yu feng xing

Chapter 10: Fierce confrontation

The high fire wall was poured down by a bucket of water, and the arrogant momentum was suddenly extinguished, leaving only the remains of ashes on the ground. The two originally noble and gorgeous golden chairs on the altar were also devastated at this time, not to mention the rest of the old and dilapidated wooden chairs. In a word, there is a mess on the altar, and the Tianfeng gang is cleaning up the mess.

"Damn it, on the first day of building the Gang, someone came to make trouble. How should we live in the future?" Liu Hong muttered dissatisfiedly that he, Hu Jiuwei and Chai Yuanlang were leaning down to clean up. Because of the lack of manpower in the help, they could only condescend the left and right guardians and elders.

"I bet with you that in less than a month, the two hairy masters will definitely go back to their hometown." Hu Jiu did not laugh, his hands were coated with black charcoal, and his face was not full of resentment, and he glanced at Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian with deep eyes.

"Master, fortunately you came in time, otherwise our Tianfeng Gang will be destroyed!" Chen Rufeng said sincerely, laughing, stroked his beard and looked at the two apprentices happily.

"Master, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look much stronger!" Jiang Shengtian smiled and gently knocked on his head. There was a faint reproach in his eyes, but he still smiled and said, "Yes, I haven't seen you for a while, but you have learned to flatter!"

Jiang Shengtian blushed and said, "I haven't seen Master for many days. Can't you say a few words to praise Master..."

Chaoge laughed a few times and patted him hard on the shoulder, "Why are you so serious? Just kidding...just kidding...hahahaha!"

And the whole audience can only laugh so cheerfully.

On the other side, Li Linfu was cursing at the injured guests, like a plucked lion. His face blushed angrily and shouted pointedly: "I want to find out who is so bold that he dares to assassinate! I want them to raid the family and destroy the clan, and I won't die! Humph!"

Looking at the lost prime minister, everyone only felt funny in their hearts and did not dare to look at it.

"This is Guan Xingyi Guan's eldest brother, the descendant of Wu Sheng Guan Yu. It's all thanks to them that we can live to worship you as our teacher." Chen Rufeng introduced Chao Guo. Chao Guo looked at Guan Xingyi from top to bottom, and finally fell on his sun-eating tiger knife and nodded with a thoughtful smile.

Guan Xingyi arched his hand and said, "I heard the name of my predecessor early. When I saw it today, I really had an extraordinary temperament. It deserves to be ranked fourth in the Jianghu Directory!"

"It's just a false name, it's just a false name, hahahaha!" Chaogu laughed loudly again, and Guan Xingyi's heartfelt praise was obviously very useful.

Chaoguo's eyes fell on the claw wound on Chen Rufeng's arm, and his laughter decreased. He asked with concern, "Rufeng, are your hands all right?"

Chen Rufeng stretched out his arm and shook it in front of everyone to show that he had not lost his ability to move. He said, "It's okay, it's just an injury outside the skin, and it didn't hurt the muscles and bones. But who are those people? Why did you come to my Tianfeng Gang to make trouble?

Chaogu's sneaky eyes passed Li Linfu and said in a low voice, "The target of those people is Li Linfu, not the Tianfeng Gang. Probably they want to take advantage of today's Gang Ceremony to assassinate Li Linfu. However, it is not surprising that that guy usually does evil everywhere and makes trouble, and offends anyone. Chaoqi glanced at Li Linfu with disdain.

Jiang Shengtian seemed to remember something. He turned around, walked to Li Linfu and asked, "Is the Prime Minister all well?"

Li Linfu stared at him fiercely, blew Chen Rufeng and others fiercely, and replied coldly, "Look at me like this, should I be fine or nothing?"

At this time, he stepped over and glanced at Li Linfu with eyes like observing whether an antique was damaged, and said, "The Prime Minister should be fine, but he is too shocked and easy to talk nonsense."

Chen Rufeng couldn't help laughing, quickly covered his mouth with his hand and pretended to cough a few times.

On the contrary, Jiang Shengtian still maintained a respectful look and politely apologized: "This time, our Tianfeng Gang's protection work was not thoughtful enough, and the Prime Minister was shocked. I hope the Prime Minister will punish him."

Li Linfu looked at him coldly. When his eyes fell on Chaogua, there was a change again. It seemed that a vague fear oozed from his eyes. He quickly looked away and said, "Well, I'm going to go home. Just send a few more people to escort me."

Jiang Shengtian quickly recruited several stronger gangsters to escort Li Linfu down the mountain, but these strong men only acted as a facade. Once they were assassinated by such a master just now, they had no power to fight back.

However, it seems that the assassins did not dare to come back. At this time, Li Linfu looked at Chaoku with a faint pleading, but Chaoqi turned his face to the sky, as if something in the sea of white clouds deeply attracted his eyes.

Li Linfu could only brush his sleeves angrily and said, "Let's go!"

Watching the back of Li Linfu and his party disappear at the gate, the two new masters breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, they put their hands behind him and looked at the domineering back, as if they sighed inadvertently: "This is the second time I have saved his life."

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him in surprise, but Chaogu was not embarrassed at all. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Many years ago, when he had not yet made a rise, once he encountered a mountain thief on the mountain, and I took action to save his life. At that time, he still hit me on the ground a few times. It's not like today's attitude at all. Alas, perhaps, once a person is in a high position, many things will change.

The last sentence was a little thought-provoking, and suddenly everyone's silent words.

Chaoqi was a little unaccustomed to this stiff atmosphere, and quickly made a laugh. He put on Chen Rufeng's shoulder and said, "Come on, tell me what you have seen in Tianzhu... Haha, the teacher is still very interested in those exotic customs..."

So, the four jumped off the altar and walked to the inner hall.

The inner hall of Tianfeng Gang is also very simple. It looks like it has not been used for a long time. It is full of dust and cobwebs. As soon as he came in, the tall altar blocked the view and could not see the situation of the inner hall. Chen Rufeng patted the dust on the chair with a slightly embarrassed face before sitting down.

Everyone is also seated, and they have never heard Chen Rufeng mention the story of Tianzhu. Today, they just listened attentively.

The eloquent and drooling has dried up. Chen Rufeng's series of things have been exposed, and there are thrills in them. Everyone on the seat held their breath. Sometimes Jiang Shengtian even said "ah" uncontrollablely, but Chen Rufeng brought all the story about Pujina. In the end, he and Halpa in the tunnel During the war, Guan Xingyi grabbed the handle of the chair and was about to crush it.

finally told all the experiences, and Chen Rufeng's eyes were searching for tea.

"Well...very good, you should have benefited a lot from this trip to Tianzhu, especially in martial arts cultivation. I just watched it from a distance, and you are indeed progressing rapidly." Chaoge said, "Moreover, you should have reached the level of 'fantasy', right?"

Chen Rufeng nodded slightly shyly.

"Hahaha, good! The future is terrible! It deserves to be my apprentice! Hahahaha!" Chaogu clapped his hands, and Jiang Shengtian's face was slightly dark, but no one noticed.

"Like the wind, now you are the masters of a group, what are you going to do?" Guan Xingyi asked, which aroused Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian's thinking. At the beginning of the establishment of the gang, there were indeed many things that needed to be calculated, and they also had to plan for the future of the gang.

Neither of them has forgotten their old dreams. One day, they will establish an arrogant and top gang that will not be looked down upon!

Now, they have taken the first step of their dreams, and they need to think about the next road.

"Brother Guan... Why don't you stay and help us manage the Tianfeng Gang together?" Chen Rufeng suddenly made such a request. He did not throw this request to the court because he was well shudged in the character of the court. Although he was his apprentice, he would not give up his free life and traveled in the clouds all day long.

Hearing Chen Rufeng's request, Guan Xingyi suddenly looked embarrassed and scratched his hair as if he were thinking.

"I'm sorry, like the wind. I like to practice alone and unrestrained days. I'm afraid I can't agree to your request. Guan Xingyi finally said, "I aim at my ancestor Wusheng Guan Yunchang and reach the peak of martial arts, but this pursuit cannot be achieved if it is trapped in the gang portal."

Chen Rufeng nodded with understanding and said with regret, "It doesn't matter."

Jiang Shengtian said, "It is urgent. I think we need to have an understanding of this gang, at least in terms of personnel, materials and property."

"Yes, I have just started to take care of a gang, and there are a lot of things you need to learn. Just study and practice at the same time!" At this time, Chaoqi stood up and said, "I have to go back to the piao er. If you are free, come and visit me!" Haha!"

The three also stood up, and Guan Xingyi also proposed to leave. They said goodbye and personally sent them outside the gate.

The altar has been dismantled, revealing a large empty place, and the Tianfeng gangs are next to the wall, resting from the just-tired work.

"Brother Hu." Chen Rufeng shouted to Hu Jiuwei. Hu Jiuwei was originally fanning the grass to cool off. Chai Yuanlang and Liu Hong also leaned on his thighs tiredly. Hu Jiuwei looked at Chen Rufeng contemptuously, impatiently put the grass hat on Chai Yuanlang's head and walked towards Chen Rufeng.

"Master, what's the matter?" Hu Jiu did not cross his waist. Although he was not tall enough to be tall, his eyes at this moment were condescending and disdainful.

"Find someone to clean the inner hall, and where do the two doors in the inner hall lead to?" Chen Rufeng said, Hu Jiu did not glance at the inner hall and turned his eyes back to Chen Rufeng's face, which still exuded extremely uncomfortable hostility.

"One is a place leading to the firewood house, kitchen, accounting room and other places, and the other is the dormitory, which is for the two of you. As for you want us to clean..." Hu Jiuwei turned his face frivolously, as if to show how tired the gang was. "Look, everyone is tired. Who else has the strength to help you clean up?"

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian opened their eyes wide and looked at Hu Jiu's disdainful eyes.

There seems to be a sentence in Hu Jiuwei's eyes: I just don't cooperate with you. What can you do?

The two sides also fell into a silent confrontation for a moment. Jiang Shengtian was about to attack, but was suddenly pulled by Chen Rufeng. Chen Rufeng leaned against Hu Jiuwei's body and stared at him like an arrow.

Hu Jiuwei's feet patted the ground leisurely together, gently raised the corners of his mouth, and no longer looked at him.