yu feng xing

Chapter 39: Qingshi Martial Arts Hall

There were not many idle people outside the door of the Luohe Martial Arts Museum. Originally, they wanted to look in from the door and hoped to see a little competition scene. Only the two strong men guarding the door stood on both sides.

Chen Rufeng walked to the door and saw a figure in white already waiting in front of him. He frowned secretly. It seemed that he needed to think for a moment, and finally walked over.

Hearing the footsteps, Jun Mo turned his head with a smile and saw Chen Rufeng coming with a satisfied smile and quickly greeted him.

"Master Chen is still willing to accept the appointment."

Chen Rufeng snorted disdainfully, "If you have something to say, just say it!"

Jun Mo smiled deeply and said, "Yes, the Qingshi Martial Arts Hall can't be without Mr. Chen." These words were vaguely flattering, but Chen Rufeng's face did not ease at all.

Jun Mo smiled and mysteriously took out a box from his arms. He looked at Chen Rufeng with a smile before lifting the lid of the box. Inside were four finger-sized black pills, which seemed to be nothing special on the surface.

"This is..." Chen Rufeng's forehead was suspicious and did not reach out to grab it.

Junmo laughed and lowered his voice and said, "This is the unique elixir of our Red Demon Altar, 'Yanmo Dan', which can effectively inhibit the magic poison in the body, but its effect is limited and cannot be cured."

Originally, Chen Rufeng was suddenly surprised to hear the first half of what Jun Moxiao said, but the last half of the sentence made him depressed and thought, "It can't be cured... What's the use of this?"

Jun Mo looked at Chen Rufeng's slightly changed face with a smile, vaguely guessed his mind, and said, "This demon elixir can resist demon poison during the demon attack. In other words, you won't suffer from pain in your magic gas controller.

Suddenly shocked, Chen Rufeng looked at Jun Mo's smiling with meaningful eyes, and his mind was confused.

This is a great temptation.

As long as there is a demon elixir, it can use great magic skills without any damage to the body. What is paid is only a temporary loss of mind.

Involuntarily, Chen Rufeng's hand reached out to the box. But his eyes didn't seem to have made up his mind, and they were still blurred.

Don't smile and smile gradually, and handed the box to the first few minutes.

Chen Rufeng grabbed the brocade box, but a shout came from his ear: "Rufeng!"

consciously took the brocade box and hid it behind him. Chen Rufeng turned his head and Han Ling came quickly. Today, he did not wear a mask to show his true face.

Jun Mo glanced at Han Ling with a smile and was as sure as usual. He smiled more and walked back to the martial arts hall.

"Rufeng, what did he just give you?" Han Ling asked a little fiercely. Chen Rufeng dodged and covered the brocade box.

Chen Rufeng has always regarded Han Ling as a brother, and there was no way to hide his questions, but he could not answer, so he had to choke and not say a word.

Han Ling finally sighed disappointed and said, "You have to beware of the people of the Red Devil Altar." After saying that, he just patted him on the shoulder and walked into the martial arts hall. Today, Chen Rufeng specially invited him to observe the status of the leader of the Qingshi Martial Arts Hall. Unexpectedly, he was bumped into by him while he was chatting with Junmo.

Chen Rufeng stood angrily for a moment and finally returned to the martial arts hall. After all, he had to sit in the overall situation, put away his face and show a solemn look.

Back to the ring, several battles have passed. Now the one who is competing on the stage is the Dori faction Huang Ju. He held a huge axe and rushed forward like a hungry tiger. He split the axe one after another, forcing people everywhere, making his opponent's forehead sweat profusely and retreating repeatedly, and he dared not touch its edge.

The axe is also full of yellow light, like a dazzling sun. As with the heavenly axe forest seen by Chen Rufeng at the beginning, the internal strength of this yellow axe far exceeds that of him.

Countless axes were aroused and intertwined into a net. His opponent soon couldn't stand it and was shaken out of the ring by the net with a scream.

"Hahaha!" Huang Ju raised his axe and shouted proudly. Chen Rufeng curled his nose disdainfully and smelled that the rest of Kunpengmen, Canying Pavilion and Bi Xuexuan had won back, and he was very unhappy.

In the next scene, Ling Xiaoyu came on the stage. He shrugged his head and yawned loudly. He jumped to the stage without wearing his clothes, which made the stage laugh. Chen Rufeng was angry. Hu Jiuwei quietly whispered in his ear, "Xiaoyu was not in the room last night. I heard that he slipped out of the underground gambling stall. There is a bet there."

When Ling Xiaoyu's opponent saw him like this, he had to laugh and greeted him with concern, "Are you... okay?"

"Three five, big!" Ling Xiaoyu suddenly shouted, and suddenly opened her eyes as if she woke up from a dream. She found that she had stood on the ring and looked around. She looked unconscious, and suddenly caused another wave of sound.

Chen Rufeng can't wait to slap him to death at this moment.

"Ah..." Ling Xiaoyu hurriedly put out two punches and made a posture of preparation, but she couldn't help yawning again.

His opponent was an eight-foot man, holding a gun in one hand, with two words of helplessness on his face.

Chen Rufeng coughed twice and said, "Let's start."

With the sound of gongs and drums, the eight-foot man changed to hold a long gun in both hands, which was getting brighter and energetic, in sharp contrast to the tired Ling Xiaoyu.

"I'm offended!" The eight-foot man danced a long gun and stabbed Ling Xiaoyu, and the gun was as cold as the tip of the ice. Ling Xiaoyu's face was muddle-headed, as if she didn't know that the gun attack was coming and didn't react.

The people under the stage are anxious, and now Ling Xiaoyu may be swept down at once. Especially Chen Rufeng, with big eyes, was about to stamp the ground and drag Ling Xiaoyu down.

Unexpectedly, Ling Xiaoyu seemed to be punching out inadvertently. The tiger roared and shook its strong momentum. The tiger rushed out of the cage and responded to the gunlight.

This shot was the eight-foot man's full blow, trying to defeat Ling Xiaoyu at once before he was paying attention. Unexpectedly, Ling Xiaoyu would suddenly fight back. However, he is not a general person. He immediately restrained the light of the gun, gathered into one, concentrated his true spirit, and thought that with his best blow, your inadvertent fist should not be able to defeat me.

Sure enough, the fist was stabbed by the long gun that gathered its strength in an instant, like a piece of paper. The gun was even more powerful and rushed to Ling Xiaoyu. Before the gun arrived, the spirit was first, blowing Ling Xiaoyu's hair up.

Ling Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly glowed and became full of energy. He smiled, and the other punch came out again. This time, it was the sound of dragon singing. The dragon-shaped fist rolled out vigorously and rushed out, and the golden dragon wrapped around the powerful long gun like a pillar, making it sharp and stopped, as if it were pressed by the mountains and unable to move.

The eight-foot man was panicked and looked at Ling Xiaoyu in a daze. Not only him, but even the stage was full of shocks. No one would have thought that Ling Xiaoyu suddenly became so fierce. Only Chen Rufeng guessed his intention.

"Deliberately pretend to be sleepy and not awake, lead the opponent to a full blow, and then as long as you can successfully dismantle this blow, you will have a chance of winning." Chen Rufeng stared at Ling Xiaoyu and looked at him with admiration, "When did this boy know how to use his head?"

The long dragon was entangled around the long gun. The eight-foot man desperately wanted to break free, but as soon as he came out with all his strength, most of his strength had been removed, and there was no room for backhand. Ling Xiaoyu waved her hand to him, smiled brightly, and pulled her fist back. The dragon-shaped fist burst, and the spirit was shocked. The long gun was also shaken away. The eight-foot man was also shaken away. He lay on the ring and was extremely depressed. He tried his best to help him up. After all, he was powerless and had to look at Ling Xiaoyu angrily.

Ling Xiaoyu bowed her hand to him respectfully, and the victory or defeat was clear.

"Good job." Ling Xiaoyu jumped off the stage, and Chen Rufeng praised, "It's good to know how to pretend to be tired."

Ling Xiaoyu first smiled flatteredly, and then argued, "How can I pretend? I'm really... very... sleepy..." With that, he stretched out again and yawned.

"There are still a few more games. Don't sleep with you." Chen Rufeng also smiled, thinking that this boy at least did not lose his face to the Tianfeng Gang and was very satisfied.

Ling Xiaoyu looked aggrieved, but she couldn't spit out. She had to nod her head and simply sat down next to Hu Jiuwei's shoulder to take a nap for a while.

The next game will be played by Ding Yu. Now Chen Rufeng is much more stable in his heart. He knows Ding Yu's strength, which is much more stable than Ling Xiaoyu. Sure enough, as soon as the "blood gun" came out, no one could stop it. He beat his opponent with water and couldn't fight back.

Ding Yu smiled at Chen Rufeng when he got off the stage, and Chen Rufeng also smiled back at him. Bi Xuexuan Zhuang Wenxiang, who was sitting next to him, looked at Ding Yu with disdain and hostility. Ding Yu pretended not to see what he could see. However, Chen Rufeng refused to give up and stared at Zhuang Wenxiang fiercely. Zhuang Wenxiang also noticed it and looked at him angrily. The two eyes were entangled. Finally, Zhuang Wenxiang snorted first and put away his eyes.

"Shameless." Chen Rufeng cursed in a low voice.

Next, Ze Yu and Perve Xinqing came on the stage one after another. Zeyu's mountain and river swordsmanship shocked the audience. Everyone present sighed that his swordsmanship was wonderful and worthy of the reputation of Qianjianmen. Some people even praised him as the second little swordsman after Ze Congyun.

As for Percy Heart, the fire god's red flame skill made him fascinated and hot on his face. He knelt down and begged for mercy. He successfully won and squeezed into the list of 16 places. When she jumped off the ring, she looked at Chen Rufeng with joy. Chen Rufeng gave her a high-five to celebrate her and nodded to her with a smile.

All 16 people have been determined. Except for a few unlucky people, almost all the disciples of the gangs belonging to the World League are in the list, plus Pei Xinqing and the golden masked man.

"After an hour, a list of 16 will be set." Chen Rufeng announced on the stage, and then walked to * with a group of Tianfeng Gang and began to agree on the list.

"Those four gangs..." Chen Rufeng raised the corners of his mouth gently, "Let the people of Tianfeng Gang get rid of them."

Chen Rufeng connected the names of Ding Yu and Zhuang Wenxiang.