yu feng xing

Chapter 46: cruel

When Xu Fanqing heard Han Ling's words, he couldn't help but wonder, "Have you planned to deal with Jing Haimen for a long time?"

The smile on Han Ling's face became deeper and deeper, like a huge volume of books. Even after reading it once, it was still inexplicable. However, Xu Fanqing did not believe that Han Ling had this idea. After all, Jinghaimen is still a big faction. Although the Tianfeng Gang was at its peak, it did not have enough strength to compete with it.

"Can you imagine how terrible the strength of Tianfeng Gang will be enhanced as long as it shakes down the sea gate?" Han Ling turned around and looked at Xu Fanqing meaningfully. The smile at the corners of his mouth made Xu Fanqing unable to understand.

Xu Fanqing stared at his face, and his heart was full of speculation, but he still couldn't grasp his real plot.

Han Ling didn't sell much. He looked up at the vast blue sky and seemed to feel this piece of heart. He smiled and said, "I want to push the Tianfeng Gang to a position comparable to the three major factions, and even surpass them. Joining the World League is just the beginning.

Hearing Han Ling's arrogant words, Xu Fanqing couldn't help laughing, "Idiot talk about dreams."

Is the foundation and strength of the three major factions comparable to that of the Tianfeng Gang overnight? Even if it successfully swallows Jinghaimen, Tianfeng Gang can only rely on the edge of the three major factions, and it is difficult to compare with them.

Han Ling didn't care what Xu Fanqing said. He closed his eyes with a smile and sniffed deeply.

Fresh and refreshing, much more pleasant than a pot of wine and a cup of fragrant tea.

This is the qi of nature, the purest and purest qi. Of course, it will not be comparable to man-made wine and tea.

Seeing Han Ling's disapproving appearance, Xu Fanqing was secretly angry and turned his eyes a few times, looking for a way to frustrate his arrogance.

Soon, Xu Fanqing's face showed a smile again.

"I forgot to tell you that the first counselors of Jinghaimen are all our old friends." Xu Fanqing said angrily, and Han Ling slowly opened his eyes to stare at him.


A trace of fraud flashed in the corners of Xu Fanqing's eyes and slowly spit out three words: "Yu-Yi-Book!"

The wind suddenly turned sharp and swept down a large area of fallen leaves. The eliminated leaves floated in mid-air reluctantly, silently defending against the faint autumn wind.

"Oh." Han Ling's back suddenly became huge, almost covering Xu Fanqing's whole body.

Looking at the cold back, Xu Fanqing laughed proudly.

"So what?" As soon as this came out, Xu Fanqing's smile suddenly erased.

Soon, Xu Fanqing seemed to read something that could dispel his sharpness, and suddenly regained his smile.

"He is the only one who is better than you..." Xu Fanqing closed his eyes and smiled, as if he had just recited a very satisfactory poem. "On that day, he was wiser than you, and he tied in martial arts. Anyway, you are a loser."

A cold hum added a little bleak to the breeze.

Xu Fanqing can feel Han Ling, who has always been calm and calm, but now there is a trace of turbulence in his mood, and he can't help laughing more.

"This time, he has no chance of defeating me." Han Ling's tone seemed to have cold thorns, and a little deeper into the air.

Xu Fanqing held his hands behind his head and said in a leisurely posture, "Maybe, you have to thank me for this. Now he may not know that you are the behind-the-scenes counselor of the Tianfeng Gang. But you have figured out the details of others.

The almost completely faded memories were rekindled by Xu Fanqing's words.

The mountains are stacked, overlapping the fragments of the old days one by one, turning them into a well-defined whole. The mountains and clouds are not an intoxicating cause. The most important thing is that they can give people a quiet place to think and remember.

Han Ling's look is far away, far away, and he hasn't taken back for a long time. Xu Fanqing didn't know when he slipped away quietly.

Since Jinghaimen imitated the health care management of Tianfeng Gang, with the stable name of Jinghaimen, which has been rooted in the world for many years and low prices, it has attracted a lot of businesses, and the scale has increased day by day, and even some of them have even been separated from the main customers of Tianfeng Gang.

As the saying goes, two tigers cannot be hidden in one mountain. Originally, it was a piece of greasy and fat meat, but how could it allow others to share a piece of the pie? Therefore, naturally, the two gangs inevitably had many conflicts, and sometimes reports of casualties came to Chen Rufeng's ears.

However, Jinghaimen seems to have set up a broad mind and is not only satisfied with today's business scope. It often dabbles in the power circle of the Tianfeng Gang, supplemented by various deliberate rumors and troubles, such as telling the Tianfeng Gang and some mountain thieves on the mountain road. The Funiu Mountain altar of the Tianfeng Gang was originally a nest of mountain thieves. , which made all the customers lose confidence in the Tianfeng Gang and ran to visit Jinghaimen one after another.

Most of the branches of the Tianfeng Gang have become ghostless from the gates, and those Tianfeng Gangs stationed can only practice palms with flying flies.

Soon, Tianfeng's warehouse revenue fell sharply, and the situation was very worrying.

"If it goes on like this, our Tianfeng Gang will collapse sooner or later." In the inner hall, Chen Rufeng closed the latest account book with a grim face, and his eyes were as heavy as if he had pressed mountains on the shoulders of the people present.

Jiang Shengtian also has a straight face, tapping the armrest of the chair with his fingers, meditating silently.

Hu Jiuwei, Chai Yuanlang, Liu Hong and others are even more sad. The shocking Haimen was aggressive. Looking at their posture, it was to force the Tianfeng Gang to a desperate situation. The Tianfeng Gang had just emerged, like a seedling that had just broken the ground, and was easily pushed back into the soil.

Han Ling leaned against the wall, and the two eyes exposed by the golden mask shot at the floor. His hands crossed his chest as if they were frozen. In fact, he was just immersed in deep thinking.

"Lord, why don't we remove those empty halls first so as not to waste money and continue to maintain business." Hu Jiuwei suggested that after all, the customers who come to the door now are really small, and it is absolutely useless to continue to wait for the guests to come.

Chen Rufeng put his finger under his cheek and thought for a moment. Even if he was extremely reluctant, the more rational way now can only do so. He nodded and said, "Well, those court mouths will be handed over to Elder Hu."

Jiang Shengtian hit the handle of the chair with a fierce fist and grinted, "Jing Haimen is simply hurting people with this. We don't have such a strong silver twice as they can't do it at such a low price. They saw that our Tianfeng Gang rose so quickly that they were afraid of threatening their status and attacked us.

Everyone is silent. Everyone knows the intention of Jing Haimen's repeated actions, but Jiang Shengtian said it more clearly.

As the top of today's second-class gangs, Jinghaimen will never allow any potential threat to develop. It must be killed as soon as possible before it thrives.

Judging from the layout of the power, the soft and hard power of the gang, or the situation of foreign alliances, Jinghaimen has an advantage everywhere. If it needs to be suppressed by a big hand, the Tianfeng Gang basically has no chance to breathe.

Silence, piled up in the inner hall, everyone has been silent, making this disturbing and useless quiet and unscrupulous growth.

What can I do? They are a crab, and Jing Haimen is a big stone. A big stone rolls down. Can they still save it? If you can't walk away, the hard shell is not hard enough, and you can only be smashed to pieces in the end.

In the end, after a lot of hard thinking, no one can come up with a solution. The sadness in the inner hall gradually turned into a hysterical despair.

It's like God is going to kill you. Do you still want to go against the sky?

Han Ling stood up straight and no longer leaned against the wall. His gentle move immediately attracted the attention of everyone, because it was too quiet.

"Mr. Bai, have you come up with a solution?" Chen Rufeng's voice pleaded a little. If Han Ling refuses to give them advice, the Tianfeng Gang will really die.

Han Ling showed a smile, which slightly eased everyone's feelings. Since he has a smile, he must have figured out a way in his stomach.

"Since Haimen is so bullying, we can't be blamed for being unjust." Han Ling's smile was a little fierce that had never been seen before, and people who were not extremely sharp-eyed could not detect it.

"What Mr. Bai said was..." Hu Jiuwei frowned doubtfully, and he felt a little uneasy. He didn't know what the "unrighteousness" in his words exactly referred to.

Han Ling snapped his fingers, and the conversation and laugh were full of boundless self-confidence. "We hired the killers of the Film Club to kill all the important masters of Haimen. In this way, the core strength of Jinghaimen can be abolished, and they will no longer be able to manage hygiene, let alone how to suppress our Tianfeng Gang.

Originally, it was still a sad scene, but suddenly turned into a cold and cold killing. Everyone's heart seemed to be tied up by a rope and gradually tightened.

Chen Rufeng suddenly remembered the scene of the fierce raid that night, and Jiang Shengtian almost died on the spot, and couldn't help gasping. The crouching tiger and hidden dragon in the Earth Shadow Club, the strength of the killer is far beyond his imagination. Only if you can afford silver two, and you are not afraid that no killer will work for it.

However, it is a little obscene to ask them to hire the killers of the film club to assassinate the masters of the sea. Everyone has this worry in their hearts.

How smart Han Ling's eyes are, and you can see the worries of everyone here at once.

"Everyone should be clear about what situation we are in at present. Jinghaimen is encroaching on us little by little, and the opponent we are facing is no longer the same as before. Jinghaimen holds the strength of the bully. If we still want to pay attention to the morality of gentlemen, sooner or later, we will become something in their womb. Do you think that it would be a righteous and awe-inspiring means to climb to this position? Han Ling said in a convincing tone.

Han Ling pointed out that if today's Feng Gang is at a critical juncture, if the benevolence and righteousness are still taken into account, it is almost impossible for the Tianfeng Gang to survive.

Since you want to survive in this world, you can't fight bravely. You have scruples everywhere and dare not do anything. After all, you will be eliminated.