yu feng xing

Chapter 47: Huang Huadedao

Chen Rufeng did not leave them too much time to react.

The green light of the bamboo sword in his hand flashed and suddenly disappeared. I could only see a shadow wind like a ghost, and the green light flashed quickly across the waists of the four ancient spirits, and the green bamboo sword reappeared in Chen Rufeng's hands.

The four ghosts covered their waists in pain, and the speed of the bamboo sword was actually too much beyond their naked eyes, and there was no way to react. And the bamboo sword was accompanied by deep energy, which really hurt the four people, and all of them rolled on the ground and screamed in pain.

Chen Rufeng cut in the air again, and the green and white sword suddenly appeared, like a huge gull knife swinging down to the four people. The four were so scared that they pressed their buttocks and called their mother, took a deep breath, and performed the fastest body method in their lives to escape.

The bamboo leaves shook sharply, and several green leaves fell.

The sword spirit cut the ground, and a crack was born from the ground, three feet deep, which shows the depth of Chen Rufeng's true spirit.

Seeing that the four people were driven away, Chen Rufeng was also too lazy to chase and fight. He threw the bamboo sword back, pulled the white belt on his chest, hung the bamboo sword behind him again, and his feet slowly landed.

"Strange, how can these people appear in the hidden bamboo forest?" Chen Rufeng was puzzled. Li Yinru, who had just been so scared that he hid in the carriage and dared not move, had jumped down, ran wildly, and rushed into his arms, sobbing repeatedly.

Jiang Shengtian also recovered from the thrilling, looked at Chen Rufeng breathlessly, met his slightly embarrassed eyes, and made a very awkward smile.

Chen Rufeng stroked Li Yinru's flowing hair, his eyes were as warm as the flames in the cold winter, and muttered gently, "Don't cry, I'm here."

"Woo... I... I thought... I wouldn't see you in the future... Whoo..." Li Yinru swallowed, and Chen Rufeng's hands hugged him tighter, as if to build a powerful ring for her and wouldn't allow her to suffer any harm.

His chin gently rubbed at the end of her hair and couldn't help comforting him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... I will always be by your side..."

Tears seem to have found a vast world that can be accommodated, pouring down like a downpour.

Li Yinru's face pressed harder against Chen Rufeng's chest, as if she was leaning against a mountain that would never collapse, which could stop all the terrible torrents for her.

With him, all the disasters have come to an end.

Only this man can give her a real sense of security.

Listening to her unbrid crying, Chen Rufeng had a burst of pain in his heart. His words could not express his love for her. Only the deepest hug, the safest mind, and the most practical actions to take care of her and cherish her.

The whole world is like only two people who hold each other tightly.

No one can feel the existence of Jiang Shengtian, who was trembling and holding the reed horse.

His existence is so humble, just a big* between two people. Maybe he can turn into a tree that shelters them from the wind and rain? Or a fragrant flower that brings them fragrance? If not, it will become a small grass trampled under their feet.

His eyes could no longer be controlled by him, and he became turbid and distracted. A voice that kept wandering in his heart was tinging every blood vessel again and again.

"You are so incompetent."

The long echo went straight from the top of his head to his toes, bringing only a faint smile that seemed to sigh for his fate.

"Yes, I'm incompetent." Jiang Shengtian looked at Chen Rufeng and Li Yinru, who would no longer notice their existence, and said with a low smile, "I'm incompetent. I can't even protect the people I like."

A red brue had appeared on his palm, and his trembling hand was almost to break the horse's rein.

As soon as the breeze blew, it blew how many complex thoughts into the sky, but I didn't know whether it would fall back to the ground in the end and then spread and grow wildly.

Chen Rufeng and Jiang Shengtian sat side by side and gently drove the horse forward together.

"How can you be so reckless? You brought her to the hidden bamboo forest alone... If I hadn't arrived in time, I really didn't know what would have happened. Chen Rufeng said to Jiang Shengtian with resentful eyes.

A chill surged uncontrollably from the deepest part of the heart, directly pulling out a twisted face into a terrible expression.

Looking at Jiang Shengtian's resentful eyes, Chen Rufeng was surprised and only felt a huge hatred rushing towards him. Fortunately, at this time, Li Yinru pulled off the curtain and defended Jiang Shengtian, "It's none of his business. I insisted that he bring me to see you."

Jiang Shengtian's face eased, and the black tide in his heart stopped rising momentum.

Chen Rufeng glanced at her gently and seemed to blame her with a faint smile, "You naughty egg!"

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong about you. You're not so stingy, are you?" Chen Rufeng patted Jiang Shengtian on the shoulder, and a stiff feeling came from his palm, as if he had slapped a stone.

The muscles on Jiang Shengtian's face twitched and shook his head and said, "It's okay. I just didn't come back from the danger just now."

Chen Rufeng did not have much doubt. He nodded and pointed to the direction of Liushuiju, and the carriage traveled smoothly all the way.

Returning to Liushuiju, Chen Rufeng introduced to Yuan Sirou to the two. When Li Yinru was introduced, Yuan Sirou's eyes suddenly looked at her carefully, as if she were appreciating a long poem, which made her turn her head shyly.

"Are you a mysterious apprentice?" Yuan Sirou asked, and Li Yinru nodded shyly.

"Good... Great... I didn't expect my apprentice to hang out with her apprentice..."

Chen Rufeng shouted angrily at this time, "What's 'fighting'? We are aboveboard..."

Yuan Sirou smiled and said nothing more. She treated the two guests with tea, and then said rudely, "I live in a shallow and narrow place. If the two guests want to stay overnight here..."

"Um..." Li Yinru lowered her head and said like a gauze, "I can go to my master's place to live temporarily."

Jiang Shengtian felt a little inappropriate and said, "Don't you leave today?" If the Prime Minister finds out that you are not in the house, I'm afraid he will be furious and don't know what the consequences will be.

"But..." Li Yinru hesitated, glanced at Chen Rufeng quickly, and his face turned red. "Since it's rare to come, I still want to visit my master."

Chen Rufeng felt a sore throat, and Li Yinru just used Xuan Wanmiao as an excuse to stay here for a few more days. He still knew what she was thinking and quickly said, "Yes, Shengtian has always slept with me. Tonight he will share a bamboo bed with me. And now it's almost dusk. I'm afraid it's not very comprehensive for them to brave the night?"

Jiang Shengtian didn't say a word, and the corners of his eyes were slightly **. I don't know why, he instinctively objected to Chen Rufeng's words. Didn't they come at night like this last night? And it's also very safe. However, since it is Li Yinru's intention, it is not easy for him to argue any more.

"It's up to you. I don't care about you anymore." Yuan Sirou hummed that Chen Rufeng and Li Yinru both showed a happy smile, and only Jiang Shengtian's face was dark.

A corner at the southern end of the hidden bamboo forest is also far away from the flowing water. Two Taoist-like men are meditating. There is a white mist steaming around them, like a fairyland.

The two men were one after the other, and the man behind them was obviously much older. His palm was facing the back of the man in front of him, and a stream of white true air gushed out from his palm and penetrated into the man in front of him like a splash of water.

White as the empty palm of a fairy, gently covering the two.

These two people are Ruiyun Zhenren and Huanghua.

At this time, Huang Hua's face had completely recovered from the pale death after the last competition with Chen Rufeng, and his face was more radiant, as if he was ten years younger, and his cheekbones were fuller, and even his originally thin body became much stronger.

The true qi transmitted by Ruiyun's hand slowly stopped. He lowered his hand, drew several complex hand shapes in mid-air, and finally put them on his knees and opened his eyes.

"Hhuaer, it's okay." Ruiyun said.

Huang Hua suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of excitement. First, he looked at his hands in surprise, and his eyes fell on his coiled knees, with a bright and proud smile on his face.

He hurriedly stretched out a finger to stimulate the true qi. A thin white light shot out from his fingertips and was instantly divided into dozens. It hit forward like rain. The roaring sound came to his ears, and his heart suddenly felt relaxed and happy.

Dozens of fingers crackled on the green bamboo immersed in the fog in front of them, emitting a few yellow sparks, and the green fragments have floated lightly above the fog.

His fingers are strong to crush the tough bamboo into powder.

Huang Hua was ecstatic about the finger he had just stretched out, as if he couldn't wait to bite it down and collect it in a wooden box. He turned around, kowtowed three times to Ruiyun, and said repeatedly, "Thank you, Master... Thank you, Master..."

Ruiyun smiled with satisfaction and said, "Hair, your state today is almost the same as before my practice through 'sleep'. There are only a few people in the world who can be your enemy today.

Looking at Huang Hua having such a good situation with his help, Ruiyun is naturally happy. Huang Hua is the only descendant of Yunxiangguan in addition to him. He has reached a high level, which means that the power of Yunxiangguan has also increased greatly. Since then, the two masters and apprentices, looking at the world, must be invincible and revive the prestige of Yunxiangguan, which is just around the corner!

Huang Hua danced with joy. If Ruiyun hadn't used his true qi to open up his closed qi and forcibly improve his true qi, how could he not only recover from his old wounds, but also rise to the next level? He was deeply grateful to Ruiyun. Even if he asked him to jump off the cliff to commit suicide, he would not hesitate.

"Well, Chen Rufeng, you'd better not let me see you again. If I see you again, I will definitely peel you alive." The joints of yellow fingers are turning, and the teeth are grinding with hatred.

"Hair, next, I will teach you the 'Shadow Crane True Method', which is a secret of this sect. Only real people and above can practice it. Today, it is an exception to be a teacher." Ruiyun said solemnly, and these words turned yellow and dizzy again. The true method of Yinghe, but many Yunxiangguan disciples dreamed of practicing at the beginning. The highest level of this true method is no less powerful than the Yangzhen method that needs to exhaust their true qi.

However, the highest level of the shadow crane true method is better. It does not need to exhaust the true qi, and it can also achieve the power of destroying the world.

When Huanghua recovered from the rotating sky, he began to listen to Ruiyun's teaching carefully and remembered it word for word.

On top of the world, another master was born under Ruiyun. No one would have thought that this person was just a pseudo-Taoist who did not use any means to accumulate money.