yu feng xing

Chapter 44: Lacquer Night

Li Linfu waved his brocade robe, pushed open the door of the study angrily, laughed a few times, and walked in proudly.

Cut 10% of the financial revenue of the Tianfeng Gang into your arms for no reason. This silver is much more than the previous robbery in Henglei Village. Fortunately, Jiang Shengtian was interested, which made him lose his arm and picked up a new source of wealth.

Li Linfu went straight through Ye Zhihang, who was meditating. He sat down peacefully and leaned back. He couldn't help laughing again. I'm afraid he will wake up in his dream tonight.

Ye Zhihang opened his eyes indifferently and said slowly, "What makes you so happy?"

Since Tianfeng Gang captured Henglei Village and took Funiu Mountain as his territory, Li Linfu has been worried about it and tried his best to keep Tianfeng Gang, and his face has never been glorious for a day.

Li Linfu told everything, and then he couldn't stop laughing.

Ye Zhihang stared silently ahead and said, "Do you want to gradually encroach on the wind and take it for yourself?"

Li Linfu shook his waist forward and sat upright. He did not hide his cunning look on his face and said, "Hey, since he destroyed my Henglei Village, I naturally want them to return it ten times. I started with their finances first, and I will come one after another in the future... However, it's a pity that Jiang Shengtian refused to agree to me and belong to my house. Otherwise, with his help, can Tianfeng help this fat meat fly out of my mouth?

Ye Zhihang will no longer speak, and he seems to have no problem with this matter.

"I just heard the sound of fighting from the west wing. What happened there?" Ye Zhihang's ear skills are extremely sensitive, and he can still distinguish clearly from a long distance. Li Linfu was slightly shocked and told about Jin Yilai.

"Unfortunately, I spent a lot of effort to cultivate Jin Yilai as a talent second only to you in my house. Now he has become a crazy person and can no longer be used for me." Li Linfu said with regret, but there was no regret in his eyes.

After Ye Zhihang closed his eyes for a moment, he opened his eyelids and said, "After he killed the spirit with his own hands, his personality changed so much. Today's madness is not that simple.

Li Linfu smiled and said, "He has a good relationship with Jiang Shengtian, right? Today, he lost his mind and almost killed Jiang Shengtian. What else can you say if he is not crazy? If I don't drive him out of the house, I'm afraid there will be people killed in my house in the future.

Ye Zhihang's eyes showed a burst of deep thought and flashed. After a long time, I closed my eyes again.

When Li Linfu saw that he was meditated again, he went to read by himself.

"Jin Yilai... Are you really crazy or fake stupid?" Ye Zhihang kept repeating this sound in his heart.

However, he said that on Jiang Shengtian's side, after they left the prime minister's house, they let Liu Hong jump into the wall and sneak in, and then responded to Li Yinru. Liu Hong hugged Li Yinru's slender waist, jumped over an arc in mid-air and jumped out of the prime minister's mansion.

Jiang Shengtian, who was waiting anxiously through the wall, hurriedly greeted her, glanced around, let a group of Tianfeng help protect her and hurriedly walked into the carriage. Jiang Shengtian had a strange feeling, as if he was doing the business of abducting good women. But it is clearly Li Yinru's request!

"Quick!" Jiang Shengtian urged that after Li Yinru quickly got into the carriage, Jiang Shengtian also jumped in and quickly pulled down the curtain. Only two people could be accommodated in the carriage, so he had to wrong Liu Hong to walk.

The groom rode the horse, and the horse got up and drove away. The Tianfeng Gang also accelerated their pace with a guilty heart, and the group quickly moved away from the prime minister's mansion.

Everyone's hearts are tense, like a cracking string. In the carriage, Jiang Shengtian and Li Yinru could even hear the ploping heartbeat of the other party.

It was not until they left Chang'an without danger that they barely calmed down.

The carriage stopped in the countryside outside Chang'an. Jiang Sheng took the carriage and discussed the next countermeasures with Liu Hong.

"You go to the hidden bamboo forest now, and I'm afraid you won't arrive until noon tomorrow." Liu Hong touched his chin worriedly, "It's not very peaceful on this road. Why don't you stay in the gang for one night first? I'll send someone to escort you to the hidden bamboo forest tomorrow!"

Jiang Shengtian shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate. She can't leave the house for too long, otherwise the prime minister will find it troublesome. He looked at the carriage that pulled down the curtain. "Well, I remember that you still have an escort task tomorrow. You go back to the help first, and I'll take her to the hidden bamboo forest."

Liu Hong is still worried: "But neither of you is good at martial arts..."

Jiang Shengtian has made up his mind: "Now that in the peaceful and prosperous times, if all of them are so frightened, I'm afraid that all of them will not leave home. Don't worry, I'm still the leader of the Tianfeng Gang. The robbers and bandits on the road have also heard of our reputation. Even if we fall into the hands of the bad people, they dare not do anything to us.

Seeing that he couldn't resist him, Liu Hong had to shrug his shoulders helplessly and waved to lead a group of Tianfeng to help him back home.

The breeze blew, blowing Jiang Shengtian's hair, and the sound of leaves under his feet.

He suddenly felt that his decision was not so wise, but for some reason, his intuition seemed to encourage him to do so, so he had to follow his heart.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Shengtian turned over the carriage and said to Li Yinru across the opposite side of the curtain, "Now we are going to the hidden bamboo forest. But I'm afraid I'm going to sleep in the wild tonight.

Li Yinru was slightly shocked when she heard that she was going to sleep in the wild. As a lady, she has never tried to sleep in the wild since she was a child. However, in order to see Chen Rufeng, she had to bite her lips and said "um" in confusion.

Jiang Shengtian pulled up the horse's rein, beat the horse's buttocks, and pulled the horse forward.

Along the way, the road was bumpy. In the past, Li Yinru was escorted by a group of family to the hidden bamboo forest and took a flat straight road. Today, I followed Jiang Shengtian on a shortcut, which was bumpy and tortuous, which made her very uncomfortable.

Unconsciously, the sunlight in the sky was gradually swallowed up by the night, and the night unfolded, and the bright stars showed their faces again, shining on the fast-walking carriage.

Fortunately, Jiang Shengtian has dry food with him, otherwise he would have starved Li Yinru.

The moonlight gently stretched out its veil and gently stroked the earth. Under the thick moonlight, the horse lowered its head looking for edible grass. The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Li Yinru hung a uncomfortable look like nibbling stones on his face. Li Yinru, who has always been used to delicacies and delicious food, will naturally not get used to this hard dry food.

But the real sound of her stomach forced her to swallow.

Jiang Shengtian himself quickly ate the dry food. Seeing that there was still more than half left in Li Yinru's hand, he immediately realized it.

Looking at Li Yinru's appearance of crying, Jiang Shengtian couldn't bear it and said to her, "Why don't I help you catch a rabbit?"

Li Yinru bit her teeth with a burst of pain. Originally, she was embarrassed to complain, but this thing was really difficult for her stomach to swallow, so she had to nod slightly.

Jiang Shengtian found some firewood and gave birth to a pile of fireworks. The yellow fire tongue sprayed out, like a flame-colored flower in the thick darkness, shining brightly.

Li Yinru sat in the position of the driver, holding his knees and watching Jiang Shengtian's figure disappear into the curtain-like darkness.

After a while, a "chirp" cry came from the dark tree trunks, and the white-haired rabbit jumped out. Jiang Shengtian chased behind it with sweat and rushed out, waved his fist and shouted at it, "Don't be afraid of the stubborn rabbit!"

The rabbit seemed to know that Jiang Shengtian's foot speed was below him and was determined to mock him, so he ran around the pile of fireworks, and one rabbit chased around the firelight.

Seeing that he had run more than ten laps, Jiang Shengtian was exhausted and breathless. The rabbit simply stopped and looked at his lively rabbit face as if he were mocking him, saying that his short legs could not even run a beast.

Jiang Shengtian was ashamed and angry for a moment, and his body rushed to the hungry tiger and directly pressed the cunning rabbit.

The rabbit jumped back flexibly, which suddenly made Jiang Shengtian jump into the air. His body lay on the ground awkwardly, with its mouth still close to a leaf.

Seeing this scene, Li Yinru was so happy that she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing secretly.

The moonlight gently fell on her white face, as if a fairy light appeared on her clear face. People and the moonlight blended perfectly together, just like a fairy on the moon coming to the mortal world. It is beautiful and charming.

Jiang Shengtian looked up and didn't seem to notice the stains on his face. He looked at Li Yinru, who was as touching as a fairy, with seven souls and six souls, as if he had been hooked into the nine heavens, and he could not come back for a long time.

When his heart was rippling, the cunning rabbit jumped briskly in front of Jiang Shengtian. Jiang Shengtian came to his senses at this moment and reached out and grabbed the two rabbit's legs. The rabbit screamed strangely and was caught by Jiang Shengtian's hand. A rabbit swaying upside down, and the two rabbits eyes stared at Jiang Shengtian fiercely.

Soon, the fragrant smell of a barbecue turned into wisps of smoke floating in the forest, making the population flow.

Jiang Shengtian tore a rabbit leg out and handed it to Li Yinru, who was sitting on his knees. Li Yinru smiled and took it. She looked at Jiang Shengtian and still couldn't reduce the smile on her face. It made Jiang Shengtian's faces red one by one.

"Well...it smells good!" Li Yinru chewed and praised. Jiang Shengtian tried his best to avoid looking directly at her and focused on roasting the rabbit that had just been proud.

"This is my first time roasting... Miss Li laughed." I don't know whether Jiang Shengtian's face was reflected red by the firelight or his fiery heart turned red.

Li Yinru smiled and said, "Don't look out like that! Like the wind, call me like a good voice.

Jiang Shengtian's movements suddenly stopped, and the hand holding the wooden fork stopped turning.

"Actually...when did you... start?" I don't know why, a group of inexplicable loss and pain suddenly surged into Jiang Shengtian's heart. He stared intently at the roasted hare, and his face seemed to be stiff.

Li Yinru put a finger to her chin and thought about it. After a moment, she smiled shyly, blushed and said, "Before he went to Tianzhu... we had feelings for each other..." In a sentence, Li Yinru had lowered her head and smiled astringently, as if at this moment, she had filled her heart.

"Oh, you're burnt!" Li Yinru patted Jiang Shengtian on the shoulder and pointed to the already dark hare.

Jiang Sheng turned the wooden fork in his hand, and his face looked like a dark sky. The faint pain in his heart had turned into a pain of heartache.