yu feng xing

Chapter 28: The First appearance of a strong man

"Ah!" Chen Rufeng's fist suddenly pushed forward, and the cyclone storm wrapped in the green air column was like a spiral cone, and suddenly penetrated three inches into the sun-like white light. Huanghua had already raised blood vessels on his face, which was extremely terrible. If he doesn't let go of the clenched dust, his wrist will also break.

Among the bystanders, only Han Ling knows the situation of yellowing best. Even if he is covered in the white light, he can still feel the fading smell of yellowing, which is close to the end of oil.

Finally, with a terrible hum, Chen Rufeng's wind fist suddenly broke into dozens, turning into a roll of small whirlwinds scattered in the air, causing countless waves in the sky. And the white light shrouded in yellow suddenly broke into countless lights at this moment and disappeared. The dust that was originally pinched by yellow hands, like scattered leaves, floated down powerlessly. In the process, white hairs fell one by one, like snow falling to the earth. Seeing that the dust was scrapped. And Huang Hua himself gradually lost the power of volley. The golden robe was full of cracks, and there was no previous arrogant and proud light, and fell to the ground.

Chen Rufeng stepped into the air and gasped.

Everyone was blocked by this scene.

Huang Hua was defeated, and it also announced the fiasco of Henglei Village.

Fang Lei looked at Huanghua's falling body in fear, and his eyes were full of despair. The master he invited back at a high price was finally defeated. He held the heaviest chip in his hand and still lost all at the gambling table.

"No..." Fang Lei shook his head like crazy. He couldn't believe that Henglei Village, which had been worked hard and supported by the current Prime Minister, was uprooted today.

Before he could react, Guo Tongwu had already taken a knife to his neck and cut off his head. Blood flew across his neck, and his body that had lost his head collapsed weakly on the ground.

The rest of Hengleizhai was shocked, and several leaders have also been defeated under Chai Yuanlang and Liu Hong. Suddenly, the remaining combat effectiveness of Hengleizhai was at a loss, and they seemed at a loss for a moment.

At this time, Fu Yuanjing raised the long sword in his hand and shouted, "All the people who are willing to surrender to us, we will definitely treat each other with courtesy. In the future, everyone will be like brothers, and if we have money, we will get it together!"

You look at me one by one, and I look at you, everyone seems to be at a bad idea.

A thunder-browed mountain thief looked at his accomplice, timidly crawled forward for a distance, climbed to Fu Yuanjing's feet, knelt down and kowtowed, "I'm willing to be sincere to you! Take my life!"

The mountain thieves saw that the Henglei Village was also gone. One stone stirred up a thousand waves. Everyone suddenly rushed to Fu Yuanjing's feet and shouted compliments. Looking at their appearance, they almost lick Fu Yuanjing's shoes and treated him as a reborn parent. Fu Yuanjing looked at them with satisfaction and wanted to accept the remnants of the Henglei Village, the fierce tiger village... It should be said that the power of the Tianfeng Gang has been greatly strengthened, and these people are also wealth-openers. As long as they have money as bait, they are not afraid that they will betray them.

At this moment, there seemed to be a fierce shout from afar, but it sounded in everyone's ears, "Don't hurt my disciple!"

Han Ling's eyes were so strong that his ears quickly grasped the source of the sound, and his eyes flashed into the eastern sky, and a light spot was rapidly expanding. Obviously, someone was getting closer and closer.

Chen Rufeng also looked at the light spot in surprise. The path it glides to Huanghua, and even Chen Rufeng, who has erratic skills, is ashamed of himself. Obviously, this person has deep internal skills and strong true spirit to control his body to fly at such a rapid speed.

Finally, a figure appeared from the light spot.

It was an old face, full of wrinkles, but there was an unspeakable look on his almost dry cheeks. His eyes were even more old, full of sharp light, and his eyebrows were locked. At this moment, he was gushing anger, grabbing the yellowing that was about to fall to the ground with one hand, and then his body A rapid turning point rushed directly to Chen Rufeng.

Although it is far away, Chen Rufeng has felt that this will make the sea of clouds surge and the mountains crack. If he dares to touch its edge directly, he will definitely hit the stone with egg. With this in mind, he quickly moved his body, raised a green light, and suddenly dragged his green tail to flash away.

Unexpectedly, the old man still chased after him, sliding out of a beautiful moon arc in mid-air with white light, chasing him in the direction of Chen Rufeng's escape, and soon he will reach Chen Rufeng.

As a last resort, Chen Rufeng had to perform "fantasy". Several virtual shadows were separated from himself and fled in different directions. Those who had never seen this mysterious skill were dumbfounded. Four identical Chen Rufeng had scattered everywhere, and they could not tell which one was the real body.

"Wondden work? Humph!" The old man's eyes shot at a figure that escaped very quickly like electricity, and immediately felt the true qi flow on Chen Rufeng's body, and then cast a white light on him.

Chen Rufeng soon felt the heavy pressure on his back and couldn't help but be shocked that he could see through the "illusion". It seemed that this person was indeed not simple. In fact, at this stage, he does not know how to concentrate the true qi on those phantom figures. If he can do this, he can successfully confuse the other party's ability to distinguish qi, so as not to be seen by the other party that which one has the true qi flow is the real body.

Now, Chen Rufeng had to show his "e�" again. The green light flashed around his body. The figure was like evaporating out of thin air, hidden in the air, and immediately closed his breath and stopped, purely running to one side with the strength of his feet. Otherwise, if he stood in place, he would definitely be smashed by the true spirit of the master.

But Ye Lu, where he walked on the ground, also exposed his deeds.

The old man's eyes condensed and his palm was sent out. Chen Rufeng's place in front of him exploded. Next, there was an invisible burst of energy in all directions around Chen Rufeng. He had to kick his feet, like a carp leaping in the water, hanging in mid-air. The old man finally forced him to appear, and the other empty palm had a conical white light sticking out from the palm and quickly attacked Chen Rufeng. His speed was only in the blink of an eye, and Chen Rufeng was about to be pierced by the conical white light.

Han Ling, who was standing on the ground, can no longer sit still. This person's skills are far above Chen Rufeng, and his opponent Chen Rufeng have no opportunity to survive, not to mention life and death. Just like on the gambling table, people have made it clear that the card is better than yourself. Why don't you bet with the other party again?

Jiang Shengtian suddenly noticed that Han Ling, who was still standing beside him, had disappeared. In mid-air, Han Ling's body had stood in front of Chen Rufeng, and his palms were opened in one in an instant and pushed forward. The two illusory palms suddenly expanded, like two solid shields. The old man's cone was inserted, but it could only go deep into half of his palm shadow and could no longer break forward.

Han Ling's palms turned, and the shadow of his palm suddenly broke, and the conical white light was also accompanied by the palm shadow. Han Ling and the old man shook each other. Han Ling blocked Chen Rufeng with one hand, and the other hand was raised into a palm. There was a small tornado in the palm of his hand spinning leisurely.

"Are you a real person in Ruiyun?" Han Ling looked at him with the respectful eyes of the younger generation towards his elders, without any arrogance.

Ruiyun Zhenren's long eyebrows must move with the wind, his eyes narrowed into a crack, looking at Han Ling with a golden mask, holding the dying in one hand and losing consciousness of yellowing, and the other hand secretly gathered true energy. A small whirlpool quietly condensed in his clenched hand and constantly absorbing the gas around him.

"So you are the new Central Plains Bayin, a martial arts genius Han Ling." Ruiyun Zhenren's eyes were indeed detached from ordinary people. He broke Han Ling's identity at a glance. Han Ling did not hide it. Hehe smiled and held his fist and saluted.

"Good job, senior! I don't know what this yellowing has to do with the predecessors?" Han Ling asked with a smile.

Ruiyun Zhenren glanced at Huang Hua in his hand, cursed this disappointing guy in his heart, and replied to Han Ling, "He is my apprentice and the only disciple of our Yun Xiangguan."

Han Ling smiled and asked again, "Since he is a disciple of the senior, why did he come out with the mountain thief and kill the brothers in our gang?"

Chen Rufeng obviously did not know the whereor of this Ruiyun real person came from. Without thinking, he immediately said, "Not only that, he also worked with a group of black merchants in Lion Town to do some despicable things of selling *..."

Han Ling's hand in front of Chen Rufeng hit Chen Rufeng's chest and motioned him to stop. Chen Rufeng had to shut up, but his eyes were still staring at Ruiyun Zhenren with indignant.

When Ruiyun heard this, his face became blue and ugly. Suddenly, he had an impulse to throw the apprentice to the ground. He actually did such an unreasonable thing, which really made him lose face. But when he thought about it, he only had such an apprentice left, and he would never allow him to make the slightest mistake.

"Humph, Han Ling, are you too idle to intervene in these trivial things?" Ruiyun was really popular, and his clenched momentum also accelerated. He could almost see a trace of air accregnating into his fist. Han Ling naturally felt it, but the smile on his face was still unabated.

"So, why did the senior intervene?" Han Ling laughed and said that Ruiyun was like a stone in his throat and couldn't say a word to refute it.

"Okay! OK! In this case, we should make peace with each other. How about we haven't seen each other today? Ruiyun Zhenren had to say such a sentence.

Han Ling smiled and said, "Since the senior has this proposal, the younger generation dare not object."

Ruiyun's real eyes showed anger, but he had no choice. His empty hands suddenly opened, and a red, orange, yellow, green and blue light suddenly appeared in the air, which was extremely gorgeous, but after a moment, the five lights suddenly burst, just like a gentle and weak woman turned into a drunken and crazy villain. In the same way, colorful gas splashed away, which was both powerful and gorgeous.

In addition to Han Ling, Chen Rufeng and the group of people on the ground were stunned. The strength of this Ruiyun real person is indeed unfathomable, but this small act of power has shocked people.

Ruiyun Zhenren turned around and resisted a white light with yellowing, disappearing into the blue sky, leaving a long smoke.