yu feng xing

Chapter 14: Lost and Hard to Return

Chang'an, prime minister.

Jiang Shengtian, dressed in brocade, walked slowly in the corridor and looked at the pond at a glance. The water was soaring and the fragrance of flowers was overflowing, covered with a slight layer of frost on it.

In the blink of an eye, it was almost winter again. Jiang Shengtian paused and looked up at the clouds in the sky.

The sound of the piano curls and moves people's hearts, and every string is telling subtle emotions.

What a familiar voice, Jiang Shengtian unconsciously followed the sound of the piano and was not in a hurry to go to the study to meet Li Linfu first.

Jiang Shengtian retreated outside Li Yinru's house. Qinyin came from the closed house, lonely and sad, venting the sadness in the room.

Just as Jiang Shengtian closed his eyes and listened carefully, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

The door slowly opened, and Jiang Shengtian saw the sitting woman. She was much haggard. She washed her cheeks every day and wiped away her face little by little, leaving only a paleness.

Sister Ping held her with one hand. She struggled to stand up and staggered out of the house. Every day, she can only breathe in this square inch, and other than that, she can't take half a step out of the house.

Looking at Li Yinru's current appearance, Jiang Shengtian's heart suddenly hurt.

Is she still waiting for that person? Because of that person, she fell into such a haggard state as today?

Jiang Shengtian felt that he should not stay here anymore and was about to leave in a hurry, but was stopped by a gentle and cold voice behind him.


Jiang Shengtianru was electrocuted and stood there stiffly. He slowly turned around and looked at Li Yinru.

"Why are you here?"


Jiang Shengtian didn't know how to answer Li Yinru's question, so he had to hesitate there. His heart fluttered and his face turned red.

"That's right... What about him like the wind? Is he all right?" Li Yinru asked eagerly.

It seems that someone shouted in the head and woke Jiang Shengtian's whole body from the confusion. His confused thoughts suddenly became extremely flat. He heard it clearly. Li Yinru asked who the person was.

"He's fine." Jiang Shengtian said lightly, and another pain spread in his heart.

Who does it hurt? For himself or for Li Yinru?

If she knows that Chen Rufeng has married him, can she still bear it?

"That's good." Li Yinru was relieved, and Jiang Shengtian looked at her still full of expectation. It was difficult for him to imagine how her comforted smile would be destroyed on the day she learned the truth.

"I have to take care of myself. I'll say goodbye." Jiang Shengtian hurriedly said goodbye to Li Yinru. He felt that if he stayed here for a long time, he would not help saying something that should not be said.

Li Yinru did not keep him. He nodded politely and saw his hurried back leave.

"Chen Rufeng, you are so abominable..." Jiang Shengtian unconsciously clenched his fists and rushed to Li Linfu's study.

But before taking a few steps, he collided head-on with a man holding a bird cage in his hand.

"Which fart walks without eyes?" The man scolded in a shrill voice, and the bird in the cage kept hitting the cage with fear, and the man had to coax it like a man.

Jiang Shengtian fixed his eyes and saw, who else could this person be if he was not Li Shi'ao?

I met Chen Rufeng with him that day. This playboy in the prime minister's mansion has always been very grumpy and arrogant. Others turned their heads and left when they saw him.

"Oh, it turned out to be a dog that Dad recruited recently?" Li Shiao wanted to make trouble, but when he saw that it was Jiang Shengtian, his face became sarcastic and looked at him with sarcasm.

Jiang Shengtian didn't want to talk to him, but he didn't feel good when he heard what he said, and his face became difficult to look.

Li Shiao continued to open his poisonous tongue and said, "Don't think that wearing expensive clothes can raise your value. No matter how bright your appearance is, your skin will always be a dog."

Jiang Shengtian's face turned blue and stared at Li Shi'ao fiercely. He was obviously provocative. His face was full of the words "Come and hit me if you are brave enough", but he was the son of the prime minister, and no one dared to do anything to him.

Suddenly remembered that Chen Rufeng only released a little momentum that day and scared him to pick up his buttocks and hold his head. Jiang Shengtian couldn't help humming and laughing, turning Li Shiao's contemptuous insult into dust smoke. On that day, he was no different from the dog that was scared away. Can he still scold others as dogs here today?

"What are you laughing at!" Li Shiao's eyes became as ferocious as his father's, and he was not angry as why Jiang Shengtian could laugh at this time.

Jiang Shengtian ignored him and walked straight in front of him. Li Shiao had been staring at his back fiercely, and the bird in the cage in his hand flew in the cage with more fear.

"You will always be just a dog! My father took pity on you before he adopted you back!" Jiang Shengtian kept barking like a dog, but Jiang Shengtian turned it into a breeze in his ear and didn't take it to heart at all.

Let Li Shiao shout angrily behind his back, and Jiang Shengtian kept walking to Li Linfu's study.

"Come in." A cold voice came from behind the door. Jiang Shengtian opened the door and walked into the study.

As soon as Li Linfu saw him, he immediately smiled, but what was hidden inside was a cunning face.

"Your Excellency." Jiang Shengtian hurriedly saluted and dared not face his fox-like eyes.

"Don't be polite, sit down." Li Linfu's hand guided him, and Jiang Shengtian sat down tremblingly on a wooden chair next to him.

Li Linfu glanced at him, picked up the stack of paper in his hand and looked at it carefully, and said, "Sung Tian, you have been coming to my house for many days. It's time to hand over some things to you."

When Jiang Shengtian heard this, he first had a meal, and then said respectfully, "Your excellency can tell me everything. I will do my best."

"Since it's your first time to do something, I will ask housekeeper Tian to follow you and guide everything. You can do as he says. What I want you to do is..." Li Linfu threw out the paper roll with one hand, and Jiang Shengtian stretched out his hand to catch it.

"There are many accumulated debts in my name that have not been recovered, so you can help me collect the debts according to the above list address." Li Linfu leaned lazily on the chair.

Jiang Shengtian took a look at the paper in his hand, which listed the list and specific addresses of those debtors. He secretly thought that it should be difficult to collect debts and should be able to be done safely.

After he came down, Jiang Shengtian immediately left the study to find Tian Yishan. When the door of the study was closed again, Ye Zhihang slowly walked out of the dark bookshelf and looked at the door of the study.

"Do you think this person can really compare with Chen Rufeng?"

Li Linfu smiled and said, "Of course, he can't compare with martial arts, but his heart is much more fierce than Chen Rufeng. Sooner or later, I can help him exercise his vicious heart and let him act for profit, which will be of great benefit to me."

Ye Zhihang looked at Li Linfu, "Are you afraid that one day he will eat you back after turning him into an evil beast?"

"Do we have to give up dogs for fear of being bitten?" Li Linfu brushed his beard and narrowed his eyes into fine seams. "Moreover, no dog under me can bite me back."

In Chang'an Street, Tian Yishan slapped the door panel very roughly and almost smashed it.

"Open the door! Rent collection! If you don't open the door, I will kick your door!" Tian Yishan said threateningly, and Jiang Shengtian stood beside him and watched silently.

The door slowly opened, and a white-haired head stretched out. The old man with a sick face whispered, "Can you accommodate it for a few more days? Business these days..."

Tian Yishan pushed him away rudely without waiting for him to finish speaking. He broke into the house and cursed, "I don't care if you die. No one dares to owe the rent of the prime minister's house!" If you don't have silver, get out quickly!"

Jiang Shengtian followed Tian Yishan into the house and found that there were only a few empty rice jars and a straw mat. An old woman was sitting shrinking on the straw mat. The old woman was holding two * tightly against the already dilapidated wall, which was obviously very frightened by the two uninvited guests.

"I beg you, uncle!" The old man knelt on the ground and grabbed Tian Yishan's feet. Jiang Shengtian seemed to hear the sound of cracking on his kneecap, and his heart was cold, but Tian Yishan looked at him with a gloating face, like a humble ant struggling to kneel and beg for mercy.

"Our two grandchildren's parents died early, and they only depend on each other. If you drive us away, we will really live on the streets!" The old man was already crying and crying, miserable.

Jiang Shengtian looked at the three grandparents and grandchildren curled up in the corner of the wall, moved his compassion, and walked to Tian Yishan and whispered, "Why don't we come back for a few days? It doesn't seem good for us to rush people like this..."

Tian Yishan turned his head and stared at him, "If everyone is like them, won't the Prime Minister lose a lot of money?" And if we can't accept the debt back, how can we explain it to the Prime Minister? Huh?"

No longer talking to Jiang Shengtian, Tian Yishan pushed him aside, kicked the old man away, spit and shouted loudly, "Pack up your softness and get out of here!"

In this way, the two old and young left the narrow room crying with not many things in the room. Jiang Shengtian looked at their backs and his heart was very heavy.

Tian Yishan patted the dust on the big cylinder with satisfaction, glanced at the expression on Jiang Shengtian's face, smiled secretly, and said to him, "Remember that the secret of debt collection is whether you can be cruel. 'profit' is the most important, as long as there is something that harms our interests. Even if he is about to leave, he can't keep a hand. If you don't hand over the silver, everything will be non-negotiable.

"Heartless..." Jiang Shengtian gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, as if to digest what Tian Yishan said.

Tian Yishan hit him on the shoulder kindly, "Only when you are tough enough to do things for the Prime Minister can you do things. I believe you have previous experience, right? Otherwise, how can you get ahead? Hey hey." After saying that, Tian Yishan walked out of the room first, leaving Jiang Shengtian alone there. The crying of the four grandparents just now seemed to have slowly faded from his ears.

"I want to be more ruthless than before... Chen Rufeng also knows that only the cruel can win, so Tianfeng Gang can swallow Jinghaimen." After clenching his fist, Jiang Shengtian hurried out of the house and followed Tian Yishan's back.

"Ouch!" The well-dressed antique shop owner was pressed against the wall by Jiang Shengtian. Jiang Shengtian pointed his nose at him and warned coldly, "If you don't hand over the silver today, you will be left with the goods here."

As soon as Jiang Shengtian let go, the boss slipped softly to the ground like a doll, crawled to the wooden cabinet, opened the cabinet with trembling hands, took out a few ingots of silver inside, and put it in Jiang Shengtian's hand with dismal and reluctance.

Irmented the boss's bitter voice, Jiang Shengtian, who walked out of the antique store, threw the silver liang recovered from his hand, met Tian Yishan's approving eyes, and nodded with a dark smile.

Holding the few ingots of silver heavily, Jiang Shengtian's eyes became unprecedentedly sharp and cunning, and he glanced around. Everyone avoided this man in gorgeous clothes and a rich man, and everyone was frightened by him.

"What I want... is this feeling. I want everything to surrender to my feet, not relying on martial arts, but on this real power!" Jiang Shengtian waved his sleeves and walked with Tian Yishan to the next place to collect debts.