yu feng xing

Chapter 14: People's hearts are unpredictable

Faxinqing silently stared at the door like a bottomless abyss and meditated. The wind blowing from the trees outside the room made a rustling sound, like a ghost coming. The shrinkage on the door kept patting the crack of the door, giving people the illusion that someone was constantly knocking on the door, which was extremely strange.

But there is no fear in his heart. He has just defeated the conspiracy of Pei Xuanjing. He will definitely not stop here. He will definitely make a comeback and vow to get the method of opening the tomb of the Vulcan. He will hold this only bridge to the position of great master no matter what.

Thinking about it, my eyes felt wet, and PerICP unconsciously sobbed. Tears broke through her eyes, crossed her snow-white and bright face, turning into a string of soft and fragile pearls. She squeezed her lips and finally cried in pain. With his forehead on his knees, he let go of all his strength in this unknown environment, just like a mountain blocking the river being broken, and tears are endless.

Who can understand the heavy pressure she has been under? She is just a daughter, why do you want to point all the limelight at her?

I still remember that when my father was dying, he held her hand and gave her the secret method of the tomb of Vulcan. At the same time, he told her to keep the foundation of Peijiazhuang and not let him down. The tears at that time seemed to be the same as today's tears. The scene of her father's breath was vivid and stung her heart fiercely.

She hesitated and she was helpless. At that time, she only felt that the only trustworthy thing in Peijiazhuang was the third uncle Pei Shouyang.

But later, she found that Pere Shouyang was just coveting the position of the head of the family to support her. In fact, it was to compete with the power of Percy Xuanjing in the village. In fact, she was just a bargaining chip in Pero Shouyang's hand.

Crying more and more painfully, and every burst of crying seemed to pull my heart fiercely, making it bleed.

"Dad...why...why...you want to be so cruel... leave me...daughter...it's very hard...woo..." Pei Xinqing finally tore open the strong outer shell on the surface in this quiet dark night and let Xianyue reflect her vulnerability.

Now, she really lost everything, leaving only the last way to start the mechanism of the tomb of Vulcan. In any case, she will stick to it and live up to the trust before her death.

In the following days, I don't know what means the cunning Perak Xuanjing will use to take out this secret. Only this can make him sit on the throne of the master.

Perak Shouyang was expelled from Peijiazhuang again and disappeared. No one in the village will pay attention to her as a young lady, and almost all of them are from the Xuanjing side. She is now in an isolated and helpless situation. How can she compete with Percy?

No... There is another person, maybe she can trust.

Xue Chengui's brilliant eyes immediately appeared in Pei Xinqing's heart. Every time he saw her, his face would inexplicably gushed out a trace of embarrassment, just like a shy girl.

In Zhuangzhong, only he can be trusted.

Percyinqing suddenly looked up and looked directly at the deep darkness on the top, as if to absorb the tears flowing through his face, revealing unprecedented stubbornness.

Her sleeves brushed her face, as if she were wearing an iron mask, erasing all her weakness.

"Dad... I won't let you down... Look, I will never let Peijiazhuang fall into the hands of my second uncle." Pei Xinqing clenched his fist in the palm of his hand.

As soon as her heart moved, she was ready to go to Xue Chengui for help. At least she had to escape from Peijiazhuang. Otherwise, she didn't know when Pei Xuanjing would be impatient, and it was really possible to kill her mercilessly. In short, staying in Peijiazhuang for a moment is one more crisis.

Faxinqing fell off the bed and walked to the door. Her eyes shot a strong color. Her palms were raised, and her energy began to condense on her palms. For a moment, she slapped out and patted the door, but the door just hummed dullly and did not move.

In fact, this room is designed to imprison people, and this door is also specially designed, so naturally it will not be easily broken.

After a few palms in a row, the door was still unmoved and stood there coldly, but Percy Qing gasped and sat on the chair like a discouragement, looking at it indly and helplessly.

I tried again from all directions, and even the closed windows had been scarred by her, but these doors and windows just refused to give in and closed them tightly, consuming the true qi of Perak Xinqing.

"Damn..." Pei Xinqing tried to hit the heart of the door like a vent, and only a circle of air lines opened. Other than that, the door was still as stable as Mount Tai.

When all the methods that can be tried are exhausted, Perak Xinqing can only shout to surrender.

However, at this moment, a thin seam light penetrated in, as if it had opened a straight line, reflected on the dejected face of Percy's dejection, and suddenly jumped up happily as if reinjecting energy into her. A gap appeared on the door, and the shadow of the iron lock was faintly seen.

Persimqing cheered in his heart and urged the true energy to emanate from his palm, like a knife connected to the palm of his hand, cutting into the gap.

With a "bang" sound of metal breaking, the iron chain tied to the door fell to the ground. Pei Xinqing was overjoyed, and a sense of excitement touched her hand and pulled trembling. The door seemed to open helplessly, and the starlight in the sky reflected into Perv Xinqing's vision, accompanied by a cool and comfortable evening breeze.

It should not be too late. PerICP Qing did not dare to delay for a moment. Although she was wearing a skirt with mobility, it did not affect her speed. She was still as fast as fast as electricity as the wall of the courtyard, carrying the bright stars in the sky, looking around warily and lifting the crisis in the dark.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the ear power of Li Xinqing was quite good. She quickly jumped down the wall, quickly hid behind a big tree, squatted down, integrated her body into the darkness, and stared at the direction of the footsteps.

As the visitor approached, his outline gradually became clear. When he saw the man's face clearly, Li Xinqing almost couldn't help shouting happily. Originally, he was hesitating how to find him, but he didn't expect to find him here.

"Dust, I'm here!" Percy Heartqing leaned against the shadow and waved to Xue Chengui, who had just stepped lightly. Xue Chengui was stunned first and walked over when he saw the familiar figure behind the big tree in the corner of the wall.

Because of the darkness around, Pei Xinqing did not see the expression on Xue Chengui's face as if he was struggling in the contradiction. Xue Chengui was close to Pei Xinqing, but a slight pause, as if to make time to think. Finally, his face was covered with a layer of glodness and approached Percy.

piqing didn't realize that his expression was different for a moment. He just felt that he had seen the sun again. He held Xue Chengui's arm and said, "Chen Gui, listen to me now help me prepare two silver horses. I want to leave Peijiazhuang immediately. Remember, don't let anyone know, especially the second uncle. Even after I leave, you can't reveal anything about me.

Listening to the solemn tone of Percy Heart, a strange smile appeared on Xue Chengui's face.

"Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it. Hurry up and do it, or I'll be in danger." Percy Qing couldn't explain too much to him for a while, not to mention that near dawn, the guards in the village would be more severe. At that time, she was unable to fly.

"Who do you think I am?" Xue Chengui's tone suddenly became cold, as if he had erected a strange barrier, completely wasolating the two. He stared at him in surprise, but he could only see a trace of deceitful corners of his mouth.

"All the time... How much is my position in your heart?" Xue Chengui continued to ask, as if he had changed a person, or this was the restoration of his original face.

piqing's heart sank, looked at the slightly white sky and said, "Forget it, if you don't help me, I will escape by myself." Percy Qing felt a chill rising from his heart, and ominous quickly occupied his whole body. He quickly stepped up, used the method of getting up, and prepared to cross the walls and escape directly from Peijiazhuang with light skills.

Unexpectedly, just kicked up his body, but there were bursts of pain coming from his back, as if something sharp was stuck on his back. Persimian snorted in pain, and his body suddenly fell down feebly and fell to the ground. Xue Chengui's eyes hit like Bingfeng, and his whole figure was enveloped by Persim Qing. .

Faxinqing bit her teeth, picked up one hand and swept it away on her back. With the feeling of her hand, she knew that three needles were inserted into her back and half an inch into the meat.

She raised her head and looked at Xue Chengui with incredible fear.

"You...you actually used a shadowless needle..." PerICP's tone also weakened, and his body couldn't stand up.

The shadowless needle is one of the treasures of Peijiazhuang Town. The other two are "1 Thunderbolt God" and "shielding the sun smoke". As its name implies, the shadowless god needle is not seen. It kills invisibly, and the needle can be stained with venom, which is faster and extremely vicious than arrows. Many people in the world are also very afraid of this kind of this hidden weapon. .

"You forced me. You haven't paid attention to me all the time. I'm just a rope for you. When you ask for something, you will pull me." Xue Chengui shook his head sadly, and the coldness disappeared in his eyes, and was replaced by endless loneliness. "However, my heart for you has never changed. I really like you and I want you to be happy! Although I know how humble and ridiculous my position is in your heart. Speaking of this, Xue Chengui laughed a few times and directly brought a chill into Pei Xinqing's heart.

pixinqing gathered herself secretly, and the three needles on her back also began to pull out. She gritted her teeth. What she had to do now was to delay the time as much as possible.

"No! You have always occupied a very important position in my heart!" Percy said defense, "It's just...but I have more important things, so...so..." Perxinqing stammed, simply lowered his head and stopped looking at Xue Chengui.

"So how?" Xue Chengui asked in an expectant tone. In her eyes, Pei Xinqing just shyly turned away and refused to look at him. At this time, the seed he had been planting in his heart seemed to have finally ushered in a chance to germinate.

However, Percy Xinqing kept digging words in his heart to cater to him. However, at this moment, my heart is confused, and there is only a blank space left.

But at this time, Xue Chengui's crazy face calmed down again, like a fire that had been extinguished. He took another step forward, his foot was about to touch Percy's cheek, and he shook his head in despair.

"You lied to me... I'm just a secret weapon maker, and you are an unattainable lady... Ha ha, how can the remnant grass match the red flower? However..." Xue Chengui raised his head again, and his expression changed several times. Li Xinqing felt that this person had completely become a madman.

"Only I can get the way to open the tomb of Vusoleum from your mouth, and I will be able to be in the village, under one person, and above ten thousand people. At that time, I will be a perfect match with you." A terrible smile appeared on Xue Chengui's face.

After hearing this, Percy Qing was shocked, "You... you actually know about the tomb of Vulcan... Is it your second uncle who sent you?"

"The second master said that as long as I brought back the method of opening the tomb of Vus to him, he would agree to any request. Of course... the position of head of the family is also within easy reach. He is the head of the family, and I am the second head of the family. Speaking of this, Xue Chengui's smile became ferocious and arrogant, and he couldn't help laughing a few times.

At this moment, the three shadowless needles behind Pei Xinqing have flown out. After successfully forcing out the shadowless needle, Pei Xinqing quickly punched Xue Chengui, but the momentum on this punch was just like a shadow. As soon as it came out of the air, it dissipated. Xue Chengui grabbed her fist effortlessly. He shook his head with a smile.

"It's useless. I applied '*' and 'blood lotus juice' on the shadowless needle. The blood lotus juice has flowed through your meridians to the whole body, and you can't operate the true qi now." Xue Chengui just gently grabbed her hand, and she was already struggling weak.

Faxinqing stared at him contemptuously and scolded in a low voice: "You hypocrite, you even added *..."

Seeing that Percy's whole body was weak and could no longer resist, Xue Chengui smiled victoriously, picked her up, walked to the open prison room, and kicked the door closed.