yu feng xing

Chapter 6: Sword Gate Invitation

The Tianfeng Gang shrouded in the morning sun, as always. The gang began to practice martial arts outside against the bright sky. Those insiders chose an empty and clean place to absorb the freshest breath, of course, except Ling Xiaoyu.

Chen Rufeng stood on the roof of the inner hall and looked at the people under the morning fog. He was no longer as happy and excited as before.

After that, he was left alone to watch the gang. The person who once worked with him to create this gang will never come back.

He looked at the door of the Tianfeng Gang and waited until the sky was bright and the sun shone all over the earth with a trace of hope he still had.

Chen Rufeng came to his senses from his daze and jumped down. There was footsteps behind him. Looking back, it was Han Ling wearing a mask.

"Morning." Chen Rufeng greeted him faintly, but his face was dark.

Han Ling came over with a smile on his face. Those gangs after the morning exercise came back one after another with tired bodies. At this time, Ling Xiaoyu also came out of the room waiting for breakfast, yawned to the sky, and stretched out a very exaggerated lazy waist.

Chen Rufeng stared at him and always felt how familiar this action was.

He used to be like this when he woke up with Jiang Shengtian.

"I saw Sheng Tian walk away with his burden yesterday. Is he going to go on a long trip?" Han Ling asked with a smile, like a warm and sunny smile, but could not break the darkness on Chen Rufeng's face.

Chen Rufeng turned his face away and secretly thought that he could not hide it from Han Ling. He simply told Han Ling about a series of conflicts with Jiang Shengtian. Finally, he chose to leave and join the prime minister's family.

Han Ling smiled unabated and turned his eyes to the gate of Tianfeng Gang in the distance like Chen Rufeng. Except for the help guarding the door, there were no visitors they were looking forward to.

"He must have some problems that he can't figure out clearly. After he thinks clearly, he will come back." Han Ling comforted.

"No," Chen Rufeng shook his head in frustration. "It's not for this reason that he wants to find his own position and his value. He felt that Tianfeng helped him as a dispensable member, so he chose to leave.

"So, do you think it's appropriate for him to do this?"

"Of course it's not appropriate! It's his fault! He shouldn't sell his friends for glory. I told him, but we can't be wronged, and we can't frame Zhongliang!" Chen Rufeng said in a sad and angry tone.

Han Ling continued to say peacefully, "You try to take his position, and then what will you think?"

"I..." Chen Rufeng was stunned.

After thinking for a long time, he finally said dejectedly, "If he doesn't do this, we really can't live to this day and have today's achievements. He felt that what he did was right, but I wanted to deny him like this, and counting the promises I didn't keep before, he..."

Han Ling looked away with a smile and stopped looking at him.

"Each of us has different criteria for judging right and wrong. We can't change a person's opinion, we can only adapt. Everyone has his own rules of survival. Some are sacrificing themselves for others, and some are sacrificing others for themselves. We can't always be in the middle. We must be biased, while you belong to the side that sacrifice ourselves for others, and Jiang Shengtian belongs to the side that sacrifices others for ourselves. You two can just create a balance. ."

Chen Rufeng said silently, "In other words... Am I not tough enough? In the battle with Jinghaimen that day, I have tried to make myself cruel... But that's just limited to the enemy. For my friends, I can't do anything!"

"People's hearts have both good and evil. We don't need to avoid our own goodness or our own evil. Everything will be fine. After saying that, Han Ling smiled meaningfully, turned around and slowly left, leaving Chen Rufeng to think alone.

"Whether it is good or evil, we are just looking for the best way to survive." Chen Rufeng stepped out of the inner hall, and the helpers around him began to do their own business. Ling Xiaoyu even gathered a crowd to gamble, shouting the number of bets hoarsely. Chen Rufeng just glanced at it, but said nothing more.

"In this world, good and evil coexist. It is not too much to grasp a scale in the middle and strike a balance between good and evil. Chen Rufeng felt slightly relieved in his heart. Suddenly, he had hope that one day, Jiang Shengtian would come back, and what he had to do was to take good care of the Tianfeng Gang before. When he came back, the Tianfeng Gang he saw would be like a dragon flying in the sky, and its sharpness was unstoppable!

The next day, a messenger sent by Qianjianmen arrived.

"Master Chen, please have a look. This is our invitation letter. We sincerely invite Master Chen to come three days later to watch our annual 'On Sword Test' in Qianjianmen." The messenger handed over the white letter with both hands.

Chen Rufeng took the invitation and took a closer look. He had earlier heard that the "On Sword Test" is a competition among the disciples of the descendants of Qianjianmen. The descendants of the descendants have to compare swordsmanship and verify their level, which is also one of the more important activities of Qianjianmen.

However, Qianjianmen wants to invite him to observe, which is a question worth speculing.

Chen Rufeng looked at the messenger in front of him suspiciously. Obviously, he couldn't give him an answer.

Han Ling, who was beside him, realized Chen Rufeng's doubts and said with a faint smile, "This is a very good swordsmanship observation. Since Ze Kunyun has invited you, you must want to make a further breakthrough in swordsmanship through this 'sword test'. You don't have to doubt it."

Chen Rufeng received the letter and said to the messenger, "Okay, I will definitely go to the appointment on time."

When the messenger saw Chen Rufeng respond, he thanked a few words with a smile, and then left him back to Qianjianmen.

Chen Rufeng looked at the invitation and thought for a moment. Now his Tianfeng Gang is, after all, a gang equal to Qianjianmen. Although Ze Kunyun has always been open and aboveboard, it is necessary to guard against others. In this law of the jungle, it is better to have one more mind.

Back to the bedroom, Chen Rufeng was alone again.

He crossed his knees, sat **, put the angry sword flat on his feet, and looked at it carefully.

"This sword..." Chen Rufeng muttered, gently touching the sword body with his fingers. Unconsciously, the angry wind sword has also been with him for a long time.

Perhaps, only dead things can accompany people unabandoned.

Chen Rufeng inserted the angry wind sword into the scabbard again, looked at the window and began to be in a daze.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Today, Chen Rufeng did not take anyone with him, so he came to the Qianjian Gate alone.

After clearing his intention, Chen Rufeng soon entered the Qianjian Gate.

glanced at the stone giant sword on both sides. At this moment, Chen Rufeng did not feel the small feeling of coming here for the first time. The two red gems reflected his face and guarded the gate like two giants. Chen Rufeng snorted coldly and continued to walk deep.

Go to the round platform at the high place, where stands and a ring have been set up. The people of Qianjianmen have gathered together, and some people are more nervously wiping their swords or listening to their master's last dictation.

In the face of this "Sword Test", every person in Qianjianmen is very important, because it is related to whether they can get ahead in Qianjianmen. For example, people like Ye Guhong are famous through the "Sword Test", which can not only win prestige, but also get deeper swordsmanship guidance.

Chen Rufeng searched in the crowd for a while and finally found Ye Guhong's figure. Ye Guhong was waving his "Langyue Sword" to exercise his hand feeling. He sensed Chen Rufeng's eyes and quickly raised his head. The two looked at each other, and the two sides nodded slightly to show their favors.

"Master Chen!" Ze Kunyun, who exuded with a fine look in his eyes, came over with a smile on his face full of enthusiasm. The five swordsmen have gone to their own pre-test instructions with their apprentices and did not accompany him.

Chen Rufeng responded with a polite smile, but this smile is not as sincere as before and has become a little polite.

Ze Kunyun didn't pay much attention and enthusiastically took him to the stands.

"Here!" Ze Kunyun motioned. He made Chen Rufeng sit next to him. Chen Rufeng was shocked. He didn't expect Ze Kunyun to praise him so much that he let an outsider sit in such a conspicuous position.

On the high platform, you can naturally have a panoramic view of the situation below. Chen Rufeng looked at the disciples of Qianjianmen preparing nervously, and even some people's hands holding swords began to tremble, and their masters kept comforting them to relax.

Ye Guhong was as cold and arrogant as ever. Xu Chengjun did not talk to him too much. He should be full of confidence in him.

Chen Rufeng suddenly found a familiar figure in an inconspicuous corner.

But the momentum emitted by the man at this moment is different from the past.

"Zeyu..." Chen Rufeng stared at the man. He couldn't believe that this person had changed so much.

He became so indifferent and calm, completely different from the previous domineering and impulsive, as if he deliberately restrained something.

and Chen Rufeng stared at him at the same time, as well as Ze Yun.

Chen Rufeng looked at Ze Kunyun, and his eyes were also full of complex eyes. Chen Rufeng was completely unpredictable.

"Has something happened to Zeyu before?" Chen Rufeng was suspicious. He looked at Ze Yun again and vaguely guessed what had happened between the two father and son.

Zeyu also had no one by his side. He wiped his sword alone with a cloth, his eyes tightened the sword body, and shot everywhere.

"Everyone, please take your place!" Ouyang Luoxi walked to the ring and shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, a group of disciples of Qianjianmen quickly put the sword into the sheath and waited for Ouyang Luoxi's next arrangement.

"After preliminary trials, 100 disciples have been selected to enter today's main examination. Please list these 100 disciples!" Ouyang Luoxi said loudly.

One hundred Qianjianmen hurried to the ring, and Ye Guhong and Zeyu were also among them.

"The following is the melee trial, ten people and one team, the first team..." Ouyang Luoxi spread out the paper in his hand and began to read the list. Disciples also stood in their respective positions one after another.

Chen Rufeng's eyes have been linger on Zeyu and Ye Guhong, and the two are divided into different teams.