yu feng xing

Chapter 10: Two Heroes Fight

Zeyu's eyebrows were tight, and in the face of the long light of the falling sword shadow, he bent his waist and kicked his feet. At the same time, he pointed up the sword, and the sword flew out of his hand, wrapped in a brown light and inserted straight up.

That mass of light is like an iron stone breaking out of the earth, breaking the hard soil one after another, opening up a wide square field. This momentum, even the five mountains will collapse.

The long sword suddenly pierced into the huge sword light of the Langyue Sword and stopped its collapse. Not only that, the beam of swords and shadows also showed cracks, turning into fragments of dust with a roar. As for Zeyu's long sword, it quickly retreated back to his hand.

Ze Yu suddenly grasped the hilt of the sword, but a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. The huge sword shadow on the broken Langyue sword also shrank back to the sword. Ye Guhong waved the sword to the ground, and the cold air raised around him.

"On the surface, it seems that no one has suffered a loss in this round," Chen Rufeng glanced at Ze Kunyun, who had put down his tension again, and looked at the two people who formed a confrontation again in the field and no one was in a dominant position. "However, if I guess correctly, it should be Ze Yu's eyes. There was something wrong with his sword in the contest just now.

Chen Rufeng really guessed it. After Zeyu received the sword from his shoulder, there was a very slight cracking sound in his ear. Although his sword seems to be undamaged on the surface, there are signs of rupture inside, and I'm afraid it won't last many rounds.

"As long as you win Gu Hong in the 'Sword Test' three months later, I will give you a thousand swords as you wish." Ze Kunyun's words rang in Ze Yu's ear, like a loud slap in the face, which suddenly woke up Ze Yu.

"I can't lose... This is my only chance to turn over. I have worked so hard for so long, isn't it just to prove my own strength?" Zeyu clenched the hilt of the sword, so strong that even his body began to tremble.

Who has been able to clearly experience his hard work?

In the past three months, before the stars and moon set and the sun rose, he got up from his bed to practice his sword. A man danced to the moon in the woods, sweating on an inch of grass, and the endless fatigue made him almost unable to survive several times. But when he thought that he had nothing and no way back, he had to continue to pick up the sweaty sword and continue to dance.

Isn't it to recover everything lost by your own strength today?

Sudokunly, Ze Yu threw his eyes to the stands and met Ze Yuyun's eyes.

Ze Kunyun was shocked. He looked at Ze Yu's eyes and felt a trace of anger in it.

"Dad, just watch. Your son can no longer talk on the same day as that day. Zeyu put the sword before the tip of his nose and suddenly became murderous. "Strength can explain all this. I want you to hand over the thousand swords to me!"

Ye Guhong opposite also felt the strong murderous atmosphere emanating from Zeyu's body, and did not prohibit the Langyue sword from blocking him.

"I will bet everything on this blow." Zeyu rushed out, holding the sword in both hands, and the powerful momentum locked Ye Guhong.

"Swallow mountains and rivers!" As soon as the sword came out, his anger leaked out, as if thousands of bulls were bumping around and spitting from the sword.

Ye Guhong suddenly felt a huge gravity to absorb himself, like an invisible beast opening its mouth and swallowing everything in the world into its stomach.

"Ah!" Ye Guhong could no longer stabilize his body. His whole body was sucked over. The light of the moonlight sword on the Langyue sword rose sharply, but unfortunately, he still couldn't beat this powerful suction.

Zeyu pulled the sword with great effort, and it was a little difficult for him to affect the fierce sword spirit. Ye Guhong's body had no resistance at all and flew along Ze Yu's sword spirit.

There was a fierce and out-of-control sword spirit that kept hitting Gu Hong's body overnight. His body was in severe pain, but he couldn't break free from this aura, so he had to accept it.

"Break!" Zeyu cut the sword horizontally with all his strength. The sword light flashed, and the sword gas burst everywhere, directly shaking Ye Guhong away with rolling dust and smoke. The protective sword light on the Langyue sword has become extremely weak. Ye Guhong's body rolled on the ring a few times and lay there dying.

The sword slowly put down, and Ze Yu looked at Ye Guhong lying on the ground breathlessly, and he was gradually reacting.

"I... I won?"

Ouyang Luoxi and Xu Chengjun hurriedly turned over the ring and helped Ye Guhong up. Ye Guhong did not seem to have too much internal injury. He could still look up and stare at Zeyu, but his breath was not as strong as before.

Everyone in the field stood up and looked at Ze Yu coincidentally. There was a burst of incredible vision in their eyes, and they talked about it one after another.

Even Ze Kunyun on the stand couldn't sit still. He stood up and looked at Ze Yu standing in the ring, opened his mouth wide and shook his head in disbelief.

However, the person who thinks that everything is impossible is Zeyu.

Ze Yu watched Ouyang Luoxi and Xu Chengjun help Ye Guhong off the ring. He only felt that he could feel the real feeling of the sword in his hand, and everything else was illusory.

After putting Ye Guhong on the resting chair, Ouyang Luoxi stood on the ring and announced to everyone, "Winner, Zeyu!"

There was no cheer, and everyone had not recovered from surprise. Almost all of them stared at him, and no one's eyes were natural.

After Zeyu gasped and looked at his sword, the cracks stretched over the sword one by one. At the end, with a "pop", the blade turned into fragments and fell to the ground, leaving only the hilt of the sword intact.

"Really won. It's over." Zeyu loosened the remaining hilt, knelt on the ground, looked up at the sky, and took a deep breath.

Ze Kunyun jumped to the ring and stared at Ze Yu, who seemed to have just learned to breathe, looking very complicated.

Ze Yu also withdrew his eyes looking at the sky and fell on his face.

I can't tell what kind of expressions are written on the faces of Ze Kunyun and Ze Yu's father and son at this time. They exchanged four eyes, but they couldn't understand each other's eyes.

"I won." Zeyu said lightly.

Ze Xingyun nodded and couldn't hide his joy in his tone: "Congratulations on becoming the top of this sword test."

"To speak, I also want to thank you." Ze Yu said that his speech became less stiff, showing a slight smile.

"If you wish, I will grant you the 'Dragon Xiao Sword', one of the thousand swords." Ze Kangyun took the sword handed over by Huang Caide, one of the sword guards, and passed it to Ze Yu with both hands.

Zeyu took the sword with great excitement, but tried his best to maintain awe.

I don't know how long he waited for this sword. He has always been criticized, and his ability is not enough to control thousands of swords. Today, he finally proved himself with his strength.

The scabbard dragon pattern, Zeyu pulled out the dragon roaring sword, and the sword had a faint luster like dragon scales. When the sword came out, it was even more like a dragon roar, with a terrible momentum.

Chen Rufeng on the stand looked at Zeyu pulling out the dragon Xiaojian and snorted with a smile. He looked at Xu Chengjun standing anxiously next to Ye Guhong under the ring and constantly asked him what he thought was wrong with his body. Ye Guhong was full of impatience and did not say much, but kept a cold face all the time.

"Ye Guhong, Ye Guhong... Did you really fail just now because of strength problems, or for other reasons?" Chen Rufeng thought about it in his heart.

"Master Chen," at this time, Ze Kunyun suddenly looked at Chen Rufeng in the stands and said, "I don't know if you can compete with our winner of this sword test?"

Chen Rufeng's face changed, and all kinds of thoughts began to change.

"So that's why you invited me here," Chen Rufeng frowned. "Do you want to test how deep my skills are? Or do you want to humiliate the Tianfeng Gang by defeating me?

Chen Rufeng suddenly felt that his scheming was a little heavy. Maybe the other party just made this request with the idea of martial arts friends. But now Tianfeng Gang is already a gang on an equal footing with Qianjianmen. He can't help thinking so. He always has to weigh the pros and cons from the standpoint of the gang.

After reading for a while, Chen Rufeng finally closed his frown, showed a strong smile, jumped off the stands and fell to the ring.

"Since the doorkeeper is so well-willed, it's hard for me to refuse. Then let me learn the swordsmanship of the winners of this sword test. Chen Rufeng looked at Zeyu, and Zeyu also responded to him with a smile, but their smiles were filled with a trace of hidden hostility.

Previously, Zeyu complained to Chen Rufeng, and the relationship between the two was not very good. Although it was polite to meet again today, he was unconvinced by the other party.

"It's just that the knight Ze was afraid that he had wasted too much real energy and physical strength, and now he will be in a bad state in the war with me, which is not fair for him, right?" Chen Rufengdao.

Zeyu hugged his fist with a smile and said, "Master Chen is too worried. We are just having an ordinary swordsmanship exchange. Why should we value the victory or defeat?"

But Chen Rufeng saw another word in his eyes: even if I had consumed it before, I could beat you.

"Good! Let me learn your great skills!" Chen Rufeng pulled out the angry sword and faced Zeyu confidently.

Ze Kunyun patted Ze Yu on the shoulder as encouragement, jumped off the ring and began to observe the battle between the two.

The dragon's roaring sword came out of its sheath, as if the latent dragon was about to move, making a dull roar.

"You are indeed much stronger, but I haven't stopped in swordsmanship for a while!" Chen Rufeng attacked first, suddenly flew into the air, quickly transformed into three figures, and raised his sword to split Zeyu.