yu feng xing

Chapter 19: Night Talk Next

Yuehua was plated with Jiang Shengtian's deep smiling mouth, which made people tremble. Even the treetops above their heads trembled uneasily, and the cold wind pierced the leaves and covered them with strong ice.

"I don't want anyone to hear our next conversation." Jiang Sheng Tiandao.

Chen Rufeng stared at Jiang Shengtian in the shadow, turned his mind, and finally closed his eyes to raise his perception to the highest level. A momentum surged away in all directions with him as the center, testing whether anyone was secretly lurking around.

suddenly withdrew, Chen Rufeng opened his eyes and said lightly, "No one is eavesdropping."

"That's good." Jiang Shengtian smiled and then turned to the topic, "If you want me to agree to move, you must do something for me."


"I want you," Jiang Shengtian's mouth suddenly became vicious and fierce, "get rid of the Gu brothers for me."

The wind is more strong and colder.

When this murderous sentence came out of Jiang Shengtian's mouth, Chen Rufeng couldn't help but look at Jiang Shengtian, who was immersed in darkness in front of him, and was speechless for a long time.

Jiang Shengtian did not seem to be in a hurry. He stood smiling and waited for Chen Rufeng's response, giving him enough time to consider.

After all, Chen Rufeng calmed down, but the eyes staring at the black figure became like a cold front, and there was no longer a trace of familiar emotion. "Why do you want to deal with them? Is it because you didn't negotiate properly today, so you have to kill people to quench your grievances?

With a smile, Jiang Shengtian put his hands behind him and said slowly, "I just want to use some direct methods to get this business."

"There are many people in the prime minister's mansion. Why do you need me, an outsider, help?" Chen Rufeng stared at Jiang Shengtian. The man in front of him was no longer his brother, but completely became a terrible person full of conspiracy. In the face of such a person, he subconsciously raised some vigilance.

"The martial arts skills of the Gu brothers are unfathomable. The first master in the prime minister's mansion will not easily take action, while Jin Yilai, the second master, was expelled from the prime minister's mansion because of his madness, so we don't have enough strength to shake the Gu brothers." Jiang Shengtian said truthfully.

"So you asked me to help solve the Gu brothers, and then the prime minister can naturally encroach on their territory and power?" Chen Rufeng has vaguely grasped Jiang Shengtian's intention.

Jiang Shengtian stretched out a finger and shook it in the dark. "Wrong, this is not help, but 'transaction'. If you are willing to get rid of them for me, I will promise to move, otherwise..."

Although the quiet smile was covered by the darkness, Chen Rufeng could still feel his creepy smile.

Jiang Shengtian obviously caught Chen Rufeng's mind and knew that he was in a hurry to move, so he threatened him and made him willing to be used by himself.

If you don't move, you will always live under the cover of Qianjianmen and never get ahead.

Chen Rufeng gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Shengtian fiercely.

Jiang Shengtian laughed without hesitation. He knew that Chen Rufeng had to agree to his request. He was already sure to win and let Chen Rufeng willingly become a pawn under his hand.

"I won't promise you."

The smile is like a retreating tide, leaving only a faint darkness.

"It's better for you to find a shadow of the earth. Our Tianfeng Gang will not do those killers. Chen Rufeng said coldly, then turned his head and prepared to walk back to the Xianlai Inn along the way.

Jiang Shengtian did not expect that Chen Rufeng would refuse and was stunned.

"You will regret it."

Chen Rufeng did not stop.

"Do you think people will let you go if you don't do it?"

Chen Rufeng's back stopped, but did not turn back.

"Brother Gu, they are not broad-minded people. You have offended them today. Do you think they will be willing to give up?"

Looking at Chen Rufeng's figure that no longer moved forward, Jiang Shengtian smiled again, but the smile did not last long. Chen Rufeng still took a step, pushed open the door of the inn and walked in.

The wind is cold and silent everywhere. Jiang Sheng stared coldly at the door closed by the Xianlai Inn, and his eyes narrowed very thinly.

"You will definitely regret it."

In front of Xianlai Inn, except for the shadow of the trees swaying under the moon, there was only a chill left.

Chen Rufeng pushed the door and entered. Hu Jiu did not see his cowardly expression and could barely guess that the conversation between the two just ended in displeathe.

"Is it...Master Jiang?"

Chen Rufeng nodded.

"Is he here to tell you his opinion on the relocation?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Chen Rufeng's eyes.

He turned his face to Hu Jiuwei and said, "He said that if he could think about it for a few more days, he would give us an answer."

Hu Jiuwei gave an "oh" and seemed to have no doubt about Chen Rufeng, who had a face as heavy as iron. Seeing Hu Jiuwei's slightly relieved expression, Chen Rufeng turned his face aside and did not look at him again, lest his lie just be exposed.

"It's late. Rest early. We have been living in Chang'an for a few days until he answers us. Chen Rufeng looked out of the window at the dark night and tried his best to cover a little bit of fiction in his tone. It's always impossible to lie to familiar people.

Hu Jiu didn't nod his head, so he went to bed and went to bed. Chen Rufeng was the only one left to light the open fire. After thinking for a moment, he also blew out the light, but his eyes still looked at the window.

The next day, after the three Tianfeng Gang finished breakfast in the inn, they walked out of the Xianlai Inn under the instigation of Ling Xiaoyu and walked to the bustling street in Chang'an.

Ling Xiaoyu constantly excitedly introduces many characteristics of Chang'an to them, pointing fingers, like an overexcited monkey, completely treating Chen Rufeng and Hu Jiuwei as travelers from Chang'an in the future.

"This is the most famous martial arts hall in Chang'an City, Chongwei Martial Arts Museum!" Ling Xiaoyu pointed her hand at the golden lacquer plaque and said. Chen Rufeng suddenly remembered something in the past and pulled out a trace of memory in his mind. Looking at the plaque of the Chongwei Martial Arts Museum, he was so fascinated that he did not hear Ling Xiaoyu's shouting at all.

"Come on." Hu Jiuwei finally couldn't help pushing Ling Xiaoyu aside impatiently, "Do you think we will come to Chang'an less often than you? I think you can't use up your saliva. Isn't it annoying?

The smile on Ling Xiaoyu's face stagnated. Her eyes turned and continued to smile, "Hee, Elder Hu said it earlier, I thought you only walked to Chang'an once or twice, so you took a lot of words. I'm going to close my mouth..."

"You two go to the noodle shop around the corner and sit down for the time being." Chen Rufeng looked at the plaque of the Chongwei Martial Arts Museum and said, "I'll come later."

Hu Jiuwei and Ling Xiaoyu were stunned, but they didn't ask much. They walked to the noodle shop around the corner. Ling Xiaoyu still looked back and paid attention to Chen Rufeng's behavior and was dragged into the corner by Hu Jiuwei.

Chen Rufeng took a breath and stepped into the door of the Chongwei Martial Arts Museum.

Everything was not too different from that day. Chen Rufeng walked straight ahead and walked all the way to the five-foot square ring, on which several shirtless men were already competing with each other.

His feet suddenly became light, and his whole body seemed to return to not long ago, also standing here, looking at the fierce fight on the stage, and the atmosphere was breathless.

At that time, he was just a wanted fugitive all over the world, living under the protection of Li Linfu.

In the blink of an eye, today's Chen Rufeng walked into this place openly. The personnel around us have undergone several great changes. He himself is no longer who he was that day.

Suddenly, a familiar voice woke up Chen Rufeng, who was immersed in the past.

"Oh, isn't this Chen Rufeng, the leader of Tianfeng Gang? Your guests are here!" Sun Zhentian, the owner of the Chongwei Martial Arts Museum, followed several big men walking towards Chen Rufeng. Obviously, the owner of the Sun Museum was also a little concerned about the affairs of the world and recognized Chen Rufeng at a glance.

"Master Sun." Chen Rufeng arched his hand, but Sun Zhentian and several people behind him were stunned at the same time. Chen Rufeng suddenly woke up. When he came to the Chongwei Martial Arts Museum that day, he was wearing a veil and a hat. His appearance was behind the black veil, and no one could see it clearly at all. Sun Zhentian and others naturally couldn't recognize today's Chen Rufeng as the mysterious person who came to ask them about their hard skills at that time.

Chen Rufeng had to squeeze out a smile and perfunctorily: "I have heard the name of Chongwei Martial Arts Museum for a long time. Today, I happened to pass by here and came in to have a look."

Sun Zhentian looked flattered and didn't expect that his small martial arts hall could get the favor of the master of the Tianfeng Gang. Naturally, he was very happy. He quickly pulled up Chen Rufeng and introduced him to the situation in the martial arts hall.

Little by little, Chen Rufeng gradually regained his impression. Although he did not stay here for a long time, he learned solid foreign kung fu here, which had a great effect on his future improvement of martial arts, so he was also a little grateful to Sun Zhentian.

After going around the Chongwei Martial Arts Hall, they returned to the square ring.

"Master Chen is now a famous master of the world. I don't know what do you think of our shallow foreign hard skills now?" Sun Zhentian said with a smile that he was no longer analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external families as on that day, but humbly asked for his opinions, which made Chen Rufeng feel abnormal.

Chen Rufeng looked at Sun Zhentian solemnly and said, "I think that the kung fu of other people is as important as the method of practicing qi of the inner family. It is indispensable. It must complement each other in order to make greater progress in martial arts. But it's a pity that ordinary insiders look down on the hard work of the outside at all. They think that they can win with their profound internal skills, but they don't know that as long as they practice both inside and outside, they can maximize their strength. Just like Ze Kunyun, who is now at the top of the Jianghu Directory, he also has superb foreign swordsmanship and profound internal strength to reach the top. Therefore, we must not ignore the role of foreign hard work.

Sun Zhentian suddenly felt a little familiar when he heard it, as if he had said something similar. However, he didn't think much about it and bowed his hand respectfully to Chen Rufeng and said, "Mr. Chen is really a high opinion! It seems that Master Chen is also an unyed figure in other families!"

This word of appreciation did not add pride to Chen Rufeng's heart. On the contrary, the strange feeling a little aggravated.

"By the way, Master Sun, I wonder if you can compete with me on the stage? Of course, I won't use any internal truth. This is just a contest of pure foreign kung fu. Chen Rufeng suddenly asked, and everyone, including Sun Zhentian, stared at him in surprise.

For a long time, Sun Zhentian came to his senses and said, "I can't ask for advice from Master Chen!"

Both of them took off their robes, walked to the ring with their upper bodies and arched each other. Even in this cold weather, the two of them did not feel too much cold.

Suddenly, the muscles on Sun Zhentian's body are much stronger than Chen Rufeng, and the degree of burlyness is also deterred by Chen Rufeng. But the two's eyes were clear about strength and weakness. Sun Zhentian had a little fear, which was not as calm as Chen Rufeng.

"Start!" The man in the middle of the ring split his hand and shouted. Chen Rufeng restrained the true spirit of his whole body. With only the most natural running speed, he shook his fist, shouted violently, and rushed to Sun Zhentian.