenren continued to ask what had happened in the 15 years of his sleep.

In the battle against evil spirits 15 years ago, the righteous sects denounced the Red Devil Altar. At that time, the demon king Xingshi, who was sitting on the Red Devil Altar, wanted to wipe out all the people who rebelled against him in the world in order to achieve the purpose of unifying the world, which triggered this battle against evil spirits, led by the power of the Thousand Sword Gate and the Ice Tomb. He asked the court to send troops to help destroy the red demon altar, which was very popular and had many masters, but was rejected by the court, which plunged the righteous sect into a bitter battle. In the end, Bayin in the Central Plains really couldn't sit and watch the sensational behavior of Xingshi. Regardless of his identity as a hermit, he stood up to fight for the right path. In that battle against evil, four hermits unfortunately died.

In 15 years, the scene of Ruiyun Zhenren's tragic destruction of his sect Yunxiangguan is still vivid in his mind. Both sides suffered heavy losses in the battle to ward off evil, and Yunxiangguan on the right side of the right side paid the tragic price of destroying the door.

He can't forget how Yun Xiangguan's ruler died in battle that day. A body of Yun Xiangguan's disciples was full of blood flowing all over the mountains. It was unbearable to see.

And those righteous people actually hid on the mountain one by one, allowing Yun Xiangguan as the vanguard to consume with the altar of the Red Devil before they poured out and hit the exhausted altar of Red Devil heavily.

That group of so-called righteous people are actually just humane jackals, let them watch as bait, and enjoy their success! Looking at the destruction of Yunxiangguan with joy!

In this world, everyone is the enemy of their Yunxiangguan, and now this world has been rebuilt with the blood and flesh of their Yunxiangguan disciples.

Ruiyun Zhenren's eyes suddenly burst into murderous intent, which was so strong that even Huang Hua and Song Zhuoyuan beside him, as well as Yuan Sirou and Xuan Wanmiao behind him, could be clearly felt. Everyone's hearts were shocked, as if a butcher would fall at any time and kill them.

Soon, this murderous intention was restrained, and Ruiyun Zhenren returned to his calm face.

"Who are the four new hermits?" Ruiyun asked faintly. Song Zhuoyuan frowned and his face looked embarrassed. He seemed to want to hide something, but he finally opened his mouth.

"One is Han Ling, a 'wu wizard', who was canonized as the Eight Hidden of the Central Plains at a young age, and the other three..." Song Zhuoyuan exchanged glances with the two hermits behind him, "The Three Saints of the Demon Family."

The wind suddenly blows, the momentum is sudden, and the strong power suddenly comes out. If it hadn't been for the fact that all the people present were martial arts practitioners with superior skills, I'm afraid they would have been pushed out a miles away.

Huang Hua and the three hermits involuntarily retreated, and when they stabilized again, they could detect the terrible anger that broke out in Ruiyun Zhen's body.

That kind of anger is a flame that wants to burn everything in the world.

Feed the master's anger, Huang Hua became more silent and lowered his head without humming respectfully.

"If it weren't for them, the chance of winning this battle against evil would not fall on our side." Song Zhuoyuan explained, "They abandoned the secret before the defeat of the Xingshi to help us eradicate most of the strength of the Red Devil Altar."

"Because of this, do you want to give them the throne of the Eight Hidden in the Central Plains?" Ruiyun said sarcastically, "Ha ha, I didn't expect that the eight hidden in the Central Plains, who usually pretended to be noble, were just a sly person. He used this method to make transactions in exchange for the victory of the battle against evil spirits."

"Anyway, I came to you this time because I hope you can be your hermit when you wake up and don't find anyone to seek revenge, especially the Three Saints." Song Zhuoyuan warned, but it was just a cold hum in exchange for Ruiyun Zhenren's snorting.

"Otherwise, you have a little act of being a hermit. Don't blame me for being rude." Song Zhuoyuan finally tore his face, threw down such a sentence, turned his back, and said to Yuan Sirou and Xuan Wan, "Let's go."

The three hermits used their bodies and soon disappeared into the bamboo forest.

Over the quiet bamboo forest, only Huanghua and Ruiyun Zhenren are left.

Huang Hua lowered his head timidly and did not dare to look at his master. He guessed that his expression must be extremely angry now. He just glanced at him, but he was not as angry as he imagined.

Ruiyun Zhenren sneered and looked at the gradually gathering fog, and the expression on his face was unfathomable.

"Dream." He simply spit these two words out of his mouth.

Chen Rufeng walked on the street and just rushed back to the prime minister's house. He was not in the mood to see the surrounding scenery. After staying in Tianzhu for a period of time, he was suddenly a little unaccustomed to these Middle-style houses and felt a little special. He returned to his hometown, but he became a foreigner.

However, the clothes and appearance of the people around them look so friendly.

Maybe it really takes a little time to adjust it.

Zhuque Street is still as lively as before, and there is an endless stream of people in the city on both sides. Chen Rufeng looked at this prosperous scene happily and unconsciously walked to the door of the rosefinch.

A burly and resolute man was wearing armor and waiting for him in front of the door with a gentle smile on his face. Chen Rufeng also had a relationship with him in Qu Women's City before. This person was the general Gao Xianzhi. Fortunately, he believed in Cao Jin that day and did not lead the army into Qu Women's City to avoid a bloody storm.

"General Gao!" Chen Rufeng politely hugged his fist and said hello. Gao Xianzhi put her on his shoulder enthusiastically. The strong general was a head taller than him and said to him, "Go in. The emperor is waiting inside."

Unexpectedly, Gao Xianzhi came to wait for him. It can't be said that Gao Xianzhi has pulled him into the imperial city without hindrance.

The magnificent palace hall is still almost the same as Chen Rufeng's imagination, but on that day, he was still on the line of life and death in the imperial city. To be interrogated by the emperor, it is naturally completely different from today's triumphant mood. Chen Rufeng can finally carefully taste the magnificent palaces in the imperial city. Architecture.

For a while, Gao Xianzhi had taken him to the Xuanzheng Hall. Both sides of the hall were full of civil and military officials with majestic faces. They stood straight, and the hall was silent and extremely serious, which made Chen Rufeng feel afraid. Tang Xuanzong Li Longji sat high on the dragon seat, with a kind of height on his face. The power of being arrogant and arrogant of all sentient beings.

Chen Rufeng found Li Linfu's figure while standing among the ministers. The cunning old fox was still shrewd and unfathomable, as if he had been planning something.

"See you!" Gao Xianzhi and Chen Rufeng both knelt down and bowed down, very respectfully and did not dare to offend the emperor.

"Faling!" Li Longji's yellow sleeves made a move, and the two quickly stood up at their orders. Chen Rufeng felt a strange light in the eyes of the civil and military officials on both sides, and his face was hot. He was very regretting that he was only wearing broken clothes to the hall. Fortunately, the emperor was not unhappy, but his eyes showed a light of joy.

"Thank you for your hard work in this battle of Tianzhu, especially General Gao." Li Longji said slowly, and Chen Rufeng did not dare to say anything against it. After all, he was just a grassman. How could he be more meritorious than a general? He is not unbalanced because of this, and it is a great gift for him to be able to wash away his grievances.

"It can save Tianzhu and the Tang Dynasty from a scourge of war, and at the same time see through the conspiracy of the fake king in Qunu City, thoroughly investigate the two things that Tianzhu maliciously sent to Heiyuanshi and the Tang Dynasty envoy were killed in Tianzhu, which made Tianzhu and the Tang Dynasty friends forever. The two are really indispensable! I have always had clear rewards and punishments. Today, I will discuss rewards in the hall!" Li Longji praised the two, and all the people in the hall immediately shouted in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Chen Rufeng and Gao Xianzhi took a step forward and knelt down again, waiting for the reward.

"General Gao Xianzhi, Ga Tejin, and General Zuo Jinwuwei!" Li Longji said in a straight way.

Gao Xianzhi was so excited that she kowtowed and shouted, "Thank you, Lord!"

"Chen Rufeng!" Li Longji shouted harshly, and Chen Rufeng quickly answered in a humble voice, "The grass people are there!"

The atmosphere that was originally happy for Gao Xianzhi suddenly slowed down, and everyone thought about what kind of reward the emperor would give to this yellow-haired boy. After all, he used to be guilty, and now he can only make contributions.

"I will keep my promise and return the innocence of you and Jiang Shengtian!" As soon as Li Long's fund opened, Chen Rufeng felt that his heart stretched out in an instant, like a branch that was about to wither stretch out new and tender leaf buds. The four words of his heart were not enough to describe his current feelings. The haze that had been accumulated in his heart was finally swept away at this moment.

Chen Rufeng seemed to see that a bright and frank road spread out in front of him, and the largest mountain in his heart was successfully removed. Even a breath is much smoother.

"Thank you Lord Longen!" Chen Rufeng kowtowed respectfully, leaving a loud sound on the floor of the hall.

"In addition," Li Longji pretended to clear his throat mysteriously, and his eyes suddenly showed surprise. Does the emperor want to reward him?

"I heard that you have a small wish to build your own gang and become famous." Li Longji was happy and smiled at the corners of his mouth, "I will take this opportunity to help you realize this grand wish! Prime Minister!"

"I'm there!" Li Linfu came out from among the ministers, expressionless, or no one could see through his expression, as if he had put on a thick mask, smiling and not.

The ministers all stood quietly, Li Linfu was full of power, and there were many party members. Most of the ministers were hateful and afraid of the prime minister below 10,000 people, but they were helpless. For his many unreasonable behaviors, the loyal ministers could only open their eyes and close their eyes.

"I'll leave this matter to you!" Li Longji said, "Just find a gang to take care of Chen Rufeng, so that he can fulfill his wish."

When Chen Rufeng heard this, he raised his head in surprise and looked at the 95 on the dragon chair in disbelief. If he had just swept away the thorns on his spacious road, then now Li Longji's words were to help him plant flowers and grass and build trees.

Li Linfu secretly scolded himself. On the one hand, he didn't think that the emperor knew that his men were manipulating several gangs to make profits from the world. On the other hand, he actually asked him to cede a gang to Chen Rufeng, which was really heartbreaking. However, since the emperor's golden mouth, he had no reason to refuse, so he had to suppress a trace of dissatisfaction on his face and bowed his head and said, "Weichen will definitely do this well and won't let the emperor bother!"

"Good! OK! Hahahaha! There is nothing left today. Let's retreat!" Li Longji said happily.