yu feng xing

Chapter 48: Assassination Again

Several boxes of heavy goods were placed on the wooden cart, and the wheels squeaked and rolled out a deep groove on the ground.

In early autumn, the green fallen leaves floated down and stuck to the wooden box, trembling with the car.

This team is cautious and vigilant. It seems that what they are escorted is a valuable item, and no flaws will be allowed. The uniformly dressed disciples escorted him, and everyone's faces were hung with a strict color, and no one dared to smile.

"Stop!" The strong man leading raised his hand and said, "Let's rest here for a while before we go on the road." This man was very considerate of his subordinates. Seeing that all the people were tired and sweating, he did not reluctantly continue to move forward and let them rest first.

After all, physical strength is crucial when walking outside. If you don't maintain sufficient physical strength all the time, it is really difficult to deal with many emergencies. This leader is well swd at this. He watched the three wooden carts put down safely, and a group of disciples sat on the ground and took out bags of water and shouted. Then he sat down cross-legged.

There is an arc moon-like hook blade behind him, which is extremely round, sharp, and covered with mirror-like silver. This weapon is called the "moon-breaking hook" and is owned by Cheng Kui, a master of Jinghaimen.

From this point of view, this person is Cheng Kui.

Cheng Kui's trip was to help a rich businessman who moved to help escort his family money and moved from Luoyang to Yangzhou. The rich businessman gave a lot of money to Jing Haimen, so Cheng Kui was also very careful to prevent mistakes.

His sharp eyes swept around quickly, and it was also full of tall and low trees, nothing special.

However, he didn't notice that there was a slight blackness on his printing hall.

didn't feel any different. He calmed down and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

A group of shocking Haimen disciples also began to relax a little and talk and laugh in whisper. However, they all know that Cheng Kui's treatment is strictly limited and does not dare to be too presumptuous.

In autumn, everything is so calm and stable.

Even if a dark autumn wind blows up, it only gently blows the hair of those shocking disciples.

Cheng Kui evenly sucked and vomited. At this moment, he was also carelessly relaxed. Anyway, this place is not far from Yangzhou. As long as he entrusts these belongings, he will be a great success.

Those ordinary mountain thieves and bandits dare not hit them at all. They have to retreat from afar, and they can't even catch their backs.

Hum, since the door owner moved this set of operation method of health care after the Tianfeng Gang, the account income of Jinghaimen has been enriched a lot. Cheng Kui thought to himself.

The Tianfeng Gang has only been full of prestige and won't last long. One day, won't it become a thing in my pocket? At this point, the corners of Cheng Kui's mouth couldn't help raising slightly.

Those gangs that tried to emerge before were either pressed down by one hand or swallowed up and swallowed into their stomachs. Naturally, this Tianfeng Gang will not be an exception. The more Cheng Kui thought about it, the more proud he became, and he didn't realize that there was a hidden murderous intention in the weak autumn wind.

The more people talked, the happier they talked about. When they saw that Cheng Kui did not blame them, they let go of their courage and their voice increased a lot.

Each of them is thinking that the task is close to Yangzhou and is about to be completed. Long journey, wind meal and sleep, at the end of this, a little relaxation is not too much, right?

This shocking escort team is filled with a pleasant and leisurely atmosphere.

It's just that the atmosphere has changed so suddenly that no one can react.

It's like the loose rope originally tied to his neck, but it was suddenly tightened.

The momentum suddenly turned heavy, and the violent murderous spirit seemed to break through a gap and gushed out unscrupulously.

After a tree, a figure is like a ghost, and the path he has walked cannot be captured at all. It was too late in the blink of an eye, and the figure had broken into the escort team.

The knife fell, the silver light burst, and the knife light bloomed like a blooming lotus flower, with a strong true air, turning into one bright dagger after another, flying back and forth, splashing pieces of blood, smearing a strong fishy smell in the autumn wind.

The knife is domineering, like the raging waves of the sea, drowning its angry things in an instant, giving people no opportunity to avoid resistance at all.

Soon, those shocking Haimen disciples who had no time to return have turned into scarred and blood-stained corpses, lying softly on the ground. No one had time to fight back. They only felt the powerful knife pierced their bodies, and then there was a dim of death.

Everyone, except Cheng Kui, died and became extinct in a flash.

However, after the sudden figure took a huge knife and killed all the people, he held a knife light and rushed to Cheng Kui with a rainbow.

That's a speed that can't be captured by the naked eye. It's too fast.

The dark breath, like an invisible big hand, wrapped around and spit out bursts of creepy momentum.

Cheng Kui is not those ordinary disciples, especially this mysterious comer who first chose those ordinary disciples to do it, which naturally gave him a great opportunity to react. He pulled out the moon-breaking hook from behind with one hand, and the moon-breaking hook quickly burst into cold light, and the shadow of the hook waved, blocking the knife spirit of the comer repeatedly.

The figure dodged, pulled out a long shadow, landed from mid-air, pointed at Cheng Kui with a knife, and the faint light on the knife body shone. Although it was daytime, it also made people feel that it was cold from the dark and dark.

I saw the white cloth hanging on the man's face, and there was a murderous and restless light in his two pupils, and there seemed to be a layer of invisible light wrapping him all over his body, which was very human.

"Who are you? Why did you kill my disciples who shocked Haimen? Cheng Kui held the broken moon hook in his hand. Under the penetration of true air, the broken moon hook also glowed with white air. At this moment, he was extremely angry. His disciples who shocked Haimen were killed in the blink of an eye, not to mention resenting the incompetence of these disciples. This person's methods were so cruel that he did not pay attention to them at all.

Is it possible that this person has any feud with Jing Haimen?

No... This person just appeared today, and it should not be an old hatred. Recently, the only one who has a grudge against Jinghaimen is Tianfeng Gang.

seemed to think of something. Cheng Kui's sharp eyes moved and sneered, "Is it the Tianfeng Gang who sent you here? The front is not enough for us to fight, so we have to use these dirty assassination methods?"

"Stop talking nonsense, take your life!" The masked man shouted, and his body swept up like lightning. A beam of knife light and shadow shot away with the rapid turning of his wrist.

Cheng Kui is not a conniable person. He retreated quickly, half knelt on the ground, smashed the broken moon hook to the ground fiercely, embedded it in the soil, and the hook shadow turned into a heavy silver light, and welcomed those knife light phantoms folds in circles.

Cheng Kui couldn't see the contemptuous smile on the lips behind the masked white cloth.

With a scolding, the masked mansed man picked up the long knife, and the knife light dispersed into a gathering and synthesized one. Holding the handle of the knife, he cut and swept it flat. The dark knife turned into the coldest dark light. The waves shook the earth like waves, and the tide did not fall, shaking Cheng Kui, who was kneeling with the hook, into the air.

The moon-breaking hook was full of rapid light, and the true qi spread one by one. Cheng Kui's hands were also numb by the sudden change of knife method just now, especially the dark breath, which made the fighting spirit in people's hearts drop by several percent.

However, seeing those disciples who were still alive have turned into a frightened and able to react in a blink of an eye, Cheng Kui's heart was suddenly in great pain and aroused anger. At a glance, he shot at the masked man, roared, and rushed to him with a broken moon hook.

"I must avenge them! I'm going to smash you to pieces!" Cheng Kui shouted violently.

The shadow of the broken moon hook is transformed into thousands, seamlessly hooking the masked man. However, the masked man's knife method is also quite delicate. The ghost spirit on the knife makes the moon-breaking hook inorganic. The knife light flashes wildly, and the blade cuts on the moon-breaking hook and glides brightly.

The masked man picked up a knife and happened to catch a flaw in the broken moon hook. He picked Cheng Kui up with the hook to a height, and then caught up with him. The blade pointed straight, and the cold knife gas came out like a poisonous snake, attacking Cheng Kui's lower body.

Cheng Kui quickly turned around, hung upside down in mid-air, hurriedly swept the broken moon hook, and broke the knives to pieces.

Only after he crushed the knife gas, the masked man stabbed straight into the moon-breaking hook, launched the real force, and the knife spirit surged wildly. The whole person drove the moon-breaking hook and Cheng Kui to the sky.

The broken moon hook is also really angry and urgent, resisting the knife spirit. Cheng Kui gritted his teeth and held both hands on the broken moon hook, looking like he was competing with a powerful bull.

Suddenly, the light on the broken moon hook was full, and the powerful true spirit burst open, as if the mountains and rocks were cracking, and pieces of thousands of heavy stones pressed down. The masked man was difficult to resist for a moment. With a muffled hum, he was bounced away by the heavy force on the broken moon hook and was two feet away from Cheng Kui.

Cheng Kui was really angry and vowed not to stop killing this person.

"Breaking the moon and earthquake!"

The * on the broken moon hook suddenly reached the extreme. Looking from the bottom up, it was as if he was holding the remnant moon in the sky in his hand. The light gathered the supreme strength and true power to emit such a brilliant brilliance.

Even if he is far away from Cheng Kui, the masked man can feel the great pressure from his head.

But he didn't look panic. Instead, he raised his knife to the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes to exclude the heavy pressure from his mind.

"Ah! Go!" Cheng Kui was like a mountain god lifting Mount Tai and throwing it to the earth. The broken moon hook was accompanied by dazzling bright light and dragged the shadow down.

The air is also oppressed to make a suffocation sound.

Only the masked man remained unmoved and maintained that posture.

When the moon-breaking hook was approaching, the masked man opened his eyes, and the knife body was covered with ghosts, and he could faintly see strips of light and shadow condensed on the knife.

He raised his head fearlessly, held a knife in both hands, and flew up. There was a dark light on the blade, but the momentum was a little weaker than the brilliance of the broken moon hook. But the two are completely different. The broken moon hook emits all the true qi, while the knife full of gloom hides the unknown terrible power. Once released, no one can estimate how fierce it is.

The knife meets the broken moon hook.

A huge faint light suddenly flashed like thunder and lightning, fleeting, like a human illusion.

However, the magnificent broken moon hook really broke.


The broken moon hook turned into two parts so fragilely, and the light on it quickly faded away.

The masked figure did not stop there.

Rung up in the air, the knife rolled up bursts of strength, and the masked man was already above Cheng Kui's head.

Cheng Kui saw that his weapon broke into two pieces and had not recovered, let alone pay attention to the masked man who flew straight to his head.

"The underworld is broken!" The knife light broke through the air and fell, very crisp, very decisive, and there was no human kindness, let alone that little hand.

Cheng Kui looked at the broken moon hook in a daze and came to an end exactly like it in the blink of an eye.

With one knife, Cheng Kui's flesh and blood were cut into two pieces.

The masked man's feet fell to the ground and pulled down the white cloth.

This person is not fierce, and who can he be?

Originally, there was still a little autumn-colored forest, but it was stained with thick blood and horror. The ground is full of corpses, and there is a broken body, which makes people's hearts creepy.

But Li Jue had no trace of pity and fear. He walked to the three boxes step by step and gently knocked a few times, and his original cold smile was even more fuller.

"Unexpectedly, this is an unexpected gain."

Li Jue stood silently for a moment and shook his head again. "Well, the killer still has to follow the killer's constraints. It's better not to touch these rewards for killing."

Another autumn wind blew, bringing a bleak feeling. Li Jue's figure seemed to follow this autumn wind, and I don't know where he was taken.